Chapter 7 Past & Present of Allamakee County, 1913 HISTORICAL |
Upon the establishment of Allamakee county by the Legislature in
February, 1847, it was placed in the Second Judicial District of
the State, presided over by Judge James Grant from November 15,
1847, to the spring of 1852.
During the jurisdiction of Judge Grant there was no regular term
of District court held in Allamakee county, and no venire issued
for jurors. All the authorities agree that Judge T. S. Wilson
held the first terms in Allamakee and Winneshiek counties in the
summer of 1852. But it appears well established that Judge Grant
did appear and hear cases at the Old Mission – there being
then no county seat – once, and possibly twice. Mr. Wm. C.
Thompson, who was elected sheriff in 1851, stated in 1882, that a
court was held there by Judge Grant, he thought, in the fall of
1849, that being the home of Thomas C. Linton, then sheriff, but
that little or no business was done. The time was fixed in his
mind by his returning to Wisconsin for his family that fall, and
it was during his absence he understood this court was held. Mr.
C. D. Beeman, another pioneer of ’49, thought the first
court was held at Postville in 1851, at which a divorce was
granted to Mrs. Post. But Judge Samuel Murdock, the first lawyer
to settle north of Dubuque, was of the opinion that this was at
the Old Mission. In a letter to A. M. May in December, 1893,
published in the Waukon Standard, of which Mr. May was then the
editor, Judge Murdock very judicially and entertainingly disposes
of the question which had arisen, and from which the following
quotations are here made:
“I infer there was a discussion as to two questions: First,
when, where, and by what judge was held the first court in your
county? Second, when, where, and before what judge did Mrs.
Zerniah Post [the founder of Postville] obtain a divorce? And I
am greatly pleased with the opportunity offered to settle these
two questions, and moreover, to sustain and affirm the accuracy
of Mr. Hancock’s history [published in 1882]
“I have before me, while writing this letter, biographical
sketches of Judge Grant, Judge Wilson, and Mrs. Post, all either
written or dictated by themselves, and from that of Judge Grant I
find that he was elected judge of the District Court on April 5,
1847, and held the office five years to April, 1852, and that his
district included Allamakee County. From that of Judge Wilson I
find that he succeeded Judge Grant, and was elected April, 1852.
In regard to Mrs. Post, she had three husbands, all of whom were
personally known to me, but from some cause or other her
biography is silent as to the second. She was first married to
Joel Post, March 6, 1831, in the state of New York, and they
settled where is now Postville, in 1841. After the death of Joel
[January, 1849] she was married again to another person by the
name of Post, a cousin to the former, and they lived together
very happily for one or two years until one day she received a
letter which informed her that her husband had a lawful wife
still living in Rock county, Wisconsin, and presenting this
letter to him, he broke down and confessed. All of this evidence
of his confessions, letters, and facts, afterwards fell into my
hands, and it was these that I subsequently used to procure her a
divorce from this man Post.
“In January, 1852, Mrs. Post was married for the third time,
to George S. Hayward, with whom she lived at intervals for
several years. Mr. Hayward, was a quiet, kind, good man, but
wayward, unsteady, unsettled, fickle, discontented, and had a
passion for rambling, and left her and went to California, where
he later met with an accident that put an end to his life. After
he went to California Mrs. Post was greatly bothered and annoyed
in the way of selling and conveying lots in her town (Postville),
as every deed had to be sent to him for his signature, and she
got tired of this, and the writer of this, as a member of the
firm of Murdock & Stoneman, on the second day of May, 1863,
filed a petition for Mrs. Zerniah Hayward for a divorce from
George S. Hayward, which was granted by Judge E. H. Williams,
September 29, 1863. [District Court Record “B”, page
345. There was a deed of separation between them dated October
11, 1855, in Deed Record “D”, page 58.] It will
therefore be seen from these facts that she was three times
married and twice divorced. Now, upon the condition that Mr.
Beeman’s term of school [which he was teaching at Monona in
1851] continued from the fall of 1851 into January, 1852, which
is very likely, then he did, no doubt, dismiss the Post children
in January, 1852, to go and see their mother married to Mr.
Referring again to the court at Old Mission, Mr. Murdock says:
“At this time that Old Mission farm on Yellow river was
owned by Thomas Linton, from whom the township takes its name,
and he had been appointed organizing sheriff of the county, and
called the court at his place. Mr. Linton moved into Minnesota,
and again into Oregon, where he and his wife died but he has a
brother still living in Mitchell county, and not long since I
received from him a letter, in which, in answer to my inquiry,
‘Where was the first court held in Allamakee county?’
he says; ‘At my brother’s house at the Old Mission on
Yellow river, and my brother was the organizing sheriff of the
county.’ This William Linton was then living in the north
part of Clayton County within seven or eight miles of his
brother, and they married sisters, so that he had every
opportunity to know or hear all about the court being held there
by Judge Grant.
“I think it was in the late part of the summer of 1851 that
I was retained by Mrs. Post as an attorney to procure for her a
divorce from her second husband Post, and I drew up the necessary
papers, had them sent to L. B. Hodges, who was then living at
Hardin, and who I think was acting as clerk of the court [Mr.
Hodges was postmaster at Hardin in 1851, and was elected clerk in
August. – Ed.], and I think I sent the notice and had it
personally served on defendant in Rock county, Wis., and in the
fall of that year I accompanied Judge Grant to Postville, where
he took the testimony [this may have created the impression of a
court held at Postville. – Ed.], and the next day we drove
down to the Old Mission, where we were heartily greeted by Mr.
Linton and his amiable wife, and after dinner the judge directed
the Sheriff to open court, which was done, when the case of Post
vs. Post was called, and no defendant appearing, he proceeded to
make a record thereof, and entered a decree for the plaintiff.
There was no clerk present, but I distinctly remember of the
judge handing the records he had made, with all the papers, to
Mr. Linton and directing him to see that they were filed in the
clerk’s office. I make no doubt that if you inquire of those
who now reside in the old building, they will have a tradition
that the first court in the county was held in their house. In
the afternoon I borrowed Mr. Linton’s rifle and went out to
get a shot at some deer, which were very plentiful there at that
time. We were hospitably entertained over night and I came home
the next day.
“I have been thus particular to give you all the above facts
that they may not only clear up controversy but that they may
become and addition to the history of your county.”
Judge Murdock in this letter assumes that this was Judge
Grant’s first court in Allamakee, in the fall of 1851, and
if so Mr. Thompson was in error as to the year. In that case it
is not explained how Mr. Linton would be the sheriff, as he was
appointed as organizing sheriff only, early in 1849, and later
the same year, Lester W. Hays was elected and was sheriff during
1851, in the latter part of which year W. C. Thompson was
elected, according to good authority. We are led to the
conclusion that Judge Grant first appeared at the Old Mission in
a judicial capacity late in 1849; and again in 1851 to hear the
Post case. The record of the County court shows on December 2,
1851, a warrant issued in favor of Lester W. Hays for services as
sheriff in summoning grand and petit jury; but there is no record
of any jury assembling until Judge Wilson’s term at Columbus
in July, 1852.
The first term of District court of which there is official
record remaining in the county archives was held at Columbus,
then the county seat, Monday, July 12, 1852, presided over by
Judge t. S. Wilson, who had recently succeeded Judge Grant, May
8, 1852. Leonard B. Hodges was the clerk, and Wm. C. Thompson
sheriff. The first grand jury was empanelled as follows; Wm. H.
Morrison, foreman; Edward Eells, John Clark, H. R. Ellis, R.
Woodward, Jesse M. Rose, W. W. Willson, Darius Bennett, G. A.
Warner, Henry Botsford, Truman Stoddard, Wm. Smith, A. J. Ellis,
Jeremiah Clark, and T. A. Winsted.
The first petit jury was: Reuben Smith, A. W. Hoag, D. B. Clark,
David Miller, John Stull, Charles R. Hoag, A. L. Barron, Thos.
Cosgrove, and H. M. Willson.
The first term in Waukon was set for Monday, June 6, 1853; but it
is recorded that “the presiding judge, in order to give time
for the preparation of a suitable place at Waukon, the
newly-selected county seat, by written order, directed that the
court be adjourned till tomorrow.” June 7th the court was
again adjourned one day. W. C. Thompson was sheriff; and R.
Ottman, deputy clerk, acted in the absence of his superior, L. B.
Hodges. Much delay in the business of the court was occasioned by
the fact of jurors and witnesses having been summoned to appear
at Columbus.
On the eighth the sheriff returned into court with the grand
jury, and the court was opened with Judge Wilson of Dubuque
presiding. Files of the old Lansing Intelligencer show that Judge
Wilson arrived at Lansing on the seventh, on the steamer West
Point, and opened the court the next morning in the courthouse at
Waukon, which is described as being a small and rather
inconvenient log cabin, ‘but considering that the official
whose duty it was to provide suitable accommodations (referring
to Elias Topliff, county judge) had refused to do so, and that
the structure was erected by a private enterprise, as good as
could be expected.” The difficulty arose from the
unwillingness of Topliff and Hodges, who were interested in the
town site of Columbus, to surrender the county seat from that
place, as will be narrated in the chapter on county seat
In the records of this June term at Waukon, appears the follow:
“Then came Benjamin M. Samuels and moved the court to
adjourn to Columbus, for the reason that Columbus was legally the
county seat of Allamakee county; which motion, after the argument
of counsel, was overruled by the court, where upon the counsel
for the motion excepted.”
L. B. Hodges, clerk of the court, not appearing at his post, the
sheriff was dispatched in search of him. When brought into court
he resigned his office, and no proceedings were had against him.
Lewis W. Hersey was appointed to fill the vacancy. After
disposing of a good-sized docket of some forty-five cases the
court was adjourned until November 7.
At this June term the grand jury consisted of M. B. Lyons, Joel
Baker, J. W. Hoag, James Hoag, Harman S. Cooper, A. Cheedle,
James S. Mitchell, Ezra Reed, Ezra Pettit, Robert Isted, David
Jamison, Thos. Newberry, Henry Noble, Peter M. Gilson, and Henry
It is interesting to note that at this early day there was a
demand for divorces, one being granted at this term, and one case
dismissed only to come up again at the fall terms, when two
divorces were granted. There had been one granted at the Columbus
term of court; and the famous case of Post vs. Post was the first
case tried in the county, as before narrated.
The next term was opened at Waukon, November 7, 1853. Judge Thos.
S. Wilson; S. Goodridge, district
prosecutor; L. W. Hersey, clerk; John Laughlin, Sheriff; Thos. A.
Minard, deputy. There was a large number of cases on the docket,
among them a number of indictments for gambling and betting,
keeping gambling houses, selling liquor, and assault and battery.
These were all continued under $200 bonds, and at a later term
nearly all were dismissed. The first state case that came to
trial was one against Grove A. Warner and James A. Davis for
robbery. They lived near Merrian’s Ford, or later Myron, in
Post Township, and Warner had served as clerk of
Commissioners’ Court in ’49 and ’50 was a justice
of the peace, and a shoemaker by trade. It seems that Thos. and
Jerry Gorman came into possession of some $600 or $700 and in
considering where to place it for safety against the time they
should have occasion to use it, one of them consulted Justice
Warner. Not long after the Gormans were robbed of all they had
about them, which happened to be only about $60, they having
found a depository for the main portion of their funds. Davis was
convicted, at this term, the verdict being “robbery in the
first degree,” and received a sentence of ten years in the
state penitentiary. Warner disappeared, and his bondsmen
forfeited his bail.
Judge Dean in 1880 wrote thus entertainingly of the first
“Waukon, now having become the seat of justice by recent
county seat election), and there being a term of the District
court to be held in June following, some provisions must be made,
and a proper place provided; so a purse of money and labor was
raised, and a log cabin about ten feet by fourteen that belonged
to Mr. Pilcher and stood near the place where Mrs. Cooper now
lives (now owned by John J. Arnold), was purchased and moved to
the new town site, and erected on or near the spot where the
Mason House now stands. [Now the Allamakee. – Ed.] This was
the first courthouse in the town. To this was attached a small
board addition in the shape of a lean-to for a grand jury room,
and in this building the Hon. Thos. S. Wilson of Dubuque held the
first court ever held in Waukon, opening June 9, 1853. The
building was so small that when the jury took a case to make up
their verdict, the court, attorneys, and spectators took the
outside, and they the inside, until they had agreed. During this
court all parties here from abroad found places to eat and sleep
as best they could, every log cabin in the vicinity being filled
to overflowing.
“This little log cabin was so utterly lacking in size and
accommodations for county business, that in the fall of the same
year it was moved down on what is now Spring Avenue and used as a
blacksmith shop, but was subsequently moved onto the farm now
(1880) owned by Dr. Mattoon, and is used by the doctor as a corn
crib; [a few years later it was demolished. – Ed.] and
Sewell Goodridge, prosecuting attorney and ex-officio county
judge, built a small frame building on the east side of Allamakee
street, with hardwood lumber and basswood siding, made at some of
the sawmills on Yellow River. This building was used for county
officers, courts, etc., until 1857, when it became too small for
the business of the county, and Elias Topliff, then county judge,
built alongside of it another frame building about the same size,
and the two were used for county purposes until the county seat
was removed to Lansing, in 1861.”
The action of the County Court providing for this building is
thus preserved in the court records; “one this 6th day of
September, A. D. 1853, being the day (by previous arrangement)
for entering into a contract for putting up a county building,
the proposition of William Ramsdall being the lowest bid, it was
ordered by the court (by said Ramsdall giving sufficient
security) that the said William Ramsdall should have the
contract, which contract was entered into for the amount of
$325.” This was the first of the two small buildings
referred to by Judge Dean, the second being added in 1857.
These little buildings having withstood the vicissitudes of
nearly sixty years, having escaped the dangers of fire and storm
to which many stauncher structures have succumbed, still stand on
the spot where first erected, in mute appeal to the interest of
all who possess a spark of reverence for the venerable, or
near-venerable, or a sympathy for high estate brought low.
Various have been their uses and occupancy since vacated by the
courts of justice and the high officials of our county government
in 1861. The writer of these lines has a vivid recollection of a
line of men and “big boys” drawn up in the vacant room
when used as a recruiting station, late in 1861, or 1862; and a
strong impression was made upon his youthful mind by the
wavering, but finally all-but unanimous, response to the call,
“for three years or the war, two paces to the front!”
In 1859 and ’60 the present courthouse was built, completed
in 1861. The contract was let to Chas. W. Jenkins and John W.
Pratt for $13,500; of which sum Waukon contributed $5,000, and
after the county seat was once more restored to her in 1867 the
new building was occupied by the county and the little old frame
buildings on the east side of Allamakee Street were sold, and are
now occupied as a cabinet shop and a barber shop.
Herewith is presented a view of this little old original
courthouse as it now appears, the last picture that it will be
possible to produce as it has at this writing just been sold and
will soon be replaced by a substantial structure.
~transcribed by Lisa Henry