Florence (Rhode) Monroe (1975)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 12/23/2024 at 07:44:22
The North Warren Town and County News
Norwalk, Iowa
Thursday, January 30, 1975Funeral services for Mrs. Florence Monroe of St. Charles were held Saturday, Jan. 25, at F[G]allaway-McLaren's Chapel in Norwalk. Mrs. Monroe was the mother of Mrs. Joe Hill of Norwalk.
The Record-Herald and Indianola Tribune
Indianola, Iowa
Thursday, February 3, 1975
Page 5Services at Norwalk for Mrs. Monroe
Services for Florence Monroe, 85,of St. Charles, who died Jan. 23 at the Madison County Memorial Hospital in Winterset, were held Saturday afternoon, Jan. 25, at the Gallaway-McLaren Funeral Home in Norwalk. Burial was in the Wallace Cemetery at Wick.
Most of Mrs. Monroe's life was spent in Wick. She is survived by a son, Earl Monroe, of Minco, Okla.; a daughter, Mr. Peggy Hill of Norwalk; two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
_______________________The Record-Herald and Indianola Tribune
Indianola, Iowa
Thursday, February 6, 1975
Page 6 Column 5Services for Florence Monroe, long time resident of the St. Charles area were held Saturday at the Gallaway McLaren Funeral Parlor in Norwalk, with burial at the Wallace Cemetery near Wick. Mrs. Monroe had been a resident of Madison Manor North Nursing Center in Winterset. She was a patient at Madison County Hospital at the time of her death.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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