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EVANS, H. V. Prof. – Died 1895


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 6/21/2024 at 12:41:04

Source: Decorah Republican Oct. 24, 1895 P 11 C 2

Suicide of a Teacher.
OSAGE, Oct. 17.—Our city was thrown into a whirl of excitement by the announcement that Prof. H. V. Evans, principal of the high school, had disappeared. When last seen he was going toward the river Monday evening, supposing for his customary walk. As he failed to appear in school the next morning, it was thought he was sick;, and his landlady thought nothing strange that he did not occupy his room Monday night, thinking he was spending the night with some friend. But when he did not appear at dinner the alarm was given, and a strong party was organized to search for him. After an hours’ search, the body, with a bullet hole through his brain, was was{sic} found on the river bank a mile and a half southwest of town. All indications point toward suicide, but no motive except temporary insanity caused by overwork can be given. He was popular as a teacher and highly esteemed as a citizen.

Source: Decorah Republican Oct. 24, 1895 P 5 C 4

Suicide or Murder?
In our neighborhood news this week is given an account of what is reported as a suicide of Prof. Evans, a teacher at Osage. An autopsy showed that there were two shots fired into the brain and another through the heart. By many it is deemed impossible for a person to inflict three such wounds upon his person, either of them being destructive to the nervous system, if not deadly. Hence the suspicion of murder is aroused; but no motive can be discovered and no trace of a murderer exists.

Source: Decorah Republican Nov. 14, 1895 P 3 C 1

—The indications are clear that Prof. Evans was murdered at Osage and Gov. Jackson has offered a reward of $500 for the detection of the perpetrator of the act.


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