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James E. Monk


Posted By: Sheryl McClure (email)
Date: 2/17/2023 at 15:46:51

Death Saddens Community

James E. Monk was called by death on Friday morning of last week at the hour of 9:30, after a lingering illness. The funeral was held Sunday from the M. E. church. He was one of the early settlers in this county and for many years past has been the rural mail carrier on route one out of this city. A wide circle of relatives and friends of the departed congregated at the Methodist church Sunday as the last rites were spoken. Among the congregation were nearly all of those who lived along his mail route, the office force at the postoffice and the rural carriers.

James E. Monk was born June 15th at Decorah, Winnesheik county, Iowa, in the year 1871. He came to Clay county and lived on farm near a Ruthven until 1912 when he moved to town. He was married to Ellen Watts on Dec. 3rd, 1890, and it was on the day before his wedding anniversary that death visited him. To the union were born two children, Roy and Millie. The relation as husband and father was exemplary, giving all visitors the impression of a well regulated home, and the devotion to his aged mother who survives him was a matter of general commendation. During the pastorate of Brother Montgomery Mr. Monk with his wife united with the Methodist Episcopal church.

There were five brothers and one sister. Three brothers survive him, Henry, John and Alex. Also the sister, Mrs. Hart.

The heartfelt sympathy of the community go out to the sorrowing relatives.

(Ruthven) Free Press and Appeal, Dec. 10, 1914


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