Chapter 8 Geology of Allamakee county By Ellison Orr Past & Present of Allamakee County, 1913 The Stratified Rocks Iron Hill - Geological Character |
By Ellison Orr
“Geology treats of the Structure of the Earth, of the
various stages through which, it has passed, and of the living
beings that have dwelt upon it,-together with the agencies and
processes involved in the changes it has undergone. It is
essentially a history of the earth.” In these words
Professors Chamberlain and Salisbury, in their very complete
work, define the science which we will apply to a study of the
rock and soil formations of our county.
It is quite well settled that no matter when or how the great
interior bulk was formed, great changes have taken place and much
has been added to the outer or crustal portion of our world, the
only part at all accessible for investigation and study.
It may be said that the very latest changes were made and are
still going on at the surface, and that there we find the newest
formations. Just beneath the surface we find those somewhat
older. Below these are those older still, while at the greatest
depths to which we have been able to penetrate are found the
oldest. This is generally but not always the condition. Sometimes
the surface has been heaved up in long, narrow and much broken,
distorted, and folded mountain chains, in which rock strata
hundreds or even thousands of feet in thickness are in places
found standing on edge, and in other places great masses are
entirely overturned so that the natural order is reversed and the
oldest rocks are found on top.
It may be remarked in passing that mountain making instead of
being a sudden and tremendous upheaval, is a slow process, the
formation of a range taking a long time, and that while the great
rock masses are being broken and twisted and thrust skyward, they
are at the same time being disintegrated and dissolved by frost
and water, ground down by moving ice and snow, and worn by winds.
One force building up, the other wearing down. After the mountain
making forces cease to operate, the forces that tear down still
continue, and very old mountain ranges formed long ago, have the
least height, sometimes being worn down to chains of rounded
In places the up-thrust, instead of breaking the crust along an
extended line, forming mountains, is heaved up into great flat
domes covering large areas, sometimes thousands of square miles
in extent. Such are plateaus. Where such upheavals are of great
age, much of the later formations has been eroded away, exposing
often rocks of great antiquity.
The Labrador Plateau illustrates such an ancient upheaval and
later erosion.
It is by studying the rocks brought up from below and exposed in
mountain making, those brought to view by the wearing away of
plateaus, and those exposed by the cutting downwards of stream
and river valleys, that it has been possible to classify the
rocks, learn the materials of which they are composed, and
discover the plant and animal remains buried and hidden in them.
Beginning at the surface, we find it very generally covered by a
mantle of soil, clay, sand, gravel, and broken rock. This is rock
waste. Sometimes this mantle is largely formed by the
disintegration and decay of the solid rock on which it lies and
the crevices of which it fills. The soluble portion of the rock
has been carried away by air and water action, the insoluble part
left. This is usually a stiff tenacious red clay over limestone
rock, to which geologists have given the name of geest, and a bed
of loose sand over sand rock. Over the geest, in northeastern
Iowa, and just below the black soil at the very surface, is a
stratum of yellow clay varying in thickness from a couple of feet
up to twenty or more. In places there is found between the geest
and this yellow clay, a blue clay, filled with reddish pipe-like
concretionary formations. Both of these clays are called loess.
The origin and manner of formation of the loess is still in
dispute. By some geologists it is regarded as of aeolian origin,
that is, that it was formed by dust caught up and carried by the
winds from large areas of arid clay at no great distance and
redeposited where found now. By others it is thought to be of
lacustrine origin,-the settlings of a lake. As the loess differs
in different places both are probably right. The loess of the
Missouri valley is most likely wind formed, that of our locality
may have been deposited at the bottom of a lake surrounded by
glaciers. For at one time all of North America, as far south as
the Ohio river, the northern part of Missouri and Kansas, nearly
to the Rocky mountains, was covered with a great sheet of ice. A
study of this great glacier by the record which it left behind
when it finally melted away seems to indicate that during an age
of much greater cold than we now have, it began to accumulate in
Labrador and Keewatin, forming an ice cap such as now covers
Greenland. As it became thicker and thicker it began to spread
and flow or move very slowly southward, in the course of time
reaching the limits mentioned. Then there came a change. The
climate became milder and the front of the ice began to melt and
recede. As the glacier in its southward movement had gathered up
the sand, the geest and clay, and had broken up and ground, the
hard rocks over which it passed and mixed and frozen them into
itself, so, when it began to melt, the water running away in the
swollen streams and river left behind the clay and rocks, where
they were when the ice movement stopped.
Sometimes the deposit thus left is only a few feet thick,
sometimes it is hundreds. It is a stiff sandy clay containing
abundant ice-worn rocks from the size of a marble to that of a
house and is known as the drift or glacial till. If the front of
the glacier remained stationary for a long time,-that is, if it
melted away at the front as fast as it advanced,-this glacial
till was heaped up in small rounded hills, and a range of such
hills marking the place where the old glacier seemed to rest is
called a terminal moraine. Glacial till dropped from a rapidly
receding glacier,-one that melted much faster than it
advanced,-is called a ground moraine, the surface of which is
usually very flat. This is the reason for the monotonous dead
level of our western prairies, they being largely glaciated areas
where the till was deposited as a ground moraine. The ice worn
rocks or boulders are of kinds not found near the surface in this
region but have been torn from their beds far to the north. It is
by them that we have been able to trace the course of the
glacier’s movement.
These erratic boulders are largely of granite, greenstone,
quartz, and other ancient rocks from the Labrador table land.
From their hardness they have received the local name of
“nigger heads.”
Four times the great ice sheet advanced across what is not Iowa
and tour times receded, finally to disappear from the continent
except on the high mountains and Greenland. It was thousands of
years advancing and thousands retreating. From data obtained from
the cutting away of the gorges below Niagra Falls and the Falls
of St. Anthony at Minneapolis, it has been computed that it has
been about eight thousand years since the ice disappeared from
the most northerly parts of the United States, and hundreds of
thousands of years since it first invaded the same territory. The
era of time during which this was taking place was called the Ice
The rock mantle then of the country we are to study is formed of
the black soil at the surface,-clay containing much humus or
decayed vegetable matter; the loess of two kinds below that,
resting on the geest, or where there is drift, on that; then the
geest resting directly on the hard rocks.
An exception to this is the flood plain of the Mississippi river.
The islands, and the soil and sand under the ponds, sloughs and
channels of the great stream. Down many feet to bed rock are
alluvial deposits, washed in from the surrounding country.
For Allamakee county these formations may be approximately
expressed in the following table:--
Black surface soil.......................................................1 inch to 2ft.
(Alluvial, Mississippi flood plain)...............................100ft.
Iowan (yellow) Loess..................................................1 foot to 20ft.
Kansan (blue) loess....................................................0 foot to 6ft..
Drift (only in S. W. Part of county)..............................0 foot to 60ft.
Geest (rock residue)...................................................0 foot to 3ft.
(pg 77-99)
If the mantle of soil, clay, sand and glacial till were to be
removed, the hard or indurated rocks would be exposed for
Particularly noticeable then would be the much greater depth of
the valleys, and their existence where they are now unknown.
Everywhere under the drift soil, could be seen on the rocks the
scratches and grooves made by the boulders frozen in the great
ice plow as it moved slowly but irresistibly over them.
The rock exposed, if it were examined over wide areas would be
found to vary greatly in color, composition, hardness and the
manner of its occurrence, but still could readily be grouped
together in two great classes. About four-fifths of all the land
surface would be rock arranged in layers or strata, and generally
not very hard. The remaining one-fifth would be hard, generally
crystalline rock, usually massive or without stratification, and
usually showing evidence of having at one time been heated
extremely hot. The latter are called crystalline rocks and are
the older, being always found beneath the former or sedimentary
or stratified rocks, except where overturned in mountain making,
or where they are cooled lava, volcanic ash or other matter
ejected by volcanoes, in which case they are often of the newest
formations. Many of our great mountain cones like Vesuvius and
Etna in Europe and Mount Hood in this country are made up wholly
of rock formed of matter thrown up from deep in the earth. Such
rocks are called igneous, and when of great age are often very
In places, notably in Idaho, New Mexico and Arizona, matter in a
molten condition appears to have flowed out of fissures in vast
quantities and covered great tracts of country with sheets of
igneous rock of quite uniform thickness. Where this occurs, and
in the case of the ordinary volcanic cone, these rocks are then
often found overlying the sedimentary rocks.
The crystalline granites are of the oldest of the rocks. They
were once thought to be part of the earth’s original crust.
But later investigations lead to the belief that no part of such
crust is now in existence in it original form, but that it has
been so folded, crushed, and ground, and changed chemically and
by metamorphism, eroded and redeposited, that it is now entirely
different. These granites are only exposed in mountain chains or
on very ancient plateaus,-the “first dry land” up
thrust from the sea,-or where very shallow deposits of
sedimentary rocks overlying them have been entirely worn away by
Most of the rocks of the crystalline class now exposed have once
existed as rock in a very different form and had a different
composition from their present one. In all probability, excepting
those of igneous formation, they were at one time all
sedimentary. The change has been produced by great heat,
pressure, and crustal movement, and they are said to have been
metamorphosed, and are called metamorphic rocks. Marble is a
metamorphic limestone.
All the older rocks of the crystalline class bear evidence of
great crushing, folding and fracturing. They were shattered again
and again by the violent crustal movements of the young earth.
The fissures filled with hot solution of rock material that
hardened to be again shattered and again made a solid rock, the
process often being repeated many times.
Geologists have given to these older rocks of this class in North
America the name of the Archaean complex. No rocks of this
complex are found in our county, or even in the state except in
the extreme northwest corner, where there are a few outcrops of
Sioux quartzite, a rock of this era.
Stratified rocks are those found in layers or strata. Most
stratified rocks were formed as a sediment or deposit at the
bottom of the sea or of other bodies of water. Some stratified
clays and sands have been formed by the winds, and river flood
plain deposits formed by running water have more or less
stratification. The strata may be as thin as paper or may be many
feet in thickness.
The stratified rocks of sea formation may be divided into three
kinds, Sandstones, clays and shales, and limestones. The first
two have been formed from the disintegrated, crushed and
pulverized rocks of the land surfaces washed by the rain into the
rivers and carried by the rivers to the sea..
The sand was precipitated, or settled, first near the shores of
the ocean, or other bodies of water, where it was spread out
evenly by wave action, forming beds.
The clay and other minerals dissolved out of the rocks by the
rains and brought down by the rivers, were mostly carried farther
out and deposited in deeper and quieter waters.
The same processes that formed our oldest sedimentary rocks
formed our newest and are still at work.
In ages to come the sandy beaches of our present sea shores, and
the mud lats, and the clays of the quieter waters, will be by
heat, pressure and chemical changes, changed, the loose sand to
sandstone or quartzite, and the mud and clay to indurated clays
and shales.
When animals, fishes and plants, living in the sea, die, the
fleshy and other soft parts decay and the skeletons, teeth,
shells, and scales of animals and fishes, and parts of the
plants, settle to the bottom, are covered by the sand, the mud,
or the clay, and are preserved. Land animals, birds, and plants
are washed down by the rivers and their least destructible
remains scattered over the sea or lake bottom and preserved in
the same way. This was just as true in the past as the present.
Such remains, when found in rocks, are called fossils. In the
rocks of latest formation they are often but little changed. In
the older formations they have usually undergone chemical and
other changes. Often after the bone, the shell or other part is
covered up it is dissolved away or decays leaving a cavity of the
exact shape of the part imbedded. This cavity is later filled by
lime or silica held in solution by water filtering through the
rock. A perfect cast of the original is thus formed.
Sandstone rocks were poor preservers of animal remains, and
except when they are of recent formation few fossils are found in
Clays and shales being formed of much finer material covered up
and preserved some wonderfully perfect fossil animal and plant
remains. Impressions and casts of leaves are found so perfect
that even the parts so minute that they can be seen only with a
microscope, are just as in the original leaf, only of stone.
A large part of the stratified rocks are of limestone. Lime was
dissolved from the older rocks forming the existing dry land, or
formed by chemical union of their component parts and was carried
in solution by the rivers to the sea. There limestone deposits
that ultimately became lime rock were formed in two ways. One was
by precipitation, settling the same as mud in dirty water settles
to the bottom of a pail. Limestones thus formed are called tufas.
The lime incrustation on the inside of a tea kettle is a sample
of what such rock is like. But little limestone was formed in
this way.
The great body of lime rocks, often many hundreds of feet in
thickness, was formed in a very different way. The sea is and has
been inhabited by countless myriads of animals of a low order,
such as clams, snails, corals and microscopic creatures called
protozoans or animalcules that formed a covering or protection of
lime for their soft body parts. This lime they had the power of
extracting from the sea water and of it forming their shells.
And the great body of limestone rocks is formed largely of the
pulverized and comminuted shells of these animals when dead.
As by far the greater bulk of such rock is formed by shells that
are microscopic, some idea may be formed of the immense number of
the minute organisms producing them that existed in the old
oceans, and of the immense length of time required to produce
such great deposits of their dead shells.
The great mass of sedimentary or stratified rocks of the interior
of North America have been but little disturbed by movements of
the earth’s crust, and so far as their order and position is
concerned, are now much as they have always been.
As the ancient backbone of the American continent,-the
“first dry land,”-lay to the north, there was the shore
line of the sea when sedimentary rocks first began to be formed
on its bottom. This sea bottom sloped very gradually to the south
and west where the deeper waters lay, so that all stratified
rocks of the interior area or Mississippi valley, have a uniform
slope or dip to the southwest. For the area under consideration
it approximates eight feet to the mile.
It appears that the deeper parts of the sea have through the ages
been continually getting deeper, and the land had been gradually
elevated, what was once sea bottom being lifted above the waters
and added to the land area. This is why stratified rocks, once
sea bottom, are now found far inland.
With these remarks on general geology we may now proceed to a
study of the different formations exposed in our county.
The Mississippi river along the eastern border of the county has
cut deeply into the limestone, shales and sandstones, forming a
gorge from two to four miles wide, and the tributary streams,
large and small, have eroded their valleys to the level of the
flood plain of the great stream.
The high steeply rounded bluffs and hills, the castellated rocks
at their tops, the escarpments and sheer precipices, the wooded
crests and slopes, with the river, the islands, sloughs and lakes
form scenery of great beauty. Professor Calvin has called it the
Switzerland of Iowa. Except for its ruined castles, and the
interest which attaches from its long occupancy by man, we doubt
if the famous Rhine valley affords its equal.
For a general description of the topography we copy Norton’s
description of Volume XXI of the Iowa Geological Reports.
“Allamakee, the northeasternmost county of Iowa, lies almost
wholly in the driftless area. The region is a deeply and
intricately dissected upland, attaining an elevation of 1,300
feet above the sea level, and rising about 700 feet above the
Mississippi river, which forms the eastern boundary of the
county. The valleys of the streams are flat-floored and wide. The
Mississippi flood plain attains a width of four miles and
embraces a maze of sandy islands and braided bayous. The floor of
the valley of the meandering Upper Iowa river has a general width
of three-quarters of a mile, widening in its lower course to a
mile and more. The valley of Yellow river is narrower but
conforms to the same general type. The tributary creeks have
well-opened mature preglacial valleys, and the courses of even
their wet-weather affluents are graded.
“The topographic age of the region is best read in the
semi-circular coves carved by the ancient stream on both sides of
the valley of Upper Iowa river. These deep amphitheaters are
guarded at their entrances by lofty isolated buttes, remnants of
the rock spurs cut by the stream as it entrenched its carving
course. No such coves and buttes are seen along the bluffs of the
Mississippi through the succession of strata is equally favorable
to cliff recession and planation, the vast volume of water of the
latter Pleistocene times having cut back any salients of the
valley sides and left a wall of rock singularly continuous and
even and sweeping in its curves.
“The interstream areas consist of parallel east-west ridges
or uplands, whose summits, where broadest, are cut by shallow
valleys into a gently rolling topography. Their dissected flanks
consist of lobate ridges of sinuous crest whose steep sides are
gashed by deep ravines.
The summits of the divides rise to a common level. If the valleys
could be filled with the material that has been swept away by
running water they would constitute a plain whose origin may be
ascribed to long subaerial erosion near the level of the sea. An
additional proof of the former existence of this ancient
peneplain, of which the summits of the divides are the remnants,
is found in the valuable limonite and hermatite deposits of Iron
Hill on the crest of Waukon Ridge. Such deposits are common on
peneplains where the rocks have long been wasted by slow decay.
“Some evidence of a second and lower erosion plane is seen
in the accordant level of the long lateral spurs that separate
the valleys of the creeks tributary to Upper Iowa river. The
crests of these spurs, which are capped by the Saint Peter
sandstone, fall into a common plane about 1,100 feet above sea
level, and thus lie distinctly below the level of the upland.
Measured by the distance between the escarpments of the Galena
and Platteville limestones of the upland, the width of the valley
floor of the Upper Iowa, developed 1,100 feet above sea level,
was about ten miles. In age the planation of this valley floor
would seem to correspond with that of the similar peneplain of
the second generation developed at Dubuque on the weak Maquoketa
shale. In each place, however, another explanation may be found
in cliff recession under weathering. In Allamakee county the
Galena-Platteville escarpment may be supposed to have retreated
because of the weak Saint Peter sandstone on which it rests and
which caps the ridges defining the 1,000-foot level; and in
Dubuque county the Niagaran escarpment may be held to have
receded in a similar manner because of the undermining of the
immediately subjacent Maquoketa shale.”
The lowest and consequently the oldest rock exposed in the county
is that along the foot of the bluffs from Lansing to New Albin.
A very fine outcrop can be seen just in the rear and to the north
of the second business block from the river in Lansing. Here at
the south end of a short, low and narrow ridge is a vertical
section of sixty feet of sandy shales and clays of shades of
dirty yellow, brown, red, gray and green. These shales are quite
firmly bedded in the hill, but on exposure to the atmosphere
disintegrate and fall to pieces.
They have no economic value except as a surface dressing for clay
roads, for which purpose they are excellent, forming a firm
smooth surface. No fossils are found in this formation, which
extends down to and for 700 feet below the surface of the river
as shown by the record of the strata encountered in drilling the
city artesian well.
It rests unconformably on a hard crystalline quartzite. Above the
formation described lies twenty-five feet of a harder bedded rock
that has been quarried to some extent for building purposes.
The entire 825 feet from the quartzite to the harder quarry beds
has been given the name of the Dresbach sandstone. This is the
western equivalent of the old Potsdam of New York. It outcrops
along the valley of the Mississippi from New Albin to near
Heytmans where the dip carries it below the level of the river.
It also can be seen as far up the valley of the Oneota as section
6, township 99, range 5, Union City township, where there is an
outcrop beside the highway in a gorge a few rods west of Mr.
This is the rock from which the water of the flowing wells at
Lansing, New Albin, and in the valley of the Oneota, comes the
interstices between the sand grains forming a vast reservoir
having the hard impenetrable quartzite for its bottom. In the
Oneota valley artesian water will rise but a few feet above the
top of this formation.
Above the quarry beds over the Dresbach is twenty feet of a
formation yellow in color, described by Calvin as
“horizontally laminated, fine in texture, quite distinctly
calcareous (formed of lime) and easily split into thin leaves
along the planes of lamination.” This is the St. Lawrence
limestone of the Minnesota geologists, and the quarry beds below
should probably be included with it under the same name. In it
are found the fossil impressions of a trilobite, an ancient
animal having a little resemblance to a crawfish without the
claws. Also what may have been a giant sponge, three or more feet
across and a foot or more high.
A fine exposure containing the characteristic fossils of this
formation is found on the top of the hill of Dresbach at Lansing.
Above the St. Lawrence limestone lies another bed of sand called
the Jordan sandstone. At Lansing the top of this bed lies 100
feet above the top of the exposed St. Lawrence which would make
the sandstone 100 feet thick, but as the rock forming the bluff
side for forty feet above the St. Lawrence ledge is concealed by
a covering of loose rock and soil it is more than likely that the
sandstone is not so thick, but that the St. Lawrence is thicker
than the part that can be seen. Except near the top, Jordan is a
deposit of incoherent sand, in places having numerous harder,
very irregular layers, that when the softer part is washed or
blown away, for very curious designs and figures in relief, a
common one in cliff faces being that of a giant hour glass.
Occasionally these concretionary forms are very regular, taking
the form of almost perfect spheres, from the size of a marble up
to those having a diameter of a foot or more. Where such occur
they are often found washed out a numbers and strewn along on the
bottom of the drainage ravines cutting the formation.
Farther south towards the central part of the state, where the
dip has carried this sand bed several hundred feet below the
surface, it is one of the notable reservoirs for artesian water.
But in Allamakee it is too high to afford flowing wells, through
in the central, western and southern part of the county, deep
wells find in it an abundance of water but not artesian.
Near the top the grains of sand are usually very coarse. The
formation is barren of fossils, and had no economic value except
for use in making mortar.
Above the Jordan lie beds of impure limestone alternating with
sandy layers gradually changing to heavy beds of pure limestone.
At places cherty or flinty strata are to be found with some
quartzite. These beds, having a total thickness of around 200
feet, were given the name of Oneota limestone by Professor Calvin
because they form the conspicuous vertical cliffs and escarpments
along that stream from near its mouth westward to and beyond the
boundary line of the county. This was the lower Magnesian
limestone of the older geologists.
The upper heavy beds afford an abundant and convenient supply of
excellent building stone. Quarries have been opened in them at
New Albin, Lansing, near Dorchester and inn many other places.
Scattered abundantly through the rock at a horizon near the
center, are very thin veins, layers and incrustations of iron
ore, often beautifully crystallized, but so much diffused through
the rock as to be of no commercial value. Associated with it is
much crystallized calcite, a rock having the appearance of milky
glass, but soft enough to scratch with the point of a knife.
Lead, too, is found in it in places. Many years ago prospectors
found this ore in the hills along Mineral creek, in section 13,
of Hanover township. It is said that about one hundred thousand
pounds were taken out of crevices at this place. But the crevices
“pinched out,” and no more being found, the miners went
their ways, the cabins disappeared, and all that is now known
about it is but little more than a tradition.
About the year 1891, Capt. J.M. Turner, discovered on the
northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 10,
township 99, range 4, about six miles northwest of Lansing, a
lead bearing north and south vertical crevice which on
development proved to have a length of 1,200 feet and a maximum
depth of seventy-five feet, and from which about five hundred
thousand pounds of ore was mined by a local company.
While float ore has been picked up in many different places in
the northern part of the county where the Oneota outcrops, no
other crevices containing it have been found in the Oneota except
in the cherty layers which occur near the middle of the
formation. In this in places, are found some very well preserved
fragmental impressions of orthocerata (chambered shellfish), and
gasteropods (snails).
The crevices and seams make this a dry rock. In sections of the
county immediately underlaid by it, wells usually have to be
drilled entirely through it into the Jordan sandstone before
finding water.
The dip of the Oneota carries it out of sight near Clayton
station midway between McGregor and Guttenberg. In going by train
from Waukon Junction to McGregor this dip is very noticeable in
the Wisconsin bluffs on the opposite side of the river. Beginning
at the very tops opposite Harper’s Ferry, when the Wisconsin
river is reached, they have dropped to near the bases of the
bluffs and disappear a few miles below the mouth of that river.
This maker of bold headlands, high precipices, and altogether
rugged and picturesque scenery, is succeeded by twenty to
twenty-five feet of a thin bedded red sandstone known as the New
Richmond Sandstone. The layers of this formation, mostly one to
three inches in thickness, are formed of a fairly coherent red
sand, differing from the sand making up the beds of the Dresbach,
Jordan and later St. Peter, by having each separate grain
surrounded by a coating or incrustation of silica or crystallized
quartz, the facets of which make it sparkle in the sunlight. Near
the bottom are thicker and much harder strata, in places being
beautifully ripple marked, one such locality being in an exposure
by the roadside near the southeast corner of Southwest,
Northwest, Section 29, Town 98, Range 3, Lafayette township. At
the top it is again a close-grained quartzite. The central
portion of this sand rock breaks down very easily and is usually
covered by gentle slopes of clay and soil and is only seen in
ditches and gullies. A very good exposure of nearly the entire
thickness can be seen in the ditch at the side of the road near
the top of the Hartley hill in Southeast, Southeast, Section 3,
Town 99, Range 5.
The change from the Oneota limestone to the New Richmond sand is
very abrupt, enough so as to lead to a suspicion of slight
So far in the rock formations we have been describing, there is
no break in the continuity. One stratum laid down on the old sea
bottom was succeeded by another perhaps a little different,
deposited under perhaps slightly different conditions, but there
was no sudden and complete change indication that deposition
under certain conditions had ceased, and after a period, during
which the sea bottom had probably been elevated and become dry
land, and its surface worn and gullied by erosion and again sunk
beneath the waves and deposition commenced anew under changed
circumstances, the strata of the new sea bottom being spread
continuously over the broken and worn layers of the old.
Where such a condition is shown by the rock exposures it is
called an unconformity. There is a very decided such unconformity
between the Dresbach and the quartzite on which it rests. But
from there on, while the old sea over what is now Iowa was very
shallow, and there must have been great areas of mud flats and
low sandy islands over which the waves washed, no part was above
the water for any great length of time and the formation is
unbroken and continuous through the Dresbach, the St. Lawrence,
the Jordan, and the Oneota. At the close of the Oneota there may
have been an elevation above the sea for a long enough period to
show some of the effects of erosion, after subsidence the New
Richmond being laid down on this slightly changed bottom.
The thicker, harder slabs of this rock made good building stone,
but are not readily accessible except where washed down into the
gullies and ditches. Such rocks are easily recognizable, two to
four inches of the center being uncolored, while about the same
thickness on both the under and upper side of the slab is stained
red by oxide of iron.
Superimposed on the New Richmond is the Shakopee limestone, a
lime formation quite largely dolomitic, but not usually massive,
having but little good quarry stone, and “not showing much
tendency to form cliffs.” It has an approximate thickness of
fifty feet and is chiefly of interest on account of numerous
“peculiar structures,” at certain horizons that are
supposed to be fossils of large animal formations of a very low
order called cryptozoons. The very oldest animal or plant remains
discovered fossil so far belong to this low order, which may be
either plant or animal,-or neither.
Nest in the ascending scale is the St. Peter sandstone, so called
because of its outcrops being very abundant near St. Peter,
Minnesota. This is simply a vast bed of incoherent and nearly
pure sand having a very uniform thickness of from sixty to one
hundred feet, extending southward and westward under Iowa,
Illinois, and Southern Wisconsin and Minnesota. There is no
bedding or stratification except in a few places where, for local
reason unknown, it has been hardened into a firm quartzite,
excellent for building purposes. Usually it can be readily dug
with a pick and shovel. Exposure to the atmosphere has a tendency
to harden it so that continuous low cliffs or ledges are common
where it outcrops. In places portions of the body harden into
domes ten to twenty feet high, underneath which the sand seem
even less coherent than usual. Where such domes are cut through
by stream valleys, the softer part is often washed out, forming
small caves. Such a cave is to be seen beside the public road on
southeast, northeast, section 8, town 96, range 5, about one mile
south of Forest Mills in Franklin township.
Contrary to the usual opinion this loose sand rock appears to be
more resistant to weathering and erosion than the limestone
formation beneath and the shales and limestones above. And in the
northern and central parts of the county in Waterloo, Hanover,
French Creek, Lansing, Center and Lafayette townships, its runs
from the main divides between Paint Creek, Village Creek and the
Oneota River out along the minor ridges between the numerous
tributary stream valleys, in long, narrow tongues, forming a very
decided step up from the peneplain or level of the top of the
Oneota, of its full thickness. Usually these tongues are capped
by a thin veneer of a few feet of Platteville limestone, but
nowhere does the limestone approach near to the edge of the
vertical scarps of the sandstone, much less over-hand it as it
would do were the latter the less resistant.
The dendritic divides described above are marked features of the
landscape all along the northern and eastern boundary of the St.
The dip carries it beneath the river at Guttenberg.
Except near its northeastern limit it is the source of an
abundant pure water supply, furnishing artesian wells from
Elkader, near its boundary, down to the south central part of the
At Clayton, in Clayton county, it has been mined for thirty years
on a small scale, and shipped to Clinton and Milwaukee for glass
and malleable iron manufacture. At this place there seems to be
almost no impurity or coloring, what little there is being washed
out in moving it by water in a trough several hundred feet, from
the pit to the bins beside the railroad. At this place, in 1910,
the point of contact with the Shakopee was exposed in the ravine
alongside, and from what could be seen there seemed to be
unconformity between the two formations.
All along the top of the St. Peter from a few inches to a foot or
more, is highly impregnated with iron oxide which has cemented it
into a very hard cap stratum very resistant to erosion. At
places, like the pictured rocks below McGregor, the oxide seems
to have been present in greater abundance and to
have penetrated deeply into the formation, coloring it beautiful
shades of red, brown, yellow and pink. The side of a cut about
one mile northeast of Waukon on the railroad to the Iron Mine
shows some fine coloring
The St. Peter changes very abruptly at its top to a three-foot
bed of blue slightly sandy shales containing imperfect fossil
bryozoon corals. This is the Glenwood shale, so called because of
a number of good exposures studied by Calvin in Glenwood
township, Winneshiek county.
The Glenwood shales again change quite as abruptly as their top
to the Platteville limestone. This, as the bottom, is often
massive and dolomitic for the first four to six feet. Above that
it changes to thin, hard beds that break up much in weathering
and that contain an abundance of fossil fragments of brachipods
(shellfish, whose shells somewhat resemble those of small clams),
corals and gasteropods. These strata, in their turn, near the top
of the formation, change to heavy bedded quarry stone, some of
which are excellent for building purposes, while others that are
solid and firm when freshly quarried crumble on exposure to the
action of frost and rain. The rock wall around the courtyard at
Decorah is built of this latter kind.
Some layers of these beds are in places composted entirely of
comminuted fragments of fossil shells and corals, cemented
together into a hard stone. At Decorah a number of years ago such
layers were sawed up into slabs and polished, making beautiful
“fossil marble,” used for mantels, table tops and
others such purposes.
The Platteville, limestone has a thickness of about fifty feet.
Good, partial exposures can be seen in the ravines just north of
Waukon, to the west of the Ice Cave at Decorah, near Hesper,
where the quarry stone beds have been worked for building
purposes for years, and on Yellow river below Myron.
This is the first of the highly fossiliferous formations. Up to
this horizon fossils are rare when the whole rock mass is
considered, but from this point upward through the succeeding
ages, animal life, judging from the fossil remains, was very
abundant and of an endless variety.
Beginning with the very lowest forms of life there came into
existence successively, higher and still higher forms culminating
finally with man.
The platteville changes quite abruptly so far as physical
appearance is concerned, but without great change of fossils, and
comfortably, to the Decorah shales, a highly fossiliferous bed of
clay, shales, and thin strata of limestone, having a thickness of
twenty-five to thirty feet. There is an abundance of beautifully
preserved, complete and unbroken fossils in this bed of shales,
the great body of which is made up largely of powdered and broken
fragments of corals and shells. The predominating kinds are
bryozoon, corals, true corals, brachiopods, gasteropods,
lamellibranchs (clams) and trilobites.
Wherever an exposure of several feet of greenish-blue clay and
shales with layers of limestone, all containing fossil corals and
brachipods, is seen anywhere in the south half of Allamakee
county it may be safely set down as Decorah shale.
Probably it is nowhere better exposed than in its numerous
outcrops in the vicinity of Waukon.
Overlying the Decorah shale, and resting on it conformably, is
from 200 to 250 feet of bedded limestone known as the Galena
Limestone. This is the lead bearing limestone of the
Galena-Dubuque region but it contains no lead ore in Allamakee
county. At Dubuque it consists of massive dolomite but in
Allamakee, of thin bedded strata of carbonate of lime rock,
separated in places by thin shale and clay partings. It is a hard
rock weathering slowly into vertical cliffs with a tendency to
recede at their bases, where cut through by streams. Fine
exposures can be seen in the vicinity of Myron, on the southeast,
southeast of section 17, in Post township, and along the north
line of section 18 in Franklin township.
In all this great body of limestone there is little really good
building stone, the strata being for the most part too thin,
irregular or fragmentary. The whole formation is much broken up
by two sets of fissures or crevices which intersect each other
nearly at right angles.
These crevices are the cause of the “sinkholes” found
in Ludlow, Post, and Jefferson townships, the overlying loess and
soil having been washed down into the crevices leaving funnel
shaped depressions in the surface.
The Galena is usually a dry rock, the numerous fissures giving
the underground water a chance to run off to lower levels.
Fossils are not abundant except at certain horizons and are
usually in the form of casts. Gasteropods and orthoceratites are
the most common. At about twenty-five feet above the base, a
fossil commonly spoken of as a “petrified sun flower”
occurs quite plentifully. It was not a sunflower at all-not even
a plant, but was an ancient sponge. At a higher level, not far
below the top of the formation, it is again found, but not so
The Galena merges so gradually into the overlying Elgin limestone
of the Maquoketa formation that the division line may be said to
be an arbitrary one. There is a change in the
fossils,-gasteropods, the most abundant fossil of the Galena,
giving way to trilobites in the Maquoketa. This member of the
formation has a thickness of eighty feet and is succeeded by the
Clermont shale, a bed of blue clay and limestone with a thickness
of thirty feet. In these shales are found some finely preserved
fossil brachipods, of different species and larger size than
those in the Decorah shales. In the limestone below is found the
first coiled chambered orthoceratite.
At the Clement shale is impervious to water it holds that which
enters the ground above it from going lower. Underlying the
southwest part of Post township at a depth of sixty to one
hundred feet, good wells are had there with an abundant supply of
pure water by drilling down to, but not through it. It is from
this clay bed that the Clermont white brick is made. The highest
and newest formation of indurated rock found in Allamakee county
is the Fort Atkinson limestone, a yellow crumbly limestone
containing much chert, a few small outcrops of which are found in
the southwest part of Post township.
Altogether there is exposed in, and underlies the county, over
1,000 feet of beds of stratified limestones, sandstones, and
shales and clays as shown in the ideal section in the plates at
the end of this article. Seven hundred feet of Dresbach sandstone
lies below the Mississippi river, so we may say that we have
studied a stratified layer of the earth’s crust one-third of
a mile in thickness.
Ages long was the time it took to lay down this thousand feet of
sand and clay and lime at the bottom of the oceans of the hoary
past. Ages long has been the time since the receding shores left
the region we have been studying high and dry above the waters.
And through these latter ages heat and cold, snow and rain and
ice, frost and percolating water and wind, have been busy tearing
down, dissolving and wearing away that which it had taken so long
to build up, carrying it away to newer oceans and laying it down
again in newer deposits of sand and clay and lime.
It is estimated that erosion lowers the entire valley of the
Mississippi river one foot in five thousand years.
There is no doubt but that since the wearing away of the
Mississippi valley began it has been lowered many hundreds of
feet. At one period for thousands of years it was held in the
grip of the great glacier that plowed off the ridges and filled
in the valleys of the ancient watercourses. Part of Allamakee,
Clayton and Dubuque counties alone of all Iowa escaped.
The oldest glacier, the Kansan, invaded the southwest part of the
county, traces of it being found as far east of Waukon. Only a
remnant of its ground moraine is left in places under the loess.
A few inches or feet of red sandy clay filled with pebbles of
granite, greenstone and quartz. The best exposure of this till in
the county is probably the one to be seen beside the road from
Waukon to Postville on the section line on the east side of the
northeast, northeast, section 34, town 98, range 6.
A lobe of the later Iowan glacier covered a few sections in the
extreme southwest of the county. Time enough intervened between
the melting away of the Kansan ice and the oncoming of the Iowan,
for an abundant forest growth to take possession of the land,
continuing long enough to form a bed of humus and soil one to two
feet thick,-a thicker bed than is found in the forests of this
age in this locality. In digging wells at Postville this ancient
soil or “forest bed” as it is called is struck at a
depth of twenty to forty feet from the surface between the till
left by the Iowan glacier and that of the older Kansan. Pieces of
roots, trunks and twigs of trees are found in this old soil.
When the great Iowan glacier that lay to the west of us was
receding, the rivers that reached it, like the Turkey, the Oneota
and the Root, were enormously swollen by the flood of water from
the melting ice. This water was heavily laden with silt, and sand
and pebbles were carried down by the current.
It is this silt, and sand and pebbles, left by those floods, that
formed the benches or terraces of the ONeota, and the other
rivers named, and of the Mississippi at New Albin, Harper’s
Ferry, Prairie du Chien, Guttenberg and other places.
A few pieces of native copper are said to have been found in the
county. Such were undoubtedly brought from the Lake Superior
region by the Indians to be used in making their copper
implements and ornaments, many of which are found with other
prehistoric relics in the Oneota and Mississippi valleys.
Gold dust has been found in the sand deposits washed out of the
Iowan drift, just over the line on the Judge Williams farm in
Clayton county. Near the farm buildings is a pit in one of these
sand out-washes, and to it the barnyard fowls resorted for
gravel, and from their crops at different times several dozen
flakes of gold were taken. It is supposed that the chickens,
attracted by the shiny gold, picked it out of the sand. There are
no similar deposits in Allamakee. At one time considerable
excitement was occasioned by the reported discovery of gold in
the cherty strata of the Oneota limestone near Prairie du Chien,
and some mining operations were commenced but were soon
abandoned. Whether or not there really were traces of gold in the
rock at the place is not known.
About two miles north and a half mile east of the corporate
limits of Waukon, in the center of section 17, Makee township, is
a deposit of iron ore having an area of about two hundred and
forty acres.
This ore deposit known as the “Iron Hill” is the
highest point in Allamakee county, having an elevation of 1,320
feet above sea level.
Another high point along the south line of the southeast quarter
of section 27 in the same township is capped by a much smaller
deposit, and about a mile east of this near the Fan school, at a
lower elevation, some boulders can be seen by the roadside.
At both the first named places the ore with its associated
impurities occurs as a lenticular deposit, having its greatest
thickness at the center,-about seventy feet in the Iron Hill, and
thinning out to nothing at the edges.
The Iron Hill deposits rests on limestone of lower Galena
formation, that on section 27 probably on rock of the same
formation, though possibly on Decorah shales or Platteville. Over
both deposits there is a thin veneer of from one to three feet of
yellow loess. The ore itself occurs in abundant small flakes,
scales, and particles, called wash ore, disseminated through the
associated clays, and in irregular concretionary masses of all
sizes from those of a few inches in diameter up to many feet.
These larger “boulders” are found at any level,
sometimes singly and at others bunched together in large masses.
All the “chunks” and “boulders” are filled
with very irregular pockets and cavities, some of which are
empty, some lined with crystallized ore, and some containing
different colored clays or sad.
The impurities associated with the ore are residual clays, sand
and chert, and these form quite a considerable part of the whole,
the entire deposit forming a very heterogeneous mass.
Fossils of the lower Galena are found scattered through the
deposit seemingly at all horizons, in places being quite common.
Sometimes they are found imbedded solidly in fragments of ore
broken from the boulders. Perhaps the most common is the coral,
Streptelasma Corniculum.
Professor Calvin advanced the theory that this was a deposit of
bog ore formed by precipitation from the waters of a marsh or bog
that were highly charged with iron oxide. This accumulation of
iron ore at the bottom of bogs and marshes in this way is quite
common in parts of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. He supposed the
existence of an ancient marsh surrounded by higher ground. As
time passed the surrounding land or rock was eroded away until it
became lower than the more resistant ore bed which resisted as a
high point, afterward being covered by loess.
If this theory be true then the rocks of the land around this
marsh could not have been of later age than the lower Galena, as
none of the fossils washed out of that surrounding rock into the
marsh and now found in the ore bed, are of later age than the
lower Galena. Also as the existence of marshes implies a flat
country with little drainage, and as all the ore deposits
occurring near Waukon were evidently laid down at the same time,
and most likely were formed in different parts of a chain of
marshes of the same age, these ores may be of very ancient
formation, since the entire valley of Village creek may have all
been cut down since that time.
At certain places in the deposit are found very compact chunks
and boulders of ore filled with smoothly rounded, waterworn
pebbles of different varieties of quartz, greenstone and other
rocks usually associated with the drift, of a size from
one-eighth to one inch in diameter. Such pieces or ore are
usually so hard that in breaking them up the line of fracture
will run through ore and pebbles alike.
Identically the same kind of small pebbles are found in abundance
under the loess and on top of both limestone and St. Peter
sandstone in the vicinity of the ore deposit.
These pebbles may have found their way here from the north by
some very ancient drainage system that disappeared years ago, or
they may be outwash from or residue of the Kansan or Iowan
glacier, in which case our ore bed is comparatively recent.
If the deposit is a bog formation of an old marsh in the ancient
preglacial peneplain, then the presence of quartz pebbles and
other foreign rocks transported from localities hundreds of miles
to the north presents an interesting phenomenon, not easy to
account for.
On the other had the absence of glacial till under or around the
ore deposit; the character of the associated clays and sands
which seem to be clearly residual rock products and not derived
from drift; and the fact that all the evidence goes to show that
the valley of Village creek separating the two principal
deposits, and of all other streams in Allamakee, were cut down to
their present levels in preglacial times, shows a preglacial
origin. In fact it is pretty well settled that the topography of
the county was almost wholly (except in the river valleys) formed
before the coming of the ice.
Besides waters drained from any probable tributary area of till
would not be likely to contain sufficient iron in chemical
solution to form so large a deposit. It is true that the Buchanan
Gravels, an outwash from the Kansan, are often much stained and
cemented by iron, but nowhere is there more than enough to make
more than a few inches of ore if the gravels were removed.
To Mr. Chas. Barnard, a pioneer resident of Waukon, belongs the
credit of first calling attention to this ore deposit. About the
year 1900 local capital was interested, a concentration plant
built. And the development of a mine begun. The plant was located
near the center of the area, on a re-entrant of the east edge,
and consisted of a crusher and log washer driven by steam power.
The ore was freed from flint by hand picking.
A pit having an area of about one-fourth acre was excavated to
about one-half the depth of the ore bed, and the resultant
cleaned product shipped to different markets. But a number of
causes, chief among which was the cost of hauling by team from
the mine three miles to the railroad, operated to make the
venture unprofitable and work was abandoned.
About 1909 the interests of the local company, the Waukon Iron
Company, were acquired by the Missouri Iron Company of St. Louis,
Missouri. This company has erected a large concentration plant
for the reduction of the ore, to which a spur railroad has been
built from Waukon.
The work is in charge of Mr. R. W. Erwin, by whom a paper further
describing this ore deposit and the processes used by his company
in concentrating it is found elsewhere in this volume.
Iron Hill
(page 99)
The deposit covers an area of one-half mile east and west by one
mile north and south and is slightly in the shape of a crescent
with its terminal points to the northeast and southeast, and is
situated in township 98, range 5 west of the fifth principal
meridian in section 17, and is some two and one-half miles north
by east of Waukon, Iowa, and has an extreme elevation of 1,320
feet, although ore is found at an elevation of 1,250 feet. This
is one of the highest points in the state and is the highest
point in a direct north and south line between the Lakes and the
Character (page 99-105)
In general the conditions are similar to those encountered in the
Brown ore deposits of the southern States, being different,
however, in the fact that there is very little or no sand
associated with the residual clay. It is a brown ore, a hydrated
sesquioxide of iron and is made up of probably the following
Chemical Formula Composition
Turgite ......................2Fe2o31H2o
Gothite .....................2Fe2o2 2H2o
Limonite ...................2Fe2o3 3H2o
Xanthrosiderite ........2Fe2o3 4H2oIron Ox. 94.7
81.6Water 5.3
In which the Limonite predominates, next in order
coming Gothite with small quantities of Turgite and
Xanthrosiderite. They resemble most of all the Oriskany ores of
The body rests upon a limestone strata of the Lower Silurian age
(Galena Trenton) which has a depth of some forty feet, while the
ore varies in depth from one inch to seventy-three feet. Below
the limestone is the St. Peter sandstone with a depth of some
ninety feet. Below this is the Oneota limestone some two hundred
and fifty feet thick, when the Jordan sandstone is encountered.
This is the water-bearing stratum of the country. The ore is
concretionary and varies in size from a fraction of an inch to
aggregation weighing twenty tons. At times these concretions are
solid; other times they contain cavities which may be filled with
sand in various stages of impurity-clay and round pebbles of
clay. These cavities vary in size from a fraction of an inch to a
foot or more and possess the spherical shapes usual in nodular
The ore body contains throughout its entirety, clay, gravel,
sand, chert or flint nodules of various forms and shapes. In some
instances the sand and gravel are cemented together by the iron,
forming masses of considerable size. This also holds true of the
gravel. The boulders of conglomerate are found in all parts of
the deposit-in the richest as well as the leanest.
The ore as it occurs in situ has the following analysis:
Iron.....................................................................................31.82 per cent
Phos..................................................................................207 per cent
Manganese.......................................................................60 per cent
Silica..................................................................................41.80 per cent
Alum.................................................................................. 7.27 per cent
Water................................................................................. 6.40 per cent
This may be taken as an average. Samples may be
taken which will run 60 per cent in iron.
It is generally assumed that all brown ore bodies are replacement
bodies in limestone. Suffice it to say that this deposit is of
recent origin, owing to it depth and the very large number of
rounded quartz pebbles which may be found. Another fact is the
round clay balls often found on the interior of large boulders of
The ore is of two classes: Wash Ore and Boulder Ore. By wash ore
is meant the smaller concretions embedded in clay. Boulder ore is
solid and the masses are separated by joints of clay.
The body is estimated to contain 10,000,000 tons of ore.
In January, 1907, Iron Hill, as it was locally known, was brought
to the attention of Mr. Edward F. Goltra, of St. Louis, Missouri,
who turned the prospect over to Mr. R. W. Erwin. The prospect
looked favorable, and as Mr. Goltra and associates were in the
market for an iron mine at the time, after further investigation,
R. W. Erwin came to Waukon and secured an option on the property
from the Waukon Iron Company and at once made arrangements for
the exploration of the property by drilling and test pitting.
This property was sufficiently explored so that Mr. Goltra and
his associated felt that there was sufficient ore for a
commercial period.
The next thing to be done after finding out that there was
sufficient ore, as the ore was of low grade, was that of finding
a process of concentrating the ore in a commercial way. After
going into the matter thoroughly it was decided to locate an
experimental plant at Waukon Junction, Iowa, as it was intended
to use water as a cleaning agent. This was done and a plant was
thoroughly equipped with crusher, washer, jigs, rolls, tables and
roaster for trying out a number of processes in a commercial way.
A series of experiments covering some two years was undertaken to
find out the best and most economical method of treating the ore.
In trying out the various methods and when practically all the
experiments had been completed, a process of dry treatment had
been evolved. In this no water was used, heat and electricity
being the agents employed. In view of this fact it was decided to
vacate the plant entirely at the Waukon Junction and put the
concentrating plant closer to the mine.
A plant site and right of way was purchased and in 1910 a
railroad was built to the mine and work on a permanent plant
started. This was completed in June, 1912 and increased in 1913.
The method of treatment consists essentially in first drying the
ore as it is mined by steam shovels, going from there to the
crushers, screening out the finer particles of sand and clay in a
large screen and cobbing out the larger size gangue, roasting and
reducing the ore from Fe2O3 to Fe2O4 and magnetically separating
the product below one-half inch in size. The method is entirely
original and is in use in no other place in the world, and had
been devised and worked out on a commercial basis at Waukon. The
company has now completed a plant which will have a capacity of
350 to 400 tons of finished iron ore per day. It is expected to
increase this capacity to 1,000 tons per day. The ore is
especially desirable for making pig iron for open hearth use. The
concentrated ore has an analysis of from 55 to 61 per cent
metallic iron; 8 to 12 percent silica; .50 to 1.25 per cent
manganese, with phosphorus slightly above the Bessemer limit.
Owing to its physical character-viz.-large pieces from one-fourth
to two and one-half inches in diameter, make it a specially
desirable and easy working ore in the blast furnace. Owing also
to its porous character which has been left by the expulsion of
combined water, it “comes down” very easily in the
blast furnace, and requires less fuel for smelting than the
Mesaba ores. The ore as it occurs in the ground is known as a
hydrated sesquioxide of iron, or, a brown hematite, containing
from 10 to 14 per cent of combined water. It is to relieve the
ore of this water and also of the free water and to free it of
clay and sand and prepare it for reduction that the frying and
roasting is given it.
The property was more thoroughly explored in 1910 for the
Missouri Iron Company by the Wisconsin Steel Company. In all,
some 300 test pits and drill holes have been put down to bed
rock, and 10,000 analyses made.
The Missouri Iron Company now have a thoroughly equipped and up
to date plant. The power plant contains two 220-hp. Westinghouse
gas engines, direct connected to generators and a 440-hp.
Automatic gas producer with the necessary scrubbers; one 250 hp.
Motor generator set; a deep well, 400 feet deep, equipped with a
eight and three-fourths inch Downie pump, which affords an
abundant supply of pure water. Machine shop and blacksmith shop
adjoin power plant. Crushers, screen, dryer, roasters, reducers,
sizer, magnetic separators, bins, etc., are of steel construction
of very best type. All the machinery is individually motor
driven. Ore is brought from the mine in seven-yard electric cars
which are under the control of central operators. The ore is
blasted and then loaded into cars by a 70-ton, two and one-half
yard, Vulcan steam shovel. Track is standard gauge and laid with
60-lb. Rails-double tracks, one for loaded cars, the other for
empty cars. Coal is received in hopper-bottom cars and dumped
directly into bins. All departments of the plant are connected
with the office by a central telephone station. A complete
chemical laboratory is maintained.
The officers of the company are as follows; Edward F. Goltra,
president, St. Louis, Missouri; Thomas S. Maffitt, vice
president, St. Louis, Missouri; J. D. Dana, treasurer, St. Louis,
Missouri; R. W. Erwin, general manager, Waukon, Iowa.
The regular working staff at Waukon consists of R. W. Erwin,
manager and superintendent; Harry Orr, chief engineer; R. F.
Burkhart, electrical engineer; Ernest Wander, chemist; Will
Riley, chief clerk.
The foregoing sketch of the iron mine at Waukon, and the plant
there installed by the Missouri Iron Company, was prepared at our
request by Mr. R. W. Erwin, the resident manager. A detailed
history of the gradual development of this mine cannot be given
here, but an outline of the steps taken to bring the deposit to
the attention of capitalists who could and would demonstrate its
value as an important addition to the resources of Allamakee
county, may be briefly stated. The main body of this tract came
into the possession of Mr. John M. Barthell in the year 1875; and
it was about this time that Mr. Charles Barnard began to insist
that it contained a remarkable deposit of iron ore. Mr. Barnard
came from an iron region, the vicinity of Pittsburg, and had a
sufficient practical acquaintance with iron mining to know what
he was talking about, however skeptical others might be. He
enlisted in the cause Mr. A. M. May, editor of the Waukon
Standard, who gave much attention to the matter in his columns,
and the articles were widely copied and soon began to bring
correspondence from iron men. Mr. Barnard, though engaged in
other business, devoted much time to correspondence with a view
to interest practical men of means in the enterprise, working
early and late to bring about an investigation that would prove,
what he fully believed, the practicability of working this mine
with profit, to the great advantage of his community. Various
parties visited the place, and numerous analyses were made of the
ore, all indicating a paying percentage of iron, but all attempts
made to negotiate working leases proved futile, from one cause or
another. Some of the difficulties were the distance from water
and fuel, and the absence of railroad transportation facilities.
It was not until the year of Mr. Barnard’s death, in 1898,
that mining leases were made with Geo. S. Finney that began to
promise a development of the mine. Numerous test pits had been
dug, and all looked promising. Several shipments of ore had been
made for practical tryout in the furnace, and these were
continued from time to time, with promising results. The lease to
Mr. Finney was “for the purpose of boring and mining for
iron and other minerals for the period of twenty years from May
1, 1899. Second party to pay ten cents per ton royalty for all
iron mined, and pay for annually 10,000 tons as a minimum output,
whether mined or not. Lessee shall have the sole and exclusive
option to purchase said premises at any time before the first day
of May, 1901, at or for the sum of $20,000, less the amount of
royalty already paid at time of purchase.” In April, 1900,
Mr. Finney assigned his lease and option to George A. Nehrhood,
and the Waukon Iron Company was organized and incorporated, with
D. J. Murphy, president; C. H. Earle, vice president; Geo. A.
Nehrhood, secretary, and S. H. Eddy, treasurer, who with M. K.
Norton comprised the board of directors. The capital stock of the
company was $50,000, which was increased to $500,000 in June of
the following year. Mr. Nehrhood transferred the lease and option
to this corporation, and a plant was erected for the reduction of
the ore as stated by Mr. Orr in his chapter on the geology of the
The transportation question was one of the greatest problems to
be solved, but in 1902 a promoter of interurban railroads
appeared and incorporated “The Iowa Hematite Railway
Company,” with the plausible purpose of connecting Lansing
and Waukon with other points, and furnishing transportation of
ore to Waukon or down the Village Creek valley to the Mississippi
river. The incorporators were William Ingram, president, and
Lewis W. Beard, secretary-treasurer, with a capital first placed
at $25,000 but later increased to $250,000 with an authorization
for an increase to $1,500,000. Franchises were obtained of the
towns and of the county, but the scheme did not materialize.
John M. Barthell died in March, 1902, and his two sons, M. J. And
B. F., became the owners of the property by transfer from the
other heirs, and they in October, 1906, executed a deed of the
premises to the Waukon Iron Company for the consideration
originally named, $20,000. In 1907 the Missouri Iron Company with
unlimited capital and experience to utilize it obtained control
of the property, with the gratifying result as told by Mr. Erwin
in his paper.
In this connection it is appropriate to give a brief sketch of
Mr. Charles Barnard, who was instrumental in bringing this mine
to the attention of the public. Born on the Isle of Wight, and on
the farm later occupied by Queen Victoria’s summer
residence, when a year and a half hold be was brought to America
by his parents, Thomas and Mary Barnard, who settled on Wheeling
island, in the Ohio river. Here he learned the rudiments of fruit
growing, his father starting a nursery, and when he was about
fifteen they moved to Belmont county, Ohio, and ran a market
garden for the city of Wheeling. In 1865 he came to Iowa and
settled at Waukon, where he engaged in the nursery business while
he carried on very successfully until the close of a bush life.
He was a practical man and wanted to see all our natural
resources utilized. I t was at his insistence that L. W. Hersey
united with him in building, of stone from local quarries, the
double store on the east side of Allamakee street, in 1867. Two
years later the upper story was finished off for a public hall,
and Barnard Hall was for years the fall of the town. Mr. Barnard
had two great desires; one the building of a local railroad,
which he helped very materially to accomplish; and the other the
development of the iron mine, which he began to see hope for
previous to his death.
-source: Past & Present of Allamakee
County; Ellery M. Hancock, 1913, pg. 75 -105
-note: pages 79, 85, 91, 97 & 103 have photos and pages 80,
86, 92, 98 & 104 are blank
-transcribed by Diana Diedrich