Chapter 3 HISTORICAL Past & Present of Allamakee County, 1913 |
Of the native tribes that occupied a wide region in
which Allamakee county in central, during the past three
centuries, the Sioux, or Dakotas (Naudowessies of the early
writers), were the most permanently located, and among the most
powerful. The very earliest traders found their home to be in
Minnesota, to the westward of Lake Superior, and their numbers
were estimated at many thousand. There were various branches of
this powerful family, covering a widespread territory. The Iowa,
or so-called “Prairie Sioux,” at the time of
Marquette’s visit occupied the most of what is now the fair
state of Iowa, but a century later they had become supplanted
throughout its eastern portion by other tribes, and were
eventually retired beyond the Missouri. They had, however, given
their name to one of our principal rivers, and to at least two
smaller upon which their bands had dwelt: our own Upper Iowa (now
called Oneota), and the Little Sioux, which is shown on an early
map (1817) as the “River of the Iowas.” The name very
naturally passed on to designate one of the early organized
counties in the Wisconsin territory, and finally to this
territory and state.
Of the northern Sioux, the only record we have of a habitation in
Allamakee county is of the party known as Wabasha’s band, *
who established a village on the Oneota river, near New Albin,
about the year 1800, migrating from about St. Paul. Doubtless
they had camped and hunted and fought along that stream for
generations before the advent of the whites, in common with
various other tribes, as the abundance of Indian relics
throughout the valley shows. The old Wabasha had taken sides with
the British in 1776, and led a thousand Sioux in 1780 destined to
augment their forces at Kaskaskia. He died in Houston County,
Minnesota, while the village was on the Oneota, having abdicated
in 1805 or before in favor of his son, second Wabasha. The latter
was considered a wise and prudent chief, and it is said was
strictly temperate as to whisky. In 1805 he heartily welcomed
Lieutenant Pike, and claimed that he himself had never been at
war with the new father (Louisiana then having recently been
transferred to the United States): but in 1812 his bad again
sided with the English. Pike’s map shows this Sioux village
on the south side of the Upper Iowa, at a point now definitely
located at Sand Cove, two or three miles from New Albin.
This band removed to Wabasha’s Prairie” (now Winona)
before the date of Major Long’s expedition up the
Mississippi in 1817, an account of which appears in a previous
chapter. At this date there were both Sioux and Foxes on the
Upper Iowa, which by the treaty seven years later was to become
the boundary line between them, and the center line of the
Neutral Ground in 1830. Wabasha was the “Leaf” or the
“Red Leaf,” the leading signer of both these treaties
on the part of the Sioux. Wabasha’s band were allied with
the whites in the Black Hawk war in 1832, and fell upon their old
enemies the Sacs and Foxes as they fled across into Iowa near New
Albin after their defeat at the Bad Axe river, and it is said
slaughtered the helpless fugitives mercilessly, women and
children included. Wabasha died in 1836 of smallpox, with many of
his people, which reduced the band to twenty-seven when third
Wabasha became chief.
The Sacs (Saukies) and Foxes (Outagamies, or Reynards) were
originally two separate tribes of the Algonquin family, but of so
aggressive habits that their eastern neighbors could not get
along with them, and they were forced farther west until, about
the year 1760, at Green Bay or Vicinity, being reduced in
numbers, they formed an alliance, and from that time became known
as practically one nation. They continued to be very annoying
neighbors, however, being ever ready for warfare, and their more
powerful enemies forced them again to move, first from the Fox to
the Wisconsin river, and about 1767 to the Mississippi in the
Vicinity of Rock Island, where the famous Sac chief Black Hawk
was born soon after. Here they prospered, supplanting the Iowa
and Illini, and soon occupied all the eastern part of this state,
up to the Upper Iowa river, where they were continually at war
with the more powerful Sioux.
The Winnebagoes, early known as Puants, are generally considered
as a division of the great Dakota family. They are declared by
eminent authority to have been the parent stock of the Omahas,
Iowas, Kansas, Quappas or Arkansas, and Osages. Their own
traditions (as learned by Captain Carver and others) point to an
origin far to the southwest, from whence they were drive by the
early Spanish invaders with great cruelty. It is said they
reached this northern region much reduced in numbers and very
destitute, and were succored and befriended by the Minnesota
Sioux, by whom they were place (being a comparatively peaceful
people) as a “buffer” between themselves and their
adversaries, the Chippewas, on the east. The great difference in
the Winnebago language from that of the northern Dakotas would go
to support the belief of a different
tribal origin.
Captain Carver says: “On the 20th of September (1766) I left
Green Bay and proceeded up the Fox river. On the 25th I arrived
at the great town of the Winnebagoes, situated on a small island,
just as you enter the east end of Lake Winnebago. Here the queen,
who presided over this tribe instead of a sachem, received me
with great civility, and entertained me in a very distinguished
manner during the four days I continued with her.
“The time I tarried here I employed in making the best
observations possible on the country and in collecting the most
certain intelligence I could of the origin, language and customs
of this people. From these inquiries I have reason to conclude
that the Winnebagoes originally resided in some of the provinces
belonging to New Mexico; and being drive from their native
country, either
By internal divisions or by the extensions of the Spanish
conquests, they took refuge in these more northern parts about a
century ago.
“My reasons for adopting this supposition are, first, from
their unalienable attachment to the Naudowessie Indians (who,
they say, gave them the earliest succor during their emigration)
notwithstanding their present residence is more than six hundred
miles distant from that people.
“Secondly, that their dialect totally differs from every
other Indian nation yet discovered; it being a very uncouth,
guttural jargon, which none of their neighbors will attempt to
learn. They converse with other nations in the Chippeway tongue,
which is the prevailing language throughout all the tribes, from
the Mohawks of Canada to those who inhabit the borders of the
Mississippi, and from the Hurons and Illinois to such as dwell
near Hudson’s Bay.
“Thirdly, from their inveterate hatred to the Spaniards.
Some of them informed me that they had many excursions to the
southwest, which took up several moons. And elder chief more
particularly acquainted me, that about forty-six winters ago, he
marched at the head of fifty warriors, towards the southwest, for
three moons. That during this expedition, whilst they were
crossing a plain, they discovered a body of men on horseback who
belonged to the black people: for so they call the Spaniards. As
soon as they perceived them they proceeded with caution, and
concealed themselves till night came on; when they drew so near
as to be able to discern the number and situation of their
enemies. Finding they were not able to cope with so great a
superiority by daylight, they waited till they had retired to
rest; when they rushed upon them, and, after having killed the
greatest part of the men, took eighty horses loaded with what
they termed white stone. This I suppose to have been silver, as
he told me the horses were shod with it, and that their bridles
were ornamented with the same. When they had satiated their
revenge, they carried off their spoil, and having got so far as
as to be out of the reach of the Spaniards that had escaped their
fury, they left the useless and ponderous burthen, and with which
the horses were loaded, in the woods, and mounting themselves in
this manner returned to their friends. The party they had thus
defeated I conclude to be the caravan that annually conveys to
Mexico the silver which the Spaniards find in great quantities on
the mountains lying near the heads of the Colorado river; and the
plains where the attack was made, probably some they were obliged
to pass over in their way to the head of the river St. Fee, or
Rio del Nord, which falls into the Gulf of Mexico, to the west of
the Mississippi.
“The Winnebagoes can raise about two hundred warriors. Their
town contains about fifty houses, which are strongly built with
palisades. The Winnebagoes raise a great quantity of Indian corn,
beans, pumpkins, squashes and watermelons, with some
Captain Carver’s belief that the Winnebagoes came into this
region about a century before his visit to them was far from
correct, as Nicolet had found them at Green Bay upon his first
reaching that point in 1634, and in considerable numbers. Other
authorities have considered them as among the earliest of
aboriginal tribes.
Upon the removal of the Sacs and Foxes to the Mississippi, the
Winnebagoes spread over the region from Lake Winnebago and Green
Bay to that river, north of the Wisconsin, and thus became the
prospective occupants of our own county
When, some sixty years later, a portion of them were assigned to
the Neutral Ground between the Sioux on the north and the Sacs
and Foxes to the south, after the Black Hawk war. As was said,
the Winnebagoes were not warlike; and the army officers posted at
Prairie du Chien generally considered them less honorable than
the Sioux, their patrons, more vindictive and generally mean.
Some of them were implicated in brutal murders near that post, as
narrated in another place. On the other hand, they were more
amenable to the influences of civilization; and Gen. Joseph M.
Street, the government Indian agent at that point, declared the
bad element among them was the demoralizing result of their long
contact with unprincipled whites, and the whisky-sellers
especially. It is deplorable that nearly all of the early
explorers, as admitted in their narratives, made a practice of
giving whisky with their presents to the Indians.
The Winnebagoes, though taking no very active part, naturally
allied themselves with their first white friends, the French, in
their warfare against the English; and later with the English
against the Americans in the Revolution, and in the War of 1812.
They were neutral in the Black Hawk war.
By the treaty of August 19, 1825, at Prairie du Chien, it was
agreed that the United States government should run a boundary
line between the Sioux, on the north, and the Sacs and Foxes, on
the south, along the Upper Iowa, as follows; Commencing at the
mouth of the Upper Iowa river on the west bank of the Mississippi
and ascending said Iowa river to its west fork; thence up the
fork to its source; thence crossing the fork of the Red Cedar
river in a direct line to the second or upper fork of the Des
Moines river.
The cause which led to the establishment of this boundary line
continuing to exist, namely, the frequent hostilities between
these hereditary enemies, another treaty was entered into on July
15, 1830, at Prairie du Chien, by the terms of which the Sacs and
Foxes ceded to the United States a strip of country lying south
of the above boundary line, twenty miles in width, and extending
along the line aforesaid from the Mississippi to the Des Moines
river. The Sioux also ceded to the government, in the same
treaty, a like strip of twenty miles on the north side of said
boundary; thus making a territory forty miles wide, and in length
from the Mississippi to the Des Moines, which was known as the
“Neutral Ground.” Within these limits both tribes were
permitted to hunt and fish unmolested by each other except at the
peril of the aggressor, from the government.
In the maps of that day upon which their neutral ground was
shown, there appears a little jog of perhaps six or eight miles
in each of the three lines, north, south, and central, at a
distance of about thirty miles west of the Mississippi, which has
puzzled not a few. The key to this appears in the language of the
treaty of 1825 establishing the central, or original boundary
line: “ascending said Iowa river to its west fork (some
texts read left fork), thence up the fork to its source,”
etc. This fork, judging from the maps which show it as a little
short, unnamed stream, can be no other than Trout Run, near
Decorah. The corresponding job in the northern line, twenty miles
north, appears along the course of the “Red Cedar
creek,” apparently the Canoe; and a similar deflection in
the southern line is along the Turkey river. No explanation is
given of this break in the course of the original boundary, that
we have been able to ascertain.
The original boundary line striking the upper fork of the des
Moines river, at Dakota City in Humboldt county, the southwest
corner of the Neutral Ground would be a short distance below Fort
Dodge, in Webster county; and the north line being carried to the
west fork would terminate in the southeast corner of Palo Alto.
By a treaty made September 15, 1832, at Fort Armstrong, now Rock
Island, the eastern forty miles of this neutral ground was
allotted to the Winnebagoes for a new home, in part consideration
for their surrendering all their possessions on the east side of
the Mississippi, south and east of the Wisconsin, which it became
necessary for the government to open for settlement; and a
portion of the tribe reluctantly entered upon this territory
during the following year, the other part remaining in the
vicinity of Fort Winnebago. Under the terms of this treaty a
school and farm were established for their benefit, on the Yellow
river, which will be found more fully described in another
chapter, as the “Old Mission.” It is related that in
the spring of 1833 Father Lowrey, who was appointed to take
charge of this school, explained the plans and purpose of its
establishment to a council of Winnebago chiefs, and called for an
expression of their views on the subject; whereupon Chief Waukon
arose and expressed his sentiments as follows: “The
Winnebagoes are asleep, and it will be wrong to awake them; they
are red men, and all the white man’s soap and water cannot
make them white.”
In a treaty at Washington, November 1, 1837, the Winnebagoes
ceded all their lands east of the Mississippi river. They agreed,
further, to relinquish the right to occupy, except for the
purpose of hunting, that portion of the Neutral Ground included
between that river and a line twenty miles distant therefrom to
the west; and to remove to the west of such line within eight
months after the ratification of this treaty. In accordance
therewith, in 1840-41 the government erected a fort in the
southwest corner of the present Winnisheik county, on Turkey
river, calling it Fort Atkinson from the general who conducted
the war against Black Hawk; and in 1842 a mission house and
school were built near by and a farm opened, to which Rev. Lowrey
and Farmer Thomas were transferred. The Yellow River mission was
abandoned, and the Indians received their annuities thenceforth
at this post until they were removed to Minnesota, in 1848.
Long exposed to the greed and the vices of the white man, from
their contact with him since the appearance of the first traders
and their whisky, the Winnebagoes unfortunately yielded readily
to these influences, and their annuities from the government were
an additional cause of increasing profligacy and idleness,
notwithstanding the endeavors of Father Lowrey for their welfare.
An officer of the United States army was appointed to treat with
them as to a removal farther away from these influences, and held
a council with their chiefs November 1, 1844, at which their
principal chief and orator, Waukon,** said in reply:
“Brother, you say our Great Father sent you to us to buy our
“We do not know what to think of our Great Father’s
sending so often to buy our country. He seems to think so much of
land that he must be always looking down to the earth.
“Brother, you say you have seen many Indians, but you have
never seen one yet who owns the land. The land all belongs to the
Great Spirit. He made it, He owns it all. It is not the red
man’s to sell.
“Brother, the Great Spirit hears us now. He always hears us.
He heard us when our Great Father told us if we would sell him
our country on the Wisconsin, he would never ask us to sell him
another country. We brought our council fires to the Mississippi.
We came across the great river, and built our lodges on the
turkey and the Cedar. We have been here but a few days, and you
ask us to move again. We supposed our Father pities his children;
but he cannot, or he would not wish so often to take our land
from us.
“ You ask me, Brother, where the Indians are gone who
crossed the Mississippi a few years ago. You know and we know
where they have gone. They are gone to the country where the
white man can no more interfere with them. Wait, Brother, but a
few years longer, and this little remnant will be gone too; -
gone to the Indian’s home beyond the clouds, and then you
can have our country without buying it.
“Brother, I have spoken to you for our nation. We do not
wish to sell our country. We have but one opinion. We never
change it.”
The chiefs refused to hear anything further from the
commissioner, and abruptly broke up the council. They said,
“We are in a hurry to get off on our winter hunt. The sun is
going down. Farewell.” But the territory of Iowa was now
soon to become a state. The Indian population must give place to
the hand of industry, and the forces that make for civilization
must control and occupy this fair spot of the earth’s
surface, with the abundant yield from its prolific soil, the
wealth of its mines, the power of its rivers.
Hence it was that by another treaty, October 13, 1846, at
Washington, the Winnebagoes were persuaded to cede all claims to
the “Neutral Ground,” the United States agreeing to
give them a tract of not less than 800,000 acres north of St.
Peter’s river in Minnesota, and the sum of $190.000, of
which $85,000 was retained by the government in trust, and 5 per
cent interest payable annually to said tribe. But there was no
clause in this treaty for the exclusion of intoxicating liquor.
By a later treaty, in 1855, the Winnebagoes ceded this tract, for
a smaller one on Blue Earth river, from which ardent spirits were
excluded. In 1859 and 1863 this was sold by the United States in
trust for the Winnebagoes, and the president authorized to set
apart a reservation for them of 18 square miles, in Dakota.
Under the treaty of 1846, which was proclaimed February 4, 1847,
the removal of the Winnebagoes from the Neutral Ground to the
Long Prairie (or St. Peter) purchase, was carried out in the
summer of 1848, under difficulties. The whisky sellers hung about
and incited dissatisfaction and desertion; and Wabasha III, the
Sioux chief at Winona, tried to sell them a share of his
territory. He was arrested by solders from Fort Snelling, and a
conflict between the solders and the Winnebagoes was narrowly
averted. Two principal parties abandoned the tribe, one going
back to their old haunts on Black river in Wisconsin, and one
moving southwest through Iowa, finally uniting with the Otoe in
Nebraska, but later returning in part to Wisconsin.
While on the Blue Earth reservation, 1855 to 1860, the
Winnebagoes who remained there prospered, and the annual reports
of the agent showed encouraging progress in agriculture and
mechanics. A treaty was made by which they were to be allotted
land in severalty, but this was never consummated, owing to the
Civil war, and the Sioux outbreak of 1863. While the Winnebagoes
mostly remained quietly on their reservation, a few were
implicated with the Sioux, and all were later removed to the
north side of the Missouri river, “dumped in the
desert” about eighty miles above Fort Randall. They were
greatly dissatisfied, and in 1865 were permitted to occupy a
tract ceded to them by the Omahas, in Nebraska, though many
returned to their old haunts in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
As to the number of Winnebagoes, they were estimated in 1842 at
about 2,500, of whom but 756 were counted at the Turkey River
mission. In 1890 there were 1,215 on the Nebraska reservation,
and it was thought nearly as many had returned to their favorite
hunting grounds along the Mississippi. In 1909 they numbered
1,069 in Nebraska and 1,094 in Wisconsin.
In reply to an inquiry as to the present numbers, and material
condition of the Winnebagoes, a letter from the commissioner of
Indian affairs, dated at Washington, January 18, 1913, brings the
following information.
“The Winnebago Indians have $883,249.58 in the treasury of
the United States to their credit under the act of March 3, 1909.
This amount draws five per cent interest, and yearly payments of
the interest are made to the Indians. Provision has been made by
Congress for a division of the fund between the two branches of
the tribe, and this question is now under consideration by the
Department of the Interior. After this shall have been done, the
Secretary of the Interior has authority to divide the money per
capita among the Nebraska Indians, and to pay the Wisconsin
Winnebagoes per capita or use it for their benefit.
“The land reserved for the Winnebagoes in Nebraska has been
allotted to them in severalty. The Winnebago Indians in Wisconsin
have no reservation, but some of them took up allotments on the
public domain.
“Indians near La Crosse are probably part of the Wisconsin
Winnebagoes, and will share in the division of the fund when
made. The amount to be paid to the Wisconsin branch of the tribe
has not as yet been determined by the Secretary of the Interior,
who is authorized to adjust the differences between the two
branches of the tribe by the Act of July 1, 1912.”
From the foregoing it will be seen that the Winnebago tribe is
keeping up well numerically, and as a whole is not poverty
stricken, having about $380 per capita in the keeping of their
Great Father at Washington, in addition to the lands which have
been allotted to them.
Indeed it is a mistaken notion that the native race is dying out.
According to the latest census there are 265,683 Indians in the
United States, and we are told by the Conference of American
Indians, held in October, 1912, at Columbus, Ohio, that they are
“the most wealthy people in America per capital: each one is
worth $3,500 on an average.” Dr. Charles A. Eastman, the
famous full-Blooded Sioux lecturer, says that “the policy
and ultimate purpose of Americans towards my race had been
admirable, Christian in tone and theory. You will find men of
Indian blood in the congress of the United States, and in several
of the state legislatures. Many of these were born in the tepee.
Is this not much to achieve in half a century?”
An account of the Black Hawk war belongs more properly to the
history of Illinois and Wisconsin; but the scene of its closing
tragedy being upon our very border, requires a brief outline of
its conduct here, especially as some of the Winnebagoes were
implicated therein. In April, 1832, Black Hawk with his braves,
including their families, crossed the Mississippi at Rock Island
with the avowed purpose of raising a crop of corn on the Rock
river in Illinois, their old home. General Atkinson, then at Fort
Armstrong (or Rock Island), sent orders for them to return to
their new reservation, but Black Hawk was angered, and feeling
that his people had been greatly wronged he had come prepared for
war or peace as circumstances might dictate. He declared
afterwards that the Winnebagoes and Pottawattomies had encouraged
him to believe they would assist him to recover his lands in
Illinois. This they denied; but upon the commencement of actual
hostilities, which resulted in a victory for the Indians on May
14, it is said that a considerable number from both these tribes
joined his forces, only to desert him when success shortly after
came to the whites. Finding himself vastly outnumbered, and short
of provisions, Black Hawk moved northward to the Wisconsin river,
with occasional fights, and closely followed by the military
under General Atkinson and Colonel Dodge, who pursued them toward
Fort Winnebago.
On the 21st of July the Indians were overtaken, on the banks of
the Wisconsin, where they were defeated with considerable loss. A
party of Black Hawk’s band, including many women and
children, now attempted to escape down the Wisconsin in canoes,
but they were attacked by troops, some were killed, some drowned,
a few taken prisoners, and others escaped to the woods and
perished of starvation. Black Hawk now abandoned all idea of
resistance, and with his main band attempted to reach the
Mississippi and effect their escape farther to the north. They
struck it at the mouth of the Bad Axe river, directly opposite
the outlet of the Upper Iowa, and attempted to get their women
and children across, in such canoes as they could procure. A
steamboat, the Warrior, had been dispatched from Prairie du
Chien, however, with an armed force to intercept them, and on the
1st of August this party fired upon the Indians on the east show,
while under a flag of truce attempting to surrender, killing a
number of them, claiming the white flag was a decoy.
On the 2d of August the army overtook the Indians at this point,
and brought Black Hawk to bay; and after a two or three
hours’ fight his people were driven into the river, men,
women and children, but only a few escaped, those who succeeded
in swimming to the islands opposite falling into the hands of the
merciless Wabasha. It has been claimed that Black Haw was
captured here by the Winnebagoes; but he himself says (in his
narrative dictated to a U. S. interpreter for the Sacs and Foxes,
in 1833): “I started with my little party to the Winnebago
Village at Prairie la Crosse. On my arrival there I entered the
lodge of one of the chiefs and told him that I wished him to go
with me to his father – that I intended to to give myself up
to the American war chief, and die, if the Great Spirit saw
proper. During my stay at the village the squaws made me a dress
of white deer-skin. I then started with several Winnebagoes, and
went to their agent at Prairie du Chien and gave myself up.”
On the contrary, the fact is well established that he did not
come in of his own volition. William Salter in his “Life of
Col. Henry Dodge” says: “Early in the battle of Bad
Axe, Black Hawk and the Prophet fled. After the battle Colonel
Dodge called Waukon-Decorra to him and told him that their Great
Father at Washington wanted the big warriors taken. Parties were
sent in search of them, and they were captured and delivered up
to the Indian agent at Prairie du Chien.” And Drake’s
“Life of Black Hawk” states that “it is to two
Winnebagoes, Decorie and Chaetar, that the fallen chief is
indebted for being taken captive. On the 27th of August they
delivered Black Hawk and the prophet (Wabokieshiek) to the Indian
agent, General Street, at Prairie des Chiens. Upon their
delivery, Decorie, the One-eyed, arose and said:
“’My father, I now stand before you. When we parted, I
told you I would return soon; but we have to go a great distance.
You see we have done what you sent us to do. These are the two
you told us to get. We have done what you told us to do. We
always do what you tell us, because we know it is for our good.
You told us to bring them to you alive; we have done so. If you
had told us to bring their heads alone we would have done so, and
it would have been less difficult than what we have done. We want
you to keep them safe; if they are to be hurt we do not want to
see it. Wait until we are gone before it is done. Many little
birds have been flying about our ears of late and we thought they
whispered to us that there was evil intended for us; but now we
hope these evil birds will let our ears alone. We know you are
our friends, because you take our part, and that is the reason we
do what you tell us to do. You say you love your red children, we
think we love you as much if not more than you love us. We have
confidence in you and you may rely on us. We have been promised a
great deal if we would take these men; that it would do much good
to our people. We now hope to see that will be done for us. We
not put these men into your hands. We have done all that you told
us to do.’”
General Street, the agent, replied to this speech, reminding them
that some of the Winnebagoes had proved unfaithful, but the
capture of Black Hawk would be to their credit; and Col. Zachary
Taylor, then the military commandant, upon taking charge of the
prisoners also made a few remarks to their captors; after which
Chaetar, the associate of Decorie, arose and said: “My
father, I am young, and do not know how to make speeches. I am no
chief; I am no orator; if I should not speak as well as the
others, still you must listen to me. When you made the speech to
the chiefs, Waugh Kon Decorie Caramani, the one-eyed Decorie, and
others I was there. I heard you. I thought what you said to them
you also said to me. I left here that same night, and I have been
a great way; I had much trouble. Near the Dalle on the Wisconsin
I took Black Hawk. No one did it but me, what I have done is for
the benefit of my nation, and I hope to see the good that has
been promised us. That one, Wabokieshiek, the Prophet, is my
relation; if he is to be hurt I do not wish to
see it.”
Black Hawk, and some other prisoners who were to be held as
hostages during the pleasure of the President, were sent down the
river to St. Louis, under charge of Lieut. Jefferson David, later
President of the Southern Confederacy. Albert Sidney Johnston,
who became a famous southern general in the Civil war, commanding
the southern army at Shiloh, where he was killed in the first
day’s fight, was General Wilkinson’s A. D. C. and
adjutant at the battle of Bad Axe; and President-to-be Col.
Zachary Taylor personally commanded the United States regulars
there engaged. He remained at Fort Crawford until 1836. General
Atkinson reported the total force of whites in the Bad Axe battle
at twelve hundred; and twenty-four killed and wounded. Abraham
Lincoln was among the young volunteers in this war too late to
get into action. And General Winfield Scott reached the seat of
war about the time it was ended.
[Notes: * N. H. Winchell, “Aborigines of Minnesota.” **
Salter, “The First Fee State in the Louisiana
~transcribed by Lisa Henry