Chapter 5 Past & Present of Allamakee County, 1913 HISTORICAL |
As had been heretofore shown, the area of the present Allamakee
county was included in the two counties of Clayton and Fayette by
the first legislative assembly of the Territory of Wisconsin in
its first session on Iowa soil, at Burlington, December 21, 1837;
far the greater portion of it in Fayette. No further changes
looking to our civil organization were made until after Iowa had
become a state.
The first general assembly of the State of Iowa convened at Iowa
City, November 30, 1846, and adjourned February 25, 1847. Chapter
66 of the laws of this assembly approved by Governor Briggs,
February 20, 1847, was “An act to establish new counties and
define their boundaries in the late cession from the Winnebago
Indians.” This refers to the treaty dated October 13, 1846,
but not proclaimed until February 4, 1847, surrendering the
Neutral Ground. This chapter 66 names but two counties, Allamakee
and Winneshiek, and defines their boundaries as at present
constituted. Both were taken from Fayette, except a small
triangle in the southeast corner of Allamakee which had
theretofore belonged to Clayton, which county was reimbursed
therefore by a similar though smaller parcel from within the
Neutral Ground, squaring out its northwest corner.
The question of the origin of the name given to our county by
this act of the Legislature had long been a mooted one, but the
prevailing opinion is that it was an Indian name. At a meeting of
the Early Settlers’ Association of Lansing, the proceedings
of which were published in the Mirror of November 28,
1879, “Dr. J. I. Taylor spoke of the selection of the name
of the county, as he had it from John Haney, Jr., deceased. It
was his recollection that David Olmstead, in the Legislature for
this unorganized portion of the state, gave the county its
present title. And old friend of Olmstead was Allen Magee, an
Indian trader, who was familiarly known to the Winnebagoes and in
their guttural dialect called Al-ma-gee. Calling to mind this
fact, Mr. Olmstead caused the name Allamakee to be inserted in
the organizing act and it was thus legalized.”
According to the official records, however, Dave Olmstead did not
represent this section in the second general assembly (which
organized this county, in 1849), although he was a member of the
constitutional convention of 1846, from Clayton county. The name
was given to this county by the first general assembly as before
stated, in 1847, when its boundaries were defined, this being the
actual birth of the county, and Samuel B. Olmstead was a member
of that Legislature. Col. S. C. Trowbridge, who came to Iowa in
1837, stated positively that the name Allamakee is an Indian name
purely; and Fulton, in his Red Men of Iowa, says the
same. If so, it is remarkable that we nowhere find the name
mentioned in printed accounts of the Indian Tribes, as we do the
names Winneshiek, Decorah, and Waukon.
Allamakee county was organized under Chapter III of the acts of
the second general assembly, approved by Governor Ansel Briggs,
January 15, 1849, and taking effect the 1st of march. The first
organizing election was to be held April 2, 1849. Thomas C.
Linton was appointed organizing sheriff, and William C. Linton,
John Francis and James C. Jones were selected to locate the
county seat. The sheriff thus appointed was required to appear at
the county seat of Clayton county to qualify for the office, and
to make returns of his doings thereto. In the performance of his
duties Sheriff Linton called the election to be held at his
house, the Old Mission property, on Monday, the 2nd day of April,
1849, and the officers chosen at this election were as follows:
County Commissioners – James M. Sumner and Joseph W. Holmes
Sheriff – Lester W. Hays
Clerk Commissioners’ Court – D. G. Beck
Clerk District Court – Stephen Holcomb
The officers elect qualified at the house of Thomas C. Linton, April 10, 1849.
While there is no written record remaining of
this election, or of any election in the county prior to 1856,
the results here stated are quite well substantiated by old
newspaper files; and as to dates by the legislative records.
It has been claimed that an earlier election was held at the Old
Mission, and that is very likely true, as it was designated
several years before as a voting-pace in Clayton county; but the
election above referred to was undoubtedly the first in our
county organization. At a session of the county commissioners of
Clayton county, held April 4, 1844, the boundaries of various
election precincts were defined, and one was described as
follows: “Yellow River precincts (No. 4), commencing at the
Painted Rock on the Mississippi river; thence down said river to
the corner of township ninety-five, range three, west of the
fifth principal meridian; then down said river two miles, thence
due west on section line to west side of township ninety-five,
range four, west; thence north to the neutral line; thence
following said line to the place of commencing, at Painted
Rock.” In this election precinct “the house of Thomas
C. Clinton, on Yellow River,” was designated as the place
for holding the elections.” Hence it is quite probable that
an expression of the few voters in this precinct may have been
taken on the submission of the state constitution, in the
elections occurring in April, 1845, and August, 1846.
Indeed, there was a still earlier election precinct established
embracing the Old Mission. The first meeting of the county
commissioners of Clayton county was held at the county seat,
Prairie la Porte, now Guttenberg, October 6, 1838, at which
meeting the county was divided into four election precincts, the
third precinct being defined as follows: “Commencing at the
southeast corner of range three west, ninety-four north, thence
west to the southwest corner of fraction six west, ninety-four
north, then following the Black Hawk line to the obtuse angle of
six west, thence following the purchase line to the Mississippi
river.” While a little ambiguous, this description
necessarily includes the two northernmost tiers of townships in
the present Clayton county (except a triangular tract in the
northwest corner) and that part of Allamakee south of the Neutral
Ground; the place of elections were designated at the house of
Jesse Dandly. The jurisdiction of Clayton county extended a great
distance, shown by the following order of the commissioners, of
date July 13, 1839: “License is hereby granted Lewis Massey,
of St. Peters, to keep a ferry across the Mississippi one mile
above Fort Snelling, for one year from date hereof, for the sum
of $10.” At the December, 1839, meeting it was
“ordered, that the settlement at the outlet of Lake Pepin
compose an election precinct, to be called the sixth
precinct,” and “that the settlement at the mouth of St.
Peters River compose an election precinct, to be called the
seventh precinct.” And at the meeting held February 1, 1841,
the assessor was ordered to assess the people at St. Peters, and
at all intermediate points between the county seat and that
place. But at the October session the assessor was instructed not
to assess any property more than fifty miles beyond the bounds of
Clayton County.
At the December, 1839, meeting the third election precinct, the
boundaries of which are above given, was abolished by the
commissioners, and no further provision seems to have been made
for any voter that might be in our old Mission vicinity until the
Yellow river precinct above described was established in 1844;
but under a former ruling it was left to the discretion of those
living in any precinct not of sufficient number to organize an
election, to cast their votes at the nearest voting place
adjoining their place of residence.
The second election in Allamakee county was held at the same
place on the first Monday of August, 1849,
and the following officers elected:
County Commissioners – James M. Sumner, Thomas A. Van Sickle, and Daniel G. Beck
Clerk Commissioners’ Court – G. A. Warner
Sheriff – L. W. Hays
Treasurer and Recorder, and Collector – Elias Topliff
County Surveyor – James M. Sumner
Judge of Probate Court – Stephen Holcomb
Inspector of Weights and Measures – G. A. Warner
Coroner – C. P. Williams
The list of officers elected at the first two
elections mentioned, is quoted from a copy of the North Iowa
Journal, published at Waukon in 1860; and in most instances
there are official signatures in the various early records of the
county to substantiate its correctness. It also says that at the
August, 1851, election, Elias Topliff was elected the first
county judge, succeeding the county commissioners, and served
until 1857. James M. Sumner was elected recorder and treasurer,
combined; and Leonard B. Hodges, clerk of the district court. And
these statements are substantiated by the county records –
not, however, by any election records, because, as the editor
adds, “the records previous to 1856 are very
The paper gives the total amount of taxable property in the
county in 1849, $1,729; in 1851, $8,299; in 1854, $700,794; and
in 1859, $1,967,899. This would indicated a very rapid
development in the first ten years.
From a paper read by G. M. Dean before the early settlers’
association of Makee township, in January, 1880, we quote the
“Thomas Van Sickle died in Nebraska about 1878. Daniel G.
Beck died in Missouri about 1866. Thos B. Twiford moved to
Minnesota and was the founder of the town of Chatfield. * Stephen
Holcomb died at the Mission about 1851. Moses Van Sickle (who was
elected school fund commissioner at the August, 1849, election,
according to his recollection) is living at this date, in
Fairview township. Elias Topliff died in Waukon in 1860. Thomas
C. Linton lives in Oregon. [Where he died a few years later.
– Ed.]
“Lester W. Hayes was for several years before his death a
county charge, living sometimes at the county
farm, and sometimes in Fairview township, where he had a little
log hut hardly high enough to stand erect in, nor large enough to
afford room for many visitors; and being about eighty years old
and too infirm to labor, he was allowed from the poor fund the
pittance of $1.00 per week, and this with the charity of kind
neighbors kept life in the old man until last Christmas night,
the coldest night of the year, when the mercury ran down to
thirty-three degrees below zero, he perished. The next morning
some of the neighbors went to the hut and found the old man lying
on his rude cot, and his legs and arms frozen. The county
furnished a coffin, and poor Hays is no more.
'Rattle his bones over the stones,
for he’s but a pauper, whom nobody owns.’
“The county records of those early times as left by the
commissioners, are either lost, mislaid, or were made in so
transient a manner as to preclude their being handed down to
posterity, and so much as we have gathered has been obtained from
other official records, and the personal recollection of our
early settlers, and has taken much time and labor, and as the
years roll on these items of early history are more and more
difficult to obtain in consequence of the death, removal or
incapacity through age or infirmity of the parties participating
in them.
“From Elias Topliff I learned that the first tax list was
put into his hands for collection; that the gross amount of it
was about ninety dollars; that he traveled all through the
eastern part of the county to collect, and that after doing his
best, collecting about one-half of the list and making his
returns to the commissioners, they charged up to him the
uncollected portion and took it from his compensation as
Mr. Dean himself, who penned the foregoing, - widely known as
Judge Dean from his serving as county judge in the early day, or
as Captain Dean from his rank in the Civil war, - remained an
honored citizen of Waukon for twenty-four years after the date of
the above paper, and a brief biography appears in another
chapter. He was an interesting writer on our early history, and
liberal quotations from his sketches will be found in these
The number of voters at the two elections heretofore mentioned,
is not known; but Moses Van Sickle in 1880 stated that only about
fifteen votes were cast at the election in August, 1849. The
officials elected in the later years, so far as can be
ascertained, are named in a separate chapter on county officers.
[*Thos. B. Twiford had been a lieutenant in Captain Parker’s
Company, Iowa Volunteers, in the Mexican War, and as such
received a warrant for forty acres of government land, which he
sold to Alden N. Merriam, who located it upon the S.W.N.E Sec.
17-98-3. After going to Minnesota Twiford prospered, but lost
what he had in the panic of 1857, and removed to Kansas]
No record of the number of voters is found until 1853, when at
the August election, it was as follows:
Franklin twp. 21
Jefferson twp 19
Lafayette twp 44
Lansing twp 46
Linton twp 32
Ludlow twp 22
Makee twp 47
Paint Creek twp 25
Post twp 36
Taylor twp 15
Union City twp 8
Union Prairie twp 36
Total 351
At this date it will be noticed that six out of the eventual
eighteen townships were not yet organized. Of the twelve above
which made returns six had as yet no definite boundaries and
doubtless included the unorganized townships for voting purposes.
The township organizations will be treated more fully further
~transcribed by Lisa Henry