Chapter 23 Past & Present of Allamakee County, 1913 ALLAMAKEE IN THE CIVIL WAR continued Shiloh Battle Field - Illinois Regiments - Missouri Regiments Wisconsin Regiments - Chronology |
(pg 527-558)
From a paper contributed to a local publication by Major D. W.
Reed a few years ago the following interesting facts are gleaned:
“Shiloh was one of the most if not the most sanguinary of
the battles of the civil war. On no other field was there a
greater per cent of loss if the total number present, including
reserves, is taken in making the estimated.
“The five division of Grant’s army on the field April
6, 1862, numbered 39,830 officers and men present for duty,
including hospital corps, teamsters, musicians, etc., or about
32,000 fighting men. Of these there were killed, wounded and
missing 10,640, about 27 per cent. Of the present for duty, or 33
per cent, of the fighting force. The Confederates had present for
duty officers and men, 43,968 and lost in killed wounded and
missing, 10,699, about the same per cent, as the Union army, and
when the battle ended more than 20,000 soldiers were dead or
wounded on the field.
“More Iowa soldiers were killed and wounded at Shiloh than
at any other battle of the war. Of the 6,753 soldiers from this
state that fought on that field, 2,407-nearly 36 per cent-were
killed, wounded or missing.
“Allamakee county was represented at the battle by Company
B, 12 Iowa Infantry, which bore its full share in the perils and
misfortunes of that eventful field, and was unsurpassed in the
honors which it won. It had 56 men killed, wounded and missing,
and of the missing had 16 that died of wounds or disease in
Souther prisons.
“Colonel D. B. Henderson, later Speaker of the House,
introduced a bill in Congress, establishing the Shiloh National
Military Park and providing for the purchase of the land on which
the battle was fought, and restoring, as nearly as possible, the
whole field to the condition it was in when Grant established his
camps there in 1862.
“Under this act of Congress commissioners were appointed by
the Secretary of War, one from the Army of the Tennessee, one
from the Army of the Ohio and one from the Confederate Army, and
large sums were expended by the Government in the purchase of
land, buildings, roads, and other improvements, and many
thousands of dollars by the States in the erection of monuments;
3,546 acres of land have been purchased; the underbrush cleared
away; old fields restored, and 27 miles of graveled roads built.
The old camps have been located and marked with the name of
regiment that occupied them, and in some cases the place of every
tent of the regiment has been found by the ditch made around it,
forty years before. Each and every position of importance
occupied by any regiment or battery, Union or Confederate has
been marked by an iron tablet which tells the time of day when
the place was held and other items of interest. These tablets are
of cast iron on iron posts which are set in concrete, making them
as durable as granite. The face of each tablet is painted white,
the backs, border and lettering of different colors, to indicate
the different armies; blue for the Army of the Tennessee; yellow
for the Army of the Ohio, and red for the Confederate Army, so
that each tablet may indicate the army it represents as far as it
can be seen. Over 400 of these tablets have been cast and so
placed on the field that any one interested may trace the
movements of any regiment from its camp or bivouac in the morning
to its resting place at night, and read its record at every
stopping place.
“Most of the Northern states have erected monuments to their
regiments. Iowa has a fine state monument costing $25,000, and
eleven regimental monuments.
“The one for the 12th Iowa stands at the side of the old
sunken road at the Hornets’ Nest, and is inscribed:
W. H. L. Wallace’S (2d) Division,
“On the reverse:
“These splendid monuments, iron tablets and
old cannon, scattered over the field and along its pleasant
drives, telling their stories of gallant deeds, have created a
new interest in Shiloh. Many old soldiers, Union and Confederate,
are revisiting the old places, and in the most friendly and
fraternal spirit, discuss the various incidents of the battle as
they together read the inscriptions that tell where Wallace fell
or Johnston died: where Hardee formed his battle line or Cleburne
struggled in the morass in front of Shiloh church. They together
climb the hill up which the dashing 6th Mississippi charged and
lost 325 out of 400 of its men, or descend the ravine where the
9th Illinois bravely held its ground until 61 of its men were
killed and 305 wounded. The Hornets’ Nest is always a place
of interest where the survivors of the brigades of Shaver,
Gladden, Stephens, Gibson, Anderson and Wood, meet Iowa’s
sons on the 2d, 7th, 8th, 12th and 14th Regiments and tell of the
struggle through the thicket where the brush was literally cut
away by bullets and the ground so thickly strewn with dead that a
person might walk over the place on dead bodies. Many of these
visitors have been able to find the very tree from behind which
they carried on the stubborn contest, or the remains of a rotting
log that sheltered them when wounded.”
On the 14th day of October, 1909, at 5:26 P. M., a cyclone struck
the northeast portion of the park, cutting a path 200 yards wide
and a mile and a half long through the park to the river, killing
seven people outright and severely injuring several more. Some
ten thousand trees were uprooted or twisted off; and the splendid
Iowa monument that cost $25,000 was blown down and badly damaged.
The work of restoring this monument was not completed for more
than two years, but the cost was but $7,340, about one-half of
the estimate. On the fiftieth anniversary of the battle, April 6,
1912, this monument was rededicated with impressive ceremonies,
by Governor Carroll and other Iowa notables.
Major Reed, who was severely wounded in the first day’s
battle, April 6, 1862, and lay out in the rain all night, is now
very appropriately the Chairman of the Shiloh National Military
Park Commission, and has made his home there for years engaged in
superintending the work.”
Saunders, Elza. Age 18. Postville. Enlisted and mustered Oct. 31,
1864. Mustered out June 30, 1865, Prairie du Chien, Wis.
Miller, Julian D. Postville. (Company unknown).
The Thirteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry was mustered in at
Davenport, Iowa, October 7, 1861, by Capt. Alexander Chambers, U.
S. A., and mustered out at Louisville, Ky., July 21, 1865. The
regiment made a brilliant record but its history is hardly
appropriate here, as the few in its ranks from this county were
recruits in the latter part of 1864. They were however in season
to join in the march to the sea, with their veteran comrades.
Firman, James H. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted in Co. D and
Mustered June 24, 1865. Transferred to 34th and 38th
Consolidated, July 12, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 15, 1865, Houston,
Hayes, William T. Age 25. Hardin. Enlisted Aug. 11 and mustered
Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered out July 15, 1865, Baton Rouge, La. (Co.
Miller, Julian D. Age 25. Allamakee County. Enlisted in Co. B,
March 11, and mustered April 5, 1864. Transferred to 34th and
38th Consolidated, July 12, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 10, 1865, New
Orleans, La.
The Twenty-seventh Regiment of Iowa Volunteer Infantry assembled
at Camp Franklin, near Dubuque, and the several companies were
there mustered into service by Captain George S. Pierce of the
Regular Army, on dates ranging from September 1 to October 3,
1862. October 11th the regiment was embarked on transports from
Fort Snelling, Minn., to operate against the hostile Indians, and
six companies marched to Mille Lacs without encountering
opposition. The regiment was then transferred to Cairo, Ill., and
November 20th to Natchez, La., to join General Sherman’s
army; and later it performed many marches with various
expeditions in Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas, assisting in
the capture of Little Rock without being actually engaged. In the
last of January, 1864, it participated in the Meridan expedition
with General Sherman, resulting in the capture or destruction of
vast quantities of confederate supplies and much railroad
Up to this time the Twenty-seventh Iowa had a remarkable
experience, having been in service over fifteen months, and
faithfully performed all the duties assigned it, but so far had
seen little actual conflict, although its losses had been very
heavy from sickness. It was now to enter upon a new experience,
being assigned to the Red River expedition under General Banks,
which saw hard fighting but was finally unsuccessful. In the
capture of Fort De Russy and in the hard fought battle at
Pleasant Hill, the Twenty-seventh bore a conspicuous part and
improved the opportunity to place itself in the forefront of
Iowa’s gallant fighting regiments. It had marched and toiled
and endured great hardships, and now at Pleasant Hill, April 9,
1864, it shared in the honor of saving Banks’ army from
destruction by the overwhelming forces of the enemy; and on the
18th of May sustained its reputation in the battle of Old Oaks,
After the abandonment of the Red River expedition the regiment
participated in the engagements at Ditch Bayou, Ark., and Tupelo
and Old Town Creek, Miss. In this expedition the brigade was
commanded by Colonel Gilbert, and the regiment by Capt. A. M.
Haslip of Company A. Later in the year 1864 the regiment was in
the forced marches of General Smith in pursuit of Price through
Missouri; and December 15 and 16 it was bearing its share in the
battle of Nashville, Tenn. In the spring of 1865 the regiment
went down the river to New Orleans, and from there to Mobile,
Ala., where it participated in the siege and capture of Fort
Blakely, April 9th. The next march was to Montgomery, and from
there it proceeded to Vicksburg, in July; and August 8, 1865, the
regiment was mustered out. During its term of service, the
Twenty-seventh marched over 3,000 miles, and traveled by
steamboat and railroad over 10,000 miles; and no regiment has a
record of more faithful and honorable service. Mustered out
August 8, 1865, at Clinton, Iowa, except as otherwise noted.
James I. Gilbert. Age 38. Residence Lansing. Appointed Colonel
Aug. 10, 1862. Mustered Oct. 3, 1862. Wounded slightly April 9,
1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Brigadier General Feb. 9, 1865;
Brevet Major General March 26, 1865.
Charles A. Comstock. Age 44. Lansing. Appointed Adjutant Sept.
16, 1862. Mustered Oct. 3, 1862. Resigned April 24, 1863.
David N. Bordwell. Age 34. Lansing. Appointed Chaplain and
mustered Oct. 3, 1862. Resigned Aug. 25, 1864.
Philander J. Harrington. Age 28. Lansing. Promoted Sergeant Major
from Promoted Sergeant Major from Company B, Oct. 3, 1862.
Promoted Adjutant April 25, 1863. Discharged for promotion as
Captain of Fourth Arkansas Colored Infantry, March 10, 1864.
Darius C. Mather. Age 30. Residence Postville. Appointed Aug. 1,
1862. Died of disease July 3, 1865 , at Montgomery, Ala.
Granger, Jedediah W., 1st Lieut. Age 44. Residence Waukon.
Appointed Aug. 14, 1862. Wounded slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant
Hill, La. Promoted Captain July 5, 1865.
Lyons, James A., 2d Lieut. Age 23. Residence Allamakee County.
Appointed Aug. 7, 1862. Resigned for disability April 25, 1863.
(See Co. K., First Cavalry.)
Adams, John D. Age 21. Residence Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 11,
1862. Died of disease Nov. 25, 1862, Cairo, Ill.
Allen, George W. Age 18. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 1, 1862.
Discharged for disability April 23, 1863, Jackson, Tenn.
Bailey, Charles M. Age 24. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862, as
Second Corporal. Promoted Third Sergeant May 29, 1863.
Baird, Warren. Age 34. Residence Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug.
14, 1862. Died Nov. 16, 1863, and buried in National Cemetery at
Little Rock, Ark.
Baker, Henry. Age 44. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Discharged
for disability March 21, 1863, St. Louis, Mo.
Ballard, Ebenezer C. Age 34. Allamakee Count. Enlisted Aug. 8,
Bandall, William C. Age 23. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862.
Promoted Eighth Corporal May 29, 1863; Fifth Corporal July 25,
1864; Fourth Corporal ct. 15, 1864. Wounded slightly Dec. 16,
1864, Nashville, Tenn. Promoted Third Corporal; Second Corporal
June 27, 1865.
Beedy, John J. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted as Drummer Aug.
8, 1862.
Biggs, Hezekiah. Age 25. Volney. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862.
Bishop, Caleb J. Age 19. Postville. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Wounded slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted
Eighth Corporal Oct. 15, 1864; Seventh Corporal Feb. 1, 1865;
Fourth Corporal June 27, 1865.
Blacker, James W. Age 44. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 15,
1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal May 29, 1863; Third Corporal July
25, 1864; Second Corporal Oct. 15, 1864. Discharged for
disability June 15, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.
Blanchard, Allen E. Age 28. Allamakee County. Enlisted as Fifer
Aug. 13, 1862.
Bond, Albert W. Age 18. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862.
Briar, James. Age 23. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Chapman, John. Age 31. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Discharged
for disability April 13, 1863, Jackson, Tenn.
Churchill, Bela D. Age 29. Frankville. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Promoted Eighth Corporal Nov. 25, 1862; Third Corporal May 29,
1863. Reduced to ranks at his own request July 25, 1864.
Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps March 16, 1865. Discharged
Aug. 14, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.
Churchill, Myron. Age 19. Frankville. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Churchill, Newton P. Age 26. Frankville. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862
Colburn, Charles W. Age 27. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Cole, Charles. Age 29. Waukon. Enlisted and mustered Jan. 4,
1864. Wounded severely at Old Town Creek, Miss., July 15, and
died of wounds July 25, 1864, at Memphis, Tenn. Buried in
National Cemetery, Memphis.
Cole, Daniel. Age 31. Postville. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Promoted
Wagoner July 30, 1863.
Conner, Edward. Age 18. Waukon. Enlisted and mustered Jan. 4,
1864. Wounded slightly July 14, 1864, Tupelo, Miss. Mustered out
May 15, 1865, Davenport, Iowa
Conner, William S. Age 42. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Killed
in action May 18, 1864, Old Oaks, La.
Cooksey, Alexander F. Age 30. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. Died July 9, 1864, Memphis, Tenn., and buried in National
Cemetery at Memphis.
Cram, William W. Age 30. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. Third
Corporal. Promoted Fourth Sergeant May 29, 1863. Discharged for
promotion as Second Lieutenant in Seventy-first United Colored
Infantry May 29, 1864.
Crouch, William H. Age 18. Waukon. Enlisted Dec. 17, 1863, and
mustered Jan. 9, 1864. Mustered out May 15, 1865, Davenport,
Curry, Elisha. Age 19. Postville, Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862.
Damon, Joseph. Age 31. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps Oct. 15, 1864. Discharged
Aug. 16, 1865, Harrisburg, Pa.
Daniels, Reuben. Age 30. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Left at
Hospital at Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 3, 186_, Name not borne on
subsequent rolls. No later record found.
Dobson, Samuel. Age 27. Postville. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Died
Nov. 28, 1862, Cairo, Ill.
Dodge, Samuel G. Age 40. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 15,
1862. Deserted from Hospital at Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 14, 1863.
Douglass, Thomas B. Age 22. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Mustered out May 15, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.
Gardner, Desevignia S. Age 24. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Wounded severely July 15, 1864, Old Town Creek, Miss.
Gates, Richard J. Age 19. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Gill, Washington. Age 22. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Returned to Fifty-second Illinois Infantry May 3, 1863, as a
deserter from that regiment.
Green, Lucius L. Age 40. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Discharged for disability April 3, 1864, New Orleans, La.
Hall, Reuben K. Age 41. Volney. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, Fourth
Sergeant. Reduced to ranks at his won request May 29, 1863.
Harden, Warren d. Age 31. Volney. Enlisted Aug. 3, 1862, Third
Sergeant. Promoted First Sergeant May 29, 1863; Second Lieut.
July 5, 1865.
Hawkins, Hiram P. Age 18. Postville. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Mustered out June 7, 1865, Baton Rouge, La. (See Co. B. Twelfth
Hawthorn, James T. Age 18. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862.
Wounded severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted
Eighth Corporal June 17, 1865.
Henthorn, William. Age 19. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. Discharged for disability Feb. 22, 1863, Mound City, Ill.
Hill, Henry. Age 27. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Promoted
Seventh Corporal July 25, 1864; Sixth Corporal Oct. 15, 1864;
Fifth Corporal Feb. 1, 1865; Third Corporal June 27, 1865.
Ingels, William V. Age 20. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. Discharged for disability Jan. 6, 1863, Cario, Ill.
Kimberly, Austin. Age 26. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, Fifth
McClaskey, James W. Age 22. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Died
July 25, 1865, Memphis, Tenn., and buried in National Cemetery at
McGhee, Meredith. Age 24. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 1,
McLennan, Thomas R. Age 33. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862,
Seventh Corporal. Promoted Sixth Corporal Nov. 25, 1862; First
Corporal May 29, 1863. Wounded May 18, 1864, Yellow Bayou, La.
Promoted Fifth Sergeant July 24, 1864.
McMullen, Calvin. Age 28. Postville. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862.
Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps Nov. 18, 1864. Mustered out
Aug. 12, 1865, Washington, D. C.
Maltbie, James D. Age 29. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 8, 182,
Sixth Corporal. Promoted Fifth Corporal Nov. 25, 1862; Fifth
Sergeant May 29, 1863; Fourth Sergeant July 24, 1864.
Mann, Melvin E. Age 25. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 1, 1862.
Marston, Charles C. Age 20. Postville. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Died May 4, 1863, Post Hospital, Jackson, Tenn.
Maxum, Linus. Age 28. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Discharged for disability May 11, 1863, Fort Snelling, Minn.
Merrian, William S. Age 18. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862.
Wounded July 15, 1864, Old Town Creek, Miss. Died of wounds July
16, and buried in National Cemetery at Corinth, Miss.
Miller, Milton D. Age 25. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Wounded
severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died May 27, 1864, at
Memphis, Tenn., and buried in National Cemetery, Memphis.
Miller, William J. Age 30. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862,
wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864. Discharged for
disability July 6, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.
Mitchel, Charles F. Age 27. Volney. Enlisted Aug. 2, 1862.
Morrison, William H. Age 28. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Mustered out June 4, 1865, Baton Rouge, La.
Niblock, William. Age 35. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Mustered out May 30, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.
Ogg, Hiram. Age 26. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered out
May 18, 1865, Davenport, Iowa
Osborn, James. Age 21. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Wounded slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Wounded
severely July 14, 1864, Tupelo, Miss. Died of wounds Aug. 4,
1864, at Memphis, Tenn, and buried in National Cemetery at
Patterson, Andrew J. Age 22. Postville. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Promoted Fourth Corporal May 29, 1863. Wounded severely, April 9,
1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Second Corporal July 25, 1864;
First Corporal Oct. 15, 1864. Wounded slightly Dec. 16, 1864,
Nashville, Tenn.
Patterson, James. Age 28. Postville. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. First
Corporal. Died Jan. 15, 1863, Jackson, Tenn.
Patterson, Junius. Age 23. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 11,
1862. Died Aug. 24, 1863, Memphis, Tenn., and buried in National
Cemetery at Memphis.
Pixley, John. Age 36. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862.
Pratt, Greenwood B. Age 30. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Promoted Eighth Corporal July 25, 1864; Seventh Corporal Oct. 15,
1864; Sixth Corporal Feb. 1, 1865. Died April 17, 1865, at
Waukon, Iowa.
Pratt, John W. Age 26. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, Fourth
Corporal. Promoted Second Lieutenant June 24, 1863; First Lieut.
July 5, 1865.
Pratt, Lemuel. Age 21. Waukon. Enlisted and mustered Jan. 4,
1864. Wounded slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted
Seventh Corporal June 27, 1865. Transferred to Co. K, Twelfth
Infantry, July 13, 1865.
Randall, John E. Age 27. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 13,
1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864 Pleasant Hill, La. Exchanged
Oct. 23, 1864.
Raymond, Ebenezer B. Age 21. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 1, 1862.
Discharged for disability Feb. 9, 1863, Memphis, Tenn.
Raymond, William S. Age 31. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862
Reed, Ezra W. Age 25. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862.
Richardson, Caleb S. Age 20. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 5, 1862, First
Sergeant. Died April 12, 1863, General Hospital, Jackson, Tenn.
Rider, Romaine. Age 22. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Promoted Eighth Corporal Feb. 1, 1865; Fifth Corporal June 27,
Rumph, Charles. Age 26. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 1, 1862. Promoted
Seventh Corporal May 29, 1863; Fourth Corporal July 25, 1864;
Third Corporal Oct. 15, 1864. Discharged for promotion as
Sergeant Major of Sixty-first United States Colored Infantry Dec.
1, 1864, Memphis.
Russell, Franklin B. Age 28. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862,
Eighth Corporal. Promoted Seventh Corporal Nov. 25, 1862; Second
Corporal May 29, 1863; First Corporal July 1, 1864. Wounded and
taken prisoner July 14, 1864, Tupelo, Miss. Died of wounds July
16, 1864, at Tupelo.
Savoie, William J. Age 18. Waukon. Enlisted Dec. 28, 1863.
Mustered Jan. 9, 1864. Wounded May 18, 1864, Yellow Bayou, La.,
and died May 21, 1864, at Red River Landing.
Shaff, Daniel H. Age 22. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 1, 1862.
Discharged for disability June 15, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.
Shaff, Elijah. Age 31. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Wounded
slightly July 15, 1864, Old Town Creek, Miss. Promoted Sixth
Corporal July 25, 1864; Fifth Corporal Oct. 15, 1864. Wounded
Slightly Dec. 16, 1864, at Nashville, Tenn. Promoted Fourth
Corporal Feb. 1, 1865. Discharged for disability June 17, 1865.
Fort Gaines, Ala.
Sherman, George W. Age 28. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Shortreed, William. Age 19. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 11,
Schriber, Charles W. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Schriber, Leonard M. Age 19. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 6, 1862.
Wounded in face May 18, 1864, Yellow bayou, La. Wounded slightly
July 14, 1864, Tupelo, Miss.
Schrody, William. Age 19. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Promoted Sixth Corporal June 27, 1865.
Slick, William B. Age 24. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Smith, Joseph B. Age 18. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Discharged for disability July 15, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.
Stephens, Ezra M. Age 32. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Promoted Fifth Corporal May 29, 1863.
Stewart, William A. Age 21. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. Discharged for disability March 29, 1863, Jackson, Tenn.
Stiles, Alonzo D. Age 20. Postville. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Transferred to Invalid Corps March 23, 1864. Discharged Aug. 3,
1865, Davenport, Iowa.
Stoddard, Truman. Age 43. Post. Enlisted Aug. 2, 1862, as
Wagoner. Taken prisoner July 3, 1863. Mustered out May 17, 1865,
St. Louis, Mo.
Tharp, Jefferson P. Age 44. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Died June 5, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss., and buried in National
Cemetery at Vicksburg.
Thompson, Charles O. Age 33. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862,
Fifth Sergeant. Promoted Second Sergeant May 29, 1863. Mustered
out May 31, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.
Thornburg, William H. Age 28. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Thornton, Alonzo. Age 28. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 11,
1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill,
La. Exchanged June, 1864.
Topliff, George W. Age 22. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 4,
1862. Died May 5, 1863, Camp Reed, Jackson, Tenn.
Tuttle, William H. Age 34. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862, Second
Sergeant. Discharged for Disability April 26, 1863, Jackson,
Walker, David R. Age 23. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered
out May 15, 1865, Davenport, Iowa
Wheeler, William. Age 37. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Died
May 29, 1865, Prairie du Chien, Wis.
Hemenway, Samuel W., Captain. Age 23. Lansing. Appointed Captain
Oct. 3, 1863. Promoted Major, June 26, 1865.
Groezinger, Theodore, First Lieut. Age 28. Lansing. Appointed
First Lieut. Aug. 14, 1862. Resigned June 3, 1863. (Co. H, First
Smith, Samuel O., Second Lieut. Age 25. Lansing. Appointed Second
Lieut. Aug. 11, 1862. Promoted First Lieut. June 3, 1863. Wounded
severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Captain June
27, 1865.
Alcorn, Isaac. Age 21. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Discharged for disability Feb. 10, 1863, Cairo, Ill.
Alcorn, John. Age 24. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Anderson, Magnus. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 13, and mustered
Oct. 23, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Twelfth Infantry, July
13, 1865.
Anderson, Ole. Age 23. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Anderson, Olef G. Age 33. Allamakee County. Enlisted Feb. 29, and
mustered April 5, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Twelfth
Infantry July 13, 1865.
Anderson, Thomas A. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Baender, Robert. Age 24. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, Second
Barnes, Dason. Age 31. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Died Jan.
27, 1863, Mound City, Ill., and buried in National Cemetery at
Mound City.
Bates, Solomon W. Age 32. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862.
Promoted Fifth Corporal July 15, 1863. Wounded May 18, 1864,
Yellow Bayou, La. Promoted Fourth Corporal Mar. 7, 1864; Third
Corporal Sept. 10, 1864. Reduced to ranks at his own request Oct.
15, 1864.
Bates, William. Age 21. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Bennett, Elisha R. Age 26. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Berdell, Gottlieb. Age 19. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Died
March 18, 1863, hospital, Jackson, Tenn.
Betsinger, Nicholas. Age 24. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Wounded May 18, 1864, Yellow Bayou, La. Discharged for wounds
Aug. 11, 1864, St. Louis, Mo.
Botsford, Harrison. Age 21. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Wounded May 18, 1864, Yellow bayou, La. Promoted Eighth Corporal
Aug. 20, 1864; Sixth Corporal Oct. 15, 1864; Fifth Corporal Feb.
1, 1865; Fourth Corporal April 27, 1865; Third Corporal June 6,
Burgess, George A. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Burnham, William C. Age 20. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Discharge for disability Oct. 23, 1863, Memphis, Tenn.
Butler, Aretus W. Age 37. Allamakee County. Enlisted Jan. 29, and
mustered Feb. 24, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Twelfth
Infantry, July 13, 1865.
Churchill, Edwin. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted March 11 and
mustered April 5, 1864. Transferred to Company B. Twelfth
Infantry, July 13, 1865.
Churchill, John. Age 42. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Mar. 11, 1864. Died July 4, 1864, Memphis, Tenn., and buried in
National Cemetery at Memphis.
Connor, Peter. Age 31. Harper’s Ferry. Enlisted Aug. 12,
1862. Died Jan. 10, 1864, Memphis, Tenn.
Coppernoll, William G. Age 20. Village Creek. Enlisted Aug. 9,
1862. Wounded slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted
Seventh Corporal Aug. 20, 1864; Fifth Corporal Oct. 15, 1864;
Fourth Corporal Feb. 1, 1865; Third Corporal April 27, 1865;
Second Corporal June 6, 1865.
Cornwall, George. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Discharged for disability Feb. 14, 1863, Cairo, Ill.
Correll, John. Age 23. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14. 1862. Fourth
Sergeant. Promoted First Sergeant July 15, 1863; First Lieutenant
June 27, 1865.
Davis, Frisbie. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered
out June 15, 1865, Davenport, Iowa
Degnan, John. Age 22. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Fifer.
Dobbs, Stephen. Age 31. Harper’s Ferry. Enlisted Aug. 15,
Dodd, Calvin R. Age 35. Harper’s Ferry. Enlisted Aug. 14,
1862. Wounded slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.
Donnor, Levi. Age 40. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. First
Corporal. Died Nov. 11, 1863, Madison, Wis.
Dubay, William. Age. 35. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Oct. 26, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Twelfth Infantry, July
13, 1865.
Eck, Augustus. Age 18. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Ellsworth, Job. Age 40. Enlisted Feb. 29, and mustered April 5,
1864. Died July 27, 1864, Memphis, Tenn., and buried in National
Cemetery at Memphis.
Gardner, William E. Age 33. Lansing. Enlisted and mustered Oct.
26, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Twelfth Infantry, July 13,
Ginther, John. Age 38. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Goble, George B. Age 20. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Wounded severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.
Green, Joseph. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Taken
prisoner Feb. 22, 1864, near Vicksburg, Mill. Returned to Company
May 19, 1864.
Griffin, Peter. Age 20. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Griffin, Richard. Age 22. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Wounded severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.
Griswold, George W. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Sixth Corporal. Promoted Fourth Sergeant July 15, 1863. Wounded
severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of disease Jan.
11, 1865, at Keokuk, Iowa.
Hactor, Andrew. Age 20. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Feb. 29, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Twelfth Infantry, July
13, 1865.
Hactor, Peter. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Feb. 29, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Twelfth Infantry, July
13, 1865.
Hale, Francis B. Age 41. Allamakee County. Enlisted March 14,
1864, and mustered April 12, 1864. Died July 3, 1864, Memphis,
Tenn., and buried in National Cemetery at Memphis.
Hall, Thomas B. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862.
Hanson, Hans. Age 20. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Died Dec.
2, 1862, Hospital, Cairo, Ill.
Harrington, James D. Age 23. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862,
Second Corporal. Taken prisoner Jan. 10, 1865, Eastport, Miss.
Returned to Company May 31, 1865.
Harrison, William, H. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Dec. 30, 1863. Transferred To Company B, Twelfth
Infantry, July 13, 1865.
Hartshorn, George W. Age 30. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862,
Eighth Corporal. Discharged for disability Jan. 6, 1863, Cairo,
Hartshorn, Salem J. Age 33. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Mustered out June 9, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.
Hawes, Joseph. Age 29. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Promoted
Eighth Corporal Oct. 15, 1864; Seventh Corporal Feb. 1, 1865;
Sixth Corporal April 27, 1865; Fifth Corporal June 6, 1865.
Hermanson, John. Age 21. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862.
Hughes, Pulaski. Age 23. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Promoted Third Corporal; Fifth Sergeant July 15, 1863; Sergeant
Major, Aug. 8, 1864.
Hutson, Elias J. Age 23. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Died
April 27, 1863, Hospital, Jackson, Tenn.
Hutson, Nathaniel D. Age 21. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
Hutson, William J. Age 26. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, Fifth
Corporal. Promoted Second Corporal July 15, 1863; First Corporal
march 7, 1864; Third Sergeant Sept. 10, 1864; Second Sergeant
April 27, 1865; Second Lieut. Aug. 4, 1865.
Iverson, Amon. Age 22. Lansing. Enlisted October 13th, and
mustered Oct. 23, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Twelfth
Infantry, July 13, 1865. (Aaron Iverson.)
Iverson, Erick. Age 25. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862.
Jackson, Robert T. Age 33. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 14,
1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal July 15, 1863; Third Corporal
March 7, 1864. Second Corporal Sept. 10, 1864; Fifth Sergeant
Feb. 1, 1865. Wounded severely April 9, 1865, Fort Blakely, Ala.
Promoted Fourth Sergeant April 27, 1865.
Jackson, William E. Age 36. Allamakee County. Enlisted Jan. 4,
1864, and mustered April 12, 1864. Mustered out June 11, 1865,
New Orleans, La.
Kohr, John. Age 19. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Promoted
Eighth Corporal Feb. 1, 1863. Discharged June 13, 1865,
Jeffersonville, Ind.
Langford, James A. Age 18. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
McKee, George. Age 22. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.
McKnight, Rufus d. Age 19. Ion. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Promoted
Seventh Corporal Oct. 15, 1864; Sixth Corporal Feb. 1, 1865;
Fifth Corporal April 27, 1865; Fourth Corporal June 6, 1865.
Marshall, Aaron B. Age 21. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Mustered out July -, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.
Maxwell, Charles H. Age 36. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps Oct. 15, 1864. Discharged
Aug. 16, 1865, Harrisburg, Pa.
May, James H. Age 18. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
May, Roan C. Age 24. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, Third
Corporal. Accidentally shot Nov. 25, 1862. Discharged for wounds
March 27, 1863, St. Louis, Mo.
Medary, Thomas C. Age 24. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 13, and mustered
Oct. 23, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Twelfth Infantry, July
13, 1865.
Melton, Franklin. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Jan 4, 1864.Transferred to Company B, Twelfth Infantry, July 13,
Melton, George. Age 22. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Meyers, John. Age 34. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Milks, Nelson P. Age 27. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Died
Feb. 15, 1864, Memphis, Tenn.
Monk, John S. Age 20. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Transferred to Invalid Corps Sept. 13, 1863. Discharged for
disability Feb. 13, 1864.
Moyer, John. Age 38. Wexford. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Promoted
Wagoner. Died Dec. 5, 1863, Memphis, Tenn.
Nelson, Julius. Age 34. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, Fifth
Sergeant. Promoted Third Sergeant July 15, 1863. Reduced to ranks
at his own request Sept. 10, 1864. Discharged for disability July
5, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.
Nielson, Jacob. Age 31. Allamakee County. Enlisted March 14, and
mustered April 5, 1864. Died July 4, 1864, Memphis, Tenn., and
buried in National Cemetery at Memphis.
Obert, Dewitt. Age 18. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862.
Oleson, Peter. Age 19. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Osgood, James W. Age 18. Enlisted and mustered Dec. 1, 1863. Died
April 7, 1864, Bayou Cotille, La., and buried in National
Cemetery at Alexandria, La.
Pacock, Edmund. Age 26. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Promoted
Seventh Corporal July 15, 1863; Sixth Corporal March 7, 1864;
Fifth Corporal. Sept. 10, 1864; Fourth Corporal Oct. 15, 1864;
Third Corporal Feb. 1, 1865; Second Corporal April 27, 1865;
First Corporal June 6, 1865. Mustered out July 17, 1865, Clinton,
Pennel, Robert. Age 24. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Wagoner.
Discharged for disability April 17, 1865, Jackson, Tenn.
Peterson, Abraham. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Died
Dec. 7, 1864, Nashville, Tenn., and buried in National Cemetery
at Nashville.
Peterson, John A. Age 28. Allamakee County. Enlisted Feb. 29, and
mustered April 5, 1864. Wounded. Transferred to Company B,
Twelfth Infantry.
Price, Frederick P. Age 23. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 13, and
mustered Oct. 23, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Twelfth
Infantry, July 13, 1865.
Reed, Milton F. Age 19. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Died
Feb. 2, 1863, Hospital, Jackson, Tenn., and buried in National
Cemetery at Corinth, Miss.
Reed, Perry. Age 20. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 13, and mustered Oct.
23, 1864. Died Feb. 10, 1865, Louisville, Ky., and buried in Cave
Hill National Cemetery at Louisville.
Robinson, John T. Age 21. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862,
Third Sergeant.
Roese, Emil. Age 20. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Wounded
severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.
Roese, Richard. Age 19. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Wounded
slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.
Roonsburg, Taylor. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted March 1,
and mustered April 1, 1864. Died May 5, 1864, Columbus, Ky., and
buried in National Cemetery at Mound City. Ill.
Rose, George H. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
in Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered out May 23, 1865, New Orleans, La.
Rose, William F. Age 22. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Ruprecht, Paul. Age 19. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Transferred to Invalid Corps Feb. 15, 1864. Mustered out Oct. 8,
Ruth, James. Age 22. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, Fourth
Corporal. (See Company F, Sixth Cavalry.)
Schmidt, Wilhelm. Age 20. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Discharged for disability April 8, 1863, Hospital, Jackson, Tenn.
Schneider, Christian. Age 31. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Schulz, Frederick. Age 21. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862.
Schulz, William. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Sells, Christopher W. Age 22. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Dec. 30, 1863. Died
Nov. 16, 1864, Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, and buried in
National Cemetery at St. Louis.
Sims, William S. Age 36. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. Promoted
First Sergeant July 15, 1863; Second Lieut. June 3, 1864. Wounded
slightly July 14, 1864, Tupelo, Miss. Died Aug. 4, 1865, Clinton,
Sires, John. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Wounded
slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.
Skjursen, Sampson. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 12,
Smith, Phineas. Age 34. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Taken
prisoner Dec. 20, 1862, near Waterford, Miss. Paroled and
exchanged. Returned to Company Nov. 28, 1863.
Soderstrom, Andrew. Age 20. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Promoted Eighth Corporal Feb. 1, 1865; Seventh Corporal April 27,
1865; Sixth Corporal June 9, 1865. Died Aug. 10, 1865, and buried
in National Cemetery at Memphis, Tenn.
Stangier, Emil. Age 34. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Deserted
Oct. 15, 1864, Nashville, Tenn.
Strohm, John. Age 35. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Discharged
for disability June 29, 1865, Keokuk, Iowa.
Strong, Horace. Age 25. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Promoted
Eighth Corporal July 15, 1863; Seventh Corporal Mar. 7, 1864.
Died June 29, 1864. Lansing. Iowa
Strong, William. Age 29. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 13,1862. Died
July 2, 1865, and buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill.
Sturdevant, Fletcher F. Age 19. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 15,
1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal Oct. 3, 1862. Wounded severely
Dec. 16, 1864. Cumberland Heights, Tenn. Mustered out June 13,
1865, Davenport, Ia.
Tharp, John. Age 28. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Discharged
for disability Sept. 20, 1864, Davenport, Iowa
Wightman, Isaac A. Age 38. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862.
Mustered out May 19, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.
Williams, Robert H. Age 22. Dorchester. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862,
First Sergeant.
Barnes, James. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted Mar. 14, and
mustered April 1, 1864. Transferred to Company C., Twelfth
Infantry, July 13, 1865.
Clough, Warren. Age 22. Postville. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Hancock, Morrison N. Age 23. Volney. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Reed, Warren R. Age 21. Postville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Discharged Jan. 26, 1865, Eastport, Miss.
Sargent, Harvey. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted Feb. 29,
mustered Mar. 23, 1864. Discharged for disease May 2, 1865,
Wandle, Alexander. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted Feb. 29,
and mustered Mar. 23, 1864. Transferred to Company H, Twelfth
Infantry, July 15, 1865.
Rich, Waller F. Age 23. Allamakee County. Enlisted Mar. 10, and
mustered April 1, 1864. Transferred to Company H, Twelfth
Infantry, July 15, 1865.
Stockwell, Cassius M. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted Mar. 10,
and mustered April 1, 1864. Transferred to Company H, Twelfth
Infantry July 15, 1865.
Stockwell, Edwin S. Age 21. Allamakee County. Enlisted Mar. 14,
and mustered April 1, 1864. Transferred to Company H, Twelfth
Infantry July 15, 1865.
Miller, George R., Captain. Age 30. Rossville. Appointed Captain
Aug. 15, 1862. Resigned May 3, 1863.
Sherburn, Edwin A. First Lieutenant. Age 26. Rossville. Appointed
First Lieut. Aug. 15, 1862. Promoted Captain May 4, 1863.
Beall, Lewis S. Age 19. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Babcock, Solomon. Age 31. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 15,
Barlow, John W. Age 27. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Eighth
Corporal Mar. 26, 1865; Fifth Corporal May 1, 1865.
Battle, Martin. Age 25. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15,1862.
Beall, Calvin H. Age 20. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Discharged to enlist in Marine Brigade, Mar. 30, 1863.
Beall, James. Age 21. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Died
Feb. 19, 1864, Columbus, Ky., and buried in National Cemetery at
Memphis, Tenn.
Beumer, Charles. Age 18. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Died
Feb. 28, 1863, Jackson, Tenn.
Boorn, Jonathan H. Age 31. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862,
Fifth Sergeant. Promoted Fourth Sergeant Nov. 23, 1862.
Discharged Nov. 29, 1862, Jackson, Tenn.
Brown, Jared. Age 26. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, Seventh
Corporal. Died Mar. 15, 1863, Regimental Hospital, and buried in
National Cemetery at Corinth, Miss.
Bryson, Alexander. Age 20. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Discharged for disability April 13, 1863, Jackson, Tenn.
Bryson, James. Age 24. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, Fifth
Sergeant. Promoted Third Sergeant Nov. 23, 1862; First Sergeant
Mar. 10, 1864.
Burgess, Jesse O. Age 26. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862,
Fifth Corporal. Promoted Fourth Corporal; Fifth Sergeant Mar. 10,
1864; Fourth Sergeant July 1, 1864.
Case, Henry. Age 34. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Casey, Michael. Age 29. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862.
Clark, Frank. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Twelfth Infantry, July 5,
Clough, Gardner. Age 42. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Promoted
Eighth Corporal; Sixth Corporal Jan. 26, 1863; Fourth Corporal
Mar. 10, 1864; Second Corporal July 1, 1864; First Corporal May
1, 1865.
Coffman, James H. Age 18. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Wounded slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted
Seventh Corporal Oct. 15, 1864; Sixth Corporal Mar. 26, 1865.
Coffman, Thomas J. Age 21. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 17, 1862.
Colegrove, Albert E. Age 31, Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 17,
1862, Eighth Corporal. Promoted Seventh Corporal Jan. 27, 1863;
Fifth Corporal; Third Corporal Mar. 10, 1864; First Corporal July
1, 1864; Fifth Sergeant May 1, 1865.
Craig. Samuel. Age 31. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Killed
in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.
Conner, A. B.
Dial, David. Rossville.
Craig, Seth. Age 25. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862.
David, Thomas W. Age 36. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, Fifer.
Promoted Principal Musician July 1, 1863. Mustered out May 9,
1865, Davenport, Iowa
Dubes, Elias. Age 33. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 17, 1862.
Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps Mar. 16, 1864.
Eells, Daniel. Age 22. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Promoted Eighth Corporal Oct. 15, 1864; Seventh Corporal Mar. 26,
1865; Fourth Corporal June 28, 1865.
Eells, Harvey. Age 22. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Discharged for disability May 1, 1863, Jackson, Tenn.
Eells, Tiffany. Age 23. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Died Mar. 26, 1863, Jackson, Tenn., and buried in National
Cemetery at Corinth, Miss.
Fossum, Christian T. Age 23. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862.
Fuller, Josiah S. Age 33. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Gast, Henry. Age 25. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 17, 1862. Promoted
Sixth Corporal July 28, 1864. Reduced to ranks at his own request
Mar. 26, 1865.
Giesen, Henry, Age 41. Rossville. Enlisted Oct. 10, 1862.
Promoted Fifth Sergeant Nov. 23, 1862; Fourth Sergeant May 1,
1863. Discharged for promotion as First Lieut. Of Company E,
Second West Tennessee Colored Infantry, Sept. 16, 1863.
Gillett, Eugene. Age 19. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, Fourth
Corporal. Promoted Third Corporal; Second Corporal Mar. 10, 1864.
Transferred to Invalid Corps Mar. 16, 1864. Discharged Aug. 5,
1865, Davenport, Iowa.
Gillett, Marshall N. Rejected Sept. 5, 1862, by mustering
Harvey, George. Age 26. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Holman, Frank. Age 27. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, Second
Corporal. Discharged Oct. 21, 1862, Fort Snelling, Minn.
Hulverson, Paul. Age 32. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862.
Promoted Seventh Corporal Mar. 10, 1864; Fifth Corporal July 1,
1864; Second Corporal May 1, 1865.
Johnson, Hans. Age 18. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Promoted Sixth Corporal Mar. 10, 1864. Wounded severely and taken
prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Exchanged. Promoted
Fourth Corporal July 1, 1864. Discharged for wounds June 15,
1865, Montgomery, Ala.
Kline, Henry. Age 40. Rossville. Enlisted Oct. 10, 1862.
Discharged for disability Jan. 15, 1863, Jackson, Tenn.
McClintock, Archibald. Age 21. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
McClintock, Eston. Age 37. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Discharged for disability Jan. 17, 1863, Jackson, Tenn.
McClintock, Jackson. Age 27. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862.
Sixth Corporal. Reduced to ranks at his own request.
McClintock, James. Age 25. Allamakee County. Enlisted Sept. 6,
and mustered Sept. 17, 1864. Mustered out June 6, 1865. See
Company B, Twelfth Infantry.
Mattock, Joseph L. Age 27. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862.
Discharged Dec. 1862, Memphis, Tenn.
Mitchell, James S. Age 39. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Mustered out May 1, 1865, Louisville, Ky.
Moody, Samuel W. Age 42. Bunker Hill. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
First Corporal. Died Dec. 1, 1862, Memphis, Tenn., and buried in
National Cemetery at Memphis.
Moore, Jonathan G. Age 28. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Promoted Fifth Corporal. Died Mar. 7, 1863, Jackson, Tenn., and
buried in National Cemetery at Corinth, Miss.
Pardee, William J. Age 25. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.
Ogilvie, John F. Age 41. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862.
Discharged for disability April 23, 1863, Jackson, Tenn.
Peabody, Elias. Age 36. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Died
April 2, 1863, Jackson, Tenn., and buried in National Cemetery at
Corinth, Miss.
Pettit, Hiram M. Age 29. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Discharged for disability April 23, 1863, Jackson, Tenn.
Pettit, Jasper N. Age 18. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Pinkerton, James. Age 26. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Died
Nov. 2, 1862, Memphis, Tenn., and buried in National Cemetery at
Pool, John A. Age 42. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Discharged for disability Jan. 7, 1863, Memphis, Tenn.
Powell, Lewis A. Age 23. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Died
Feb. 16, 1863, Jackson, Tenn., and buried in National Cemetery at
Corinth, Miss.
Robbins, Francis H. Age 22. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862,
Second Sergeant. Promoted First Sergeant Nov. 23, 1862; Second
Lieutenant May 4, 1863.
Robbins, John Henry. Age 19. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Promoted First Corporal Dec. 1, 1862; Fourth Sergeant May 1,
1864. Died March 20, 1864, Davenport, Iowa, and buried in
National Cemetery at Rock Island, Ill.
Robinson, Samuel S. Age 20. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 17, 1862.
Ross, Oliver A. Age 27. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Discharged for disability Jan. 17, 1863, Jackson, Tenn.
Sawvel, Adam. Age 30. Fairview. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Scott, David M. Age 31. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Discharged Feb. 18, 1863, St. Louis, Mo.
Shattuck, Scott. Age 34. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862.
Transferred to Company F, Sixth Cavalry, Oct. 20, 1862.
Skipworth, James P. Age 20. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 15,
1862. Discharged for disease Aug. 14, 1863, Moscow, Tenn.
Smith, Alfred S. Age 19. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862.
Discharged for disability March 7, 1863, St. Louis, Mo.
Stanley, James. Age 36. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Died
Nov. 7, 1863, Memphis, Tenn., and buried in National Cemetery at
Stull, William T. Age 43. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Tannehill, Alpheus. Age 42. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862.
Died Jan. 10, 1865, Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and buried in
National Cemetery at St. Louis.
Tracy, Daniel. Age 21. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862.
Watkins, George. Age 44. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862.
Mustered out May 31, 1865, Louisville, Ky.
Wheeler, Charles N. Age 23. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862.
Promoted Fifth Corporal March
10, 1864; Third Corporal July 1, 1864. Discharged June 28, 1865,
Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Mo.
Wiley, Thomas B. Age 32. Rossville. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, First
Sergeant. Discharged Dec. __, 1862, Memphis, Tenn.
Wolcott, Alden E. Age 20. Lansing. Enlisted Jan. 5, and mustered
Feb. 3, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Twelfth Infantry, July
15, 1865.
Wolcott, Daniel H. Age 44. Allamakee County. Enlisted Jan. 4, and
mustered Feb. 3, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Twelfth
Infantry, July 15, 1865.
Granger, Charles T., Captain. Age 27. Waukon. Appointed Captain
Aug. 1, 1862.
Bradway, Asa. Age 35. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, Wagoner.
Grander, Theodore C. Age 21. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 9,
1862, Second Corporal. Mustered out May 15, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.
Harris, Henry M. Age 28. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Conover, Mahlon. Age 20. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862.
Regimental Sutler, and procured a substitute.
The regiment was enrolled chiefly from the counties of
Winneshiek, Fayette, Howard, Chickasaw, and Bremer, and was
mustered into the service November 4, 1862, at Dubuque, Iowa. It
took part in the siege and capture of Vicksburg, in the Texas
Expedition under General Banks in the capture of Forts Morgan and
Blakely near Mobile, but although performing its full duty its
positions were such as not to involve many casualties in action.
It suffered very heavily, however, from sickness, both at
Vicksburg and Port Hudson, losing 313 men by disease during its
three years service. All the enlistments in this regiment from
Allamakee county were:
Callahan, Jerome. Age 22. Lansing. Enlisted and mustered Dec. 29,
1863. Transferred To Company F, 34th and 38th Consolidated
Regiment, Jan. 1, 1865. Mustered out May 31, 1865, Greenville,
Granahan, Anthony. Age 19. Lansing. Enlisted and mustered Dec.
16, 1863. Transferred to Company F, 34th and 38th Consolidated
Regt., Jan. 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 15, 1865, Houston, Texas.
Firman, James H. Age 18. Allamakee County.
Hardy, Richard. Age 19. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Dec. 24, 1864. Died June 9, 1864, Brownsville, Texas, and buried
in National Cemetery at Brownsville.
McCaffrey, Cornelius. Age 20. Lansing. Enlisted and mustered Dec.
29, 1863. Transferred to Company F, 34th and 38th Consolidated,
Jan. 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 15, 1865, Houston, Texas.
Fanver, John. Age 30. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Dec. 8, 1864. Transferred to Company I, 34th and 38th
Consolidated, Jan 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 15, 1865, Houston,
Johnson, John L. Age 26. Lybrand. Enlisted Aug. 14, and mustered
Sept. 17, 1862. Died Sept. 21, 1863, Carrollton, La.
Burlington, Iowa, was designated as the general rendezvous of the
companies composing this organization, which were mustered in
July 30, 1861, to August 17, 1861, by Captain Alexander Chambers
of the United States Army. This regiment had the honor of being
the first volunteer cavalry organization enlisted for a three
years’ term of service, to be accepted by the Government. On
the 30th of September the regiment took the field, entering into
the difficult duties involved in the struggle between the loyal
and disloyal citizens of Missouri, in the early days of October.
The operations of the cavalry being conducted largely by
battalions, no connected history of the services performed can be
given in this brief space. But the first real engagement in which
any portion of the regiment participated was fought on the 19th
of December, 1861, on Black river, near the town of Milford,
Missouri. April 14, 1862, a detachment had a skirmish with a
superior force of rebels in which Lieutenant Barnes distinguished
himself, with a part of Company K. At White River, Arkansas,
August 27, 1863, the regiment had 37 men killed and wounded; and
at Camden, April 4, 1864, 39 killed and wounded. In 1864 the
regiment became a veteran organization by the re-enlistment of a
large percentage of the command. The service of the regiment was
chiefly in Missouri and Arkansas, operating against the rebel
generals Price and Forrest, and in Tennessee, Louisiana, and at
the close of the war were sent into Texas during the pacification
of that state. The regiment was mustered out at Austin, Texas,
February 15, 1866.
Pettit, Byron. Age 24. Allamakee county. Enlisted March 1, and
mustered April 5, 1864. Died Sept. 17, 1864, Memphis, Tenn., and
buried in National Cemetery at Memphis.
Hackenburg, Hiram. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered March 30, 1864. Died Nov. 17, 1864, Little Rock, Ark.,
and buried in National Cemetery at Little Rock.
McNutt, Washington. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted Feb. 29,
and mustered April 12, 1864.
Crocker, Charles E. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted March 14,
and mustered March 16, 1864.
Robinson, George. Age 27. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Jan. 4, 1864.
Plein, John M. Age 23. Allamakee County. Enlisted Dec. 31, 1863,
and mustered Jan. 28, 1864. Mustered out Dec. 20, 1865,
Davenport, Iowa
Barnes, Thomas H., First Lieut. Age 29. Waukon. Appointed First
Lieut. June 13, 1861. Promoted Captain March 23, 1864. Resigned
Dec. 16, 1864.
Adams, Allison. Age 23. Allamakee County. Enlisted June 13, 1861.
Promoted Teamster .Dec. 20, 1862. Died Nov. 18, 1863, Little
Rock, Ark., and buried in National Cemetery at Little Rock.
Anderson, Charles. Aug 23. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 16,
1861. Promoted Teamster. Mustered out Oct. 16, 1864, expiration
of term of service.
Bailey, John A. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Aug. 31, 1862. Promoted Saddler Dec. 22, 1863. Re-enlisted and
re-mustered Jan. 1, 1864.
Bollman, Moses A. Age 22. Allamakee County. Enlisted June 13,
1861. Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864, Davenport, Iowa, expiration of
term of service.
Bowman, Benton T. Age 20. Allamakee County. Enlisted June 13,
1861. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Feb. 24, 1864.
Burger, Harry O. Age 26. Allamakee County. Enlisted Feb. 27,
Burgess, Albert. Age 19. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Feb. 27, 1864. Accidentally killed, Nov. 9, 1865, Austin, Texas.
Carpenter, Charles G. Age 23. Waukon. Enlisted and mustered Aug.
16, 1862. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Jan. 1, 1864. Killed by
guerrillas Sept 27, 1864, Centralia, Mo., and buried in National
Cemetery at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Mo.
Carpenter, Walter W. Age 25. Waukon. Enlisted May 15, 1861.
Promoted Seventh Corporal Nov. 1, 1861; Sixth Corporal Aug. 3,
1862; Fourth Corporal Sept. 1, 1862; Fifth Sergeant April 1,
1863; Third Sergeant Nov. 2, 1863. Re-enlisted and re-mustered
Dec. 27, 1863. Promoted Second Sergeant Jan. 1, 1864; First
Sergeant May 1, 1864; First Lieut. Jan. 3, 1865.
Case, Abner J. Age 23. Jefferson. Enlisted June 13, 1861.
Re-enlisted and re-mustered Feb. 24, 1864. Discharged for
disability Oct. 30, 1864.
Cambers, James. Age 23. Waukon. Enlisted June 13, 1861. Promoted
Farrier. Taken prisoner Dec. 7, 1862, Prairie Grove, Ark.
Exchanged and returned to company Dec. 22, 1862. Mustered out
Sept. 9, 1864, expiration fo term of service.
Cheadle, Daniel D. Age 25. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Sept. 30, 1861. Died Sept. 6, 1864, and buried in
National Cemetery at Jefferson Barracks, Mo.
Collins, Ebenezer E. Age 24. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 27,
and mustered Nov. 1, 1861. Transferred to Gunboat Service Feb. 1,
Crawford, John. Age 31. Allamakee County. Enlisted Dec. 26, 1863,
and mustered Feb. 10, 1864.
Douglass, John. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted Aug. 28, and
mustered Aug. 30, 1864. Promoted Eighth Corporal Feb. 21, 1865.
Mustered out July 19, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.
Ehle, George W. Age 21. Lansing. Enlisted Jan. 4, and mustered
Feb. 10, 1864. Died Sept 28, 1864, Little Rock, Ark.
Gardner, John L. Age 32. Waukon. Enlisted and mustered Oct. 16,
1861. Promoted Wagoner. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 27,
1863. Promoted Eighth Corporal Jan. 1, 1864; Seventh Corporal
Jan. 26, 1864; Sixth Corporal Feb. 20, 1864; Fifth Corporal May
1, 1864; Fourth Sergeant Feb. 21, 1865; Second Sergeant, Dec. 4,
Graham, Alexander L. Age 24. Allamakee County. Enlisted June 13,
1861. Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864, Davenport, Iowa, expiration of
term of service.
Granger, Charles C. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted June 13,
1861. Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864, Davenport, Iowa, expiration of
term of service.
Granger, Robert E. Age 19. Waukon. Enlisted and mustered Sept.
30, 1861. Wounded fatally Aug. 27, 1863, Bayou Metoe, Ark., and
died Aug. 28th.
Granger, Morris S. Age 20. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Oct. 28, 1861. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 27,
1863. Promoted Third Corporal Feb. 21, 1865; First Corporal Dec.
14, 1865.
Hurlbut, Edwin G. Age 25. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Sept. 30, 1861. Mustered out Sept. 30, 1864, expiration of term
of service.
Harris, Stephen B. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Sept. 30, 1861. Promoted Eighth Corporal Aug. 4, 1863;
Seventh Corporal Nov. 2, 1863; Sixth Corporal Jan. 1, 1864; Fifth
Corporal Jan. 26, 1864; Fourth Corporal Feb. 20, 1864; Third
Corporal May 1, 1864; Third Sergeant Feb. 21, 1865; Company
Commissary Sergeant Dec. 14, 1865.
Howard, Freedom J. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Dec. 8, 1864. Mustered out Dec. 8, 1865, Austin, Texas,
expiration of term of service.
Israel, John. Age 44. Allamakee County. Enlisted June 13, 1861,
as Wagoner. Discharged for disability Sept. 16, 1862.
Jameson, Samuel. Age 29. Allamakee County. Enlisted June 13,
1861. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 27, 1863. Promoted Fifth
Corporal Feb. 21, 1865; Third Corporal Dec. 14, 1865; Second
Corporal Dec. 20, 1865.
Jennings, David P. Age 43. Jefferson. Enlisted and mustered Aug.
22, 1862. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Jan. 1, 1864. Discharged
for disability March 17, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.
Kinsley, Jason W. Age 26. Allamakee County. Enlisted June 13,
1861. Re-enlisted and re-mustered March 2, 1864.
Lewis, George B. Age 23. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Sept. 30, 1861. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 17, 1863.
Logan, William. Age 21. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Dec. 19, 1863.
Lyon, James A. Age 23. Hardin. Enlisted ____13, 1861, Second
Sergeant. Wounded severely April 14, 1862, Montevallo, Mo.
Discharged for wounds June 10, 1862. (Appointed Second Lieut. Co.
A, 27th Infantry Aug. 7, 1862)
McClaskey, Alexander. Age 20. Allamakee County. Enlisted June 13,
1861. Mustered out Aug. 17, 1864, expiration of term of service.
McClaskey, George H. Age 26. Waukon. Enlisted June 13, 1861, as
saddler. Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864, Davenport, Iowa, expiration
of term of service.
Miller, Cornelius L. Age 21. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Dec. 19, 1863. Mustered out Sept. 21, 1865, Davenport,
Minert, David M. Age 22. Allamakee County. Enlisted June 13,
1861. Promoted Wagoner Dec. 18, 1863. Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864,
Davenport, Iowa, expiration of term of service.
Ogg, Leonidas. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
March 1, 1864.
Paxson, John L. Age 28. Dorchester. Enlisted June 13, 1861.
Promoted Company Quartermaster Sergeant Oct. 14, 1861. Mustered
out Aug. 17, 1864, expiration of term of service.
Pease, Franklin. Age 30. Waukon. Enlisted and mustered Oct. 16,
1861. Promoted Sixth Sergeant Nov. 2, 1863; Fifth Sergeant Jan.
1, 1864. Discharged for promotion as First Lieut. Third Arkansas
Cavalry, Jan. 10, 1864.
Peeper, John. Age 21. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Jan. 4, 1864.
Post, John S. Age 19. Postville. Enlisted June 13, 1861.
Discharged for disability March 12, 1863, Springfield, Mo.
Prescott, Charles T. Age 25. Post. Enlisted June 13, 1861.
Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864, Davenport, Iowa, expiration of term
of service.
Rathburne, Benjamin B. Age 26. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Aug. 16, 1862. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Jan. 1, 1864.
Reid, Lewis. Age 24. Waukon. Enlisted and mustered Oct. 16, 1861.
Mustered out Oct. 16, 1864, expiration of term of service.
Reynolds, Elias. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Dec. 8, 1864. Died Oct. 30, 1865, Hempstead, Texas.
Riter, Jacob. Age 19. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Dec. 30, 1863.
Robey, Calvin A. Age 21. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
March 1, 1864.
Roe, Charles E. Age 28. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Feb. 27, 1864. (See Company B, Twelfth Infantry.)
Russell, James M. Age 22. Rossville. Enlisted June 13, 1861,
First Corporal. Promoted Fifth Sergeant Sept. 1, 1862; Third
Sergeant April 1, 1863; Second Sergeant Nov. 2, 1863; First
Sergeant Jan. 1, 1864. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Feb. 24, 1864.
Promoted Second Lieutenant March 23, 1864; Captain Jan. 3, 1865.
Shelhamer, Jesse B. Age 20. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Dec. 8, 1864. Mustered out Dec. 8, 1865, Austin, Texas,
expiration of therm of service.
Stanley, Benjamin B. Age 25. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Feb. 27, 1864. Mustered out May 28, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.
Thayer, Jesse. Age 27. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Feb. 27, 1864.
Tiffany, Orville B. Age 27. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Dec. 18, 1863. Died Nov. 14, 1865, Austin, Texas.
Walker, William H. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted June 13,
1861.Re-enlisted ad re-mustered Dec. 27, 1863. Promoted Fourth
Corporal Feb. 21, 1865; Second Corporal Dec. 14, 1865. Mustered
out Jan. 20, 1866, New Orleans, la.
Wood, James. Age 19. Waukon. Enlisted June 13, 1861. Died Jan.
27, 1863, Forsyth, Mo.
Saucer, William H. Age 18. Post. Enlisted June 13, 1861.
Re-enlisted and re-mustered Feb. 24, 1864. Promoted Eighth
Corporal July 1, 1864; Sixth Sergeant Feb. 21, 1865; Fourth
Sergeant Dec. 14, 1865.
Truman, John M. Age 30. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Sept. 30, 1861. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Feb. 29, 1864.
Stillions, Samuel. Age 22, Allamakee County. Enlisted June 13,
1861. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 27, 1863.
Durbon, Daniel T. Age 42. Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
March 8, 1864. Present to June 30, 1864. No further record found.
Joslyn, George M. Age 30. Lansing. Enlisted and mustered Jan. 4,
1864. Died July 12, 1864, Little Rock, Ark., and buried in
National Cemetery at Little Rock.
Masiker, George K. Age 22. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Died Sept. 24, 1864, Little Rock, Ark.
Servoss, William. Age 27. Lansing. Enlisted and mustered Dec. 22,
1863. Died March 5, 1864, Hospital, Helena, Ark.
Wheeler, Walter H. Age 20. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Feb. 27, 1864. Died _____, and duried in National
Cemetery at Little Rock, Ark.
Dore, Francis A. Age 26. Postville. Enlisted and mustered Aug.
31, 1862. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Jan. 5, 1864.
Smith, John M. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 21, and
mustered Oct. 26, 1864. Mustered out Oct. 24, 1865, expiration of
term of service.
Colby, Henry. Age 44. Lansing. Enlisted and mustered Dec. 21,
1863. Discharged for disability May 25, 1864, Little Rock, Ark.
Sherwood, Thomas. Age 30. Residence, Allamakee County. Enlisted
and mustered Oct. 26, 1864. No further record.
The Sixth Regiment of Iowa Cavalry was origanized under a special
order of the War Department dated September 9, 1862, and the
companies were ordered into quarters at Camp Hendershott, near
Davenport, Iowa, where they were mustered into the service of the
United States, by Captain H. B. Hendershott, of the Regular Army,
on dates ranging from November 17, 1862, to March 5, 1863. To
this regiment fell the duty of protecting the settlers on our
northern frontier during the Sioux Indian outbreak then at its
height, and the character of this service was such as to involve
great hardship and suffering, particularly in the winter season.
The regiment left camp at Davenport March 16, 1863, and made a
long march across the State of Iowa, at a season when storms
prevailed and the roads were bad, reaching Sioux City April 26th.
Upon taking the field the regiment was divided, one battalion
going to Fort Randall and the others serving elsewhere until all
were assembled at Fort Pierre, where General Sully established
his base of supplies, having relieved General Cook. The
expedition under General Sully started from Fort Pierre August
21, 1863, and on the 3d of September the Indians were corralled
and defeated at White Stone Hill, in which battle the Sixth
Regiment had twenty-two killed and wounded. In the campaign of
1864 the hostile tribes were again encountered in force near the
Little Missouri River, 200 miles west of Fort Rice, by an
expedition under General Sully, and the Indians met with a
decisive defeat in actions on July 28, and August 8 and 9, 1864.
During the following winter the regiment was widely scattered;
and during the summer of 1865 the Indians remained comparatively
quiet. The Sixth remained in the field however as a safeguard to
the frontier, until replaced by troops from the Regular Army,
when it was assembled at Sioux City and there mustered out
October 17, 1865. The Sixth Iowa Cavalry spent more than two
years and a half upon the northern frontier, a considerable part
of the time engaged in active operations against a barbarous and
treacherous foe. They endured great privations and displayed true
heroism during this service, and the descendants of the pioneers
throughout that region should hold in grateful remembrance the
brave sons of Iowa who went forth from their homes and drove the
relentless savages from the scenes of their brutal massacres.
Shattuck, Scott, Captain. Age 34. Residence Waukon. Appointed
Captain Jan. 31, 1863. Resigned April 5, 1865. See Co. I. 27th
Ruth, James, First Lieut. Age 22. Residence Lansing. Appointed
First Lieut. Jan. 31, 1863. Promoted Captain April 10, 1865. See
Co. B, 27th Infantry.
Allen, Edwin A. Age 26, Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 18, 1862.
Baker, James W. Age 19. Waukon. Enlisted Sept. 30, 1862.
Baldwin, Andrew. Age 28. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 29, 1862, Fourth
Sergeant. Wounded Sept. 3, 1863. White Stone Hill, Dakota.
Promoted Third Sergeant. May 1, 1864; Second Sergeant Jan. 30,
1865; Company Quartermaster Sergeant July 1, 1865.
Beede, Moses V. Age 29. Waukon. Enlisted Sept. 24, 1862. Second
Corporal. Promoted First Corporal Sept. 1, 1864; Sixth Sergeant
July 1, 1865.
Beetem, Charles L. Age 23. French Creek. Enlisted Sept. 27, 1862.
Beetem, John T. Age 20. French Creek. Enlisted Sept. 27, 1862.
Bellows, Charles H. Age 19. French Creek. Enlisted Sept. 29,
1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal May 1, 1865.
Bellows, George P. Age 23. French Creek. Enlisted Oct. 24, and
mustered Oct. 31, 1864.
Bellows, Rush. Age 24. French Creek. Enlisted Sept 29, 1862.
Bingay, James LS. Age 24. Waukon. Enlisted Sept. 21, 1862.
Deserted Feb. 5, 1863, Davenport, Iowa.
Blake, David A. Age 18. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 1, 1862. Died April
23, 1865, Crow Creek, Dak., and buried at Ft. Thompson, Dak.
Booth, Hiram. Age 40. Volney. Enlisted Oct.22, 1862. Promoted
Company Commissary Sergeant April27, 1863. Discharged Aug. 4,
1865, Fort Randall, Dak.
Braymin, Harry E. Age 21. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 3, 1862.
Discharged June 20, 1865, Sioux City, Iowa.
Butts, Andrew J. Age 28. Waukon. Enlisted Sept. 23, 1862.
Discharged July 29, 1865, Fort Randall, Dak.
Boans, John.
Burgess, A.
Callender, Levi. Age 23. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 24, 1862.
Carr, Samuel C. Age 38. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 8, 1862.
Discharged June 20, 1865, Sioux City, Iowa.
Cowan, William. Age 19. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 22, and mustered
Oct. 31, 1864.
Dodds, Thomas H. Age 21. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 21, and
mustered Oct. 26, 1864.
Downes, Patrick. Age 22. Waukon. Enlisted Sept. 27, 1862, Seventh
Corporal. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Oct. 31, 1863.
Returned to Company April 12, 1864.
Dundee, Christian. Age 27. Waukon. Enlisted Sept. 29, 1862, as
Wagoner. Died Feb. 28, 1865, and buried at Yankton, Dak.
Eells, Samuel. Age 30. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 28, 1862. Died Dec.
5, 1862, Davenport, Iowa
Ehnes, John. Age 32. Lansing. Enlisted Dec. 18, 1862.
Eckstein, Geo. Age 28. Allamakee County. Enlisted Dec. 7, 1862.
Deserted April 1, 1863, Iowa City, Iowa
Farnham, Stephen S. Age 38. Volney. Enlisted Oct. 22, 1862, Third
Sergeant. Promoted Second Sergeant May 1, 1864. Discharged July
29, 1865.
Ferris, Leander. Age 33. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 26, and
mustered Oct. 31. 1864.
Fitzgerald, William. Age 23. Lansing. Enlisted Sept. 29, 1862,
Eighth Corporal. Wounded Sept. 3, 1863, White Sone Hill, Dak.
Ford, Patrick. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Oct 10, 1862.
Gibbs, Samuel C. Age 42. Lansing. Enlisted Sept. 23, 1862,
Company Quartermaster Sergeant. Reduced to Commissary Sergeant.
Reduced to Wagoner.
Gilman, Frederick F. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Dec. 16, 1862.
Hartley, John. Age 20. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 21, and
mustered Oct. 26, 1864.
Healy, Patrick. Age 23. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 7, 1862. Deserted
Feb. 5, 1863, Davenport, Iowa
Howard, Benjamin. Age 24. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 7, 1863.
Hartley, Joseph. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 2, and
mustered Oct. 20, 1864.
Jarvis, Alfred. Age 21. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 2, 1862.
Jarvis, Hardin. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 2, and
mustered Oct. 26, 1864.
Kaufman, Anderson M. Age 36. Allamakee County. Enlisted Sept. 25,
1862, as Farrier.
Kilillay, John. Age 18. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 8, 1862. Wounded
Sept. 3, 1863, White Stone Hill, Dak.
Legler, Frederick. Age 36. Lansing. Enlisted Sept. 22, 1862, as
Farrier. Died Oct. 25, 1864, and buried
at Ft. Sully, Dak.
McFadden, Michael. Age 22. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 25, 1862.
Transferred to Company M, Feb. 28, 1863.
McKallor, Archibald H. Age 42. Waukon. Enlisted Sept. 28, 1862,
as Company Commissary Sergeant. Promoted Company Quartermaster
Sergeant March 1863; Second Lieut. May 1, 1865.
Marsh, Sanford C. Age 44. Allamakee County. Enlisted Nov. 1,
1862, as Teamster. Discharged at Davenport, Iowa
Maxwell, William. Age 19. Waukon. Enlisted Sept. 24, 1862.
Promoted Fifth Corporal June 9, 1863; Fourth Corporal Sept. 1,
1864; Third Corporal July 1, 1865.
Merrill, Charles. Age 26. Waukon. Enlisted Nov. 8, 1862.
Milks, James H. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 22, and
mustered Oct. 31, 1864.
Milks, Job D. Age 21. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 22, and
mustered Oct. 31, 1864.
Miller, George W. Age 28. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 4, 1862.
Monk, William. Age 21. Dorchester. Enlisted Dec. 14, 1862.
Olsen, Andrew. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 11, 1862.
Pierce, Phillip I. Age 30. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 25,
1862. Promoted Saddler Oct. 6, 1863. Sixth Sergeant Jan. 30,
1865; Fifth Sergeant July , 1, 1865.
Pitt, John F. Age 34. Waukon. Enlisted Sept. 27, 1862. Teamster.
Discharged for disability Aug. 28, 1865, Sioux City, Iowa
Post, Henry A. Age 23. Dorchester. Enlisted Nov. 11, 1862, Sixth
Sergeant. Wounded Sept. 3, 1863, White Stone Hill, Dak. Promoted
Fifth Sergeant May 1, 1864; Fourth Sergeant Jan. 30, 1865; Second
Sergeant July 1, 1865.
Potter, Christopher. Age 33. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 27, 1862.
Promoted Farrier.
Pritchard, John R. Age 32. Lansing. Enlisted Nov. 27, 1862.
Mobley, John S. Age 34. Lansing Enlisted Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted
Sixth sergeant June 26, 1863; Company Quartermaster Sergeant Oct.
18, 1863.
Raymond, Charles H. Age 31. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 22, 1862.
Promoted Company Commissary Sergeant March 1, 1865.
Ruth, Edward. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 30, 1862, Fourth
Corporal. Promoted Third Corporal Sept. 1, 1864; Second Corporal
July 1, 1865.
Ruth, John. Age 27. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 26, and mustered Oct.
31, 1864. Died June 8, 1865, Crow Creek, Dak., and buried at Fort
Thompson, Dak.
Ruth, William J. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 2, and
mustered Oct. 26, 1864.
Sammon, William H. Age 19. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 7, 1862. Wounded
Sept. 3, 1863, White Stone Hill, Dak.
Speicher, Lewis. Age 37. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 21, 1862.
Steimer, Anton. Age 29. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 21, 1862.
Stillman, Linus P. Age 19. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 1, 1862.
Promoted Seventh Corporal Dec. 1, 1864; Sixth Corporal July 1,
Strain, Joseph H. Age 32. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 10, 1862.
Thomson, James. Age 18. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 8, 1862.
Toole, John. Age 28. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 1, 1862. Discharged
July 29, Fort Randall, Dak.
Wagner, Casper M. B. Age 24. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 29,
1862. Killed in action, White Stone Hill, Dak., Sept. 3, 1863.
Weir, Robert. Age 32. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 18, 1862. Died Dec.
19, 1862, Davenport, Iowa, and buried in National Cemetery at
Rock Island, Ill.
Williamson, John. Age 27. Lansing. Enlisted Oct. 15, 1862.
Winn, Robert. (Company unknown.) Died, in Dakota.
Est, Elijah O. Age 39. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 26, and
mustered Oct. 31, 1864. Mustered out July 30, 1865.
McCoy, Chauncey. Age 20. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 24, and
mustered Oct. 31, 1864.
The Ninth Regiment of Iowa Cavalry was organized under special
order of the War Department dated September 7, 1863, and ordered
into quarters at Davenport, Iowa, where it was mustered into
service November 30, 1863, by Lieut. Col. William N. Grier,
United States Army. Shortly after it was ordered to St. Louis,
Mo., where it at first occupied the old rebel “Camp
Jackson,” but soon after took up its quarters at Benton
Barracks, and in the following April at Jefferson Barracks. Early
in May, 1864, a detachment of the Ninth was sent to Hannibal and
Palmyra to intercept the notorious guerilla Quantrell, after his
infamous Lawrence Massacre, and succeeded in dispersing his band
and capturing a number of them. Later in the sam month the
regiment was sent to Devall’s Bluff, Arkansas, from which
base it operated in detachments for scouting purposes, in which
work its services were engaged for a great part of the time
during the following year and a half or more, throughout the
States of Arkansas and Missouri; the latter part of this period
however being devoted to the suppression of lawlessness in the
mountainous regions of Arkansas, during the attempts to restore
civil government to this distracted section of the country. The
various companies were mustered out at Little Rock, Arkansas, at
different dates, Companies E and F being mustered out February 3,
1866. While the field of its operations was such that it was
disappointed in participating in any of the great battles of the
war, the Ninth performed with honor all the duties assigned to
it; and during its service of over two years the regiment marched
over 2,000 miles, was conveyed by boat and rail 1,700 miles, and
the marches of its various detachments approximated 8,000 miles
Dean, George M., Captain. Age 39. Residence Waukon. Appointed
Captain Nov. 30, 1863.
Able, Grandison. Age 35. Residence Volney. Enlisted Aug. 25,
1863. Fourth Sergeant. Promoted Third Sergeant April 14, 1864;
Second Sergeant Aug. 31, 1864; First Sergeant Feb. 3, 1865.
Able, Henry B. Age 24. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 22, and
mustered Oct. 31, 1864. Mustered out Oct. 28, 1865, expiration of
term of service.
Bailey, Phillip. Age 25. Volney. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1863.
Discharged for disability Dec. 12, 1863.
Becker, Jesse F. Age 18. Volney. Enlisted Oct. 3, 1863.
Clough, Fernando E. Age 19. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 14, 1863.
Promoted Eighth Corporal April 28, 1865; Seventh Corporal Dec. 5,
Engelhorn, John K. Age 21. Lansing. Enlisted Sept. 20, 1863.
Franklin, Gideon. Age 37. Volney. Enlisted Oct. 17, 1863, as
Wagoner. Died Sept. 28, 1864, Austin, Ark.
Griffin, John. Age 27. Waukon. Enlisted Sept. 12, 1863, Sixth
Sergeant. Promoted Fifth Sergeant April 14, 1864. Wounded.
Promoted Fourth Sergeant Aug. 31, 1864; Third Sergeant Feb. 3,
1865. Mustered out Nov. 25, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.
Hackenberg, George. Age. 18. Waukon. Enlisted July 1, 1863.
Promoted Eighth Corporal Jan. 10, 1865; Seventh Corporal April
28, 1865; Sixth Corporal Dec. 5, 1865.
Halsey, George C. Age 20. Volney. Enlisted Sept. 17, 1863.
Halsey, Orin C. Age 22. Volney. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1863.
Hazlett, John O. Age 35. Enlisted Oct. 16, 1864, and mustered
Oct. 31, 1864. Mustered out Nov. 14, 1865, Helena, Ark.
Kappes, Joseph. Age 39. Allamakee County. Enlisted Oct. 22, and
mustered Oct. 31, 1864. Mustered out Oct. 28, 1865, Little Rock,
Kinning, John H. Age 44. Lansing. Enlisted Aug. 25, 1863. Died
Feb. 25, 1864, St. Louis, Mo., and buried in National Cemetery at
Jefferson Barracks.
Knudtson, Neils. Age 18. Allamakee County. Enlisted Sept. 12,
Lingerfelt, Adam. Age 27. Volney. Enlisted Nov. 3, 1863.
Mann, Nelson B. Age 26. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 1, 1863.
Morehead, James A. Age 21. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 13, 1863.
Mustered out Aug. 22, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.
Peck, Albert H. Age 22. Waukon. Enlisted June 22, 1863, Third
Sergeant. Promoted Second Sergeant April 14, 1864; First Sergeant
Aug. 31, 1864; Second Lieut. Sept. 9, 1864; First Lieut. July 4,
Pettit, George J. Age 18. Rossville. Enlisted Sept. 26, 1863.
Rinehart, James K. Age 21. Harper’s Ferry. Enlisted Aug. 20,
1863. Fourth Corporal. Promoted Second Corporal April 14, 1864;
Sixth Sergeant Aug. 31, 1864; Fifth Sergeant Feb. 3, 1865.
Reinhart, John T. Age 19. Harper’s Ferry. Enlisted Sept. 19,
1863, Bugler. (See Co. K, Fifth Infantry.)
Roderick, Daniel B. Age 33. Rossville. Enlisted Oct. 30, 1863.
Promoted Seventh Corporal April 14, 1864; Sixth Corporal Aug. 31,
1864; Fifth Corporal Jan. 10, 1865; Fourth Corporal April 28,
1865; Third Corporal Dec. 5, 1865.
Ross, Russell K. Age 18. Rossville. Enlisted Oct. 12, 1863.
Mustered out May 9, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.
Rush, Samuel L. Age 32. Rossville. Enlisted Oct. 9, 1863.
Schultz, Carl. Age 18. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 27, 1863. Died Oct.
22, 1864, Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and buried in National
Cemetery at Jefferson Barracks.
Schultze, Louis. Age 22. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 31, 1863.
Scraton, Aaron. Age 44. Waukon. Enlisted Aug. 5, 1863. Died Jan.
26, 1864, St. Louis, Mo., and buried in National Cemetery at
Jefferson Barracks.
Simenson, Simon. Age 26. Waukon. Enlisted Oct. 15, 1863. Died
Oct. 4, 1864, Austin, Ark.
Sires, Daniel. Age 18. Waukon, Enlisted Aug. 13, 1863.
Smith, James W. Age 20. Volney. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1863, Sixth
Corporal. Promoted Fourth Corporal April 14, 1864; Second
Corporal Aug. 31, 1864; First Corporal April 28, 1865.
Smith, John W. Age 35. Volney. Enlisted July 4, 1863. (See
Company K, Fifth Infantry.)
Smith, Simeon. Age 18. Volney. Enlisted July 3, 1863, Fifth
Corporal. Promoted Third Corporal April 14, 1864; Died Aug. 26,
1864, Devall’s Bluff, Ark., and buried in National Cemetery
at Devall’s Bluff.
Stillions, John. Age 21. Waukon. Enlisted July 20, 1863. Died
Aug. 23, 1864, Devall’s Bluff, Ark.
Van Valkenburg, Oscar. Age 20. Volney. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1863.
Promoted Eighth Corporal Aug. 31, 1864; Seventh Corporal Jan. 10,
1865; Sixth Corporal April 28, 1865; Fifth Corporal Dec. 5, 1865.
Williams, William H. Age 21. Postville. Enlisted July 29, 1863.
Ryan, Edward.
Williamson, Charles. Age 37. Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Oct. 22, 1864. Mustered out Oct. 28, 1865, Little Rock,
Wilson, Henry. Age 21. Harper’s Ferry. Enlisted July 18,
Wilson, David G. Age 20. Allamakee County. Enlisted July 17,
1863. Died Jan. 30, 1864, St. Louis, Mo.
Davis, Samuel H., Second Lieut. Age 37. Lansing. Appointed Second
Lieut. Nov. 30, 1863. Promoted First Lieut. Aug. 19, 1865. (See
Co. K, Fifth Infantry.)
Anderson, Hans. Age 33. Allamakee County. Enlisted July 4, 1863.
Died Dec. 26, 1864, Keokuk, Iowa.
Banks, Peter. Age 21. Village Creek. Enlisted July 28, 1863, as
Bugler. Discharged for disability May 15, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.
Harris, William. Age 41. Residence, Lybrand. Enlisted Oct. 6, and
mustered Oct. 31, 1861.
Johnson, William R. Age 23. Lybrand. Enlisted Oct. 6, and
mustered Oct. 31, 1861.
Jones, John F. Age 26. Hardin. Enlisted Oct. 10, and mustered
Oct. 31, 1861. Died March 16, 1862, Commerce, Mo.
Kennedy, Robert B. Age 23. Lybrand. Enlisted Oct. 16, and
mustered Oct. 31, 1861. Discharged for disability July 11, 1862,
Jackson, Tenn.
Prescott, Alva R. Age 26. Hardin. Enlisted Sept. 23, and mustered
Oct. 31, 1861, Fourth Sergeant. Promoted Third Sergeant July 1,
1862; Second Sergeant; Second Lieut. Of Company F, March 14,
Wheeler, George W. Age 22. Lybrand. Enlisted Oct. 6, and mustered
Oct. 31, 1861. Discharged for disability Feb. 13, 1862,
Otterville, Mo.
(pg 558)
McKenzie, John. Age 32. Residence, Allamakee County. Mustered in
Company H, June 17, 1861.
Stone, Albert. Age 23. Residence, Allamakee County. Mustered in
Company H, June 17, 1861.
Pratt, Emory W. Residence, Waukon, Allamakee County. Lieutenant
Company K.
Fifth-eighth infantry
Howard, Benjamin H. Age 25. Residence, Waukon. Mustered in
Company D, Dec. 13, 1861.
Blanchard, Job. Residence, Allamakee County. Musician.
Pratt, Noah H. Age 28. Residence, Waukon. Mustered in Company I,
Age. 12, 1862. Promoted to Second Lieut. Of Forty-eighth U. S.
Colored Infantry.
Smith, William B. Age 44. Residence, Allamakee County. Mustered
March 24, 1864.
Harden, Dennis A. Residence, Allamakee County. Company B,
Eighteenth Missouri Infantry.
Schierholz, H. Sergeant Major Twenty-seventh Missouri Infantry.
Forrest, Franklin F. Residence, Allamakee County. Mustered In
Company B, April 18, 1861.
Korhn, George. Residence, Paint Creek Township, Allamakee County,
Company H. Mustered June 8, 1861.
Moyer, Henry. Residence, Taylor Township, Allamakee County,
Company H. Mustered June 8, 1861.
Gulberg, Peter F. Residence, Waterville, Allamakee County.
Mustered in Company C, May 8, 1861.
Nelson, Louis M. Residence, Center Township, Allamakee County.
Mustered in Company C, May 8, 1861.
Lageson, Hans A. Age 23. Residence, Allamakee County. Mustered in
company B, Jan. 27, 1862.
Herron, Andrew. Age 22. Residence, Fairview Township. Mustered
Sept. 6, 1861.
Haskin, H. H. Residence, Allamakee County. In Company E.
Clark, Dell J. Residence, Allamakee County. In Company F.
Johnson, Louis. Residence, Allamakee County. Killed in action at
Tupelo, Miss., 1864.
Akerson, John. Residence, Allamakee County. Enlisted and mustered
Nov. 1, 1861. Killed in action at Sulphur Springs, Ky., 1864. Co.
Walker, William H. Residence, Allamakee County. Enlisted and
mustered Oct. 7, 1861. Killed in action at Walden, Ark., 1863.
Ettle, John. Residence, Waukon. Killed in action at Iuka, Miss.,
Sept. 19, 1862.
Brown, L.- Hospital Steward.
Manson, James W.-Hospital Steward. Died July, 1864, Memphis,
Earle, John W.-First Lieut., Reg. Q. M., 71st U. S. Infantry.
Kelly, John. Residence, Allamakee County.
Arnold, C. H.
Brainard, Amos. Killed in action at Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1863.
Cheadle, Erastus. Killed at Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1863.
Clauson, H. Dorchester, Company B.
Crawley, James. Died in Southern prison, 1864.
Dial, David. Waukon, Company A.
Dorsey, James. Killed at Murfreesboro, 1863.
Douglass, David W. Waukon, Corporal, Company B.
Gilson, _____, Killed at Peach Tree Creek, Tenn.
Hancock, Thomas J. Volney. Company A.
Johnson, Henry E. Died at Nashville, Tenn., 1862.
Lisher, James M. Company B.
Miller, _______, Killed at Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1863.
Oleson, Thomas. Killed at Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1863.
Oleson, John M. Died in Southern prison, 1863.
Page, Charles. Killed at Murfreesboro Tenn., 1863.
Palmer, Lemuel. Killed at Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1863.
Reid, J. B. Waukon. Sergeant, Company B.
Robbins, Samuel B. Died at Columbus, Ky., Jan. 20, 1863.
Schroda, George. Waukon. Company B.
Shuff, Coleman. Killed at Atlanta, Ga., 1864.
Smith, George. Died at Fort Ontario, N. Y.
Smith, Hiram. Killed at Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1863.
No record is at hand of the personal service of the foregoing
members of the Sixteenth U. S. Infantry; and the record is very
incomplete as to most of those serving in the military
organization of the other states. All above listed are supposed
to have been residents of Allamakee county.
CHRONOLOGY (pg 561-562)
1673-Discovery by Marquette, June 17th.
1763-Control passed from the French to Spanish, by Treaty of
Paris, January 1, 1763.
1800-Retroceded by Spain to France, by secret treaty October 1st.
Formal transferred of Upper Louisiana at St. Louis, March 9,
1803-France to United States, April 30th. Treaty executed
December 20th; and formal transfer of Upper Louisiana effected by
ceremony at St. Louis, March 10, 1804.
1804-In District of Louisiana under the government of Indiana
1805-In Territory of Louisiana.
1812-In Territory of Missouri.
1821-In the unorganized territory of United States.
1825-Upper Iowa river established as the dividing line between
the Sioux and the Sacs and Foxes.
1828-First sawmill on Yellow river.
1830-Neutral Ground established,, twenty miles wide on each side
of Upper Iowa river. Paint Rock the eastern terminus of south
1832-East part of Neutral Ground made Winnebago Indian
1834-Old Mission built on Yellow river.
1834-In Territory of Michigan.
1835-Old Mission school and farm opened.
1836-In Territory of Wisconsin.
1837-First settler at Johnsonsport about this time.
1838-Territory of Iowa formed.
1841-First white child born, at Old Mission.
1841-Joel Post located in Post township, with government consent.
1842-Yellow River Mission abandoned, and school removed to Fort
Atkinson, Winneshiek county.
1846-State of Iowa admitted to the Union, December 28, 1846.
1847-County boundaries defined by legislature.
184- Winnebago treaty relinquishing Neutral Ground; and Indians
removed the following year.
1848-First settlers at Lansing; Garrison, and the Haneys.
1848-First settler in Makee township: Patrick Keenan.
1848-First school taught, at Postville.
1849-County organized by Act of Legislature, January 15th.
1849-County seat located at “The Old Stake.”
1849-First postoffice established, at Postville, in January.
1849-First schoolhouse built, at Hardin.
149-First election, April.
1849-First Settler at Waukon, July, Geo. C. Shattuck.
1849-(and ‘50-‘51) First law cases heard by District,
Judge Grant, at Old Mission and Postville.
1849-First recorded marriage, Elias Topliff and Anna Reed, Post
township, December 6th.
1850-First gristmill, Waterville.
1851-First county seat election, April; no choice.
1851-Second county seat election, May; Columbus chosen.
1851-First church built, Catholic, at Wexford.
1852-First recorded term of District court at Columbus, July
1852-First newspaper, at Lansing, November 23d.
1853-County seat relocated at Waukon, by commissioners, March.
1853-Third county seat election, location at Waukon ratified,
1853-County Agricultural Society organized at Waukon, June 7th.
1853-First flouring mill built, at Village Creek.
1853-Democratic county organization, December 24th.
1856-Fourth county seat election, April, Waukon, over Rossville
and Whaley & Topliff’s mill.
1856-Lead mining at New Galena.
1856-‘57-Winter of “the crust.”
1857-Prairie du Chien & Mankato Railroad Company organized.
1859-Fifth county seat election, Waukon over Lansing, April 4th;
and contract for courthouse at Waukon let, August 2d.
1861-Sixth county seat election, “The Point” between
Lansing and Columbus won. Courthouse at Waukon completed, and
courthouse at The Point erected.
1862-Seventh county seat election, April, “The Point”
again victorious over Waukon by twenty-two votes.
1864-McGregor Western Railroad built, to Postville.
1864-Eighth county seat election, November 8th, Waukon over The
Point; election contested.
1864-Lansing incorporated.
1866-County “raid,” June 9th.
1866-County farm purchased.
1867-County seat contest decided for Waukon, in District court.
1868-Present County Agricultural Society organized, January 8th.
1869-Ninth county seat election, October 4th, Waukon by 254
1872-B. C. R. & N. R. R. Built, to Postville.
1872-C., D. & M. R. R. Built, along east border.
1873-Postville incorporated.
1875-Tenth county seat election, October, Waukon by 340 majority.
1877-Waukon & Mississippi R. R. Narrow gauge built to Waukon.
Widened, 1885.
1880-Record high water in Mississippi river, June.
1881-County house built on farm.
1882-County jail built at Waukon.
1883-Waukon incorporated.
1895-New Albin incorporated.
1902-Harper’s Ferry incorporated.
1912-Waterville incorporated.
The End
~transcribed by Diana Diedrich