CHAPTER 20 Past & Present of Allamakee County, 1913 HISTORY OF WAUKON continued Some Waukon Pioneers, One of the Maine Families A Typical Pioneer - Other Pioneers of Waukon & Vicinity Some of the F.F. Allamakees |
A genuine Yankee pioneer of Makee township is Noah Hersey Pratt,
now in his eightieth year, who enjoys the distinction of being
the earliest settler in this community still living here,
although his younger brother Emory came but a few weeks later,
with the rest of the family. Mr. Pratt recently narrated to the
writer his first experiences here, substantially as follows:
Azel Pratt and his brother Lemuel left their homes in Maine,
September 20, 1850, for the Great West, a part of fourteen,
consisting of the two fathers, three big boys, and nine women and
children. From Chicago they went by rail to St. Charles,
Illinois, then the terminus of the railroad which was building
towards the Mississippi river to Dunlieth. From St. Charles a
four-horse stage conveyed the entire party to a place near
Belvidere, in Boone county, Illinois, where they visited, and
looked over the country for a location, but found no land they
liked. It being a wet season, the prairies looked very
uninviting; so Azel Pratt went from here to spy out the land,
going to Lansing by boat, and afoot from there out to the ridge
where he made choice of a location
Upon his return to Illinois the party started out with two
covered wagons, one drawn by an ox team and the other by horses,
traveling by way of Rockford and Freeport, and arrived at Prairie
du Chien the very last of November. Here they rented a house for
a temporary home for the women and children, while the two men
and the three boys, Greenwood, Hersey and Marcellus Pratt, about
eighteen, seventeen and fifteen respectively, came on to
construct a house for the winter. Though the ground was bare it
had been cold enough to form a thin bridge of ice, and on this
they crossed the Mississippi, a French guide directing their
pathway, and leading one ox at a time. Their route was then by
Monona, across the Yellow river at Smithfield, or near Carter
Clark’s place, up the North Fork to Ezra Reid’s in
Ludlow, thence by Father Shattuck’s log cabin on the prairie
and two miles north from there onto the ridge where their claim
was made, in the southeast part of section 18, reaching the place
December 6, 1850.
The first night here they build a brush shanty for shelter, of
oak brush to which the dry leaves clung, and made themselves very
comfortably at home. The next day they began the erection of a
log house, about 16 by 24 feet in size, with two rooms on the
ground floor, and all in one room in the loft. Meanwhile they
boarded with Darwin and Seth Patterson, who came in toe previous
spring and had built on their claim at the head of the creek
which took their name, about two miles west of the Pratts, taking
their noon lunch to their, work or cooking one there. In the
construction of the house they used windows brought from Prairie
du Chien, and drove to the busy little village of Moneek (which
later disappeared entirely), at the head of Yellow river, in
Winneshiek county, for basswoods boards for flooring and roof.
They did not shingle until the following spring.
Having gotten the cabin enclosed the two elder men drove to
Prairie du Chien for their families, with whom they returned in
January, 1851, and Hersey says that although he had been well and
hearty he was never more pleased to see his mother than when she
then came “home.” At the Prairie they had purchased six
barrels of flour and a barrel of pork, of which the men had
brought along a portion of their first trip, as well as a small
cook stove; so as soon as they had the house enclosed the boys
‘bached’ it till the woman came. A stone fireplace had
been built, and from the top of the stonework a stick chimney
plastered with clay. At first a hollow log was found and set up
on the stonework for a chimney, but one night it got afire and
they went out and pushed it off away from the house. While the
men were after their families the boys put in their time chinking
up the cracks between the logs to make the rooms snug for the
winter. Bedsteads were made by using the corner of the chamber
for the head and one side, setting a post for the fourth corner,
with rails to the walls, and stretching bedcords from the rails
to pegs inserted in the logs. Their nearest neighbors at first
were: James Reid on section 24, and the Pattersons on section 24,
Union Prairie; the Shattuck on section 30, David Whaley, section
20 and James Conway, section 28. Also Prosser and Archa Whaley on
section 32 and 33.
Lemuel Pratt had brought a small stock of goods which he opened
up in this log cabin, to supply the necessities of the few
neighbors and the passing travelers. The latter were also
accommodated here with meals and lodging. In the following spring
he built a house on his claim on the north side of the road,
afterwards the McCroden place, where he kept a hotel, this being
a main traveled road for the settlers landing at Lansing, who
soon began coming thick and fast, bound for the counties further
to the west. A little later grain was hauled to the Lansing
market from a hundred miles to the west, so that hundreds of
teams passed daily, in the marketing season.
In the spring of 1852 the township was organized and given the
name of Makee, although the ridge residents being mostly from
Maine wanted it called Dover. A postoffice was established that
year, at the house of Lemuel Pratt and he continued as postmaster
until he sold out in 1856 and removed to Minnesota, where he
died, at Monticello, in July, 1893, aged seventy-five. Hersey and
his brother were the mail carriers to and from Lansing once a
week at first.
The Pratts raised sod corn and buckwheat in 1851; and Lemuel
sowed five or six acres to wheat on a piece of ground broken up
by James Reid the previous year on the Richard Charles claim.
This was sown on the 6th of March, the soil then being in prime
condition, and yielded some 35 to 40 bushels per acre. The first
threshing was done in the old-fashioned way with flails; but it
was not long until some enterprising individual brought a
tread-power threshing machine into the settlement. The carpenters
had all they could do in those days. The lumber used in the
construction of the frame houses on the ridge was mostly sawed
out in the Black river region in Wisconsin, and rafter to
Hersey Pratt and three brothers served our country faithfully in
the Civil war. Hersey went to Illinois in 1860, and enlisted
there in 1862, in Co. I, 95th Volunteer Infantry. In a later year
he was commissioned second lieutenant of a company in the 48th
Regiment of U. S. Colored troops, which position he retained
until mustered out at the close of the war. Since that time he
has followed the occupation of contractor and builder in Waukon,
or in the furniture trade.
(pg 396-401)
A pioneer of the pioneers was C. J. F. Newell, who came to the
vicinity of Waukon first in 1851. He was born March 3, 1817, in
Wayne county, New York, where his father was a pioneer, a hunter
and trapper, while clearing up his farm, and who died in 1825. A
grandfather was a Colonial captain in the Revolutionary war.
Mr. Newell’s early recollections were of pioneer days in
Your State, which fitted him for similar experiences upon coming
to Iowa at the age of thirty-four. To be sure, the big fireplace
with its andirons and huge back-log which sometimes lasted a week
were not duplicated here, though smaller ones were sometimes
built, but are interesting to recall to mind. Potatoes were baked
in the ashes, also bread at first. Meat was cooked in kettles
hung on an iron crane which could be swung around over the fire,
or sometimes it was held over the hot coals on a stick or hung
before the fire and broiled to a nicety. Chestnuts were roasted
and corn popped in the hot ashes on the hearth. Then succeeded
the “Dutch over,” a kettle set among the coals and with
a tight cover with a turned up edge on which coals were also
placed; and then the out-of-doors brick oven, and the open tin
oven set before the fireplace; and later came that then wonderful
invention the stove with the firebox below and the oven above it;
and later the “railroad stove” having a large circular
top with several griddle holes in it, and all around on the under
side of the rim were cogs in which ran a small cog wheel that
when turned by a crank would bring any desired hole immediately
over the fire. Nor must the method of keeping or starting afire
in those days before matches were used be forgotten. To keep the
fire over night or longer coals or a hemlock knot would be buried
in the ashes. If the fire went out coals would be brought from a
neighbor’s if near enough, or a fire would be started by
using a flint and steel causing sparks to fall on prepared tinder
made from cotton or linen cloth, or on punk obtained from
decaying wood. Those were the days to of tallow dip candles, or a
saucer of lard with a rag fastened around a button and the end
sticking up from it for a wick, the days of homespun cloth and
homemade clothing.
He remained at home working on the farm in summer and attending
the winter schools of those days, supplemented by such study as
he could do by firelight at night until about seventeen years of
age, when he went to learn the blacksmith’s trade, and
followed that a large portion of his life.
In 1851 he came to Iowa with the idea of locating at Garden
Grove, near the Missouri line, where he had relatives; but upon
landing at Sabula he first came north to Dubuque, where parties
prevailed upon him to investigate Allamakee county as a healthy
section whose streams of sparkling spring waters were filled with
trout, and about the last of July of the year he stepped from a
boat at Lansing then a town of three log cabins, and followed d
the main traveled road west to
t John Bush’s claim, the southeast quarter of section 22, on
Coon creek, in what was afterward Union Prairie township, Bush
having located there that spring. There was no Waukon then nor
was it dreamed of. He remained in the county about two weeks
looking around for land, and finally bought an eighty, a part of
the northwest quarter of section 5 (Ludlow township), later owned
by Peter Allison, but traded it off for a quarter section three
miles east of Waukon, which he afterward sold to Orin Manson, now
owned by Fred Hansmeier. He visited Frankville where Frank
Teabout offered him ten acres of land if he would build a
blacksmith shop.
After a few weeks he started to return east, and in August, while
waiting in Lansing for a boat, he helped raise the first three
frame buildings erected there, one each of F.D. Cowles, I. B.
Place, and one of the Pattersons. The foundation was laid for the
hotel afterwards known as the Lansing House, but the frame was
not up. Dr. Houghton was running a hotel in a little log house on
Front street.
He returned east and remained there till 1853, when he came west
with his wife and two children. At a hotel in Dubuque he met
Scott Shattuck, who was there buying doors and windows for his
house in Waukon, where the county seat had been located that
spring , and he prevailed on Mr. Newell to come to the new town,
offering him the use of the original G. C. Shattuck log cabin.
Which stood about thirty or forty rods northeast of the present
public school building, where they had cultivated a patch of land
for several years. The offer was accepted, they came and occupied
the cabin, the first family to settle on the site of what is now
the city of Waukon after the first pioneer G. C. Shattuck.
In June 1853, the first District court was held in Waukon, and a
small makeshift courthouse was hurriedly constructed of logs for
its use. The history of this little hut is told in another
chapter, but the first disposition of it after it had served its
purpose and a slightly larger one had been erected, was its
purchase by Mr. Newell, who that fall moved it to the west side
of Spring avenue and set up the pioneer blacksmith shop. In 1854
he sold out to Herbert Bailey. In 1860 Mr. Newell bought of M. G.
Belden the location on the southwest corner of Main and West
streets, where he continued in the blacksmith business until
1873, when he moved onto a farm in Franklin township, remaining
there ten years, In 1883 he bought a farm in the Village Creek
valley northeast of town, where he lived another ten years, and
then sold out and returned to Waukon, making this him home until
his death.
Mr. Newell married Miss Mary Boynton, March 7, 1848, in Wayne
county, New York. On March 7, 1898, they celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary in Waukon, at which time a family circle of
twenty-five, right royally enjoyed themselves (their nine
children, with the families of those who were married), and a
host of old friends were welcomed as guests. Other family
reunions, more or less complete, were enjoyed on recurring
anniversaries until Mr. Newell peacefully passed away on the 13th
day of April, 1909, at the ripe old age of ninety-two. Mrs. Mary
Newell remains among us in good health for one her age, being
permitted to celebrate her eighty-third birthday on the 1st day
of January last (1913), with a family reunion. She has a very
clear recollection of those early days, and enjoys talking of
them with old friends. Recently asked to relate some of her
experiences for this history, she says:
“I arrived in Waukon in the fall of 1853 with my husband and
two children. I was obliged to wait in Lansing for two weeks
while Mr. Newell was fixing up the only available house in
Waukon, a log cabin in the valley just east of where Mr. McDonald
now lives, which had just been vacated by the Shattucks, they
moving into their partly finished building, now know as the Mauch
house, where they kept hotel. At the time there was no finished
frame building in town, Mr. Shattuck’s family living in the
basement of their new house, and on the day we arrived L. T.
Woodcock was raising the frame of his two-story store building
opposite to it, on the south side of Main street. These two
buildings still stand, the Shattuck hotel building now owned by
Mrs. Amelia Mauch Boomer, and the Woodcock building by the Misses
A’Hearn. Our goods not having arrived we borrowed a straw
bed-tick and a quilt from Mrs. Shattuck, also a few dishes and a
rocking chair (we had bought a bedstead and a barrel of pork at
Lansing). While Mr. Woodcock let us take a stove and its tinware.
At our first meal we had for a table a board laid from the foot
of the bed to the ladder that led to the loft, and sat on our
trunks. We lived in this way for two weeks, till our goods came.
Mr. John A. Townsend, who occupied a house east of town, made us
a small pine table, and for a dish cupboard he had a few corner
shelves put up on pegs. Mr. And Mrs. Huestis and Mr. And Mrs.
Townsend were our first visitors, spending the evening.
“During the first winter we had to go out to Robert
Isled’s, now the Grimm farm, a mile an a half west, for
butter, milk and eggs. Lansing or McGregor, or Monona, were at
first the nearest places to get groceries or fresh meat, until
Mr. Woodcock finished his store, when he brought on a general
stock of goods. Mrs. Woodcock came with him when he returned, and
we speedily became friends both being from the east.
“The town grew rapidly and we boarded a number of the
carpenters, including Azel Pratt, afterwards popularly known as
Deacon Pratt, John Pratt, Hersey Pratt and Alvin Howard, all of
them sleeping in the loft of our little cabin. That fall (1853)
we accommodated eight regular boarders, among them D. W. Adams
and L. T. Woodcock. At the time of the district Court all the
houses in the vicinity were filled and one dark and rainy night
near midnight a party of new arrivals knocked at our door seeking
shelter, and were admitted, none bring turned away in those days,
no matter how little room was left. Someone had brought along a
bed-tick, and filling it as best they could in the dark and rain
at a near-by straw stack laid it upon the floor and as many as
could, crowded upon it for repose”
They were attorneys come to attend court, and aside form General
Vandever of Dubuque, Mrs. Newell is not quite sure who composed
the party, but thinks Reuben Noble and Samuel Murdock, both later
district judges, were among them; and Judge Townsend afterwards
said he thought Messrs. Burt and Samuels of Dubuque, were also of
the party. Mr. Samuels four years later became the democratic
nominee for governor of Iowa, and was defeated by Gov. Ralph P.
Mr. John A. Townsend was truly a pioneer, settling on a farm just
east of Waukon in 1852, and was a prominent figure in this county
form many years. Born in New York, in 1819, he was brought up in
Nova Scotia, where he married Miss Ruth Huestis in 1841. After
settling at Waukon, he was in 1855 elected sheriff of Allamakee
county, and served two terms. He then served one term as county
judge, and in 1865 was again elected sheriff and served one term.
From 1874 to 1875 he was a member of the Waukon mercantile firm
of Hale, Townsend & Jenkins, and then retired from active
business but later served the city a while as marshal and street
commissioner. Mr. Townsend died March 23, 1890, leaving a
numerous family, of whom eight children now survive, and the
venerable widow. Mrs. Townsend is a remarkable well-preserved
lady for her ninety years, and always of a sociable disposition,
now takes pleasure in recurring to the events of the pioneer
When they came from Nova Scotia, the family consisted of five
children, the eldest eight years and the youngest but two months
of age. Their route took them by rail to Rockford, Illinois,
thence by stage to Galena, and by boat to Lansing. The river
being very low it required three days to reach Lansing., where
they arrived October 2, 1852, on a dark and muddy night, and went
to the only hotel. The next day they drove out to this vicinity
in a buggy, or light wagon, the family of seven an a boy for a
driver, over a road recently opened by mere cutting out the trees
and brush, the stumps remaining to be dodged the best they could.
Mr. Thomas A. Minard, then deputy sheriff, a half-brother to Mr.
Townsend, had preceded them to this locality the year before, and
they went to his log cabin. This cabin was of fairly good size,
with two rooms below, and a loft. It stood on or near the south
line of his farm, which soon became the Maxwell farm, adjoining
the east line of Waukon, and of late years known as the Pettit
farm. It was built near a fine large spring, and a part of this
house remained standing until a few years ago, at one time being
used as a slaughter house.
In this little cabin the Minard family of five, the Townsend
family of seven, and another family, lived during the following
winter; the Townsends continuing there until the spring of
‘54. Meanwhile, in the spring of ‘53 Mrs.
Townsend’s father, Samuel Huestis and family, came on from
Nova Scotia, accompanied by C. W. Jenkins, who with Mr. Townsend
built the frame house at the north end of the farm, for James
Maxwell, who also came about that time; and they and Minard built
the substantial old Huestis house opposite, on the north side of
the extension of east Main street, or the Columbus Road, as it
was called, and into which later house the Townsends removed with
father Huestis in April, 1854, until they later had a place of
their own on the farm next to the east. Mr. Minard later sold out
and went to Kansas, where he became speaker of her first
free-state legislature; Mr. Maxwell died in 1879; Mr. Jenkins
built many of the buildings in town, including the present
courthouse in 1860-61, later engaging in business with Mr. Hale
for many years, in which occupation he is kindly remembered by
most everybody in this part of the county, living until 10-/ Mr.
Huestis built for himself a comfortable mansion on “Harmony
Hill” in which the genial old gentleman peaceably passed
away in 18-.
An amusing reminiscence of Mrs. Townsend, which she did not
relate for publication, but which she will perhaps not object to,
is like this: As is well known, one of her sisters married D. W.
Adams, and another J. H. Hale, and she says that she and Mr.
Townsend were the only democrats in the lot, when in 1865 her
husband was candidate for sheriff, and Mr. Adams and Mr. Hale
were running for Representative and surveyor respectively, on the
opposite ticket, and Father Huestis for justice of the peace. On
election day Mother Huestis had asked them all to supper, but
Mrs. Townsend (admitting she was quire a partisan), felt that she
could not go. But when the returns began to come in showing that
Mr. Townsend was the victor she concluded that she could go. And
enjoyed the occasion very much indeed. It is human nature now, as
Dudley W. Adams was born in Winchendo, Massachusetts, November
30, 1831, and lost his father at the age of four years. In
September, 1853, he came to Waukon with I. T. Woodcock, with whom
he was associated in the first store building, which they
occupied late that fall, and which in later years became the
National Hotel, and which is still standing as heretofore noted.
The lumber in this building was all oak, and was sawed out by
Austin Smith at his mill on Yellow river. Having varied
attainments, Mr. Adams proved a valuable acquisition to the
community, which grew rapidly from now on. His services as
surveyor were sought far and wide; for ten years he was assessor,
and in 1854 he was elected president of the County Agricultural
Society. In 1865 he became a member of the County Board of
Supervisors, and later chairman of the board for several years .
In 1856, Mr. Adams entered upon the work of horticulture, in
which he always found great pleasure, and in after years the
“Iron Clad Nursery” of Waukon became famous for its
success where others failed. There were ten or fifteen other
nurseries started in Allamakee county at about this time, not one
of which proved profitable, and all were abandoned amid the
almost universal opinion that fruit could not be grown in
northern Iowa. During the twenty years he continued in this
business, however, Mr. Adams established the fact beyond a doubt
that it can be very successful, with judicious selection and
proper management, and pointed with just pride to his
achievements in this direction under the adverse circumstances of
climate and public opinion. For instance, in 1871, at an
exhibition of the State Horticultural Society (of which, by the
way, he was for five years the secretary), he took the
sweepstakes prize, with one hundred varieties, for the best and
largest display of apples, Again, at the State Fair in 1879, he
took the sweepstakes with 172 varieties of apples. In 1882 he had
forty acres of apple orchard in bearing, and harvested 1,500
bushels, but his interests becoming paramount in Florida he
gradually gave up the business here. Thirty years later, in
January, 1913, a writer in the Iowa Homestead describes this
famous old orchard as it appeared to him at a visit the previous
fall, and says:
Forty years ago one of the great Iowa orchards was that belonging
to Dudley W. Adams, Waukon, Allamakee county. Mr. Adams was a
very prominent man of his day, being secretary of the Iowa State
Horticultural Society, and master of the State and National
Grange. He was a man of ability, and of property. He removed to
Florida some thirty years ago and died there, about the beginning
of this century. The evidences of his life and his influence are
still thick at Waukon. But of his orchard, planted in hope and
tended with faithful care, there is but a remnant left. There are
about one hundred trees, now some fifty years old, scattered over
a great pasture lot. The land is now in timothy and evidently has
been kept in this state for some years. The trees are gnarly,
many of them show dead branches and other evidences of decay, but
as a whole it is remarkable how much vitality remains. There was
but little fruit at the time of my visit last September, and the
specimens to be found were inferior. But they seemed to be of the
varieties recommended for the North fifty years ago.-Perry
Russett, Rawl’s Janett, Plumb’s Cider and Talman Sweet,
Sops of Wind an Willow Twig.
The remarkable fact is that any of the trees have survived the
long years of neglect since the orchard has passed into careless
hands. Those who are familiar with the rewards of good care for
trees-proper surgery and feeding-will concede at once the
probability of paying crops from that orchard if it had been
rightly treated.
Mr. Adams became early interested in the Patrons of Husbandry,
and assisted in organizing the Waukon Grange in the winter of
1869-70, the third grange in the State. In 1872 he was elected
Master of the State Grange, and a year later of the National
body. At that time there were but about 1,200 subordinate granges
in the United States, but at the expiration of his term of three
years there were nearly 23,000 granges spread over nearly all the
States and Territories. His industry and tack are still further
exemplified in his persistent advocacy of the establishment of
rail communication with the outside world for Waukon, by the
Paint Creek route; his active participation, in the organization
of the company; and, upon his election as its president in 1875,
his energetic propulsion of the work to a successful realization
of the hopes of the community during the twenty years preceding.
In January 1876, he re-engaged in his favorite occupation of
horticulture in his winter home in Florida, by settling out a
small grove of orange trees. Later he was the fortunate possessor
of over a thousand acres in that state, largely in orange grove.
Mr. Adams was married January 31, 1856, to Miss Hannah Huestis,
who was an able co-laborer in his horticultural avocations, and
an associate in his honors, having occupied the position of Ceres
in the National and State Granges, as well as various offices in
the gift of her home subordinate grange.
Mr. Adams died February 13, 1897, in Florida. Mrs. Adams
continued to make her home at Waukon, though traveling a great
deal all around the world. Her death occurred August 6, 1904.
Another of the Waukon pioneers was Balser Fultz, who came in 1850
or ‘51, and made this his home most of the time until his
death, which occurred March 17, 1910, in his eighty-second year.
For many years he owned and operated the farm just north of Hon.
J. F. Dayton’s fruit farm, opposite the fair grounds, and
claimed to have broken up more of the prairie sod on the site of
David Alonzo Sackett, popularly called “Lon” Sackett,
was a picturesque character never to be forgotten by those who
had any acquaintance with him. He settled about two miles
southwest of town in 1852, but soon became identified with the
village, and as a justice of the peace exhibited qualities of
mind that might have made him a high name, had he been ambitious
for education in youth. Rough and uncouth in appearance and
speech he possessed a keen intellect and a love of argument that
indicated natural power. His habits were such that he did not
prosper, and dying in 1875 he left a widow with little means, who
survived until February 3, 18975.
Of the Herseys and Pratts who settled near town in 1850-51,
mention is made in another chapter. They all came to Waukon soon
after and made a deep impress of good character and enterprise on
the village. A. J. Hersey was a close second to Woodcock in
opening up a stock of merchandise in town, in a two-story farm
building begun in 1853 on the site of the present Allamakee
Hotel, and which was moved to the rear and now forms the west end
of that hostelry, encased in brick. .A. H., Augustine and L. W.
Hersey, all engaged in mercantile pursuits in Waukon for many
years. The mother of these four, Mrs. Phoebe (Howard) Hersey,
widow of Noah Hersey who died in 1833, came to this county with
one of her sons in ‘52 and died April 15, 1881, aged ninety,
Lewis Washburn Hersey was born at Foxcroft, Maine, March 14,
1826, lost his father at seven and at fifteen began providing for
himself. At twenty-five he came to Allamakee county and located
on the east half northwest and east half southwest, section 17,
Makee township (including a large part of the present iron mine),
but soon after became interested in Waukon property and affairs.
In 1856 he built his residence on the northwest corner of
Allamakee and Pleasant streets which he occupied until replaced
by the modern building, when C. O. Howard bought the substantial
old house and moved it to his addition in the north part of the
city, where it now forms a part of the Ellison Orr home. In
‘53 Mr. Hersey was appointed clerk of the District court,
and then was elected for a term of two years. In ‘58 he went
into the boot and shoe business with A. G. Howard. In the fall of
‘59 with his brothers Augustine and A. J., and D. D. Doe, he
started in general merchandise in the new frame building for
years known as Hersey’s Hall, now being razed in this summer
of 1913. The later biography of Lewis Hersey is written in the
history of his bank, the Baptist church, Masonic lodge, the
railroad, and all public enterprises of a character beneficial to
the community. He died January 6, 1903 and his wife, B. Ann
Brayton) Hersey, survived him five years. They were married July,
1856, but had no children.
Hersey’s Hall occupied the second story over the two south
stores in the frame building alluded to. The building occupied
lot 8, block 10, sixty-six feet north and south. A. J. Hersey
bought this lot of the county in ‘55. In the fall of
‘58 he sold the north third of the lot to Hosea Low, and the
middle third to Augustine Hersey, for $67 and $69 respectively.
The building was erected in ‘59 and in October, 1860, he
sold the south third to D. D. Doe for $1,200, and Augustine
Hersey sold his middle third to Howard Hersey for a like sum. The
sign, “D. D. Doe & Co.”, in big letters on the
south gable, which endured as long as the building, was painted
by James Holahan, it is said, who came in 1863. Mr. Doe sold his
lot to J. N. Eddy in ‘65 for $1,500.
Deacon Azel Pratt built many Waukon homes and business houses,
his industrious four o’clock A. M. hammer, disturbing the
slumbers of an entire generation. He raised a large family, and
all his sons were industrious and patriotic, several of them
serving their country through the Civil war. Two remain with us
now, Hersey and Emory Pratt. The youngest, Jas. L. , has
conducted a newspaper at Elkton, South Dakota, for many years,
and like wise has a fine large family.
John W. Pratt, nephew of Azel, served through the war in the 27th
Iowa Infantry, as a lieutenant. He was afterward clerk of the
District court for six years, and his remaining years were
occupied in trade, until his death in 1897. All the foregoing
named (and their wives) departed this life from homes in Waukon,
except A. H. Hersey and wife, who had lived a while with their
daughter in Illinois.
Mention has been elsewhere made of the pioneer physician, Dr. J.
W. Flint, who settled on Makee Ridge soon after the Pratts, and
later followed the flock into town. He was elected superintendent
of county schools in 1858. He practiced in Waukon during the
Civil war.
The first physician in the village was one Dr. Burnham. He made
any assault on Judge Williams, and shortly after left the
Dr. Isaiah H. Hedge located in Waukon in 1855, coming from Maine,
where he was born in 1812, He was in active practice her for
twenty years, until his health failed in 1875, after which he
traveled a good deal, and spent his winters in Florida, his wife
having died in 1879. He died August 2, 1888.
Dr. Thomas H. Barnes was a native of Ohio, born in 1832, and
graduated in medicine at the Iowa State University in 1855, when
he settled in Allamakee county for practice. In July, 1861, he
raised a company of cavalry for the war, we believe the first
company to go from this county, Company K, 1st Iowa Cavalry
Volunteers, with which he served until December 16, 1864, when he
resigned on account of physical disability and was mustered out
with the rank of captain. He then returned to Waukon and resumed
the practice of his profession. In 1870 he was elected to the
Board of County Supervisors, under the new law providing for
three only, and was by them chosen chairman, serving thus for
three years. In 1880, a particularly hot campaign. He was elected
State Representative from Allamakee on the republican ticket. He
later removed to Nebraska, where he died June 2, 1889.
Francis H. Robbins and Alvin Egbert Robbins were natives of
Wyoming county, New York, coming to this county in ‘55 and
settling first at Columbus, later on a farm near Waukon. Frank H.
Served through the war in Co. I, 27th Iowa Infantry, becoming
second lieutenant of that company. After the war the brothers
engaged in the drug business at Waukon, and became prominent in
business affairs and all public enterprises, as well as a power
in political circles on the republican side. Egbert died January
12, 1892, and Frank, December 7, 1908.
Mrs. Damon Whaley observed her ninety-third birthday in January,
1913, assisted by some of the ladies of the Waukon Methodist
congregation, of which she is a member. She came to the vicinity
early in the fifties, Mr. Whaley first going onto the Abe Bush
place north of town, then to the Andy Ross place a few miles
east. About 1861 the bought a small farm a couple of miles south
of Waukon, where he died April 28, 1881, and Mrs. Whaley
continued to live there until some twelve years ago when she move
into town.
George M. Dean, well and familiarly known as Judge Dean, died at
his home in Waukon, Monday, January 4, 1909, in his eighty-fourth
year. Judge Dean was a prominent figure in the early history of
Allamakee county, of which he was a resident for fifty-six years.
About the year 1880, foreseeing the importance of gathering some
records of the pioneer days for preservation ere the earliest
settlers should have all passed to the beyond, he was influential
in organizing an early settlers’ association. He then set
about collating the facts which, wielding a facile pen, he was
well prepared to put into shape, and produced a series of very
entertaining and reliable papers for the society, which were
published in the local press and formed the nucleus of the county
history prepared by E. M. Hancock and published by W. E.
Alexander in 1882, and from which liberal quotations are made in
the present work.
Mr. Dean was born in South Glastonbury, Connecticut, February 22,
1825, of sturdy New England stock, several brothers attaining
prominence in public affairs, one serving with distinction as
congressman from Connecticut. He was brought up to the business
of manufacturing cotton goods, and at the age of twenty-five came
went to Quincy, Illinois, where he built and operated the first
cotton factory with power in that state. In the fall of 1853 he
came to Iowa, and bought a farm in section 23, Union Prairie
township, this county, now the property of J. E. McGeough. In
1857 he was elected county judge, and served as such until
January 1, 1860. During his term the present courthouse was
contracted for, and built under his supervision, by C. W. Jenkins
and J. W. Pratt, being completed in 1861. In 1863 he recruited a
company of one hundred men and was mustered into service with
them as captain, Company E, Ninth Iowa Cavalry Volunteers,
serving as such until mustered out at Little Rock, Arkansas, in
At the close of the war Captain Dean located in business at
Waukon, where for over thirty years he was engaged in the sale of
wagons and farm implements, meanwhile taking influential part as
a public-spirited citizen in the shaping of public affairs, both
of the town and county. His was a capable and resourceful
character. Positive in his convictions, firm and unyielding for
what he believed the right, he was withal of a gracious and
companionable nature, and left an unstained record both in public
and private life. He was a charter member of both the Lansing and
Waukon Masonic lodges. October 26, 1851, Mr. Dean was married to
Miss Jane E. Hollister of his home town in Connecticut, to whom
were born two sons and two daughters, one of each surviving him;
George, in South Dakota, and Mrs. May Getchell, of Scappoose,
Oregon, with whom the venerable widow maker her home.
The writer of these lines cherishes his memory as a king
employer, having earned some early dollars in the employ of Mr.
Dean and his brother, John, at lettering of signs and painting
wagons, in the little shop over the old bowling alley, on the
west side of West street (where Johnson’s machine shop now
stands), in 1865 and ‘66.
William C. Thompson was born at Buffalo, New York, November 4,
1816, which continue his home until he was about nineteen, when
he came west and lived for a time in or about Quincy, Illinois.
He afterwards when to Rock Count, Wisconsin, and to Monroe, Green
county, where in May, 1849, he married Miss Sophrona (Reynolds)
Thomas. In the same year he came to Allamakee county and located
a house at what became later known as Thompson’s Corners, in
Lafayette township, returning to Wisconsin that fall. In the
spring of the following year, 1850, he again came to this county,
with his family, and soon began to take an active part in public
affairs. At the August election in 1851 he was elected sheriff,
serving during the term of 1852-3; and again he was elected to
this office for the term of 1860-1. In 1871 he was elected to the
office of county auditor, and reelected thereafter three times in
succession, when in 1880 he was succeeded by his son, Samuel R.
Mr. Thompson was at one time in the mercantile business at
Columbus, the first county seat. In June, 1853, he was one of the
organizers of the “Allamakee County Agricultural and
Mechanical Society” at a meeting held at Waukon. In
September, 1853, he was granted a license by the County court to
establish and operate a ferry across the Mississippi river from
“Red House Landing” in Fairview township. He was a
lifelong democrat, politically, and was one of the prime movers
in the organization of that party in this county, at a meeting
held for that purpose at Waukon, December 24, 1853. Mr. Thompson
resided at Waukon from about 1858 until his death, which occurred
February 2, 1899.
Col. John A. Wakefield, referred to in the reminiscences of Mr.
Raymond, was a man of considerable ability and diversified
talents, as will be seen by the following condensed sketch of his
life. Born in South Carolina in 1797, his family removed in 1808
to Illinois and settled near the present Lebanon, St. Clair
county. Though but a lad Wakefield served as a scout in the war
of 1812-15. Afterwards he studied medicine both in Cincinnati and
St. Louis, but abandoned that profession for the law, was
admitted to the bar in 1818, and the same year settled at
Vandalia. where one of his acquaintances was young Abraham
Lincoln. He enlisted in the army raised for the Back Hawk war,
and was later appointed surgeon because of his medical knowledge.
He served throughout the war and was slightly wounded at the
battle of Bad Axe. Returning home he wrote a “History of the
Black Hawk War” from his daily journal and his fresh
recollections, which was published at Jacksonville in 1834, and
is considered good authority. The work was republished in 1907
under the auspices of the Caxton Club, of Chicago. Three years
later (1837) he removed to Jo Daviess county, and in 1846 to Iowa
county, Wisconsin. In 1849 he settled at St. Paul, where he was
chosen judge, but finding the winters too severe in 1854 he
removed to Allamakee county, Iowa, building a home on the north
part of section 2, Makee township, which he had entered from the
government the year before, and which later became the Hugh
Norton place. He also took land in section 9, later the Benedict
Troendle place. He remained here three years, and in 1854 removed
to Kansas, settling at Lawrence, where as a strong anti-slavery
man he took active part in struggle over that territory. He died
in Kansas, June 18, 1873, after serving his adopted state in many
Robert Crawford was born in Crawford township, Coshocton county,
Ohio (the township was named after his father), February 17,
1828, and at the age of nine years was left an orphan. When he
grew up he learned the trade of wagon maker, having been
apprenticed for a term of three years. At the age of twenty-two
he married Sarah Shannon, born also in Coshocton county, February
1, 1830, near Keen. After their marriage he worked at his trade
for a short time at Bloomfield, Ohio, and in 1853, with one
child, they came to Iowa as pioneers, and settled in Franklin
township, Allamakee county, on government land which he had
selected a year or two previously. Here they engaged in farming,
building a home and raising a family.
Robert and Sarah Crawford believed in the great importance of the
home, the school, and the church. They were members of the
Presbyterian church, and liberal in their contributions towards
in maintenance. They stood for law and order, and took an active
interest in the building up of the public schools not only in
their own vicinity but the county at large, and of their children
several engaged in teaching at various times. Mr. Crawford held
local offices, and was for three years a member of the county
board of supervisors, always using his influence conscientiously
for the promotion of education interests and good government
generally. These good people of Scotch-Irish ancestry left the
stamp of their character upon the formative period of our
county’s history in more ways than one for its welfare. They
believed that one of the best legacies they could leave the world
would be an intelligent, industrious, honest family; and their
success in building up such a legacy is attested by, and is the
reason for, this sketch.
Their children numbered fourteen. Two died in infancy before they
came to Iowa, the others grew to young manhood and
womanhood-three girls and nine boys. James S. Crawford, the
oldest son, was born at Bloomfield, Ohio, December 20, 1851, but
grew up on the farm in Franklin township. He attended the common
schools at Volney, and in Bear Hollow, and later taught. For a
short time he attended the Upper Iowa University, and later the
State University, and after two years again engaged in teaching,
in Minnesota and Iowa. He became superintendent of schools of
Cass county, Iowa, and a member of the state educational board of
examiners. He represented Cass county in the General Assembly of
Iowa, in 1892, serving with Hon. J. F. Dayton of this county. He
engaged in the newspaper business of Atlantic, Iowa, and later at
Cherokee. He was an untiring and able writer, as he was a student
and a thinker. In 1900 he was one of the custodians of the United
States exhibit at the Paris exposition, his specialty being
“The Education of Europe to Corn as a Food.” He visited
European countries before returning and studied at first hand
their industrial conditions, the better to prepare for the
working out of economical questions at home. He was employed
during the Louisiana Purchase Exposition with the committee on
exploitation, in 1904, where this writer last met him and briefly
renewed an old acquaintance. He was called suddenly, March 2,
1913, while in Chicago, and buried at his home, Cherokee, Iowa.
He leaves one son, an only child.
John Cliff Crawford, born in Franklin township in 1854, started
out for himself at the age of sixteen his father consenting, and
worked at farm work for a few years, and at various kinds of
labor, but kept up his reading and went to school as opportunity
permitted. When he became prepared he began teaching, and has
taught school for sixty-two months of his life. During this time
he was acquiring a practical education himself, traveling about
and becoming acquainted with men and affairs, and doubtless
figuring out the whys and wherefores of conditions as he found
them, with that love for investigation and reasoning which marks
the man. Finally he entered the medical department of the
Northwestern University of Illinois, from which institution he
graduated in 1882. Locating at Waukon he began practice with Dr.
T. H. Barnes, a pioneer physician, and for thirty years now he
has held steadfastly to the practice of his chosen profession in
this town and surrounding country. The doctor is an advocate of
the home as being the largest factor in the solution of many
public questions. He has positive convictions, and the faculty of
expressing them with clearness and force. He married Miss Flora
Newell, a daughter of another large pioneer family, and their
family consists of one son and two daughters.
Coe I. Crawford has been an untiring worker, and is a graduate of
the Iowa State University Law School. In his young manhood he
located in South Dakota, and has ever since been more or less
prominent in Dakota politics: first, as county attorney for
Hughes county; second, as member of the senate in the last
territorial council; and next a member of the constitutional
convention for South Dakota. When the territory was divided and
entered statehood he was elected to the first state senate of
South Dakota. Then he was elected to the office of Attorney
General for the state, for two terms. Following this, by a
combination of circumstances he was defeated for Congress; but
after a short rest from politics he was elected Governor of South
Dakota, and from that position he was chosen United States
Senator, his term expiring in 1915.
Nate S. Crawford, the sixth child, in his twenty-second year
arranged to enter the State University at Iowa City, but the same
year, October, 1881, he was cut off by an attack of typhoid
fever, at Webster City, and his book of life unduly closed. He
was the athlete of the family, of splendid physique, and his
mother said he was never known to cry when a child-a
characteristic of his make=up. He was a fine singer, an excellent
student, and contemplated a course in medicine.
Joe H. Crawford is a successful agriculturist in Pipestone
county, Minnesota, where he started by entering a claim about the
year 1880. He has been tenacious and hung onto his land while the
country developed, until now he has a fine farm home, is a member
of the county board of supervisors, and identified with several
business enterprises. Both he and Coe have families, and both are
strong school men.
Lieut. R. T. Crawford was a graduate of the Iowa State College,
also of Iowa Teachers College-then a State Normal. He enlisted as
a private soldier in the Spanish-American war, was advanced, and
at the close of the Cuban war was mustered out. Soon after this
he was commissioned a second lieutenant of the Provisional
Volunteer Army, and assigned to the 32d Regiment, with which he
went to the Philippines. He served his term, and when he was
expecting his discharge he received instead a commission as
captain in the regular army. He accepted the position, and
shortly afterward lost life, on the island of Samar, while
attempting to save his men from drowning. He succeeded in saving
most of the, but the exertion was too great for even his
remarkable physical strength, and he went down.
O. S. Crawford has made the cattle ranch business quite
successful in South Dakota, and has the banner family, twelve
children. He too, as many be inferred, is an active school man.
Effie and Allie were inordinately ambitious in school life,
overworked, and passed away in early life. Jennie is a successful
farmer’s wife. Rollo, a very excellent your man, was claimed
by heart trouble at the age of twenty-one; so another promising
career was shortened.
Eddie was the baby, and the reader and student of the family; but
his mentality was too much for his physical strength, and he died
from nervous exhaustion.
Robert Crawford removed with his family to Castleville, Buchanan
county, Iowa, in 1881, where Mrs. Crawford died April 7, 1890,
and he followed her in death July 20, 1896. But our county claims
and honors those of their children who have made distinguished
mark in life as “Allamakee boys.”
Another Allamakee boy who may well be mentioned in this
connection is Hon. Frank M. Bryne, present Governor of South
Dakota. He is a sturdy Irishman, born not far from the rugged
Mississippi bluffs in 1858. Fifteen years later attended school
with J. C. Crawford, also Coe I. Crawford, as his teachers, with
whom he formed a lasting friendship. At twenty-one he homesteaded
in South Dakota, where he has since been prominently identified
with the republican party, serving as the first State Senator
from Faulk county; then as County Treasurer, and again State
Senator. He has “made good” in every way, and as a
reward now occupies the highest position in the gift of his
William Stinson Dunn, son of Thomas and Temperance Dunn, the
fifth in a family of fifteen children, was born in Mongolia
county, then in Virginia, August 17, 1817. He was a descendant on
his mother’s side of David Morgan, a relative of General
Daniel Morgan, one of the pioneers of now West Virginia, and
settled on the land where Morgantown is now situated, in 1764.
The chronicles of border warfare say, “ Mr. Morgan was
conspicuous for personal prowess and for daring, yet deliberate
courage displayed by him during the subsequent troubles with the
In April, 1851, Mr. Dunn having purchased from his father, who
was a veteran of the War of 1812, and eighty-acre land warrant
received form the Government for military service, emigrated to
Iowa and rented what was then called the Barker place near
Monona, Clayton county. He took a claim of 160 acres of heavily
timbered land in Allamakee county, eight acres in Paint Creek
township and an adjoining eighty in Linton township; and after
raising a crop on his rented farm upon which to live while making
a clearing, he moved onto his farm in the spring of 1852.
Mr. Dunn was one of the very first to own and operated a
threshing outfit in the new country. Owing to the scarcity of
machines the area covered was large, and the season in the
earlier years generally lasted from August until the last of
November of first of December. He usually went to what was called
the Monona Prairie the first of the season, and his territory
extended from Lana to Pleasant Ridge. It was sometimes almost
winter before he would get around to thresh for his home
neighbors. He served his township as trustee for twenty-five or
thirty years. When the County Agricultural Society was organized
he became a life member and labored earnestly for its success,
always contributing of his best products to help make a good
display. Was also a member of the Waukon Grange Patrons of
Husbandry. When the C., D. & M. R. R. Proposed to build a
line up the Mississippi river from Dubuque, Mr. Dunn was
appointed one of six to appraise the damage to the property
through which it passed in this county.
Mr. Dunn was married to Miss Virlinda Warman in 1840, by whom he
had two children. In 1846 he married Miss Mary McShane, by whom
he had six children. Of the eight, three children died young. Of
the five daughters who grew to womanhood, Temperance married H.
C. Stanley and had four children; Isabel, Dorcas, and Jane taught
in the county schools for several years; Isabel married C. A.
Robey and had eleven children: Dorcas married F. W. Holford, one
child; Jane married J. C. Robey, two children; Virginia married
Albirtus Leas, nine children.
Mrs. Dunn died in December, 1879. Mr. Dunn continued to live on
the farm on which they settled until the fall of 1893, when he
went to Waukon and lived with his daughter, Jane Robey, until his
death at the age of eighty-four years, November 1, 1901. He came
of a sturdy, long-lived race, his father dying at the age of
eighty-eight years, his mother at ninety-one. Of his seven
brothers and seven sisters, only one, a brother, died in
childhood; all the rest lived beyond middle age and all were
married except one sister. Two of his brothers lived to be over
Joseph P. Jackson, a veteran of the Mexican war, died at the home
of his son-in-law, H. F. Gaunitz, in Lansing, January 7, 1913, in
his eighty-eighth year. From the Lansing Mirror are gleaned the
following facts of his remarkable career.
“Joseph P. Jackson was born in Rushville, Fairfield county,
Ohio, June 22, 1825. He enlisted at Somerset, Perry county, May
22, 1846, and at Cincinnati his company was organized into the
Third Ohio Infantry, later going to New Orleans, thence to the
mouth of the Rio Grande, then to Matamoros, Mexico, in 1847 in
the month of February he was at Buena Vista where he remained
until his time expired, reaching New Orleans again after a stormy
voyage on June 22, 1847, returning to his Ohio home.
“He came to Iowa in May, 851. October 14, 1861, he again
enlisted at Dubuque, serving in Company B. 12th Iowa Infantry. He
was wounded in the thigh and came home on a thirty days’
furlough, returning later to his regiment at Shiloh.
“On December 25, 1862, he was discharged and in the month of
March, 1864, reenlisted at Davenport, seeing some hard service up
to the time he was mustered out in January, 1866, He was
commissioned first lieutenant, Company B. 12th Iowa Infantry on
May 20, 1865.
“The funeral of this old and esteemed citizen was held
yesterday morning, interment being at Paint Rock, beside his
wife, who preceded him to the grave five years ago
“Mr. Jackson was in his eighty-eighth year, and almost up to
the time of his death was able to read his newspaper. Since the
cold weather began he has not been able to get about, but all of
last summer was down town almost daily, appearing to enjoy his
visits among his friends.”
One of the well-known men of ability whose activities extended
throughout the county in its earlier years we H. O. Dayton, from
whose dairy the following items of general interest have been
kindly submitted to us by his daughter, Mrs. Anna Davenport.
Other items appear in the sketch of Village Creek. In 1856 he
came to Iowa, arriving at Hardin July 1st. Here he engaged in
surveying and states that his first platting was done July 18,
1856, when he assisted his brother Joel on the town plat of
Hardin for Mr. Frazier. During that year and the following he
surveyed in and about Hardin, Rossville, Yellow River, Village
creek, New Galena, and Lansing. In October, he was appointed
commissioner of Road No. 137, in Center township, which he
surveyed, assisted by Messrs. Deremore, Wachter, Christian and
Barthell. He describes it as some two miles long and a very good
route, yet there was not much room left for anything else between
the bluffs. On March 19, 1857, he states, “ I finished up my
survey of Village Creek.” In 1858 he taught the summer
school at Hardin, boarding with Dr. Green, who later lived at
Postville, The Allamakee county superintendent at this time was
J. W. Flint, assisted by Mr. Newell and Mr. Fawcett. In the
winters of 1858-61 he taught in Milton, or Village Creek; and
1861-2 and ‘62-3 he taught the Lansing school.
On March 2, 1860, the diary states that Rossville men had some
four weeks previously circulated a petition to have a vote at the
April election for the removal of the county seat from Waukon to
Rossville. He volunteered to circulate a remonstrance, and going
into Taylor township, which was strong for Rossville, he secured
enough signers to defeat the petition, which lacked nine names of
a sufficient number to authorize the county judge to order an
In the fall of 1860 Mr. Dayton speaks of attending a county fair
at Waukon. Also the first teachers’ institute of Allamakee
county, commencing September 10, 1860, and continuing one week,
and held in the Presbyterian church at Waukon. The county
superintendent was R. C. Armstrong; and the instructors. Rev. J.
Loughran and A. A. Griffith, the latter attending mostly to
In his entry of October 26, 1860, he writes: “There is quite
a stir with Rose and Twiford about removing the county seat from
Waukon to Lansing; they are circulating a petition for this
change.” An on November 5th: “No school today, but went
over to Lansing to lay off Court House Block for J. M. Rose. They
give only about one acre of land.” He was living at Village
Creek then. January 26, 1861, he says: “ Went over to
Lansing with Mr. Rose. He requested me to see several men about
the building of a house for court rooms.” On September 21,
1862, after having visited Rossville, he writes: “Rossville
seems not to have grown at all during the past six years.”
Warren Estev came to Postville in 1849 when there was only one
log house there. The next winter, ‘49-50, three families
lived in a small log cabin three miles northwest of Postville,
where together they offered up their prayers and talked of the
possibilities of the future. The echoes of the Red Mn’s war
whoop had scarcely died away among the hills; and on this very
farm were to be found their fresh made graves, this being a
burial place, over one hundred of the tribe having been buried
here. It was a most fitting place, marked by high projecting
rocks on the river bank. Near by was a bark shanty where they had
left some four hundred sap troughs, ready for making sugar the
next spring. Mr. Estey moved to Fayette in 1868, where he died in
January, 1882, aged eighty-two years.
Charles Wesley Bender came to Post township in the early fifties
with his people, who camped at the spring near the Bethel church,
and then passed on into the edge of Winneshiek county. He cast
his first vote there, in 1853, and later took up land in Fillmore
county, Minnesota. He with other settlers ran up the first stars
and stripes on Washington Prairie, Winneshiek county, July 4,
1852, the men getting out a flag pole with two pine trees
spliced, and the women making the flag. The enthusiastic settlers
named the place “Washington Corners,” but it came to be
called Washington Prairie later. It was always with pride that he
recalled the doings of those days, when the vigor of young
manhood made it possible to grapple with the hardships of the
pioneers. To them no task seemed too great; and the home was open
to all. Mr. Bender was born in Stark county, Ohio, April 18,
1832, and died March 26, 1913, at Forest Mills, Franklin
township, at the home of a son with whom he had lived since the
death of his wife in 1903. He was twice married and eleven
children were born to him, seven of whom survive him. He was a
cousin of Cornelius Aultman, Jr., founder of the famous machine
works of Aultman & Miller.
~transcribed by Diana Diedrich
(page 399 has photos, and pages 400 & 414 are