- Abandoned
& Defunct Allamakee co. Towns
- Allamakee co. Board of
-January 1874 claims paid & other
misc. business
-April 1874 claims paid & other misc.
1878 claims paid & other misc. business
-January 1879 claims paid & other
misc. business
1899 claims paid & other business
1900 claims paid & other business
- Allamakee
co. in 1855 & 1856
- Allamakee
co. section from 'The Switzerland of Iowa', 1859
- Allamakee
co. in 1869, from a 1939 article
- Allamakee County Fair, 1969
& 1970
- includes photos of the Fair
Board members and the names of life-members of
the Allamakee County Agricultural Society
- Black Hawk Bridge Book, 1931 - this booklet was
published to commemorate the new Black Hawk
Bridge, but it covers much more & will be of
interest to all Allamakee co. researchers
- Courts & Legal
* Convicts
- 1879-1919, penitentiary incarcerations
of persons from Allamakee county, includes
additional data on selected convicts
* Courts
& Legal Profession, 1907
* County
Seat / Courthouse - history & photos
* Guardianship records, 'B' surnames,
* Jury
Directory, misc. years 1873-1976
- Creamery & Cheese Factory
- Dentist
- 1910/1911 & 1925
- Eva
Clark's Autograph Album, 1885-1908
- Farm Directory, 1878
- Fire Departments
* Lansing * New
Albin * Postville * Waukon
- Fraternal Societies /
Insurance Fraternities / Other Clubs &
- Funeral
procession photos, fall 1915, Waukon - although unlabeled, the funeral was
most likely for Judge Charles T. Granger, who was
a prominent Mason.
- Ancient Free & Accepted Masons (A.F.
& A.M.)
- Allamakee County Farm Bureau
- Commercial Club - Waukon
- Daughters of the American Revolution
- Future Farmers of America (FFA) &
4-H Clubs
- Kiwanis clubs in Allamakee county
- Modern Woodmen of America (MWA)
- Misc. fraternal society, social &
service clubs
- Odd Fellows & Rebekahs (I.O.O.F)
- Order of the Eastern Star (O.E.S.)
- Royal Arch Masons (RAM)
- Royal Neighbors of America (RNA)
- Scouting Clubs - Boy scouts, Girl scouts
& Brownies
- Grass
Between the Rails, Index
- Gazetteer's & Business
Hair's 'Iowa State
- Gazetteer
- Business Register, 1865 page
1 * page
2 * page
- Shipper's Guide, 1865
Polks Iowa State Gazetteer & Business
Directory, 1918/1919
- Allamakee
county data
- History
of Allamakee County, 1903
- Inventors
& Patents, 1859 -1937 + miscellaneus other dates
- Inventors
& Patents, 1948-1979
- Landmarks & Historical Sites
in Allamakee co.
Photos and histories
- Mills of Allamakee co. (all
kinds of mills)
- List of some of the old mills
- Forest Mills / Werhan Mill
- Lath Mill, Lansing
- Meyer
Sawmill, New Albin
- Ralston Sawmill, Waukon
- Village Creek Woolen Mill
- Waterville
Flour Mill & Waterville Lumber Mill
- 1932 news article Historic NE
Iowa Landmarks
- 1934 Illustrated Map &
Brochure - Little Switzerland of America
Includes Clayton county
- Northeast Iowa Hills - A
Pictoral Guide to Allamakee County
Page one - intro., Allamakee co. map, views,
Churchtown, Dorchester, Harpers Ferry, Lansing,
Mt. Hosmer, New Albin, Postville, Landmark Inn,
Rossville, Volney & Waterville
Page two - Waukon, Sixteen, Village Creek, Elon,
Lycurgus, Wexford, Waukon Jct., Paint Creek,
Yellow River Forest & Effigy Mounds
- Pages one &
two above need to be rescanned - watch for them
to come back online as soon as possible....the
Clayton co. portion is still available, click
Clayton co. portion of this
booklet is on the the Clayton co. IAGenWeb site
(link opens a new window)
- Newspaper
Newspaper histories, photos & news snippets
- Optometrists & Opticians
- 1914, 1920, 1922 & 1954
- Orphans
& Orphan Train Riders
- Peace Officers Directory
- Pharmacists
& Drug store Directory
- Various years
- Photographers Directory
- Photo
Postcard Collection of David Shedlock
- Physician
- various years
- Pioneer
Certificates issued by the IGS
- Politician's Directories
- County level -
- County level -
- County level -
- County level -
1893 - 1899
- County level -
1900 - 1910
- County level -
1911 - 1920
- County level -
1921 - 1930
- County level -
1931 - 1940
- Misc. politicians - 1846-1942
- Postoffices
& Postmasters 1849 -1981
Not all years are represented - additions
- Narrow Gauge Railroad
- Railroad
Depot photo collection from Timothy Adams
- Sports Teams in Allamakee
- Index to the records & photos
- Yellow River
- Ellison
Orr's essay on the Yellow River, 1930
- Iowa: The
Rivers of Her Valleys - The Yellow River, by
William John Petersen, 1941