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Joseph Colley Riddle (1833-1912)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 3/5/2025 at 15:59:32

From Jewell Record March 7, 1912 (page 5)

J. C. Riddle Died Saturday Morning.

Mr. Joseph C. Riddle, who was taken seriously sick with pneumonia at the Dutton hotel Wednesday night of last week, passed away at five o'clock Saturday morning, after a sickness of only a little over forty-eight hours. His wife and daughter and the latter's family were here at the end, and a sister, Miss Kate Riddle, arrived Saturday night for the burial services.

Joseph C. Riddle was born March 19, 1833, at Bedford, New Hampshire, and died March 2, 1912, at the age of 78 years, 11 months and 12 days. When a young man he moved with his parents to what then was the promising territory of Wisconsin, settling near Beloit. In those days his father was accounted a rich man, taking $5,000 in gold with him to Wisconsin.

At the opening of the Civil war he went to Chicago where he engaged in the grain business, and there, in 1863, he was married to Miss Anna M. Segar, to which union three children were born. Soon after his marriage he moved to Marshalltown where he lived about 25 years, engaging in the grain business. He then went to Hawarden here he was employed in the grain business a few years with the Archer & Howe Company, then came to Jewell, where he resided until a couple of years ago and was employed by the Western Elevator Co. as a traveling auditor. He was with this company until the time of his death.

He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. G. E. MacKinnon, whose husband is president of the Mechanics Savings bank of Des Moines, and by two sisters, Miss Kate Riddle and Mrs. Abbie Whipple, both of St. Claire, Mich. Hosts of friends in this vicinity, who have known and very highly esteemed Mr. and Mrs. Riddle for so many years, join in extending heartfelt sympathy to the sorrowing wife and other members of the family in their bereavement.

Funeral services were held here Sunday afternoon at two-thirty o'clock from the Congregational church conducted at the request of relatives of the deceased by the Jewell lodge of Masons, of which Mr. Riddle was a member. The funeral sermon was delivered by Rev. W. H. Gifford. The impressive Masonic burial rites were conducted, Mr. O. U. Johnson being acting Master. M. J. Severson, H. C. Smith, J. C. Smith, C. A. Pfund, A. Reynolds and J. C. Hearn, members of the order, were pall bearers. Music was furnished by a double male quartet, composed of M. H. Porter, F. L. Tallman, J. C. Hearn, Otto Fenton, Merlin Williams, A. McDonald, C. A. Pfund and Att Alexander. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. The Masonic order, with a beautiful piece, the compass and square, the emblems of the order, the Western Elevator Company, with whom Mr. Riddle was employed, the Ladies Embroidery club of Jewell, and the First National Bank of Jewell bein among those sending beautiful floral pieces as their tributes to the memory of the departed. Monday morning a large delegation representing the lodge accompanied the remains to the depot and R. A. Ritchie and G. W. Foval were sent by the order as an escort to accompany thee body to Marshalltown, where the remains were laid at rest in the family burial plot beside the bodies of a deceased child and a grandchild.


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