Chapter 4 Past & Present of Allamakee County, 1913 HISTORICAL |
From the time the earliest French explorers entered the
Mississippi valley, soon after the middle of the 17th century,
the crown of France claimed control over all this region by right
of discovery, and occupation. This claim remained undisputed for
a hundred years, when all west of the Mississippi was transferred
to Spain by the treaty of Paris, January 1, 1763, but not until
1770 was the actual possession turned over to a Spanish Governor.
October 1, 1800, Spain receded all of Louisiana to France, by a
secret treaty; and formally surrendered possession at New Orleans
November 30, 1803, several months after the treaty of resale to
the United States, under which another ceremony of transfer took
place twenty days later, December 20, 1803. In a similar manner a
double transfer of Upper Louisiana took place at St. Louis the
following spring, the Spanish flag giving place to that of France
on the 9th of March, 1804, which itself was lowered on the
following day and permanently replaced by the stars and stripes.
Thus was consummated the famous “Louisiana Purchase,”
under the treaty of April 30, 1803, ratified by the United States
Senate in October following, by which Napoleon reluctantly
relinquished to us of today the heritage of this vase empire west
of the Mississippi river.
On the 1st of October, 1804, that part of the Louisiana Purchase
lying north of the south line of Arkansas, or the 33rd parallel,
was constituted the “District of Louisiana,” and placed
under the authority of the Governor of Indiana Territory, at that
time was William Henry Harrison. The southern portion became the
“Territory of Orleans.”
July 4, 1805, the District of Louisiana was constituted the
“Territory of Louisiana,” and so continued until
December 7, 1812, it became the “Territory of
Missouri,” including all north to the British possessions.
From this was organized the state of the same name; and, on March
2, 1821, the State of Missouri was admitted to the Union, under
the provisions of the famous “Missouri Compromise”
bill, prohibiting slavery in the territory north and west
thereof. The act carried with it the disappearance of the
“Territory” of Missouri and all that part not included
within the state boundaries “was left without law or
government, except as to the prohibition of slavery and laws to
regulate the Indian trade. Traders and army officers, however, as
occasion served, still carried slaves into the territory. The
soil of Iowa continued in the occupancy of a few tribes, who
lived in villages on the banks of rivers, and often fell foul of
one another as they roamed over the prairies in their hunting
expeditions. There were about six thousand Sacs and Foxes, with a
thousand Iowas in eastern and central Iowa, one or two thousand
Otoes, Pawnees, and Omahas in western Iowa, and roving bands of
Sioux in the northern part, numbering a thousand or more –
in all about ten thousand souls. War was their native element,
the ideal of savage life.” – (Slater: Iowa: the
First Free State in the Louisiana Purchase.)
A bill was reported in Congress, January 6, 1830, to establish
the Territory of Huron, with boundaries embracing what now
constitutes the states of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, a part of
Dakota, and the upper peninsula of Michigan, but it did not
become a law. A somewhat similar bill passed the House of
Representatives in 1831, but not the Senate. – History
of Wisconsin, by Moses M. Strong.
October 1, 1834, all of what is now Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
and most of Dakota, was attached to the Territory of Michigan,
under which two counties were organized lying on the west side of
the Mississippi: Demoine and Dubuque. The later constituted all
of the recent Black Hawk purchase lying north of a line drawn due
west from Rock Island, and therefore included a small portion of
Allamakee county, in the southeast corner, adjoining the south
line of the Neutral Ground. This was the first civil government
that concerned people living in Iowa, as it was only the previous
year that the Black Hawk purchase was opened for settlement.
“Iowa county (Wis.) was at that time the nearest organized
portion of Michigan Territory to the new counties. It was
constituted in 1829, and named by Henry R. Schoolcraft. From the
judicial relation of Iowa county to the new counties, those
counties were called the Iowa District. This was the earliest
application of the name ‘Iowa’ to a part of what became
the State of Iowa.” (Salter.)
By an act approved April 30, 1836, Congress created the Territory
of Wisconsin, covering the country between Lake Michigan and the
Missouri river, north of the States of Illinois and Missouri, and
Gen. Henry Dodge was appointed its first Governor. The first
legislative session was held at Belmont, Iowa county, now in
Lafayette county, Wisconsin, in the fall of 1836. A second
session November, 1837, and also a special session, June, 1838,
of the first legislative assembly, were held in Demoine county,
at Burlington. At the second session, (December 21, 1837,) the
county of Dubuque was divided, Clayton being one of the new
counties, its northern boundary being identical with the south
line of the Neutral Ground, and its western boundary on the line
dividing ranges six and seven, where it has remained. Fayette
county was also established at this time, being partly taken from
Dubuque. It was probably the largest county ever constituted,
comprising “the whole of the country lying west of the
Mississippi river and north of the southern boundary of Clayton
county, extending westward to the western boundary of Wisconsin
Territory, and not included within the proper limits of the said
county of Clayton.” It extended to the British possessions
on the north, and included all of the present State of Minnesota
west of the Mississippi, and nearly all of the Dakotas. It,
however, had no county organization until some years after it had
been reduced to its present boundaries, in 1847, when Allamakee
was taken there from; and indeed not until after this county was
A convention was also held during this session, by citizens west
of the Mississippi, to ask the organization of a new territory,
and the Legislative adopted a memorial to Congress to that
effect. That names of Jefferson, Washington, and Iowa were
discussed, with a decision in favor of Iowa. In Congress the
prospect of another free state was displeasing to the South, and
John C. Calhoun was determined in his opposition. The delegate
from this (Wisconsin) territory, George W. Jones, told him the
inhabitants were mainly from Kentucky, Illinois, and Missouri,
and the South had nothing to fear from them. Mr. Calhoun replied
that this state of things would not last long; that immigrants
from the New England and other abolition states would soon
outnumber them. Both statements were true.
An act of Congress to constitute the Territory of Iowa from that
part of Wisconsin west of the Mississippi was approved by
President Van Buren June 12, and took effect July 4, 1838. Robert
Lucas, of Ohio, former Governor of that state and a native of
Virginia, was appointed by the President as the first Governor of
the Territory of Iowa, which included Minnesota and was
practically unlimited to the west. The first Legislature
assembled at Burlington, November 12, 1838, and comprised
thirty-nine members in both houses. Of these, nine were natives
of Virginia, eight of Kentucky, two of North Carolina, one of
Maryland, one of Tennessee, twenty-one in all from the South.
Four were natives of New York, four of Pennsylvania, four of
Ohio, two of New Hampshire, two of Vermont, one of Connecticut,
one of Illinois, eighteen in all from the North. At the election,
in September, of the members of this assembly, W,. W. Chapman, a
native of Virginia, was elected first delegate to Congress. The
seat of government was established by this assembly in Johnson
county, at a town to be called Iowa City. At the October election
in 1840 the people voted down a proposal for a state government,
and again at the election in 1842.
In 1841, when William Henry Harrison became President, he
appointed John Chambers, Governor of Iowa. He was a member of
Congress from Kentucky, but a native of New Jersey. In 1845,
James K. Polk appointed James Clarke, of Pennsylvania, as his
At the April election in 1844 there was a large majority for a
convention to form a state constitution; and such convention met
at Iowa City, October 7, 1844, and continued in session until
November 1. The boundaries settled upon were the Mississippi
river on the east, the State of Missouri on the south, the
Missouri river to the mouth of the Sioux on the west, and a
direct line from that point to the mouth of the Blue Earth river
in Minnesota, thence down the St. Peters (Minnesota) river to the
Mississippi. But when the constitution and memorial asking
admission were submitted to Congress that body objected to the
boundaries prescribed as creating too large a state, and cut us
off from the Missouri river by making the western boundary on the
line of 17? 30’ west from Washington, a few miles west of
Fort Dodge. The bill as passed, March 3, 1845, provided for the
admission of Florida and Iowa together – one slave and one
free state – and was approved by President John Tyler as one
of his last official acts. The plan failed, for although Florida
came in at once, Iowa rejected the boundary conditions at an
election in April following, and remained a territory.
Another convention of the people of Iowa assembled in May, 1846,
and formed a constitution with the present boundaries of the
state, Congress meanwhile having reconsidered its former action
and prescribed lines identical with those of the convention. Upon
the submission of this constitution to the people on the 3rd of
August, 1846, it was adopted; and by act of Congress approved by
President James K. Polk December 28, 1846, Iowa was admitted as
the twenty-ninth state of the Union, the fourth formed (the first
free state) from the Louisiana purchase, and having a population
entitling it to two members of Congress from the start.
Meanwhile, at an election held October 26, 1846, Ansel Briggs, a
native of Vermont, was chosen as the first Governor of the State
of Iowa, and assumed the duties of the office.
Of the ninety-nine counties which constitute the State of Iowa,
none was created under the present constitution of the state,
although several were later organized which were located and
named prior to its adoption in 1857, and acts have been passed
looking to new counties or division of old ones, and found
unconstitutional, or defeated by the voters. The organization of
the older counties, prior to 1853, was provided for by special
legislative enactments.
Two counties were created by the legislative council of Michigan;
twenty-two (including three now extinct) by the legislative
assembly of Wisconsin; fifty-five by the general assembly of the
state. Most of these were given an existence by the third general
assembly of the state, 1850-1851, of which Hon. P. M. Casady was
a member in the Senate; and some forty years later he read a
paper before the Pioneer Law Makers’ Association, telling of
the origin of county names in the following interesting manner:
“When the Territory of Iowa was established the work of
creating new counties was carried on as rapidly as the growth of
population warranted. The session of 1843 showed itself imbued
with the spirit of the latter-day ethnologist, for all the
counties authorized at this session were given Indian names, most
of the chiefs prominent in the pioneer history of the territory.
The last territorial legislative, however, showed its disapproval
of such relapse into barbarism by refusing to give a single
Indian name to the new counties which it established and as an
additional token of its convictions along these lines it changed
the name of Kishkekosh given by its predecessors to Monroe. All
the new counties of this year were named after American statesmen
and soldiers, two heroes of the Revolution being honored in
naming the counties of Wayne and Jasper, while Presidents
Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Chief Justice Marshall and others
were remembered in the assignment of names.
“The work was continued in a desultory way until fifty
counties had been organized before the convening of the third
general assembly of the state, which made a new record in that
line, a record probably never equaled by any other legislative
body. The bill was introduced by Senator Casady.
“When the bill came up for consideration in the Senate there
was a group who favored more Indian names than were assigned by
the committee, but their plans were anticipated by Senator
Casady. He and his associated had prepared a slate of names and
these were finally adopted.
“In those days there was no ‘hands across the sea’
sentiment toward the British government, and the pioneers of the
west were warm sympathizers with the patriots who were leaders of
Ireland’s revolt against English oppression. Consequently it
was determined to name three counties for the martyrs of the
Irish struggle, and Mitchell, O’Brien, and the younger Emmet
were the ones chosen. It was recommended that three be named
after the battles of the Mexican war, Cerro Gordo, Buena Vista,
and Palo Alto. Three were named for colonels who fell in that
war; Col. John J. Hardin of Illinois, Colonel Yell of Arkansas,
and Lieut. Col. Henry Clay, Jr., of Kentucky, the gallant son of
the famous statesmen, all three of whom were killed in the battle
of Buena Vista. Some years later the name of Yell county was
changed to Webster, at the same time that the adjoining county of
Fox was changed to Calhoun. When this change was made there seems
to have risen a tendency to associate the name of Clay with the
other of the famous triumvirate who were so long the giants of
the United State Senate, and the memory of the gallant Kentucky
soldier who fell at Buena Vista has been neglected.
“It seems strange that John C. Calhoun, who stood for
principles so unpopular in the North, should have been honored by
Iowa, but the people of the county which had been named Fox to
correspond with its neighbor Sac had conceived a violent dislike
to the name and were ready to adopt anything as a substitute. One
of the settlers who had come from Michigan, and who in earlier
days had in some way been befriended by the South Carolina
statesman, circulated a petition for the name Calhoun and this
was granted.
“The correct form of the name of the famous tribe associated
with the Foxes is ‘Sauk’, and in this form it is
preserved in the name of a Wisconsin county and of a Minnesota
city. But the earlier settlers of Iowa corrupted the name to its
present form, and as such it had been retained.
“The name Pocahontas was the suggestion of Senator John
Howell of Jefferson county. He was the patriarch of the two
houses and in his earlier days had been a member of the Virginia
House of Burgesses. He was accorded the privilege of naming one
of the counties and suggested this name. Of all the states carved
out of the Northwest Territory ceded to the national government
by Virginia not one had named a county for the heroine of the Old
Dominion’s colonial traditions, and he asked that this tardy
honor be paid to her memory. There were some of the legislators
who demurred when this name was proposed, but upon being informed
that Senator Howell was the sponsor, they withdrew all
objections, saying that the old gentleman could have anything he
asked for.
“In the original bill the name of Floyd was proposed for the
county having the present boundaries of Woodbury. Sergeant Floyd
of the Lewis and Clark expedition had died in camp and was buried
on the east bank of the Missouri river south of Sioux City, and
in early days the river flowing into the Missouri at Sioux City
bore his name. Thos who favored Indian names, however, got the
name changed in the house to Waukon, or Wahkaw, and this name was
retained until 1853, when the present name of Woodbury was
adopted. Sergeant Floyd is remembered by the town of
Sergeant’s Bluffs, which was ordinarily the county seat of
“The name Ida was suggested by Hon. Eliphalet Price, who was
noted among the pioneers for his classical lore, and who wished
the new state to be linked with the ancient civilization by
adoption of the name of the famous mountain of Greece.
“Bremer county, named for Frederika Bremer, the famous
Swedish author, was the second in the state to be named for a
woman, Louisa being the other. The name was suggested by Hon. A.
K. Eaton, then a member from Delaware county, and father of Hon.
W. L. Eaton, recently Speaker of the House.
“In the original list of counties the extreme northwest
county was given the name of Buncombe in honor of a North
Carolina colonel of the Revolutionary war. The members of the
lower house in the third general assembly were opposed to the
name, but finally agreed to its adoption. On account of its
slangy associations, however, the name was never popular. It
acquired this significance from a North Carolina
legislator’s retort. That state had a county named after its
old hero and the representative from the county was at one time
making a speech ‘to the galleries.’ One of his
colleagues called him to task for the principles he was
advocating, and he retorted, ‘I’m not talking for
principle, I’m talking for Buncombe.’ The new use of
the name spread until it was generally associated with
insincerity; and after the battle of Wilson’s Creek, the
first of the Civil war in which Iowa troops were engaged, the
name of Gen. Nathaniel Lyon, who fell in the battle, was chosen
to be given a place in the roster of Iowa counties, and in
looking over the list for one to strike out the members were
moved by the old prejudice against the name Buncombe to sacrifice
“Audubon county was named for the famous naturalist, whose
great ‘Bird Book’ is the choicest reassure of the state
library. He died in January, 1852, probably before the news
reached him of the honor paid him by the frontier state.
“The historian Bancroft was remembered and his name was
given to the county north of Kossuth, the original division of
the state being into one hundred counties instead of ninety-nine.
Four years later this county was abolished and the territory
incorporated into Kossuth, which was named after the famous
Hungarian Patriot. In 1870 there was a proposition to
re-establish the one hundredth county under the name of Crocker,
in honor of the brigadier general who had commanded the
thirteenth Iowa regiment when it started to the front in the
Civil war. The people of Kossuth were successful, however, in
resisting division of their county.”
~transcribed by Lisa Henry