Braden, Peter (1837-1917)
Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 9/16/2019 at 01:54:02
Peter Braden
Mar 11, 1837 - Feb 1, 1917(From the 1891 Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, p.528)
PETER BRADEN, section 12, Silver Creek Township, ranks among the enterprising and well-known citizens of his community. He was born in Richland County, Ohio, March 11, 1837. His father, Samuel BRADEN, a native of Washington County, that State, was a son of John Braden. The Bradens were of German ancestry. The mother of our subject, Margaret (GATES) BRADEN, was born in New Jersey, daughter of Peter GATES. When they were children Samuel Braden and his wife came to Ohio with their parents. They grew up and were married in that State. The Braden family was one of the first to settle among the Indians in Ohio. Samuel Braden lived in Richland County until 1849, when he cameWest and settled in Macon County, Illinois. His wife died in Ohio when her son Peter, the subject of this sketch, was about ten years old. By her Mr. Braden had five children, and after her death he was twice married. He died in Iowa, at the age of seventy-eight years. He was a farmer all his life; was a member of the Lutheran Church, and affiliated with the Democratic party.Peter BRADEN was about twelve years of age when he went to Macon County, Illinois, with his father. There he was reared on a farm and was educated in the common schools. He was married at that place in August, 1864, to Miss Sarah A. POOLE. She was born in Henry County, Illinois, daughter of Simeon and Elizabeth (PARMETER) POOLE, and was left an orphan at the early age of four years. Mr. Braden lived in Illinois until 1866, when he removed to Otoe County, Nebraska, where he lived nine years, at the end of that time coming to Pottawattamie County. He settled near Macedonia, where he resided until he purchased his present farm of eighty acres in Silver Creek Township. It was then wild land, and with the enterprise and push which characterized the western pioneers, he went to work to improve his farm. He now has a good frame residence, a grove, orchard, stables, feed lots, and everything about the place shows the thrift of the owner. He is engaged in general farming and stock-raising.
Mr. and Mrs. Braden have seven children, namely: Belle, wife of John HARBURT, of Carson Township, this county; Elmer E., of Macedonia, is a painter; Ida, wife of A. E. SEABURG, of Silver Creek Township; Willie, Gracie, Claude and Archie. They had three children who died in childhood. Mr. BRADEN has always been a Democrat, but has never aspired to public office.
Pottawattamie Biographies maintained by Karyn Techau.
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