Chapter 19 (continues) Past & Present of Allamakee County, 1913 Hanover twp - Iowa twp - Jefferson twp - Lafayette twp |
At the March 5, 1855, term of the County court the boundaries of
this township were defined, comprising the congressional township
of 99-6, taken from Union City township, and a warrant was issued
to Marshall Cass to organize same. As in the case of most of the
townships no record is found of the election of the first
officials. The population in 1856 was 211. Among the early
settlers were: Michael Halvorson in 1852; Wm. Reed, in '53, at
what was afterwards known as Reed's Corners; Dan Carr, about '55,
a well known and popular character and good judge of a horse,
went to California in 1892 on account of ill health, and died
there the following spring; Hans Simenson; Wm. McLaughlin; John
C. Barr, a fine old Scotchman; Lars Peterson, Marshall Cass, Ole
Simenson, Maurice Brushnahan and others, James Delaney, the
Larsons, Jeffrey McGrath, Hans Hanson, Christopher McNutt (who
started the first gristmill in the early fifties, on the Iowa
river in section 30), John Cunningham, Michael Stack, Peter and
William Fitzgerald, Andrew Jacobson.
The first postoffice in Hanover was at New Galena, prior to 1861.
Reed's Ridge postoffice established July, 1873, eight miles north
of Waukon, on the Galena road, Wm. H. Reed, postmaster. Hanover
postoffice established at Ferris Mills on the Oneota river,
February, 1875, O.F. Ferris, postmaster. This was later removed
to section 29, where John Ward conducted the office for many
years. He died December 9, 1893. Ferris Mills (formerly McNutt's
Mills), was for many years the best known in this part of the
county, and was a frequent resort for Waukon fishermen and picnic
parties. The dam was almost completely destroyed by the flood of
June, 1875; and in the July storm, 1882, the race was so badly
damaged tha, considering the failure of wheat raising, it was not
thought best to make repairs again.
Cavins' Ford, in the fifties, was the Iowa river corssing in the
northeast quarter of section 8; and prior to 1859 a gristmill was
in operation on Bear creek in the northeast part of section 4.
The Catholic church in Hanover was early established, but we have
no information of the date. It was incorporated November 20,
1911, as St. Mary's church of Hanover, Most Rev. James J. Keane,
archbishop, ex-officio president; who, with Vicar General Roger
Ryan, and the pastor, Rev. F. McCullough, ex-officio vice
president, and laymen, Lawrence Byrnes and Michael Tierney,
constituted the board of directors.
New Galena, so named for its lead mines, was the only village
ever platted in this township, but the plat was never recorded.
It was situated on the north side of the Oneota, in section 1,
below the mouth of Waterloo creek and nearly opposite the mouth
of Mineral creek in the valley of which was the principal lead
In 1856 one A.C. Tichenor discovered what he supposed to be
paying quantities of lead, in the valley of Mineral creek, and
not having sufficient means of his own to carry out his plans,
went to New York city to get men of capital interested, stopping
in Indiana to see Phineas Weston, the owner of the land, with
whom it is supposed he made satisfatory arrangements for opening
a mine. In New York he succeeded almost immediately in
interesting one Jas. T. Moulton, who laid the matter before
another party of some means, Aug. F. Lee, and together they
proceeded to act in the matter. Mr. Lee came on with Tichenor,
looked over the ground, procured specimens of the ore and had it
tested, and everything proving satisfactory, Moulton and his son
Arthur came on with all the necessary materials and laborers and
proceeded to erect buildings. Among others, they built a large
store, which was filled with a huge stock of goods purchased in
New York by F.M. Clark, who had accompanied Tichenor east for
that purpose, and who clerked for Moulton & Lee until the
following January. At one time the company had as many as a
hundred men in their employ. the village site was laid off into
lots and streets, and some of the lots were sold at good round
prices. The village at its best comprised some eight or ten
houses, but they have disappeared, and at this time the land
where the town stood is one of the best farms in the Iowa valley,
and is owned by Levi Green. Some of the buildings were moved off,
and others left to fall to pieces. Among the latter was a large
stone barn which stood until about 1880, a monument of the New
Galena folly.
The company penetrated the side of the bluffs on Mineral creek
and took out ore in such quantities that they felt warranted in
erecting a smelting furnace, which was done some fifteen rods
south of the bridge which was built at a later day, and smelted a
considerable quantity of ore, but it did not pay. the ore was
mostly in the shape of floats, but they kept on, hoping to strike
a paying "lead." In this they were disappointed,
however, as no well defined lead was developed, and the store
part of the venture was the only thing about it that paid. It was
not long before Tichenor had run through what little means he had
invested in the concern, and Moulton and Lee, disappointed in
their bright expectations, were inclined to blame him for the
result of the enterprise, and so cast him off. The elder Moulton
took to drink; and sometime in the course of a year the whole
thing collapsed under the stress of circumstances. The creditors
got what they could out of the property, and we believe Moulton
and Lee returned to the east. Tichenor, it seems, could not give
up the idea of getting riches out of a mine, and sought the mines
of the west. Twenty odd years later he was heard of in connection
with a fraudulent mining concern, shares of stock in which he had
sold to the extent of $20,000 or $30,000.
Among our county records we find the "Articles of
Association of the New Galena Lead Mining and Real Estate
Company," entered into on the 18th day of August, 1857.
James Thorington, James T. Moulton, J. Arthur Moulton, Aug. F.
Lee, Wm. L. Easton, Leonard Standring, Warren Ballou, james I.
Gilbert, Grant Telford, Milo C. Fuller, Alanson H. Barnes, D.B.
Defendorf, L.B. Defendorf, S.H. Kerfoot, James L. McLean, Robt.
L. McClelland, Horatio Hill, Solomon Goodrich, E.E. Cooley formed
themselves into a body corporate under the name and style above
mentioned, "for the purpose," the document goes on to
say, "of mining, smelting, and manufacturing, lead, and for
the purpose of acquiring, by purchase or otherwise, any lands in
the state of Iowa, or any other state or territory in the United
States; and for lying out such lands into towns or villages,
additions to town or villages, and disposing of the same at
private or public sale; and also for engaging in interal
improvements, manufactures, agriculture and commerce, and in any
or all financial or monied operations not inconsistent with the
laws of the State of Iowa," etc. "The document further
provides that the capital stock shall consist of $200,000, of $20
a share, with power to increase to not exceed $500,000. The
principal place of business was to be the village of New Galena,
and the directors shall cause semi-annual dividends to be
declared out of the profits of the company." About how many
dividends were declared may be readily imagined. We believe this
company did continue to operate the diggings for a time, but they
were finally abandoned entirely.
A store with general merchandise for the convenience of the
neighborhood is now kept by Thos. Delaney on the south side of
section 26, on the Waukon road.
Hanover township had a population of 211 in 1856, and only 458 at
the census of 1910. The township officers are: Clerk, E.L.
Cunningham; trustees, Thos. Lyons, Jerry O'Hare, Michael F.
Burke; assessor, Henry Quanrud; justice of the peace, O.H.
IOWA TOWNSHIP (pg 251-257)
Occupies the extreme northeast corner of the state of Iowa. It
was taken from the previously organized township of Union City,
and was organized under a warrant from the March, 1855, term of
County court. It was not settled up so early nor so quickly as
some of the townships, and had a population of only 128 as
enumerated, in 1856. But it has made the steadiest growth of any
township in the county, and in 1910 it had 961 souls, including
of course the town of New Albin, with 588.
Among the earliest to take government land in this township were:
John Ross in sections 10 and 11; James Brookman, section 15;
Thomas McMahon, section 19; Hugh Hardy, section 20; Eugene
Kerrigan, section 20; Nancy J. Jenks, section 31; Frederick
Weymiller, section 32; Martin Moore, section 33; James A. Botts,
section 34. It is impossible to tell from the records who the
earliest settlers were, as the government survey of this township
was not made until 1853 and the original entries date subsequent
to that, although some may have occupied their selections long
October 2, 1853, the County court granted a license to James
Brookman to operate a ferry across the Iowa river in the
southeast quarter of section 15, township 100, range 4. It is
claimed that the first bridge over this river was built at this
place in 1858, which would antedate the Chilson's Ford bridge in
Union City, built in 1859. That veteran contractor as well as
soldier, Capt. E.B. Bascom, of Lansing, recently wrote us:
"I was sent to locate a position for the bridge and selected
the place where the bridge is at present, but Brookman had a pull
on the authorities and it was built near his house. I built the
bridge for G.W. Hays to settle a matter growing out of the
'Fleming war' as it was called at that time. This bridge was all
right but went out the first high water for the reason it had
nothing to stand on; it was built according to instructions, to
pay for a 'dead horse,' as the saying is." The next bridge
at Brookman's Ford, or ferry, was built by Salmon Wood, in 1863,
while Captain Bascom was in the army. It cost $840, mostly raised
by subscription in Lansing, but the county made up a deficiency
of $200 on this in January, 1864.
Iowa township was the seat of considerable early Indian warfare,
the Sacs and Foxes having had villages here at various times, as
well as the Sioux village of Wabasha's band as told about in a
previous chapter. It is claimed also by some that the prominent
bluff known as Brookman's Bluff was actually the place of capture
of Black Hawk after the battle of Bad Axe in 1832, and not the
Dells of the Wisconsin as the authorities mostly agree to be the
fact, and as stated in a previous chapter, on this war. In regard
to this matter Captain Bascom writes us:
"There is another matter of history that I think ought to be
corrected. I claim that Black Hawk surrendered to the Winnebagoes
at the Brookman Bluff, which is the central point of the neutral
ground established in 1825. It was also a signal station used by
the Indians, and directly opposite Battle Island, where the
remnants of Black Hawk's band retreated when he gave up. I had
the story as long ago as 1856, by Brookman, and the story was
confirmed by the old Indians living here at the time. John
Waukon, Jim Brown, Indian Doc and others have told me the same
story. Colonel Hitt, of Dixon, Illinois, was here about
twenty-five years ago, who was an early settler in that state and
a surveyor, and was also in the Black Hawk war. He went with me
to the Brookman Bluff and after looking it over said he believed
my story was correct. If you and others will go with me to that
point I will give the story as I got it from the Indians and
Brookman. Townsend, who was in the fight at Battle Island, and
who delivered an address at the first meeting of the Battle
Island Association, said on that occasion that Black Hawk was a
coward and ran away at the first fire of the artillery from the
boat, and was seen on top of the Wisconsin bluffs after the
battle. That story will do to tell the marines, but not old
soldiers. He said that part of Black Hawk's band had crossed the
river before they overtook him. Now, the most reasonable thing to
do was to retreat to the first high point of land on the Iowa
side, which is the Brookman Bluff, and right there was then a
large village of Winnebagoes, and it would be a very easy matter
for three Indians to take him to Prairie du Chien."
The history of this enterprising young town dates from the
construction of the river railroad in 1872, or rather from its
inception shortly before that year. It is located on the
northwest quarter of section 11, which was bought of the
government by John Ross, August 21, 1854. in March, 1871, Mr.
Ross contracted with S.H. Kinne to sell an interest in this land
to him and J.K. Graves and J.A. Rhomberg, of Dubuque, for the
purpose of a town site on the Chicago, Dubuque & Minnesota
Railroad, originally the Dubuque & Minnesota, the
construction of which had been begun at Dubuque the fall before.
September 16, 1871, mr. Ross executed his deed to said parties in
accordance with the contract, and died twelve days later. The
arrangement for the platting of a town was carried out by his
widow, Hily Ross, as administratrix and in her own right, who
together with said other parties excecuted the town plat in
November, 1872, the road then being in operation.
Previous to 1868 the surplus grain harvested on the prairie farms
out in the Portland prairie region on both sides of the Minnesota
line had been hauled to Lansing as the most available market town
on the river. In that year Wm. Robinson and Hays built a stone
warehouse on the banks of the slough north of Winnebago creek,
across the Minnesota line, a mile or so north of the site of New
Albin which was then a farm. A house or two and a store were
built nearby; and lumber to seel to farmers was barged in there,
the place being called the "New Landing." There was not
space for a town at the foot of the bluff, while at "Ross's
Bench" was an ideal site for a large town. This caused the
new town to be located there, by those interested in the
railroad, and after some four years of uncertainty the upper
warehouse was abandoned.
From the very start the village was a live one, the population
increased rapidly, stores were built, and elevators and
warehouses for the handling of grain and produce, the town
becoming an active market at once. the Tartt & Palmer
elevator was built in 1874. A new schoolhouse was completed in
the fall of 1874, at a cost of $1,800; and a Catholic church
building was raised in September of that year, 35X60, to cost
At the April, 1895, term of the District court a petition of C.J.
Travis and twenty-eight others was presented asking an order of
the court for the incorporation of the town of New Albin, to
comprise the northwest quarter of section 11 and the west half of
fractional section 2, and showing the number of inhabitants
within said territory to be 489. On the 18th of that month the
court granted the petition and appointed the following named
commissioners to order an election: John Haugh; Ben Pohlman,
William Ions, Sr., C.A. Petrehn, and L. Ferris. The commissioners
caused an election to be held on the 20th day of May, at which
the proposition was carried by a vote of sixty-eight for and
twenty-eight against. At the ensuing election for town officers,
in June, the following were elected, viz: Mayor, Wm. Coleman,
Jr.; recorder, Louis Fritz; trustees, H. Martin, R. Thompson,
G.A. Erickson, M. Moore, Fred Meyer, and A. Sahli.
The present corporation officials are: Mayor, Fred Wild; clerk,
Reuben may; assessor, Michael Moore. The Iowa township officers
are: Clerk, Michael Moore; trustees, Fred Meyer, Thos. F. Reburn,
L.P. Weymiller; assessor, Dan Kelly; Justices, J.W. Irons and
G.A. Erickson; constables, Ed Fish and Chas. Dougherty.
The town has no waterworks system as yet, but there is plenty of
water at hand for all purposes, supplied by eight artesian wells,
470 to 550 feet in depth, with a good head above the curbing. A
volunteer fire company is organized, with equipment of a hand
pump and three and five-gallon extinguishers.
The population of New Albin by the census of 1910 was 588. of
Iowa township, exclusive of the town, 373, as against 128 at the
first enumeration, in 1856.
The present township official roster is as follows: Clerk,
Michael Moore; trustees, Fred Meyer, Thos. F. Reyburn, L.P.
Weymiller; assessor, Dan Kelly; justices, J.W. Irons and G.A.
Ericson; constables, Ed Fish and Chas. Dougherty.
The Catholic church of New Albin was established at an early day,
the exact year of which we have not been informed. Father
Haxmeier of Lansing, had charge of this church also, from 1880 to
1903. A good substantial building was erected about 1875, but was
replaced in 1910 with a much larger and finer edifice at a cost
of $16,000. The incorporation of this, St. Joseph's church, was
effected December 9, 1911, Archbishop James J. Keane, ex-officio
president, the resident pastor, Father E. Ryan, ex-officio vice
president, with Vicar General Roger Ryan, being the
incorporators. They together with the associate lay members in
the corporation, Herman Martin and John Bacon, constituting the
board of directors; the secretary and treasurer to be elected by
the board. Father Ryan is still the resident pastor.
St. Joseph's Court, Cathollic Order of Foresters, was organized
here some years ago, and is a flourishing institution.
Methodist Church -- The New Albin class was organized in January,
1874, by Rev. H.W. Houghton, W.H. Tuthill being appointed leader.
From this time until 1895 Lansing and New Albin were one charge.
Reverend Houghton carried on the pastoral work until 1878,
without any salary. He was succeeded by Dr. R.C. Ambler, who
supplied for the year ending October, '79, his salary being $75.
Rev. A.M. Sanford, the next pastor, remained three years, at a
more respectable salary. Rev. L.N. Green was appointed as his
successor, also remaining three years. The ensuing year there was
no pastor. The Sunday school work was kept up by A.P. Petrehn.
The next year Rev. F.J. Heatly was appointed. He supplied both
New Albin and Lansing from May until conference time, when H.J.
Bowder took up the pastoral work and carried it for three years.
J.B. Wyatt, the next pastor, remained two years, and his
successor, W.A. Allan, one year.
In 1894 it was decided that the work was too heavy for one man,
and Squire Heath was appointed assistant to the Lansing pastor,
E.D Hall. This arrangement lasted one year, after which Mr. Heath
assumed full control and New Albin became an independent charge.
Mr. Heath remained two yeras, with annual salary of $600.
Rev. R.L. Finney was appointed his successor and remained for one
yera, till 1897 conference, when W.G. Crowder became pastor for
one year only. A.A. Hallett succeeded him, in 1899. B.C. Barnes
followed and stayed two years ending with 1901 conference, when
H.E. Kester was appointed, remaining through 1904. W. Lease,
1905-6; C.C. Casper, 1907-09; Henry Allshouse, 1910-11; E.T.
Gough, 1012-13.
Quarterly conference roll: W.O. Bock, C.J. Travis, Ed. Bock, R.C.
May, H. Riser, Wm. Thompson, R.G. May, C.M. Steele, Mrs. W.
Thompson, Mrs. J.F. Goble, Cora Thomson, Mrs. O.C. Tartt.
The church sustains a flourishing Sunday school, of which W.O.
Bock is superintendent.
In the year 1902 this church built a parsonage at a cost of
$2,500, located upon as fine a site as there is in town.
German Evangelical -- In the year 1885 was organized the German
Evangelical St. Peter's church at New Albin, with the following
named trustees: Henry Burmester, Henry Luetschens, Louis Missall,
Ferdinand Kubitz. L. Missall was the clerk.
[transcription note: this heading appears in the book in this
place, although the ensuing text is about schools. See farther
below for postoffices]
The New Albin public schools comprise about eleven grades, and
employ five teachers. No data being at hand regarding the
beginning of the schools here, a list of those who have had
charge cannot be given. Prof. Frank Rice was principal in 1884,
and since that time some of the more prominent ones have been
J.R. McKim, J.P. Conway, C.E. Wright, --- Craig, and numerous
others, mostly remaining but one year each. The present incumbent
is now on his second year, Prof. Erich C.R. Jordan. There is a
good school building, and a good interest manifested, the
enrollment being 161 out of a possible 220 of school age in the
district. The officers of the school board are: President, E.
Rice; secretary, R.G. May; treasurer, G.F. Wild.
The New Albin Savings Bank was incorporated April 14, 1898, with
a capital of $15,000, and the following officers: president, H.
Martin; vice president, Wm. Coleman; cashier, L.H. Gaarder;
directors, the foregoing officers and G.A. Erickson, R.H.
Thompson, F.C. Meyer and W.O. Bock. After a period of about ten
years the capital stock was increased to $30,000, March 3, 1908;
and the present officers are: President, A.T. Nierling of Waukon;
vice president, O.J. Hager of Waukon; cashier, L.H. Gaarder, and
assistant cashier, Carl E. Weymiller of New Albin. In April,
1913, their total assets were $418,627.18. Deposits, $332,959.75.
Undivided profits, $8,602.85.
The Farmers' Savings Bank of New Albin, organized in 1909, became
incorporated November 27th of that year. Its capital stock was
$20,000, and the first officers were: President, Joseph Coleman;
vice president, henry Wuennecke; cashier, William Lager.
Directors, the officers as before named, and George Muenkel,
Albert Kuehn, Henry Vonderohe, and Dennis J. Ryan. Present
officers: President, J.C. Coleman; vice president, H. Wuennecke;
cashier, M.J. Cavanaugh; assistant cashier, A.H. Frieberg. Assets
in April, 1913, $187,814.63. Deposits, $110,071.10. Undivided
profits, $454.03.
The first postmaster of New Albion was, we believe, Jacob
Fitschen, who was followed by Wm. Coleman, who held the office
until in the Harrison regime in 1880, when he was succeeded by
Wm. O. Bock. In President Cleveland's second administration
Michael Gabbett went in, July 1893, and he gave place to G.A.
Ericson in President McKinley's time, sometime in 1899, we
believe. Mr. Ericson served about four years, being succeeded by
W.O. Bock, in January, 1903, who has served since and is the
present incumbent.
The New Albin Herald, a small folio sheet, was established about
June 1, 1873, by Dr. J.I. Taylor of Lansing, who placed his son,
James E. Taylor, in charge of it as publisher. It was
discontinued the following year, and the Spectator, an eight-page
paper, was established by E.S. Kilbourne, who continued its
publication for about five years, when he removed to a new town
in the West, in May, 1879, and the paper was discontinued.
About the year 1893 the New Albin Courier began publication, by
Walter Travis, but it was discontinued in 1898, and thematerial
(with the exception of the press) sold to Coffeen & Bock, who
added it to their plant of the Waukon Republican. Soon after
this, in the same year, 1898, H.J. Metcalf began publishing the
New Albin Globe, continuing it for three years when it was, in
the latter part of 1901, consolidated with the Mirror at Lansing,
wich continued for some time to run a New Albin page. After an
interval, of three years the New Albin News entered the field,
the first number appearing in December, 1904, and under the
practical management of the proprietor, Ludwig Schubbert, this
venture appears to have proven a success and a needed adjunct to
the business of this thriving little town.
St. Joseph's Court, Catholic Order of Foresters, was organized
here some years ago, and is a flourishing fraternal institution.
New Albin Camp, No. 3309, Modern Woodmen of America, chartered in
the latter part of 1895, proved popular here, as the order has
elsewhere in the county.
A remarkable figure in the history of New Albin was the venerable
Charles L. Poole, who died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. H.H.
May, December 10, 1893, nearing the completion of his one hundred
and eighth year. Born in Congrasbury, Somersetshire, England,
march 15, 1786, he came to this country in 1849, at the age of
sixty-three, with his second wife and ten children, leaving his
eldest son in England. They settled first in Kane county,
Illinois, where his wife died in 1850, and in 1851 he came to
Allamakee county which continued to be his home until his death,
except for one year in Dakota, where he took a homestead to
"grow up with the country." He left weventy living
descendants, seven children and sixty-three grand and
great-grandchildren. A month before his death Mr. Poole walked to
the pools as usual to cast his vote at the general election
disdaining aid from the kids of sixty and seventy with their
carriages. At one time he owned several hundred acres of land
near here, but lost it all, largely it is said through his
helpfulness to others.
Another aged and respected resident of New Albin died early in
the same year as Mr. Poole, namely Mr. H.G. Smart, who passed
away January 17, 1893, at the age of ninety. He had lived here
twenty years, and was a teacher in the pioneer days in Clayton
It has been stated in an early chapter of this volume that the
Iowa tribe of Indians left their name on three streams as laid
down on the early maps. One of these was the Upper Iowa, now
usually referred to as the Oneota. In Salter's history of the
state it is said that the earliest appearance of any form of the
name Iowa is in a letter of Father Louis Andre, written from the
Bay of Puants (Green Bay), April 20, 1676. He says: "This
year we have among the Puants seven or eight families from a
nation that is *** called Aiaoua, or Mascoutins Nadoessi. Their
village, which lies 200 leagues from here toward the west, is
very large, but poor; for thier greatest wealth consists of
ox-hides and red calumets. The speak the language of the Puants.
I preached Jesus Christ to them. They live at a distance of
twelve days' journey beyond the great river called
Perrot speaks of the stream now called the Upper Iowa as
"about twelve leagues from the Ouisconsching, and named for
the Ayoes savages," and says that he maintained friendly
relations with them when he established himself on the
Mississippi (1685).
The substitution of the pleasing Indian name Oneota for the Upper
Iowa was first made in print about 1889, so far as we can
ascertain, by Government geologists; and was further authorized
and urged soon after by Professor Calvin, Iowa State Geologist,
who applied the name also to a prominent rock formation along the
bluffs of this stream. It has the recommendation of avoiding
confusion in the use of the name Iowa for two rivers in the
state, and preserving the original local Indian name of this
picturesque river.
According to the best authority available this township was
constituted April 1, 1852, being taken from Taylor township,
which at first included both this and Paint Creek. Its
boundaries, identical with those of Congressional township 97-5,
were confirmed in December, 1853, at the same time as those of
other townships to the south and east. The population in 1854 was
371; in 1880, 1,135; and 826 in 1910.
The first settlers here were in 1849, in the following order.
Patrick Keenan and Richard Cassiday in the Spring of that year
(removing from an earlier claim made in Makee), on sections 15
and 22; William Niblock on sections 4 and 5, in June; and later,
the same season, Carlisle D. Beeman no north half of section 21,
and Harmon S. Cooper on the south half of the same section. Mr.
Kennan’s early experience is told in another chapter. He
died in 1878, and Mr. Cassiday in 1879. Mr. Niblock later owned
the northwest quarter of section 27. He served his country
through the Civil war, in Company A, 27th Iowa Infantry, after
which he resumed farm life in this township until his death, in
the later nineties. Mr Beeman became prominent in county affairs,
dying in 1893. Mr. Cooper is still with us, on the farm he
entered from the Government over sixty-three years ago.
Other of the earliest comers into Jefferson were: Daniel Flynn,
Patrick Lane, and M. B. Lyons, in section 28, Daniel McAlpine,
section 18; John Dundey section 4; Joel Baker, section 20
Nathaniel Mitchell, Chas. B. Churchill and Samuel Pettit, section
26; E. Barlow, John Pettit, Wm. V. And Elias Hatfield, section
24; John Stull, section 35; David Skinner, Wm. T. Stull, section
25; Andrew Peck, Lorenzo Bushnell, section 9; Moses A. Ross,
section 17; Reuben W. And Samuel M. Bullock, section 18; Asahel
W. Hoag, section 22; Jared Palmer, section 23; John B. Koontz and
Josiah R. Dart, section 34; James S. And Jackson Mitchell,
section 36; Eston McClintock, section 33; Henry Elliott and Henry
M. Stephens, section 27; Harmon Hastings, section 6; E. B. Lyons,
section 5; and Oliver Wheeler, sections 13 and 24
The Old Stake
In the year 1849 the commissioners appointed by the General
Assembly of Iowa to located the county seat of Allamakee county,
which was organized at the January session of said body, looked
over the ground and fixed upon a point in the south central part
of the county, in the south half of section 23, in now Jefferson
township, which has since been known as “The Old
Stake.” Just why this point was selected may never again be
known, although doubtless they had reasons, some of which we may
surmise. There were no settlers near there at that time, unless
it may be that it was after Mr. Keenan has removed to his new
location a mile or two northwest of that point, from Makee
township, which he did in the spring of that year Mr. Shattuck
did not reach Waukon until July. There was no Rossville, nor
settlement begun there. It would seem that in the
commissioners’ desire to get into the central part of the
county they had gone as far to the north and west as the
conditions at the time would warrant, the settlements then being
wholly in the south and east borders of the county. The
Government of survey of these lands was this year in progress. It
may be that the owners of lands of the vicinity of Postville,
Hardin, the Old Mission, and Harper’s Ferry (later so
names), as well as possibly Columbus and Lansing, were watching
them with jealous eye, and remonstrating against locating the
seat of county government away off in the interior out of their
reach. At any rate, where the stake was driven the lands were
entered as soon as the surveys would allow by parties who did not
become permanent settlers.
One good reason for this selection was the fact it was located on
an old trail, evidently traveled by whites for many years,
running from the Mississippi river, near the mouth of Yellow
river, and following the ridge or divide between the latter
stream and Paint creek, avoiding the tributaries as much as
possible, and extending on to Winneshiek county and the
northwest. This old bridle path was in all probability one of the
“through routes” from Fort Crawford to Fort Snelling,
followed by the early mail carriers mentioned in an earlier
chapter of this volume. By this pathway the selection was readily
accessible from the Old Mission, which continued to be virtually
the headquarters of our county officials until the county seat
was relocated at Columbus by the election of 1851.
Wm. F. Ross is said to have been the first settler on this
townsite, in 1850, but others followed very closely. Mr. Ross was
later one of the school fund commissioners, and at divers times
himself took up school lands until he owned many hundreds of
acres in different parts of the county. It may be that in
settling here he had in view the possibility of making this the
county seat, as was attempted a few years later; but this place
did not figure in the first county seat election, in 1851.
Rossville is on the old road above mentioned, about a mile and a
half southeast of where the old stake was planted. The plat was
surveyed by Joel Dayton, county surveyor, for the proprietors of
the land, comprising Wm. F. And Sarah I. Ross, David and
Catherine E. Skinner, and Elias and Mary A. Hatfield, who
acknowledged same before Jackson Mitchell, J. P., May 31, 1855.
The following year the town aspired to county seat honors in a
triangular contest with Waukon and Whaley & Topliff’s
Mill; Waukon, the then county seat, retaining the prize, the
election taking place in April, 1856. Rossville at that time
possessed a steam sawmill and several other lines of trade, and
had she obtained the county seat might have had a healthy growth.
(David Dial was running this steam sawmill to its full capacity
in 1869.) Rossville postoffice had been established in February,
1852, presumably Mr. Ross was postmaster. The postmaster at
present is E. W. Stanley.
The business houses at Rossville now, spring in 1913, are as
follows: F. E. Graham, feed mill and blacksmith shop; W. Ross
Koontz, general merchandise; Albertus Leas, pumps and implements;
Mrs.. J. D. Woodmansee, millinery.
Maud -This is the name of a postoffice established some years ago
on the line of the railroad, just within the east line of this
township. The postmaster is H. H. Larson, who keeps a general
merchandise store patronized by the surrounding country. This has
been a way station on the Waukon branch for many years, at which
passengers and freight are received and discharged for Rossville,
about two and a half miles to the south. An attempt is now being
made to induce the railroad company to put in a side-track and
station building here, which will doubtless be successful.
The Baptist church at Rossville was organized August 27, 1853, at
the home of Elias Hatfield, with fifteen constituent members. The
record fails to show who was the organizing elder present, but
Rev. James Schofield was there in 1854. On September 10, 1853, J.
T. Thorp and Elias Hatfield were elected the first delegates and
took the first church letter to the Davenport Association. The
first member received by letter was Nathaniel Mitchell, December
10, 1853. The first candidate for baptism was received and
baptized March 12, 1854. In May of that year a committee was
appointed to select a building lot, and in June trustees were
elected to hold the property, consisting of a church lot and
burying ground. In January, ‘55, steps were taken to raise
$1,000 for the purpose of building a house of worship, 32x46x19
½ feet high. Not until 1862 was the house up and enclosed, and
was used the following winter for a schoolhouse; and in 1865 it
was finished off inside. In 1873 the church bought a house and
lot of Rev. Hanna for a parsonage, but sold it again in ‘76.
In ‘85 the church building was thoroughly repaired,
beplastered and painted and new windows put in. Further
improvements were later made and the seating remodeled. In 1894,
the church purchased a lot and erected a parsonage at a cost of
about $1,000, and finished paying for same in 1901. It is now out
of debt and has a house of worship and parsonage valued, with the
lots, at $3,500.
The early career of this old church was vigorous and successful.
In 1855 the Davenport Association was divided and the northern
part become the Dubuque Association, when this church had a
membership of thirty-four. Reverend Schofield was their pastor,
and remained until 1860, when the Turkey River Association was
formed. Rev. John A. Pool came in 1864, and at the associational
meeting in ‘62 there were reported in the entire association
of fifteen churches seventy-three baptisms during the past year,
of which twenty-seven were at Rossville, under Reverend
Pool’s ministry. We have no record of consecutive pastors,
but it is recorded that in 1865, Rev. C. D. Farnsworth was pastor
at Rossville, and Waukon. Rev. E. P. Dye was at Rossville in
1874, and the record shows an accession of sixty-five members by
baptism that year; but two years later the associational minutes
show there had been somewhat of a reaction.
In 1879, Rev. J. M. Wedgwood became pastor, remaining for three
years, and was a supply from time to time during later years.
Rev. W. L. Wolfe was here in 1894-5, followed by E. Bodenham for
two or three years; C. B. Carey ‘99; J. A. Lovelace, 1901-2;
S. D. Holden, 1904-5; C. H. Stull and H. P. Langridge supplied
from Waukon; C. W. C. Ericson, 1908-9; W. R. Bailey, 1910-11. The
church has since been without a pastor. The church clerks since
1881 have been N. Mitchell, T. B. Wiley, L. C. Brace, C. Denning,
and for the past seventeen years, A. F. Wheeler.
It is fitting here to make further mention of the first pastor of
this church, Rev. James Schofield, and his distinguished son,
Gen. John M. Schofield. The latter was born in New York in 1831,
and graduated from West Point, the U. S. Military academy, in
1853, where he was made a professor in 1855. When the Civil war
broke out he was made major of the First Missouri Volunteers, and
was on General Lyons’ staff when the latter was killed at
Wilson’s creek. He was in command in Missouri until assigned
to the command of the Army of the Ohio. He shared in
Sherman’s campaign until the taking of Atlanta, when he
returned to Tennessee, defeating Hood at Franklin, and was with
General Thomas at the battle of Nashville. Early in 1865 he took
Wilmington, N. C., and united his force with Sherman. He was
later sent on a special mission to France. In 1868-9 he was
secretary of war, and then major general and department
commander. In 1876-8 he was superintendent at West Point; and
upon the death of General Sheridan in 1888, he succeeded to the
command of the United States Army. Previous to his retirement in
1895 he was, by act of Congress, made lieutenant general. His
death occurred March 4, 1906.
Elder Schofield built a fine brick residence at Rossville, where
his distinguished son visited him at times, and both invested
considerable in land in the vicinity. Reverend Schofield was
pastor of the Waukon church in 1861, after which the writer has
no record of him, except that he sold his Rossville property in
The Presbyterian church of Rossville was organized September 9,
1866, which a membership of eleven, namely, Andrew Henderson,
Jane Henderson, Robert Crawford, Sarah Crawford, Caroline
Emerson, S. I. Sergent, E. M. Sergent, Robert Henderson, Rebecca
Jane Henderson, Martha Anne Henderson and William Henderson. Of
these constituent members only the three last named are still
living. The church building at the time was an old schoolhouse.
Rev. J. Woodruff was the first minister, his ministry continuing
from 1866 to 1870, when he was succeeded by Rev. John C. Hanna,
who remained with the church until 1872.
For a brief interval the church was then without a pastor; but in
1873, Rev. James Frothingham came and stayed till 1874. From this
time the church was supplied by Rev. B. Hall, the Waukon
Minister, who preached here every two weeks, and this arrangement
continued until 1887. Then ensued a period of some four years
without preaching, when in 1891, arrangements were made with Rev.
R. I. Van Nice of Waukon, to preach every two weeks, as his
predecessor had done. In that year Mr. Van Nice held revival
meetings, and eighteen persons were received into the church.
This was the beginning of better days in the history of this
church. In 1892 Rev. W. H. Ensign supplied the pulpit, from Volga
City, and remained till 1893. During his ministry the church was
incorporated. In the spring of 1894, Captain O’Brien held
successful meetings; and immediately following these services
Rev. Z. F. Blakely became pastor, and an accession of
twenty-seven persons was made to the membership.
At a meeting on May 21, 1894, it was decided to build a new
church, which was completed in, 1895, and the dedication took
place on April 21st of that year. The cost of this building was
$2,411.13. Rev. James C. Wilson became pastor at that time and
continued until 1897, when the work was carried on in connection
with Frankville, Reverend Phillips preaching every two weeks,
until the spring of 1898, then Rev. T. Reeves preached during a
summer vacation of three months. Reverend Baird preached for six
months in the years 1898-99, coming from Frankville alternate
Sundays. Reverend Reeves again served during the summer vacation
of 1899. Reverend Gregg then came from Frankville once in two
weeks, continuing this work until September, 1902. Reverend
Simpson then became pastor of the church and stayed until June,
The church was again without preaching until April, 1907, when
Rev. J. C. B. Peck became pastor until September, 1908, when
Reverend Nickless began his ministry terminating in September,
1909. This date marks the beginning of Rev. L. Duckett’s
ministry in America, who was pastor until September, 1911. For
three months during the summer of 1912, the church was supplied
by Reverend Remtsma, student pastor, of McCormick seminary.
There is an old established lodge of the I. O. O. F. At
Rossville; also Camp No. 4828 of the M. W. A., organized in 1897,
or ‘98; but further information as to the fraternal
societies at Rossville is not at hand.
The earliest Masonic lodge in Allamakee county was chartered at
Rossville, June 4, 1856, as Parvin Lodge No. 85, to L. B. Adams,
T. H. Barnes, W. F. Ross, and nine others, but the charter was
surrendered a few years later. The last report made to the Grand
Lodge was for 1858, showing the following officers and members:
L. B. Adams; W. M.; Dr. T. H. Barnes, S. W.; W. F. Ross, J. W.;
Thos. Crawford, Treas; J. W. Nottingham, Sec; R. K. Hall, S. D.;
James C. Smith, J. D,; J. J. Pettit, Tyler. Members: Geo. W.
Gray, G. W. Hays, Noah Maltbie, Geo. C. Shattuck, Dr. J. W.
Singer, John T. Clark, John Brisco, David Skinner, J. Small, S.
B. Clark, H. V. Colman, William Ward. These names show members
living at Waukon and Lansing, and other parts of the county.
Jefferson township officers for 1913 are: Clerk, Henry Grangaard;
trustees, Simon Hansmeier, C. P. Mitchell, G. B. Ralston;
assessor, L. J. Larson; justice of the peace, H. H. Larson;
constable, Wm. McGuire.
At the March, 1852 term of the County court a commission was
issued to I. W. Low to call an organizing election for this
township, to be held at the house of Thos. B. Twiford on the
first Monday in April following, but no record is found of the
election. At this session also the boundaries were established,
to include all of township 98, ranges 2,3, and 4. Fractional
section 34-99-3 was later set off to Lafayette from Lansing
township. Center township was taken from this territory upon its
organization in 1856.
Is the name covering a combination of three town plats on section
18, the first of which called Milton, was laid out in 1854 by
Jesse M. Rose, who had here built the first flouring mill in the
county, the year before. In the spring of 1857, Mr. Rose platted
another tract, lying to the east of Milton, and called it Village
Creek, which was the name of the postoffice established here at
the time. An effort was made to have it called Milton, but there
was already a postoffice of that name in the state. Hon. L. E.
Fellows, later in the Legislature and for many years judge of the
District court until his death within the past year, was the
first postmaster. In the fall of 1857 the third plat, called
Howard Center, was laid out adjoining Milton on the north,
Eldridge Howard, a Methodist minister, being the proprietor.
Village Creek was at one time quite a manufacturing center,
several flouring mills having been operated there or in the
vicinity, a woolen mill, and later, creameries. The Village Creek
Woolen Mill was established by H. O. Dayton in 1865, the building
being of stone, three and a half stories. It did a large business
until destroyed by fire, October 28, 1868, involving a loss of
$35,000, nothing but the bare walls being left. It was rebuilt
and equipped with new machinery, but again it became the victim
of the fire fiend, May 21, 1875. Within a year it was once more
in operation, with new capital interested, under the
proprietorship of Howard, Carrolls & Ratcliffe. But the
steam, Village creek, being subject to furious floods, from time
to time took out their dam and otherwise caused much damage, and
great loss of time and expense for repairs. In 1882 they were
employing fifteen operatives. But the continued damages by flood,
with a combination of other discouragements, finally caused the
enterprise to be abandoned.
The Village Creek Flouring Mill has the generally admitted
distinction of being the first mill in Allamakee county for the
making of flour, and was established in 1853, in charge, it is
believed, of a Mr. Valentine, an experienced miller. Peter A.
Valentine soon after built another mill a short distance below,
on the southeast quarter of southeast quarter section 7, in which
Mr. Rose also became interested and later Mr. Edward Brownell.
Job Valentine, his son, ran the mill. Peter A. Valentine was a
Congregational preacher and removed to Wisconsin, where he built
another mill, and preached for twenty years, at Mounty Sterling.
He was grandfather of Hon. E. H. Fourt of Waukon. This mill in
after years became known as the Centennial Mill. Both of these
mills changed hands several times, and both eventually became the
property of A. C. Doehler, the well known miller at Village Creek
for many years. These mills are not now in operation.
Mr. Doehler keeps a general store here now, and there is but
little else in a business way, aside from blacksmith and
tinsmith. Mail is supplied from Lansing.
Among some extracts from old diaries of H. O. Dayton, submitted
to us by his daughter, we find the following. On March 19, 1857,
he says: “I finished up my survey of Village Creek.” In
April, that he has commenced work for Mr. Howard on a survey of
his town lots in Milton, known as Howard’s Addition. In May
he writes as follows: “The town of Milton is coming up. A
brick yard, stores, blacksmith shops, and three flour mills in
complete operation, begin to let their works be shown.” In
October, 1857: “The town of Milton is growing very fast, no
less than twenty houses have been constructed in the last nine
December 6, 1858, Mr. Dayton commenced teaching school in this
flourishing little town. And again he taught here in the two next
following winters. In November, 1860, Mr. Dayton and John Lamb
were elected justices of the peace.
On April 30, 1862, one of many disastrous floods visited the
Village creek valley, destroying all bridges and flooding the low
In the fall of 1864, Mr. Dayton organized a stock company for th
purpose of erecting and putting into operation a woolen factory
at Village Creek. On December 13, 1864, the first meeting of the
shareholders was held and officers elected as follows: President,
H. O. Dayton; secretary, A. Cavers; treasurer, F. W. Wagner; and
three directors, whose names are not given.
The following year Mr. Dayton visited the best woolen mills in
operation in the East, and returning to Village Creek had
constructed a large three and a half story stone building, the
Village Creek Woolen Mills, which fully equipped, cost not less
than $20,000. Not until February 6, 1866, were the mills in
operation. On this date Mr. Dayton made this entry in his diary:
“We did our first weaving to-day.” The Mills were
visited daily by hosts of people, to whom such an enterprise in
that comparatively new country seemed a marvelous thing. On April
2d of that year Village Creek had the misfortune to be again
visited by a destructive flood, causing the factory dam to go
out, washing away all bridges, and doing untold damage along the
lowlands. By April 26th the damages to the mill had been
repaired, and Mr. Dayton’s entry for this date states,
“We finished our first yard of cloth in the wool factory
to-day, ready for sale.”
In July, 1866, Mr. Dayton went East, and when he returned in
September he brought home a help-meet, having married Miss Maria
Aldrich, in New York state. They resided in Village Creek for a
period of seven years, where Mr. Dayton continued to operate the
woolen mills and in which he was by far the largest stockholder.
In 1868 the mills were destroyed by fire, but through the
untiring energy of Mr. Dayton they were rebuilt but were again
destroyed by fire in 1875.
Chantry -This is one of the embryo tounsites of the fifties which
has not been on the map for many years. It was platted August 24,
1857, the owner being Augustus French, on the northeast fraction
quarter of section 12, five or six miles below Lansing, and
doubtless high hopes were at one time entertained that it was
destined to become an important river point.
Lafayette - Was a settlement on the Mississippi about a mile
above Chantry. The first settler was Thomas Gordon, in 1850. It
was a good boat landing, and at one time possessed one or two
stores and a large steam sawmill, but so far as known, no attempt
was made to plat and sell city lots here. In 1857 the sawmill was
changed to a gristmill by Kinyon & Amsden, which was in 1859
and later known as Foot’s mill.
Heytman’s - Is a more modern map name, being a railroad
siding and way station in the extreme southeast corner of
fractional section 17.
This was the name given to the pioneer Catholic church of
Northeastern Iowa, by its founder, Rev. Thomas Hore, who came
here direct from his former home of the same name, it is said, in
Ireland, to establish a parish among his countrymen, who were at
the time rapidly settling up this vicinity. He came here in the
spring of 1851 and purchased thousands of acres of Government
lands in what is now Lafayette and Taylor townships, at various
points, at the Government price of $1.25 per acre, from the sale
of which in the following years, a large revenue was derived. A
small church edifice was at once erected, but whether this was
upon the site of the present church is not fully established. An
early map, published in 1859, shows a Catholic church and monk's
house located on section 27, two miles west of the present
church. But if ever actually built there the location was very
temporary. The Trappist monks contemplated locating in this
vicinity, but later decided upon a home in Dubuque. This little
church wherever located was undoubtedly the first church built in
Allamakee county; and Father Hore was the first Catholic priest
to locate in the county. Upon the map above referred to the name
Wexford is applied to a small settlement or landing-place on the
bank of Harper's channel, in the southeast corner of section 6,
range 2, Taylor township.
As to the later whereabouts of Father Hore there are no data at
hand to determine. Not long after the parish was erected, Monona
seems to have had a Catholic settlement, as the settlements of
"Monona and New Wexford" were added to the list of
charges of Rt. Rev. Mathias Loras, the first bishop of Dubuque,
as stated in an article by Rev. B. C. Lenehan, published in the
Annals of Iowa (January 1899). Father Hore was a very popular and
influential man, and drew to this point a large immigration of
his countrymen who bought the lands he had obtained from the
Government. The Wexford church is located on the southeast
quarter of southeast quarter section 25, township 98, range 3, in
the valley of the creek known as Priest Cooley. The writer is not
informed as to the date the present edifice was erected, nor of
the succession of priests having this parish in charge. In 1855
Father Welch resided here, and served the Lansing and other
churches until 1863. Rev. Matthias Hannon was stationed at
Wexford from 1863 to '66. Rev. James McGowan was pastor in 1869;
Reverend Nelson about 1883; and Rev. Thomas Laffan, the present
pastor, has been here for several years.
This, Immaculate Conception church of Wexford, became formally
incorporated February 6, 1912, with Archbishop James J. Keane
ex-officio president Pastor Thomas Laffan, vice president; John
J. Keane, vicar general, constituting the board of directors,
with lay members John J. Hawes and Thomas W. Brennan.
Zion's Church of the Evangelical Association of North America, of
Columbus Ridge, was incorporated March 5, 1873, and in July
following, dedicated a fine new church building; the trustees at
that time: Julius Kehrberg, Frederick Martin, Ferdinand Martin,
Gottlieb Goettel, Sr., and Jr., William Gaunitz, and Herman
Kehrberg. The present pastor is, we believe, Reverend Pfalsgraff,
succeeding Reverend Raecker.
The following names include some of the earliest settlers in
Layfette township, but as the date and location cannot in many
cases be given with certainty they are generally omitted: Helge
Olson, section 32; Simon Decrevel, section 2; Thos. Gordon,
section 3; H.H. Pope, section 7; John Franklin, Thomas Bentley,
John Cokran, Timothy Madden, Wm. Scanlan, Edward and John Kelly,
Edward O'Neill, Thomas Mullins, Wm. Heatly, section 25; Michael
Flynn, Austin Joyce and Wm. Fitzgerald, section 34; J.M. Rose,
Peter Valentine, Wm. C. Thompson, S.M. Thompson, Patrick O'Toole,
Edward Mularkey, section 11; Edward Dungan, section 27; E.A.
Tisdale, section 31; the foregoing in range 3, while others in
range 2, were: James and Wm. Bohan, sections 17 and 18; Patrick
Lawrence and Michael Keenan, section 18; Joseph Flood, section
31. Other actual settlers doubtless came in as early as some of
the above mentioned and bought land of original purchasers who
did not settler here.
The population of the township in 1854 was 371, and in 1910 the
census gives it as 747.
The present township officers are: clerk, Thomas Crowe; trustees,
John Bohrer, John J. Haws, Richard Cassidy; assessor, Mat Guider.
~transcribed by Sharyl Ferrall (Hanover &
Iowa twps), Diana Diedrich (Jefferson & Lafayette twps) and
Cathy Joynt-Labath (Wexford section)
(page 259 has photos & page 260 is blank)