Chapter 14 Past & Present of Allamakee County, 1913 THE COUNTY BAR |
In the preparation of a history of the county it is necessary to
give a prominent place to those who naturally took a large share
in the labors, as well as the honors, of formulating and
interpreting the laws by which it is governed. The prosperity and
well-being of a community, as well as of a state or nation,
depend largely upon the wisdom and integrity of those who are
commissioned by its people to establish the character of its
government, and these are, naturally, drawn largely from the
legal fraternity. To quote another writer, “It may be truly
said of the legal fraternity that members of the bar have been
more prominent actors in public affairs than any other class of
the American people, the result of causes which need no
explanation. The ability and training which qualify one to
practice law is supposed to also qualify for other important
callings in life; especially so in regard to legislative duties
and the making of laws.”
In enumerating the practitioners at the bar of Allamakee county
we must go back to the time when this was for all judicial
purposes a part of Clayton county. In a previous chapter will be
found a sketch of the early courts within or present territory,
but it will be well to take a glance at the “itinerant”
lawyers who practiced at that time and some of whom later became
judicial timber.
The first term of the District court “for the county of
Clayton, in the territory of Wisconsin,” was held at Prairie
La Porte (now Guttenberg) the first Monday in May, 1838, Hon.
Charles Dunn, District judge, presiding. Frederick Andros was
appointed clerk. Allamakee county was then included in Clayton
county and the jurisdiction of the court, and its first court, in
one sense, was held while yet a part of Wisconsin. Before the
next term of court, Iowa Territory was formed and the first term
of the Iowa court for Clayton, including this county, was held
September, 1838, Hon. T. S. Wilson, presiding judge. For five
years there were no resident lawyers in the county, itinerant
attorneys attending the courts and attending to what business
there was. Among these was James Grant, who was afterward
appointed judge and held the office from 1847 to 1852, and who
heard cases in Allamakee county, whose boundaries were
established by the General Assembly of 1846-7, at the “Old
Mission” on the Yellow river, in 1849-1851. Mr. Murdock was
the first resident lawyer of Clayton county, locating on a farm
near Garnavillo in August, 1843, coming with dr. Frederick
Andros, mentioned above, as guide. Reuben Noble located at
Garnavillo the same year, and Elias H. Williams in 1846, all of
whom became itinerant lawyers and practiced law in Allamakee and
other counties. They were able men, and each of them was
afterward elected to the office f district judge and they each
filled the position with signal ability. Judge Williams also was
a supreme judge for a short time. To these earliest itinerants
were added Elijah Odell, John T, Stoneman and J. O. Crosby, of
Clayton county, able men, who continued this method of law
practice till along in the later ‘60s, making their trips by
stage, livery, or private conveyance. Many stories are told of
their experiences, for one spring term of court four or five
started from McGregor for Waukon. Arriving at the Yellow river at
Volney they found it overflowed, a “raging flood” which
no team could ford and the bridge gone. Liberal pay induced a
resident to risk his life and theirs, and take them over the
river one at a time in an old boat. One refused to go; they urged
him to “come on!” but appeals were in vain, he
answered, “No! Good men are scarce,” and returned to
McGregor while a fresh team brought the others to Waukon, and it
was years before the retreating one heard the last of “No!
Good men are scarce.”
Coming down to the time of the establishment of the first county
seat of this county, at Columbus, and the holding of regular
terms of District court, thereafter within our borders, it is
found that the following named have at one time or another been
admitted to the bar in this county. The list is probably not
complete, but is an nearly so as the present data will supply,
Lansing – John W. Remine, John J. Shaw, Sewell Goodridge,
Cyrus Watts, Geo. W. Camp, S. H. Kinne, L. E. Fellows, M. Healy,
H. F. Fellows, Dick Haney, W. W. Ranney, M. V. Burdick, Geo. W.
Kiesel, E. M. Woodward, James McAnaney, A. J. O’Keefe, W. W.
Peasley, Thos. J. Vinje, J. H. Trewin, J. P. Conway, Frank L.
May. Three last named are still located in Lansing.
Waukon – John T. Clark, L. O. Hatch, M. M. Webster, L. G.
Calkins, A. B. Goodwin, r. Wilbur, F. M. Clark, C. T. Granger, F.
M. Goodykoontz, A. E. Goodykoontz, G. B. Edmonds, Henry Dayton,
John F. Dayton, Dell J. Clark, Geo. M. Darling, J. W. Pennington,
C. S. Stilwell, H. H. Stilwell, M. B. Hendrick, J. H. Boomer, A.
M. May, D. W. Reed, A. G. Stewart, J. B. B. Baker, Rohert, M. B.
Smith, H. L. Dayton, Douglass Deremore, W. S. Hart, C. C.
Banfill, D. J. Murphy, H. E. Taylor, J. E. O’Brien, Burt
Hendrick, Calvin S. Stilwell, W. W. Bulman, James Byrnes, C. M.
Stone, B. W. Ratcliffe.
Of these, the following are still in practice here: Henry Dayton,
John F. Dayton, H. L. Dayton, C. S., H. H. and Calvin S.
Stilwell, W. S. Hart, D. J. Murphy, H. E. Taylor, J. E.
O’Brien, Burt Hendrick, and C. M. Stone.
Postville – F. S. burling, H. A. Stowe, T. C. Ransom, S. S.
Powers, T. F. Johnson, W. C. McNeil, Wm. Shepherd, and W. H.
Burling. The Burlings and Wm. Shepherd are the only ones now
located here.
Harper’s Ferry – P. V. Coopernoll.
New Albin – O. H. Maryatt.
Volney – E. W. Robey.
Rossville – Geo. R. Miller, H. W. Holman.
Of the foregoing it would be impossible to give here even a brief
sketch of each. Indeed, it is surprising how little biographical
material can be found for any but the most notable in the list,
when you come to look for it. For these reasons no attempt is
made to present a sketch of any except some of the older and more
prominent in the profession, and in most cases briefly at that.
In addition to those here presented, biographical reference more
or less extended of the following named will be found in other
pages of this work, Viz: Judge Fellows, Dick Haney, J. P. Conway,
Frank L. May, John F. Dayton, C. S. Stilwell, A. M. May, W. S.
Hart, D. J. Murphy, and others.
John T. Clark was born in Madison county, New York, In 1811,
attended the common schools, followed farming till 1843, when he
began the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in 1851. He
came to Waukon, Iowa, in the fall of 1853 and built the third
frame dwelling in the town. He was prosecuting attorney for
Allamakee county for several years, and was one of the delegates
to the Iowa Constitutional Convention at Iowa City in 1857. He
moved to Decorah in 1859 but returned to Waukon in 1874, and
located at Postville in 1880, and later made his home with his
son, F. M. Clark at Lime Springs. In the early days Mr. Clark was
one of the most prominent attorneys in this part of the state.
Leander O. Hatch was born in Mesopotamia, Trumbull county, Ohio,
April 13, 1826. His parents were natives of Massachusetts. He was
the fourth son, attended the public schools, and worked on his
father’s farm till sixteen years old. He graduated from the
Farmington Academy in 1842, taught school in Ohio and New York,
and studied law until 1849, when he was admitted to the bar at
Chardon, Ohio, then taught school eighteen months. Came to Delhi,
Delaware county, Iowa in 1853, and soon after came to Waukon. He
taught the first school in Waukon, in the winter of 1854-5.
He was elected and served as county recorder and treasurer for
the years 1855-57. He was elected district attorney forth the
tenth judicial district in 1866 but resigned in 1868 and moved to
McGregor, where he became a partner of Hon. Reuben Noble,
continuing till 1874, when Mr. Noble was elected district judge.
Mr. Hatch was elected judge of the District court and served for
the years 1883-1894, in which year he died, having served nearly
tree terms.
Mr. Hatch was married November 18, 1856, to Miss Albina
Spaulding, a daughter of Asher Spaulding, of Waukon, who survived
him until a year or two ago. Their children were four sons and
one daughter.
Charles Trumbull Granger was born in Monroe county, New York,
October 9, 1835, the youngest of eight children of Trumbull and
Sallie (Dibble) Granger. In 1837 the family removed to Ohio,
where his mother died when he was but a few years old. After this
his home was with a brother-in-law for a number of years; but at
thirteen years of age he left him because of ill treatment and
went to Illinois, where his father was living, he having
remarried. Up to this time his educational advantages had been
very limited, and not fully improved. But now, a new ambition
awoke within him, and he found time while tilling the soil to
obtain a few months schooling, at Waukegan, Illinois; studying
only the common English branches. In November, 1854, He came to
Allamakee county with his people, and taught a district school on
Yellow river the following winter. In August, 1855, he returned
to Illinois, and again attended the academy at Waukegan for a few
months. Subsequently while engaged in farming for a couple of
years or more he improved his spare time in reading law books
borrowed from lawyers in the nearby town.
In March, 1860, he returned to Allamakee county, read law with
hatch & Wilber, of Waukon, and was admitted to the bar near
the close of the same year. It was in this office, he has stated,
that he received that substantial encouragement and assistance
which marked the time as an epoch in his life, and his preceptors
as true benefactors and friends.
Before commencing practice Mr. Granger went to Mitchell, Mitchell
county, and commenced teaching. He was elected county
superintendent of schools in 1861, and in August of the next year
resigned that office and enlisted in Company K, 27th Regiment,
Iowa Volunteer Infantry, of which he was commissioned Captain,
and so served until the close of the war. He was very popular
with his command; and his judicial mind was recognized by
frequent calls to act as Judge Advocate. After he was mustered
out, August 8, 1865, he returned to Mitchell county, but on
January 1, 1866, commenced the practice of law in partnership
with his former preceptor, L. O. Hatch, at Waukon. Three years
later he was appointed district attorney of the tenth judicial
district, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of
Mr. Hatch. At the general election following he was elected for
the unexpired term, and at the election of 1870 for a full term
of four years. However, when this term had but half expired he
was elected circuit judge of the tenth circuit. For fourteen
years he served in this capacity, until the circuit court was
abolished in 1886, when he was elected judge of the district
court, thirteenth district.
By this time Mr. Granger’s ability as a jurist had become
widely recognized, and he was called to the supreme bench of Iowa
at the election in 1888. again six years later was he
complimented by the people of the state by a reelection for a
second term of six years, ending with 1900, during which latter
year he was chief justice of Iowa. Having thus rounded out
twenty-eight years of judicial service, crowned with the greatest
honor of all, and admonished by symptoms of failing health, Mr.
Granger declined to consider further honors which would entail
further labors, now becoming burdensome, and retired from public
life to enjoy a well-earned competency and needed rest.
From the beginning of his public service Judge Granger’s
familiarity with legal principles, his common sense in their
application to the case in hand, and his clear, fair, and
convincing style of argument, attracted at tone the attention of
the bar and the people, and their judgment of his qualifications
proved correct. As a judge that language of his decisions was
always simple, clear and vigorous. The decisions themselves were
models of clearness, and always unquestionably in harmony with a
keen sense of justice.
In 1855 Mr. Granger married Sarah J. Warner, who died in 1862,
just before he entered the army. In 1868 he married Miss Anna
Maxwell, who death occurred in 1890. two children were born to
them, the daughter, Ula, dying at the age of twenty-one; the son,
Rollo S., now living in Arkansas. Judge Granger was a staunch
republican from the organization of that party. He was very
prominent in the Masonic order, his connection with this being
more fully treated in the history of the Waukon Lodge. Mr.
Granger continues to make his legal residence at Waukon, though
spending much of his time in California and elsewhere.
Henry Dayton was born September 30, 1836, near Hadley, Saratoga
county, New York. Telem Dayton, father of our subject, was born
near Hadley, New York August 21, 1797, lived on the homestead
fifty years, then moved farther up the Hudson river, and
continued farming. Mr. Dayton, subject of this sketch, was the
seventh of a family of eight children. He attended the public
schools when young, and when eighteen years of age entered the
Fort Edwards Collegiate Institute, New York, and completed a two
years scientific course, then attended the New York Conference
Seminary at Charlottsville, New York, then taught school in
Warren county, New York, and came to Hardin, Allamakee county in
December, 1859, where he taught school that winter. He then went
to Arkansas where he studied law for a time, returning to Iowa in
1861, and read law with Hon. M. V. Burdick of Decorah, and was
admitted to the bar at New Oregon, Howard county, in 1862, Hon.
E. H. Williams presiding judge. For the next eight years he
taught winter schools at Hardin, Lansing and Decorah, acting as
deputy under H. O. Dayton, county surveyor, during the summers.
In the fall of 1870 he became a law partner of G. B. Edmonds in
Waukon, which continued for one year. In 1873 he formed the law
firm of Dayton & Dayton, with his nephew, Hon. J. F. Dayton,
the firm continuing ever since, and his son H. L. Dayton, being
later added to the firm.
Mr. Dayton has always been a democrat. He was elected county
surveyor in 1865 and again in 1867, and for eight years, prior to
the change to county attorney he was attorney for the county
Board of Supervisors, in 1888 was elected county attorney and
held the office six years. In 1871 he was elected by a good
majority to represent this county in the fourteenth general
assembly at Des Moines, and made so good a record that he was
reelected in 1873. During each session he served on important
Mr. Dayton was married at Waukon, Iowa, May 24, 1874, to Miss
Mary M. Wilcox, a native of fort Edward, New York. They have two
children both now residents of Waukon.
Mr. Dayton has been one of the most successful and respected
attorneys of the county, his upright business character and long
residence have made him friends among all classes of the citizens
of the county.
Harrison W. Holman was born in Erie county, Pennsylvania, August
22, 1841. He attended the common schools, and a higher school and
taught school for nearly a year, when answering Lincoln’s
call for volunteers for three months, at the beginning of the
rebellion, in April, 1861, he enlisted and served three months,
then reenlisted for three years in the 83d Pennsylvania Infantry.
In January, 1862, he was transferred to the signal corps of the
army, was with the Army of the Potomac, taking active part in all
the important battles fought by that army including the battle of
Gettysburg. Being mustered out August 22, 1865, he shortly
afterward came to Rossville, this county, and began reading law
with the Hon. George R. Miller, who afterwards moved to Mason
City. He was admitted to the bar at Waukon in December, 1868, and
remained here till 1871, when he moved to Waterloo, Iowa, and
became a member of the law firm of Lichty & Holman. In 1872
he was appointed official court reporter for the district court
for that judicial district and removed to Dubuque. In 1877 he
resigned and opened a law office in Independence, where he
continued in successful practice till his death a few years
since. He was a man of fine attainments, a good speaker, and
excellent social qualities. In October, 1867, he was married to
Miss Harriet Smith of Rossville, and their family consisted of
four children, all of whom attained honorable positions.
Albert G. Stewart was born at Broadhead, Wisconsin, March 1,
1854, of Virginia Parents. His father, Thomas, was an early
steamboat captain on the Ohio, and a graduate of William and Mary
College, Virginia. He settled in Wisconsin in 1841, and A. G. was
the fifth of a large family. The subject of this sketch came to
Waukon march 1, 1875, studied law in the office of Granger
Stilwell, and was admitted to the bar in October, 1876. In 1877
he entered into partnership with C. S. Stillwell, and ten years
later with H. H. Stilwell. Mr. Stewart was chairman of the
republican county central committee for twelve years, and mayor
of Waukon three years. He made an excellent record in the Iowa
National Guard, attaining the rank of colonel, and later
commanding the Waukon company during the Spanish war. Of recent
years he has resided in the east.
James Henry Trewin was born at Bloomingdale, Illinois, November
29, 1858. He was educated in the public schools of Illinois and
Iowa, at Bradford Academy, Chickasaw county, and Lenox College at
Hopkinton, Iowa. His first sixteen years were mostly spent on a
farm. He taught school when sixteen years old, and for seven
years was attending school or teaching. He began studying law
with Robinson & Powers of Dubuque in 1881, and was admitted
to the bar April 27, 1882. For six years he practiced law at
Earlville, Iowa, a part of the time being mayor of the town. In
February, 1889, he came to Lansing, this county, where he
continued to practice till he removed to Cedar Rapids. In 1893 he
was nominated by the republicans to represent Allamakee county in
the twenty-fifth general assembly and was elected, though the
county had been democratic by a large majority. In 1895 he was
elected as a republican for state senator from the fortieth Iowa
district, composed of Allamakee and Fayette counties. Mr. Trewin
soon became the leading lawyer of the county, as he also soon
became one of the leading politicians of the state. He secured,
when a member of the house, the passage of a bill for the
recodification of the laws of the state, became the chairman of
the committee which had charge of the work, and the result was
largely due to his active work. He has continued to be a power in
the politics of the state, and has been classed as the leader of
the “stand-pat” wing of the republican party. When the
Legislature created the “Board of Education,” approved
March 29, 1909, Governor Carroll appointed the nine members
composing it, with Mr. Trewin as president of the board. No
question before the 1913 Legislature caused more differences of
opinion and discussion than the changes in the management of the
state’s educational institutions proposed by this board, Mr.
Trewin being the leading spirit for the changes. A compromise was
reached, deferring the matter to the next assembly.
Mr. Trewin was married at Earlville, Iowa, April 14, 1883, to
Miss Martha E. Rector, a native of Earlville. A son, Harold R.,
was born May 30, 1890, a most promising young man, whose untimely
death last year was a great affliction to the parents.
Earl M. Woodward was born in Truxton, Cortland county, New York
December 16, 1848, of New England ancestry. He obtained his
preliminary education in the common schools and an academy, and
when a mere boy enlisted in the 142d Regiment, Illinois Infantry,
served six months and was honorably discharged before he was
sixteen years of age. In May, 1874, he was graduated from the
Albany, New York, Law School. Soon after he came to Lansing,
Iowa, which was his home, except a few years passed in Minnesota.
Having a good knowledge of law, conscientious, ambitious and
energetic, he soon made an honorable position for himself. He was
city solicitor of Lansing for two terms, and was elected county
attorney in 1894, and was thorough and successful, faithfully
serving the people in that capacity for successive terms. He was
also for a time interested in the Lansing Mirror and was a writer
of ability. He was a pleasing speaker. Politically he was a
republican and was an important factor in securing success for
the party. He was greatly handicapped by ill health, which
undoubtedly considerably shortened his life, his death occurring
in January, 1898.
H. H. Stilwell was born in Wyoming county, New York, in 1841;
came to Janesville, Wisconsin, where he lived a few years and
then removed to Stephenson county, Illinois. He came to Allamakee
county in 1864, served as county treasurer one term, 1868-9, and
ever since has been engaged in the practice of his profession,
with his home at Waukon. In the fall of 1862 he married Miss
Eliza Bowen, His Brother, C. S. Stillwell, Marrying her sister at
the same time and place. Mr. Stilwell has been very prominent in
the councils of the republican party, both in the county and the
Herbert E. Taylor was born at Postville, July 3, 1876, and became
a graduate from the State University at Iowa City, in the liberal
arts class of 1898, and from the law course in 1900. Admitted to
the bar in June, 1900, he practiced at Lansing until April, 1905,
when he removed to Waukon, having been elected the office of
county attorney in the fall of 1904. He was twice reelected to
this position, which he ably filled until January, 1911, and
since then has continued his practice at Waukon, with gratifying
success. While at Lansing he married Miss Thomas, daughter of the
pioneer banker of that city.
Many amusing incidents occur in the court room. A case was on
trial before Judge Noble in Waukon with a German complaining
witness on the stand who was asking for damages for injuries
received by a blow on the heard. It was difficult to make him
understand the questions. He was told to “show the jury how
he struck you on the head,” but seemed not to comprehend
what was wanted. Finally the judge turned in his chair toward him
and direct him to show the manner of the action when the
defendant struck him. Quickly he rose from his seat, turned and
gave Noble a good whack on the head, saying: “shust like
dot, Shudge!” the judge and jury understood and after the
laughter had quieted down the trial proceeded.
Another instance was in the early days when the lawyers went
about the county trying cases before justices of the peace. About
forty years ago during the trial of a case wherein a tenant was
charged with appropriating some undivided grain, the prisoner
took the stand to testify in his own defense; and after stating
that he had weighted up some grain to use and given his landlord
credit for his share, the prosecuting attorney, a small man,
commenced a rapid fire of cross questions, and finally said,
“You understand you are under oath, do you?”
“Yes,” said the witness. “You know you must tell
the truth, do you?” “You must not tell me I am not
telling the truth,” replied the witness. “You dare me
do you?” said the little lawyer. “Don’t you tell
me I lie,” said the prisoner. “I believe you are
lying,” was the reply. The prisoner was sitting in front of
the prosecutor, and the constable was immediately back of the
latter, sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, fast
asleep. At the accusation the witness, a wiry young man, suddenly
leaped and struck the prosecuting attorney with great force, but
the lawyer quick as a flash slipped from his chair to the floor
and his assailant went through thin air head foremost and landed
on the stomach of the sleeping constable. Half awake he sprang up
exclaiming. “What’s all this about?” “Just
exemplifying the testimony,” said the little lawyer; and the
case went on.
The subjoined is a verbatim copy of an old legal document of
sixty years ago, which was supposed to be a certificate of
May 3 the 1852 St of Iowa Alemakea County Linton Township Know
allmen Buy these Presantes that the under sind Partes Wm Hale and
Mary Ann Hale whwo was joined to gether in the Solomon bond of
matrimono on the fourth of Aprele Eighteen fifty two Has this day
Buy Mutul Cont of Booth Parteyes Desolvd the solem bond of
Matrimoney Now in the presentes of these witness wee doc Fermly
vow and Protest aggans tring tolive to gether any longer. For
Reson Best none tourselfs We doe further eck nolleg that Wee have
taken oureon time to Reflect on this mater and it is uter im
Posible For us to attemp any to liv to gether in Peece and
Hapines Now in the Presents of these witness I doe Here Buy asine
all of My Lawful and just Clame Against Wm Hale as alawful and
wed husban and also to all Pursonal Property or Real Estate Aires
or Enter for ever in the Present of the witness I doe Here Buy
eck knoleg this to be afree and coluntary Act of my will I doe
here buy ack this to bee My Bond An seel.
Mary Ann Hale [seal]
Wee the under sind Witness doe here buy Eiknolleg that wee have
this day seen Boath Partis to gether and it is Em Posibel for
them to liv together any longer Sian seeled and delivrd in the
Presons of
Wm L Cowes
Thomas Dickson [seal]
~transcribed by Lisa Henry