Chapter 21 History of Lansing Past & Present of Allamakee County, 1913 History of Lansing - Recollections of 1851 - Lansing in 1852/53 - City Government The Water Supply - Fire Department - Lansing Schools |
The city of Lansing presents a beautiful aspect when approached
from the river, appearing to be entirely surrounded by rugged
hills. In summer, when these hills are clothed in richest green
and the town lies half hidden in their shadows; in autumn, when
nature has put on her brilliant hues; or in the early spring when
the little city nestles in the warming sun, and tender growth is
springing -- it is as fair a place to look upon as can be found
in the valley of the great river upon whose shore it rests.
The bench upon which the principal portion of the city is built,
runs down to the river with a bold, clean shore, along which
flows the main channel of the Mississippi, affording an excellent
landing place at all seasons of navigation.
This truly beautiful townsite was first occupied in 1848, by a
man named Garrison, of whom little is known; and he seems to have
left no impress upon the locality other than the name he gave to
the embryo settlement where he had built his shanty, he having
come from Lansing, Michigan, and this name was accepted and
adopted by his successors, the founders of the soon-to-be town.
He was living in a log cabin, just south of L.O. Rud's present
residence, on Front street, when John Haney, Sr., accompanied by
his son James, came to the place and located a claim, adjoining.
H.H. Houghton came soon after and purchased Garrison's claim; and
together with Mr. Haney they secured all the land for a distance
of four miles up the valley to the west, or some 1,400 acres,
including several mill sites along the creek. In October of the
same year, 1848, and on New Year's day they moved into their new
log cabin. A postoffice was established in 1849, with James Haney
Among the early settlers were also: John Haney, Jr., G.W. Gray,
G.W. Hays, James I. Gilbert, W. Ballou, F.D. Cowles, J.W. Remine,
A.L. Battles, I.B. Place, H.M. Travis, J.I. Taylor, E. Hale, and
G.H. Battles.
The first marriage in the place was that of James Haney and
Rachel W. Hurton, which occurred February 5, 1852.
The first white male child born in the place was Frank Cowles.
The first female child, Alberta Hale. Death's first claim was
little Fanny, daughter of Fanny and John Haney, Sr., who died
April 19, 1850, and was the first to be buried in the cemetery
now on the property of Mrs. Martha Hemenway, on Front street.
Others afterwards laid to rest here were: Mrs. Abram Bush, Mrs.
Watson, a little daughter of A.W. Purdy, Lizzie Williams, two
Patterson children, Willie Haney, Mrs. John Haney, Sr., and John
Hemenway. The three last named and Fanny Hemenway, the first
named, have since been removed to Oak Hill cemetery.
The first merchant who located in the new town was F.D. Cowles,
in the fall of 1851; the first lawyer was J.W. Remine; the first
doctor, J.I. Taylor.
The first hotel was kept by Dr. Houghton in a little log building
on Front street, just north of Williams street. The first frame
building was a store erected by F.D. Cowles in August, 1851, on
the corner of Front and Main streets, north of Main.
The first frame hotel was the "Lansing House," which is
still standing on Front street, north of Main. It was built by
Abram Bush in the fall of 1851. The first drug store was kept by
I.B. Place on Front street, near the Lansing House. It was opened
in the fall of 1852. The first justice of the peace was an
Englishman named Luckins.
In those early days the only route of communication with the
world at large was by the river. During the first year the
packets came but once in two weeks and seldom stopped unless for
worrd or to land passengers. The mails were sent by H.H.
Houghton, of Galena, and often thrown from the passing boat by
the mate weighted with a stone picked up at the last landing. The
Senator was the only boat running at this time. It made the round
trip between St. Louis and St. Paul, the famous Captain Smith in
command. As business rapidly increased other boats were put on
until a packet came daily, up and down, and the event of the day
was the landing of the steamboat. How interesting it would be to
us now, could we stand some day and looking down the river see
the Gray Eagle puffing up the stream. Perhaps it is in July of
'63, we have had no news for twenty-four hours; there is a mail
bag on board in which are papers and perhaps letters from
"the boys" at the front. The boat swings in to the
landing, a call from some one on board, "Vicksburg is
taken," and a great shout goes up from the crowd along the
wharf. Strangers, immigrants in their native dress, men, women,
and children crowd onto the planks, all talking in their native
languages. Baggage is taken off, and the fifty or more
roustabouts, to the time of whistle and sone, carry off boxes and
barrels, crates and bales, and carry on grain and flour. How
delightful it all was as compared with the present day travel by
With the closing of navigation each year this means of
communication was removed, and until spring again restored it,
such business as was done had to be carried on by teams driven on
the ice from Lansing to Prairie du Chien, the nearest railroad
town. The ice was always uncertain; hence the mails, and all
kinds of business depending upon transportation to and from the
eastern centers of commerce, were largely dependent upon that
most uncertain of all institutions, the weather.
(page 416-420)
After a quarter of a century, in the "front end" of
1877 one of the pioneers, Mr. H.M. Travis, wrote thus
interestingly of the early days, as published in the Lansing
Mirror at that time:
"At 10 o'clock, P.M., October 24, 1851, the writer stepped
ashore from the steamer 'Excelsior,' 'under the bank' in front of
what is now the Bates House, and was at once interviewed by a
small active man, with a lantern, about as follows: ‘Do you
keep a hotel?’ ‘Yes, sir.” ‘Where is your
carriage?’ ‘Haven’t any; hotel only a few steps
away.’ With a friend and his lady we followed mine host,
who, I suppose, was the front end of Lansing hotelkeepers, as his
double log house on Front street was the front end of Lansing
hotels. A few steps brought us to a low log structure, and we
entered. Mine host drew some chairs around the stove, near which,
on a ‘shake down,’ three guests were sleeping, placed
his lantern on a table and seated himself on a chair.
“A short silence intervened, when the friend with the lady
remarked, ‘I would like a room.’ Landlord–‘I
would like to see you get that.” Friend–‘Well, if
you have no accommodations we will not stay with you.’
Landlord–‘Where will you go? This is the only hotel in
the place!’ And there the dialogue ended, finally resulting
in a compromise; the lady retired with the landlady; the landlord
curled around the stove pipe on the chamber floor; my friend
slept on four chairs, and the writer kept up the fire and
grumbled, until a bright October morning ushered in a day
memorable to us as the front end of our twenty-five years
residence in Lansing.
“We had to see the ‘lion’ of course, and first the
‘store’ met our attention, kept by F. D. Cowles in a
little building, at the corner of Main and Front streets, which
represented the front end of merchandising, and was without a
rival. G. W. Carver, with a $600 stock of lumber, held the front
of our now extensive lumber business. Messrs. Haney &
Houghton, with a sawmill at the edge of town, were the pioneers
in manufacturing. Dodging the stumps, we walked through Front and
Main streets, climbed the ‘Hog Back,’ and thence scaled
Mount Hosmer, and enjoyed the magnificent river views, which even
now so will repay the exertion. Next day we helped
‘raise’ the frame of Elisha Hale’s house, on Front
street, and for weeks, every one was busy preparing for winter.
Soon E. P. Bircher put in an appearance, and in a
‘leanto’ started a saloon, the front end of that now
somewhat extensive business. Mine host Houghton, of the log
hotel, was the resident physician, and stood No. 1 on that list.
Rev. Bishop, once in three weeks, made us a visit, and gave us a
sermon, preaching in private rooms, and once during the winter in
a bar-room, with the whisky bottles at his back, that being the
only room in town large enough to seat the twenty–five or
thirty persons present. This front end of religious effort
contrasts widely with our present numerous clergymen and
churches. The beginning of a ministerial support was unique. The
class leader was Brother G. H. Battles, who was likewise
collector, and generally succeeded about as follows: A,
merchant–‘Yes, here are a couple of dollars.’ B,
saloonkeeper- ‘Yes, here is a dollar; tell him I took it in
for whisky.’ Gambler at table in same room–‘Hold
on until I win this double pot; if I do, I’ll give you a
couple of dollars.’ Wins. ‘Here is your money; tell him
I won it at poker,’ etc.
“Winter’s snows clothed the scene; winter’s ice
shut us in from the outer world, a weekly mail our connecting
link with civilization, half a dozen frame buildings finished and
unfinished; three log houses; three or four
‘shanties’–this was Lansing twenty-five years ago.
A. L. Bush opened his hotel, and they glory of the log Astor
departed. Many will remember Bush’s Christmas ball. Private
social parties, not at all exclusive, were the rage , and very
nice they were too. The resounding axe of the woodman made vocal
the island opposite town, whereon our former townsman, William
Fleming, Esq., then ‘one of the Maine“ boys,’ in
chopping cord wood, ‘illustrated with cuts’ the front
end of his since extensive lumber business. The weekly debating
society was the central point of the local literary effort, and
the writer has never since felt himself quite as important as
when reading the minutes, or announcing the subject for
discussion. Let us mention some of the contestants.
West–English, staid and decorous; –Craig–a fiery
Scot; Conner–with his shrewd Irish wit and rapid utterance;
keen reasoning Bush; argumentative Hall; sneering Streeter;
Valley–the champion laughist, etc., not to forget J. W.
Remine, Esq., of Virginia, the pioneer resident lawyer, who
wielded his tongue with the same aggressive sharpness with which,
on another occasion, he slashed with his knife the arm of a hotel
guest at Bush’s drawing the first Lansing blood shed by
Southern hands.
“Early Lansing was not without sentiment; Cupid was busy
here as elsewhere, and the wedding of James Haney opened the ball
matrimonial, being the front end wedding, and the front end
concert consisted of the hideous music ‘red headed
Shaw,’ made by drawing a rosined 2x4 across the edges of an
open goods box, beneath the window of the nuptial chamber. The
birth of a son to Mr. And Mrs. F. D. Cowles scored the first item
on our native census list, a business since by no means neglected
among us. The grain trade, since grown to such huge dimensions,
had that winter its front end. A load of wheat was brought to
town, purchased by Mr. Cowles at 40 cents per bushel, stored in a
hogshead and some boxes in the unfinished building of E. Hale,
and for want of a market sold for chicken feed. ‘Great oaks
from little acorns grow.’”
LANSING IN 1852-53
(page 420-422)
From old files of the Lansing Intelligencer, established by Wm.
H. Sumner in the fall of 1852, the following items were gleaned
and republished in the Mirror thirty-six years ago, and are now
the only existing published record of the business and social
conditions existing in those days, and hence of historical
In the advertising columns we notice: “The names of I. B.
Place, one door south of Lansing House, who had ‘just
returned from St. Louis with a large stock of goods;’ E. P.
Bircher dealt in groceries and provisions, ‘at the sign of
the Elk Horn;’ T. E. Williams, ‘corner Levee and
Williams streets,’ kept a plough and stove depot; James
Peacock, ‘on the Levee, corner of Fourth block,’ dealt
in goods, ‘wholesale and retail, at Dubuque prices;’
the Lansing House was owned by J. & J. Grant; Chas J. McGee
was the furniture dealer; Geo. W. Camp and Remine & Shaw
practiced law, and the latter firm ‘kept land warrants for
sale;’ Dr. J. I. Taylor ‘returned sincere thanks for
liberal patronage and hoped by close attention to still merit a
liberal share;’ O. E. Hale had ‘just opened a large and
well selected stock of goods,’ the partnership between Mr.
Hale and D.H. Patterson having been dissolved.
“D. D. Brown quaintly announces his return from the East,
‘after selecting his nice stock of goods, which has just
arrived by telegraph, disdaining the common way of your
slow-plodding, time-serving, conscience-wearing ice boats and
land schooners.’ His calicos were ‘warranted to suit
the gravest matron and the most exquisite belle’ and to be
without his teas and coffees ‘would be a sin
“The steamboats were represented by F. D. Cowles,
‘agent for the Galena & Minnesota U. S. Mail Line,’
consisting of the steamers Nominee, Ben Campbell and Dr.
“A Christmas ball was held at ‘Messrs. Haney’s
building,’ and the managers were somewhat numerous,
viz.:-For Lansing, W. E. Gardner, W. H. Sumner, J. W. Page, J. W.
Remine; for Decorah, A. Newell, J. B. Onstine, C. Moore,
Claiborne Day; for Waukon, A. J. Hersey, A. I. Burnham; for
Columbus, Uriah Whaley, W. C. Thompson. The floor managers were
J. I. Gilbert, J. P. Hughes, Jno. Haney, J. S. Mobley, Scott
Shattuck, D. D. Chase, and we may suppose that an entertainment
of such cosmopolitan character must have been a great
There was a rivalry between Columbus, Lansing, and the now city
of McGregor then called McGregor’s Landing. Early in 1853
umbrage was taken at the action of Mr. Garber, who introduced in
the Legislature a bill to memorialize Congress for a grant of
land for the construction of a railroad from Lansing to the
Missouri river, it being claimed that Lansing never asked such
action, and that the bill was introduced to unfavorably contrast
that place with McGregor’s Landing, which place desired the
Original dates, fixing certain facts not generally known to our
people, are found in an article appearing on the 4th of January,
1853, when Mr. Sumner writes that “but four and one-half
years have elapsed since the Winnebago Indians left this region,
and the whites began to claim and settle.” (The date appears
to be June, 1848.) He continues, “The site of the present
town of Lansing was claimed and settled four years ago last June
(June, 1848) and a post office established the following
year” (1849).
The result of the presidential election was, in the county: Whole
number of votes cast, 266; for Scott electors, 142; Pierce
electors, 124; deduct from Scott electors “for irregular
votes” 41, and from Pierce, 93. Lansing gave Scott 33,
Pierce 9; Columbus gave Scott 23, Pierce 9.
The county seat was a bone of contention. December 4, 1852, a
meeting was held at Ezra Reid’s in Ludlow township, at which
Edward Eells was chairman, John W. Remine and C. J. White
secretaries, to “take into consideration the propriety of
locating a county seat at the geographical center of the
By act of the Legislature, approved January 24th following,
commissioners were appointed to relocate the county seat.
“Resulting in its being located at Waukon that spring, as
narrated in another chapter.)
A literary society was organized at the house of James Peacock,
and the officers were: President, John J. Shaw; vice, C. J.
McGee; secretary, J. I. Taylor; treasurer, Geo. W. Camp. One of
the first questions discussed was,
“Resolved, That the removal of the county seat from Columbus
to the center of the county will be injurious to the town of
Lansing, and confer no real benefit on the county at large.”
Rev. Samuel Storra Howe was announced to preach the first
Thanksgiving sermon, “in the schoolroom over the printing
office,” and Rev. Mr. Bishop was “expected to preach
As a matter of local importance, it was stated that the
postmaster at Columbus, Mr. Lowe, “received a mail on the
25th ult., and the 3d inst.” showing the limited facilities
in that respect. The editor hears of a project for a semi-weekly
stage to Decorah, and in a subsequent issue insisted on an
“increase of mail service between Lansing and Fort Atkinson,
to two trips per week in two-horse carriages!”
The official post routes, in those days were: From Lansing to
Fort Atkinson, 45 miles; Lansing to Lycurgus, 10 miles; St. Paul
to Lansing, 250 miles, all once a week.
The postmaster was James Haney, and the assistant, S. D. Cowles.
Richard Luckins was the justice.
Mr. Watson had “just returned from Prairie du Chien, with
one hundred barrels of flour in his flat boat.”
Columbus was then a place of importance, and “O. W.
Streeter, agent,” offered a quantity of goods.
The lumber interests were represented by Mobley & Gilbert,
wholesale and retail dealers in merchandise and lumber. In March,
1853, they sold out to George W. Gray. F. D. Cowles offered the
public “a few thousand dollars’ worth of goods.”
J. W. Page advised those whose “harness was breaking”
that he was the party to repair it. And S. H. Haines was running
the sawmill.
Market quotations were: Wheat, 40c @ 55c; oats, 25c; vension, 3c
@4c; quail, 3c; prairie chickens, 10c; butter, 10c; sugar, 5c @
9c; coffee, 10c @ 11c.
Announcement was made February 22d, for the establishment of
postoffices at Volney and Rossville.
As late as May, 1853, the editor complained of “nearly
breaking his neck over the stumps and projecting roots” in
Main street, and the same issue actually claimed for the frontier
town, in a really able article, full of facts and figures, the
trade of Winneshiek, Fayette, Howard, Chickasaw, Mitchell, Floyd,
Worth, Cerno Gordo, Winnebago and Hancock counties!
The population of Lansing township, by the census taken in May,
1854, was: Males, 241; females, 199; total, 440. Of these there
were 88 voters, 85 militia. The place was then designated as
“a flourishing business town,” and some contrast was
editorially made with the census of 1850, “when there was no
Lansing beyond a log cabin,” and, indeed it remained so
until the summer of ‘51, and only then were the
“substantial improvements made which not show the stranger
what Lansing is.”
(page 422-423)
Lansing was incorporated as a town in 1864, and organized under
the general state laws as a city of the second-class by order of
court July 1, 1867.
The first municipal election was held in Hays’ Hall,
September 17, 1867, resulting in the election of the following
Mayor, S. V. Shaw; solicitor, John S. Monk; treasurer, G. Kerndt;
marshal, Thomas Spurrier; trustees, G. Kerndt, S. H. Kinne,
George Hewit, C. C. Bates, James Coard, S. B. Johnstone, Jacob
Haas, and A. H. Woodruff.
From that time to the present the following named have held the
office of mayor: S. V. Shaw, 1867-9; Samuel H. Kinne, 1869-72;
Henry Nielander, 1872-3; Wm. H. Burford, 1873-4; Theodore
Nachtwey, 1874-6; Samuel W. Hemenway, 1876 to time of his death,
May 6, ‘77, when Phillip Bockfinger became mayor pro tem
until May 9th, E. A. Blum appointed pro tem by the council until
special election July 2d, he was elected mayor until March, 1878:
John M. Hancock, 1878-80 (Mr. Hancock resigned March 24th, and S.
H. Kinne appointed pro tem, until April 26th); Robert Hufschmidt,
1880-83; Theo. Nachtwey, 1883-89; W. H. Burford, 1889-92 (Burford
was suspended March 28, 1892, and removed from office May 23d
following); G. H. Markley elected to fill vacancy, and reelected,
1892-99. Robert Hufschmidt, 1899-03; A. M. Fellows, 1903-07; J.
J. Dunlevy, 1907-09; Anton J. McCafferty, 1909 (Mayor McCafferty
died September 2, 1909, and J. J. Dunlevy elected to fill the
vacancy September 4, ‘09); J. J. Dunlevy, 1909-13; J. P.
Conway, 1913, present incumbent.
Clerk: W. H. Burford, 1867-9; J. G. Orr, 1869-71; C. Otto Rose,
1871-76; G. A. Rockwell, 1876-80; Jas. T. Metcalf, 1880-81; John
J. Dunlevy, 1882-85; and N. A. Nelson, 1885 to this time, 1913-
The official roster at this writing, April 1, 1913, is as
follows: Mayor, J. P. Conway; clerk, N. A. Nelson (and clerk
waterworks); treasurer, C. M. Kerndt; solicitor, J. W. Dempsey;
assessor, H. C. Short; marshal, W. H. Guider (and street
commissioner); night police, ___________; weighmaster, P. Gilroy;
superintendent of waterworks, C. F. Riek; health physician, C. C.
Lytle (and health officer); councilmen, at large, Ole L. Moe and
J. C. Brophy; first ward, Martin Kohlstad; second ward, Frank
Dolphin; third ward, Henry J. Rettinger.
The city is lighted by electricity from the plant of the Upper
Iowa Power Company, which also does the pumping for the city
water system and supplies power for other purposes.
The telephone service is furnished by the Standard Telephone
Company, through a well equipped exchange with one hundred and
thirty-four ‘phones.
(page 423-425)
The question of a water supply had long been one of the vital
interest to the citizens of Lansing, and the need was more deeply
impressed upon them by the disastrous fires of 1877. The only was
of obtaining water at fires had formerly been by a bucket line to
the river.
In the spring of 1877 steps were taken to meet the demand. A
stock company was organized and duly incorporated as the Lansing
Artesian Well Company of Lansing. The Swan brothers, of Boscobel,
Wisconsin, were employed to do the drilling, and operations were
begun early in the spring by drilling a well on Main street, at
the intersection of North Third.
Subsequently attempts were made to sink wells at the west end of
main street, and on Front street at the foot of Main. The well
was abandoned, and soon afterward closed up by means of wooden
plugs. The Front street well developed a fine flow of water, but
was also abandoned for years because the company were unable to
prevent underground leakage. This well has since been connected
with the Third street well which was in all respects a perfect
success. Its depth is 778 feet. At the time of its completion it
was estimated to discharge 372 gallons per minute. The water is
at all seasons of uniform temperature, agreeable to the taste,
and considered to possess superior medicinal properties. It is
supplied to citizens, and the city for fire purposes, and affords
a most abundant supply of pure and cool water for all purposes,
having sufficient head to force itself into the second story of
buildings in the principal portion of town. During the summer
drinking fountains are maintained by the city on Main street
where this excellent water can be obtained by all, as “free
as the air we breathe.”
Beyond question the artesian well has proved itself to be one of
the most important enterprises ever attempted by the citizens of
Lansing. Its usefulness cannot be overestimated. These gratifying
results were largely due to the individual efforts of Capt.
Samuel W. Hemenway, who first suggested the drilling of an
artesian well; who demonstrated by means of his superior skill
and knowledge of such subjects, the certainty of success, and
who, when success had been attained, and the people were
rejoicing in the splendid result, lost his life while
superintending the completion of the magnificent public work his
ability, energy, and perseverance had produced. So intimately is
his memory interwoven with the history of this public work, that
it seems impossible to leave the subject without a brief review
of his life and the painful circumstances attending his tragic
On the afternoon of Thursday, May 3, 1877, the Third street well
being then an assured success, Captain Hemenway entered a deep
cut on Main street to personally superintend the joining of
sections of the main water pipe to be employed in supplying water
from the new well. While thus engaged the embankment on the north
side gave way, and the unfortunate man was literally buried
alive. Assistance was instantly at hand, but some little time was
required to remove the large quantity of earth and rocks that had
fallen upon him. When rescued from his perilous position it was
found that one limb was broken in several places, and that he had
probably sustained severe internal injuries. The gravest
apprehension proved too true, and, notwithstanding the best
medical skill and kindest attention of friends and neighbors were
bestowed upon him, with a community’s united prayers for his
recovery, he died on the following Sunday, May 6, 1877.
His funeral, which occurred on Tuesday, May 8th, was attended by
the municipal authorities, all the civic societies in the city,
delegates from neighboring Masonic organizations, and the largest
concourse of people ever assembled in Lansing to perform the last
sad rites for one of its citizens.
Mr. Hemenway was born on the 19th of February, 1839, at Potsdam,
St. Lawrence county, New York. His earlier years were spent in
that vicinity. In 1855 he became a resident of Lansing, and was
foreman in the agricultural implement factory of his brother, H.
H. Hemenway, until the year 1862, when he entered the service of
his country, as a member of Company B, Twenty-seventh Regiment
Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He was commissioned captain by Governor
Kirkwood, October 3, 1862. For faithful service he was promoted
to the office of major, and was mustered out at Clinton, August
8, 1865, having served three years without the loss of a single
day by leave of absence. Mr. Hemenway was a republican in
politics. As chairman of the republican county central committee
in the campaign of 1876, he achieved a remarkable victory and had
he lived would have received deserved recognition at the hands of
his political associates. At the time of his death he was mayor
of the city, superintendent of the well company, a leading member
of the Masonic organizations of the City, and in all respects the
most active, enterprising and useful citizen of Lansing.
The present system of waterworks in connection with these wells
was constructed in 1903, and with the extensions to this date,
1913, cost about $25,000. The supply is obtained from two
artesian wells about eight hundred feet deep, and pumped to a
reservoir on the bluff 240 feet above the level of the railroad
track. There are two and a half miles of water mains, of eight,
six, four and two inch capacity. There are about one hundred and
fifty takers, 105 of which are supplied from the reservoir (all
metered), and the balance from the artesian wells direct. Pumping
is now done by electric power; but there is also one steam pump
of 500 gallons capacity in reserve, in case of fires, or other
There are water bonds outstanding as follows:
Four and one-half per cent bonds due July 1, 1923 .............. $7,500.00 Six per cent bonds due at option of city ................................. $4,900.00 ________ Total bonded indebtedness (March 31, 1913) ...................... $12,400.00
(page 425-426)
A meeting was held at the office of Mayor Burford February 25,
1871, for the purpose of organizing a fire company. Mayor Burford
presided, and S. P. Darling acted as secretary. Proper committees
were appointed and the meeting adjourned to March 2d. This
meeting and several others immediately following resulted in the
organization, April 1, 1871, of “Hope Fire Company No.
1,” with the following officers: R. V. Shurley, foreman; P.
H. Pierson, first assistant; S. W. Hemenway, second assistant; W.
H. Burford, secretary; Herman Schierholz, treasurer; W. J. Bort,
first pipeman; and Phil Dignan, second pipeman.
December 3, 1873, the company was reorganized under the present
name of “Rescue Fire Company No. 1,” and the following
officers elected: Foreman, Capt. E. B. Bascom; first assistant,
Jacob Schaach; second assistant, John Corell; secretary, T. C.
Medary; treasurer, J. B. Thorp; steward, J. G. Orr.
In July, 1874, John Corell was elected foreman, retaining the
position one year, when Jacob Schaach was chosen, and so
continued until July, 1881, when John Dunlevy succeeded him.
In 1872 the city purchased a Rumsey & Co.’s hand fire
engine, and to this was added hose carts and hook and ladder
wagon. With this inadequate outfit the company fought fires until
1885 after the Concert Hall fire, when ta large hand pump was
added. In 1895 the hand pump or “man killer” was
disposed of, and a steam fire engine purchased. Other necessary
apparatus has been furnished by the city from time to time, and
today we have a well-equipped fire department.
In 1891 the company purchased a fire bell which was placed in the
City Hall tower. After the City Hall was burned down the bell was
sold for old metal. The most important fires were as follows:
Bockfinger & Boeckemeier wagon shop, and most of the block, February 3, 1871.
Farmer’s home, February 27, 1877.
Germania House barn, Congregational church and most of the block, March 6, 1877.
Hemenway & Barclay sawmill, September 3, 1881.
Concert Hall and block, May 23, 1885.
Sawmill dry kiln, March 30, 1891.
Gaunitz & Schwab’s boat store February 10, 1895.
City Hall, November 10, 1900.
Box factory in August, 1910.
Rescue Fire Company No. 1 is a volunteer company
with a present membership of twenty-two, limited by ordinance to
thirty members. The officers now are: President, Richard A.
Dunlevy; secretary and treasurer, A. C. Widmeier; foreman, Carl
Kohlstad; first assistant, Roy Roeder; second assistant, John
Woodward; nozzlemen, B. Sweeney, S. Glynn, Leo Tully and Karl
The equipment consists of one wagon for hose, hooks and ladders,
three hose carts, and 2,000feet of hose. There are twenty
hydrants, supplied from the reservoir at from ninety-five pounds
pressure in the lower places to seventy-five or seventy at the
higher levels. The alarm is a fire bell, fitted with electric
bell-striker connected with the telephone central.
The steam fire engine, purchased in 1895, is still in the
possession of the city, but is not needed and awaits a purchaser.
(page 426-430)
About the year 1850 Governor Slade of Massachusetts sent teachers
through-out the new West, who came full of zeal for their work.
One of these, Miss Barrows, came to Lansing and opened the first
school. Some time later she married Doctor Houghton and for many
years taught a select school here. There are a number still
living here who remember the gentle ways of their first teacher.
Mrs. Delia D. Purdy was the next teacher. The first public school
was commenced on the 7th day of February, 1853, under the charge
of the lamented Mrs. Purdy, the board of directors being Geo. W.
Camp. O. E. Hale and E. B. Baldwin, Martha Haney, Delia Hale,
Lydia Rockwell, Lizzie Wells, Thomas Healy and E. Hover.
In 1861 there were two select schools: Professor Haven’s
high school in the Congregational church, and Miss Williams’
select school. In the district school taught by H. O. Dayton
eighty scholars were enrolled, and in the Mirror of December,
1861, a call is made upon the people to consider the pressing
need of a new schoolhouse. No move was taken for two years,
however, when upon petition of prominent citizens an election was
called to consider the organization of an independent school
district to include the town of Lansing. The election was held on
March 23, 1863, and twenty-six votes cast, all in favor of such
separate organization; and on April 4th following, an election of
officers, resulting as follows: President, A. H. Houghton; vice
president, Wm. Kelleher; secretary, L. M. Elmendorf; treasurer,
G. Krendt; directors, S. B. Johnston, E. Ruth, Chas. Schierholz.
Whole number of votes cast, seventy-four.
About May 1st Mrs. Hazleton and Miss Stillman were employed to
teach the summer term, at a salary of $20 per month.
May 4, 1863, the board voted to purchase the lot next east of the
old schoolhouse lot for the sum of $225, and proceed to build a
stone schoolhouse thereon, the main building 40x56 feet, with
projection 14x30 feet for entrance; and on June 5th the contract
was let to Gottlieb Englehorn and Valentine Beissell.
May 9, 1864, Director Schierholz was instructed to purchase a
bell. And on July 2, 1864, the new schoolhouse was accepted from
the contractors. The old school building was moved onto Main
August 24, 1864, David Judson, of South Bend, Indiana, with Mrs.
Helen Judson as assistant, were employed to teach the school for
the ensuring year.
In 1867 a contract was let to E. B. Bascom for an additional to
the schoolhouse to accommodate 100 pupils.
In 1868, the first ward school changed to a primary department of
the Lansing graded school.
In 1874, primary school in Simonson’s Hall.
In 1876, another branch school was opened on North Second street,
known as the second ward school. In 1880 it was removed to the
Congregational church building– Temple Hall.
In 1892, the pupils of this school were transferred to the main
building and the school discontinued. The South Lansing school
was also discontinued.
In 1880, Plein school opened and continued until 1892 when it was
transferred to another district.
In 1892 a contract was let to Grant Ladd for an addition to the
main school building.
The following have been superintendent of Lansing schools: D.
Judson, H. M. Pratt, J. H. Hazleton,S. S.Henderson, H. H. Haske,
Jno. Hinchon, E. K. Maryatt, W. A. Gibbons, J. R. McKim, W. D.
Guttery, F. M. Shippey, J. B. Knoepfler, S. M. Mowatt, J. F.
Smith, H. H. Schroeder, Geo. W. Galloway, to 1902. Professor
Knoepfler was afterwards elected state superintendent of public
instruction; and has now for many years been on the faculty of
the State Teachers’ College at Cedar Falls.
Since 1902 the high school has been under the charge of the
Superintendent–Geo. Galloway, 1903; W. H. Ray, 1904-07,
resigned and John S. Hilliard elected to vacancy; John S.
Hilliard 1907=10; W. A. G. Ellis, 1911-13, Frank Vorhise elected
for 1913-14.
Principal–Mabel E. Gilchrist, 1903-4; Minnie L. Wilson,
1905-8; Vera Marston, 1909; Abbie F. Laughlin, 1910-11, resigned
and Carrie J. Perkins to fill vacancy; J. Alice Wilson, 1912.
Assistant Principal–(High school extended to four
years.)–Georgia Whitley, 1905; Susan Kilpatrick, 1906; Clara
Tolstrap, 1907-8; Gena Minkler, 1909; Agnes Carney, 1910-11;
Helene Bakewell, 1912.
Since 1902 the offers of the board of directors have been:
President, W. H. Riser, 1902-4; Julius Boeckh, 1905; W. T. Piers,
1906-7; Wm. F. Saam, 1908-0; H. H. Gilbertson, 1910-11; W. E.
Albert, 1912-12; secretary, N. A. Nelson, 1902-13; treasurer, J.
W. Thomas, 1902; Mr. Thomas died, and B. F. Thomas elected to
vacancy, 1903-13; directors at present are, W. E. Albert, Julius
Boeckh, H. H. Gilbertson, E. J. Roggensack and Wm. F. Saam.
The school enumeration as a June 1, 1913, was 494. The enrollment
in the city school was 259, and in the Catholic school, 164, a
total of 423. The public school library contains about seven
hundred volumes in good condition, and 300 to 400 in poor
The estimated value of the public school property is $20,000.
No one, perhaps, ever connected with the Lansing public schools,
exercised a greater or more beneficial influence upon the
community than Miss Mary Monk, who taught here for more than
forty years. Upon her death, which occurred April 23, 1913, in
her sixty-sixth years, the local press voiced the universal
respect and almost veneration in which she was held; and from
their notices it is learned that she came to Allamakee county in
1865, and after teaching a few terms in the country schools she
was elected a teacher in the Lansing public schools in 1866 and
taught in that school, with the exception of one year, until
1908, during all of this time having charge of the grammar
department. There are few families in Lansing today who have
resided here during any considerable part of that period who have
not had some representative in her classes, and all of these feel
a sense of personal loss today. In a number of cases two
generations of the same family have been her pupils, and for many
years it was thought, and rightly so, that anyone who completed
the course in the public school without having had a year or two
of her instruction had missed an important part of his common
school education.
How great an influence her painstaking, conscientious and
scholarly work during that formative period of a young
student’s life has had, can never be fully estimated. We do
know that many a man and woman who has achieved success in the
world does give Miss Monk the highest possible credit and does
say that much of whatever success he has won is due to the high
ideals of right living and right thinking which, of far more
importance than the mere lessons from the books she taught so
well, it was ever her aim and purpose to instill. How well she
succeeded in this is amply demonstrated by the high, almost
reverential, regard in which she has ever been held by all who
had at any time been her scholars; and by all of them, as well as
by the entire community, her death is mourned as a distinct
personal loss.
-source: Past & Present of Allamakee
County; Ellery M. Hancock, 1913, pg. 415 - 430
-note: pages 417 & 427 have photos and pages 418 & 428
are blank
-transcribed by Diana Diedrich