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Posted By: cheryl moonen (email)
Date: 9/7/2017 at 12:48:24

Thursday, July 20, 1865

Paper: Anamosa Eureka (Anamosa, Iowa)

Page: 3


Sewall S. Farewell, Captain, commissioned Major May 29, 1865

Abijah E. White, Captain; commissioned June 13, 1865

Franklin Amos, 1st Lieut.; wounded in action at Atlanta, Aug. 24th, 1864. Discharged Feb. 2nd, 1865. Permanently disabled.

Mathias Sweesy, 1st Lieut.; elected 1st Lieut. June 27th, 1865

James G. Dawson, 2d Lieut.; Wounded in assault in Vicksburg, May 22nd, 1863. Discharged Jan. 11th, 1864. Right finger amputated.

Fred H. Blodgett, 1st Sergt. Died at Memphis, Tenn. March 26th, 1863, of disease contracted in campaign against Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post.

George A. Jones, 1st Sergt. Promoted April 1st, 1863. Discharged July 22, 1864 on account of injuries received in assault on Vicksburg May 22d, 1863. Re-enlisted as Private, March 21st, 1865. Transferred to 17th Iowa, June 21st, 1865. Promoted to Sergt. Major upon 17th on transfer.

Richard M. Marvin, 1st Sergt. Promoted August 1st, 1864. Discharged May 31, 1865, on account of diseased eye.

Michael H. Wolf, Sergt. Discharged June 27th, 1865, with Co.

Ira J. Cook, 1st Sergt. Promoted June 27th, 1865

Alexander Lewis, Sergt. Discharged June 27th, 1865, with Co.

John C. Clark, Sergt. Captured by rebels, Oct. 31, 1863. Confined at Belle Island and Andersonville. Supposed to be dead.

David W. Perrine, Sergt. Died at Young’s Point, La. Feb. 28th, 1863 of disease contracted in campaign against Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post.

Wm. W. Sutherland, Sergt. Discharged March 24th, 1863 of disease contracted in campaign against Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post.

Moore Briggs, transferred to non-com. Staff as Commissary Sergt. May 1st, 1863. Promoted to 1st Lieut. And Adjt. May 20th, 1864

William S. Johnson, Sergt. Promoted May 1st, 1863. Died at Black River, Miss., Aug. 15th, 1863 of disease contracted in campaign against Vicksburg.

Samuel Williamson, Sergt. Promoted May 1st, 1863. Died on steamboat “Forest Queen,” Aug. 27th, 1863, of disease contracted at Young’s Point and siege of Vicksburg.

John W. Cook, Sergt. Promoted Dec. 1st, 1863. Died Sept. 9th, 1864, at Marietta, Ga., of wounds received in action at Atlanta, Aug. 23, 1864.

John Sutherland, Corporal. Promoted Feb. 1st, 1864, and discharged with Co.

Herbert H. Kilgore, Corporal. Promoted June 27th, 1863, and discharged with Co.

Fred E. Himes, Corporal. Promoted June 27th, 1863, and discharged with Co.

John Fitch, Corporal. Promoted June 27, 1865, and discharged with Co.

Edgar E. Himes, Corporal. Died at Young’s Point, La., Feb. 23rd, 1863 of disease contracted in campaign against Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post.

William S. Campbell, Corp. Died on steamboat “Nebraska,” Arkansas River, Jan. 9th, 1863 of disease contracted by exposure on Mississippi River.

Benjamin Batcheler, Corpl. Died at Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 11th, 1863 of disease contracted in campaign against Vicksburg.

Newton Bently, Corp. Died on Lookout Mountain., Tenn., Nov. 27th, 1863, of wounds received in action Nov. 24th, 1863.

Benjamin F. Gowing, Corpl. Died at Memphis, Tenn., March 1st, 1863 of disease contracted in campaign against Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post.

Charles H. Whitney, Musician. Died at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., June 21st, 1863 of disease contracted by exposure on Mississippi River.

Samuel J. Glenn, Musician. Died at Young’s Point, La., Feb. 7th, 1863 of disease contracted by exposure on transports.

Cornelius Clark, Musician. Transferred to the 17th Iowa, June 27th, 1865 at Louisville, Ky.

Samuel R. McDaniels, Wagoner. Discharged with Co.


Charles Albertson, wounded at Arkansas Post. Captured a Lieut. And four men on Mission Ridge. Discharged with Co.

Oliver Ackerman. Discharged May 24th, 1863 at St. Louis on account of disease. Re-enlisted in 1st Iowa Calvary.

John Albertson, died at Memphis, Tenn., July 1st, 1863, of disease contracted in campaign against Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post.

Samuel Aldrich. Transferred to 17th Iowa, June 27th, 1865

Wallace Beckos. Wounded Jan. 11th, 1863. Died of wounds at Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 7th, 1863

William Barnhill. Discharged June 2d, 1863 at Davenport, Iowa

Leroy H. Burnight. Discharged May 22d, 1863 at St. Louis, Mo.

Isaac Butterfield. Discharged with Co., June 27th, 1865.

Edgar F. Buttolph. Discharged with Co., June 27th, 1865.

William I. Black. Discharged with Co., June 27th, 1865.

John Breen. Died at St. Louis, Feb. 26th, 1863 of disease contracted at Young’s Point, La.

Charles H. Carter. Discharged with Co., June 29th, 1865 with Co.

Guel A. Cook. Discharged with Co., June 29th, 1865 with Co.

Rufus G. Cook. Discharged with Co., June 29th, 1865 with Co.

John H. H. Cross. Discharged with Co., June 29th, 1865 with Co.

Miles H. Corbet. Died on Hospital Boat Memphis, Tenn., March 12th, 1865 of disease contracted at Young’s Point, La.

Edward D. Covert. Died at Young’s Point, La., of disease contracted in campaign against Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post.

Samuel J. Covert. Transferred to Invalid Corps Aug. 1st, 1863

Palmer Cunningham. Died at Jackson, Miss., July 18th, 1863, of disease contracted during siege at Vicksburg.

Johnson S. Canfield. Died at Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 16th, 1864 of disease contracted in campaign against Atlanta.

John C. Clark. Transferred to 17th Iowa, June 27th, 1865.

Albert C. Darling. Discharged with Co. June 27th, 1865

William Dawson. Discharged at St. Louis, March 8th, 1864, on account of broken arm.

Charles Dickerson. Wounded on Lookout Mountain, Tenn., Nov. 24th, 1863. Discharged with Co. permanently disabled.

Jacob Driebalbis. Died at St. Louis, Mo., April 16th, 1863 of measles.

William W. Darling. Died near Ackworth, Ga., Nov. 11th, 1864, of disease contracted in campaign against Atlanta.

Ira C. Dodge. Transferred to 17th Iowa, June 27th, 1865. Discharged at Davenport, date unknown.

William Dickerson. Discharged June 11th, 1865, by order of War Department.

James D. Ennis. Discharged with Co. June 27th, 1865

George C. Foster. Discharged at Black River, Miss., Sept. 7th, 1863, on account of disease contracted during siege at Vicksburg.

John B. Gerret. Transferred to Marine Corps. Date unknown.

William P. Gardner. Wounded at Arkansas Post, June 11th, 1863. Discharged on account of wounds, June 9th, 1863. Permanently disabled.

Wallace Goodin. Died on steamboat “Bon Phul,” Jan. 23rd, 1863, of measles.

William H. Grissenger. Transferred to 17th Iowa, June 27th, 1865.

William Galligan, discharged June 11th, 1865, by order of War Dept.

Robert C. Hawn, discharged with Co., June 27th, 1865.

Gideon T. Harlow, discharged with Co., June 27th, 1865.

Columbus W. Hawley, discharged with Co., June 27th, 1865.

Perry A. Himebaugh, died in Jones Co., Iowa, Feb. 12th, 1864, on account of disease contracted during siege at Vicksburg.

Cyprian Hunter, died on steamboat “City of Memphis.” March 7th, 1863 of disease contracted by exposure on Mississippi River.

Francis M. Hicks, discharged June 11th, 1865, by order of War Dept.

John Ingham, transferred to Veterans Reserve Corps at Rock Island.

Luman Jones, discharged at Louisville, Ky., May 24th, 1865, wounded at Kennesaw Mountain, June 27th, 1864.

Harvey M. Johnson, died at Scotch Grove, Iowa, June 19th, 1864 of disease contracted in campaign against Vicksburg.

Marcus M. Kenny, discharged June 27th, 1865.

Joseph Koh(b)out, discharged June 27th, 1865.

George Karst, transferred to 17th Iowa, June 27th, 1865. Formerly belonged to 9th Iowa, wounded at Pea Ridge.

Frederick Lawrence, discharged June 27th, 1865.

Isaac S. Lawrence, died at Bowen’s Prairie, Iowa, Nov. 11th, 1863 of disease contracted in campaign against Vicksburg.

Harvey Lamb, wounded at Dallas, Ga., May 26th, 1864, died of wounds at Ackworth, Ga., June 6th, 1864

James W. Lightfoot, died at Memphis, Tenn., April 12th, 1863 of disease contracted in campaign against Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post.

William Morriman, died at Vicksburg, Sept. 25th, 1863 of disease contracted in campaign against Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post.

Francis M. Morse, killed in action at Resaca, Ga., May 13th, 1863

William R. Marvin, died at Young’s Point, La., March 27th, 1863 of disease.

David Miller, discharged with Co. June 27th, 1865

John H. Matthews, discharged with Co. June 27th, 1865

Samuel R. McBride, died at Memphis, Tenn., April 9th, 1863 of disease contracted at Young’s Point.

Oscar J. Morehouse, wounded at Lookout Mountain, Tenn., Nov. 24th, 1863, died of wounds at Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 13th, 1863

Andrew J. McFry, discharged with Co. June 27th, 1865

John Matthews, discharged June 11th, 1865 by order of War Dept.

John McConnor, discharged June 11th, 1865 by order of War Dept.

John McDonald, discharged June 11th, 1865 by order of War Dept.

James Martin, died a, Jan. 25th, 1863t Beaufort, S. C. of small pox.

Samuel J. Nelson, died at Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 27th, 1863 of measles.

Samuel Nelson, died at Young’s Point. La., Feb. 6th, 1863 of measles.

Robert D. Nelson, died at St. Louis, Mo., March 17th, 1863 of measles

Mervin Nelson, died on steamboat “City of Memphis,” April 9th, 1863 of measles.

Matthew J. Nelson, died at Young’s Point, La., Feb. 11th, 1863

William Nelson, discharged at St. Louis, Mo., March 30th, 1863, on account of disability caused by measles.

John Redman, died at Young’s Point, La., March 18th, 1863 of disease.

Chauncey C. Perley, discharged at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., March 6th, 1865

James F. Parker, discharged with Co. June 27th, 1865 with Co.

John P. Rearick, died at St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 16th, 1863 of diarrhea, contracted in campaign against Vicksburg.

Matthew S. Rankin, died in Jones Co, Iowa, Aug. 31, 1863, of disease contracted on Mississippi River.

Francis M. Rynerson, died at Memphis, June 30th, 1863 of disease contracted in campaign against Vicksburg.

Samuel Richardson, died on steamboat “Von Phul,” Jan. 17th, 1863 of disease contracted in campaign against Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Buried at Napoleon, Ark.

Rodney W. Rice, transferred to 17th Iowa, June 27th, 1865

Donald Sutherland, discharged June 27th, 1865 with Co.

Abner Stofer, died at Rome, Ga., July 9th, 1864, of disease contracted in campaign against Atlanta.

Jeremiah Spencer, died at Memphis, March 26th, 1863 of disease contracted at Young’s Point, La.

Jacob Smith, died at Young’s Point, La., Feb. 25th, 1863

George O. Shields, transferred to 17th Iowa, June 27th, 1863

Barach Van Winkle, transferred to 17th Iowa, June 27th, 1863

Oliver Welsh, discharged with Co. June 27th, 1863

Austin Whittemore, discharged with Co. June 27th, 1863

William S. Whittemore, discharged June 27th, 1865 by order of War Dept.

Mathias Watson, discharged at Black River, Miss., Sept. 7th, 1863 on account of injuries received in the Pioneer Corps.


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