News extracts mentioning Dr. T.H. Barnes & others 1879-1884 |
The Democrat, October 17, 1879, Waukon, IA, P. 2, col. 1:“We Have Met the Enemy and We are Theirs.”
“There is a destiny that shapes our ___ rough,
Hew them as we may.”To the surprise of everybody not excepting the most enthusiastic republicans, the democratic ticket of Allamakee County, with the exception of Auditor, has suffered a Waterloo defeat. Believing in the proverb, Vor populi, Vor Dei, we accept the result with good grace and have no jeremiad to recite. There is, however, a slight doubt in our mind as to whether this election is an index of the unbiased will of the people. We know this county pretty well, and the idea of the state ticket falling behind about 200 votes raises an interrogation point in our mind as to whether the Republican bar’l was not very freely used. We trust for public virtue’s sake that such is not the case, and as we have no positive proof that it is, we are willing to give our republican friends the benefit of the doubt. If men vote republican from conviction of right the country is comparatively safe. Honest politics of any kind are preferable to corruption.
We do not think that the result as regards the local offices is any loss to the county, as we consider the men elected good men, but the election of Messrs. Nielander and Barnes is a boost to the bank fraud and all its associate frauds. We are opposed to their policy from conscientious motives, though we respect each of them personally as much as we do any man on either ticket. But the majority rules and “so mote it be.”~*~*~
Waukon Democrat, Vol. III, No. X, Jan. 2, 1880, Whole No. 114, p. 3, col. 2:
Miss Florence Barnes, a daughter of our representative, was nine years old last Monday and on that occasion her fond parents invited a large number of her schoolmates and gave them a grand party in her honor.~*~*~
~Waukon Democrat, Feb. 13, 1880 p. 2, col. 1:
Interesting to “Medicine Men”
We have received through the kindness of Dr. Barnes a copy of an Act “To regulate the practice of medicine and surgery in the State of Iowa.” The bill provides that all persons practicing medicine in the state and possessing a diploma shall send it to the State Board of Health for verification as to its genuineness, and if found genuine the Board of Health shall issue a certificate to the effect to the holder, and such certificate shall be conclusive as to his right to practice medicine in this state. If not a graduate, the person practicing medicine and surgery shall present himself or herself before such Board and submit to such examination as the Board may require, and if such examination is satisfactory, the Board shall issue its certificate to such person which shall entitle him to the rights and privileges before mentioned.
The Board shall hold their meetings at such places as will best accommodate applicants residing in different portions of the state, and due notice of such meetings shall be published. All certificates issued by the Board shall be recorded in the office of the Recorder of deeds, in the county in which the holder resides. Those presenting diplomas for examination shall pay a fee of $2 if the diploma is found to be genuine, but if found to be fraudulent, the Board shall charge a fee of $20 from the applicant presenting such diploma. Candidates for examination shall pay the secretary of the Board a fee of $15 in advance, which fee, together with those received for certificates, shall be applied toward defraying the expenses of the Board of Examiners. Any person shall be regarded as practicing medicine and surgery within the meaning of this Act, who shall publicly profess to be a physician, or shall prescribe or furnish medicine for the sick or shall publicly profess to cure or heal by any means.~*~*~
Waukon Democrat, Wed., Oct. 27, 1880, Vol. III, No. 52, Whole No. 156, p. 3, Col. 3:
One of those rare and most delicate surgical operations know to the science was performed Tuesday of last week, on Mrs. Martin Oleson, a lady of about 40 years of age, who lives west of Waukon about nine miles. The operation was the removal of an ovarian tumor that weighted 20 pounds. The tumor had been growing six years and finally reached the enormous weight given, when it became evident to her that she must submit to a surgical operation or nature would soon yield to the disease. Dr. Rodgers of Frankville, her attending physician, called upon Dr. Barnes to perform the operation and upon Doctors Shuell and Bowen to assist. The operation was found, as was expected, to be very delicate and dangerous, the tumor having become attached to the intestines and peritoneum. At the present writing, we have not heard of her condition which must, of course , be critical.~*~*~
Waukon Democrat, Wed., Nov. 3, 1880, Vol. IV, No. 1, Whole No. 157, p. 3, Col. 1:
Mrs. Martin Oleson, the lady of whom we made mention last week as undergoing a surgical operation, died from its effects.
p. 3, Col. 2
A painful surgical operation was performed by Doctors Barnes, Earles and Shuell a few days ago on a boy, the son of James Hall, who became afflicted with a disease of the bones of one of his insteps. About four months ago the boy got a splinter in his foot about that place, and soon after, he began to be troubled with a pain which increased in severity until it became necessary to perform an operation. Some particles of bone had to be removed and other particles scraped. The patient is now doing as well as could be expected.~*~*~
Journal of the House of Representatives, Iowa
18th Session 1880
Des Moines: F.M. Mills, State Printer 1880
Session convened on Jan. 12, 1880
p. 4
64th District, Thomas H. Barnes
Committees on which he served:
Schools Committee, p. 27
State University Committee, p. 27
Normal Schools Committee, p. 28
Medicine and Surgery, p. 28
p. 128
“Mr. Barnes presented a petition in reference to school officers. Referred to the committee on schools.”
p. 132
“Leave was granted Messrs. Nichols, Perrin, Yoran, Dean, Laub, Stout, Barnes, and Stephens to present petitions from citizens of different counties of the state, in reference to the constitutional amendment prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors. Refereed to the committee on Suppression of Intemperance."
p. 146
“Mr. Barnes presented a petition in reference to payment of persons for false imprisonment. Referred to Committee on Judiciary.”
p. 157
“Mr. Barnes introduced House File No. 324, a bill for an act to amend section 2077 of the Code, relating to interest.
“Read first and second time and referred to Committee of Judciary.”
p. 175
“Mr. Barnes introduced House File No. 355, a bill for an act to amend section 3055 of the Code, relating to indemnifying bonds.
“Read first and second time and referred to Committee of Judciary.”
p. 221 This bill was postponed indefinitely because “a bill covering the same has already passed the house.”
p. 357
“Leave was granted Mr. Barnes to introduce House File No. 513, a bill for an act to secure a better education in dentistry in the State of Iowa.
“Read first and second time and referred to Committee of Medicine and Surgery.”
p. 659
“Mr. Barnes, from the Committee on Medicine and Surgery, submitted the following report:
MR. SPEAKER—Your Committee on Medicine and Surgery, to whom was referred House File NO. 513, a bill for an act to secure the better education of the practitioners of dentistry in the Sate of Iowa, beg leave to report that they have had the same under consideration and have instructed me to report the same back to the House with the recommendation that it be amended as follows: Strike out of line 5, section 4, the words “and for a longer “; strike out of line 13, section 5, the word “all” and insert the words “at least four”; strike out all of section 7 and insert the following as section 7: * * * ‘ strike out of line 2, in section 9, the words “graduates of medical colleges” and insert the word “physicians and surgeons”; and that when so amended that it do pass.
Thos. H. Barnes, Chairman
Ordered passed on file.
p. 741, House File 513: “The House refused to engross the bill.”
[“engross” To prepare the text of (an official document) by an officially prescribed process, such as handwriting or printing.]~*~*~
Waukon Democrat, Wed., Jan. 5, 1881, Vol. IV, No. 11, Whole No. 167, p. 3, Col. 3:
Names of Physicians Registered in Allamakee Co. and the Colleges from which they graduated.
Thos. H. Barnes, Waukon Regular.
Iowa State University~*~*~
Waukon Democrat, Wed., Jan. 19, 1881, Vol. IV, No. 12, Whole No. 168, p. 3, Col. 2:
Dr. Barnes, assisted by Mrs. Smith of Dorchester, performed a surgical operation on Mrs. Peter Fitzgerald of Hanover Twp. a few days ago. She had been troubled with dropsy for a long time, and of late her condition became so that an operation could no longer be postponed. The doctor took about a gallon and a half of water from her and temporary relief was afforded. The doctor was also called Monday to assist in removing a cancer from the breast of Mrs. Blackmore of Lansing. The cancer was about the size of an ordinary fist. The patient bore the operation well and will probably recover.~*~*~
~Waukon Democrat, Vol. IV, No. I, Oct. 19, 1881, Whole No. 207, p. 3, col. 2:
Nathan Crawford, son of Robert Crawford, late of this county, died at Webster City recently. He was a young man about 21 years of age.”[Robert Crawford and Thomas Henry Barnes were first cousins.]
Waukon Democrat, Vol. VII, No. 1, Wed., Oct. 31, 1883, p. 8, col. 2:
T. G. Orr, an old [36 years old] and esteemed resident of our town years ago, who now lives at Viroqua, Wisconsin, was over on a visit a few days ago, and met with warm greetings from his many old friends hereabouts.~*~*~
Waukon Standard, Vol. XVIL, No. 15, May 8, 1884, Whole No. 847, p. 1, col. 3:
C. J. F. Newell is thoroughly overhauling his house on Round Prairie and will make a fine residence out of it.
p. 1, col. 5
Dr. T. H. Barnes is absent in Washington, D. C. attending the National Medical Association.~*~*~
Waukon Standard, Vol. XVIL, No. 16, May 15, 1884, Whole No. 848, p. 1, col. 5:
“Miss Ella Newell went to Viroqua, Wisconsin, Friday.”
[Ella later married Thomas G. Orr who was the brother of Julia Angie Orr who married Thomas Henry Barnes.]~*~*~
Waukon Standard, Vol. XVIL, No. 19, June 5, 1884, Whole No. 851, p. 1, col. 5:
Dr. Barnes called at Chicago [Republican] Convention on his way home from Washington, D. C.
p. 1, col. 3
Dr. Barnes’ house is being dressed up in a new coat of paint, which will much improve it.~*~*~
Waukon Standard, Vol. XVIL, No. 20, June 12, 1884, Whole No. 852, p. 1, col. 4:
Dr. Barnes is at home again, coming by way of the Chicago [Republican] Convention.~*~*~
Waukon Standard, Vol. XVIL, No. 21, June 19, 1884, Whole No. 853, p. 1, col. 6:
The North Iowa Medial Society held its annual meeting at Postville on the 6th. Dr. T. H. Barnes of Waukon read an able and practical essay on Gynecology; Dr. J. C. Crawford of Waukon, was appointed to read an essay at the next meeting. Drs. T. H. Barnes and P. M. Jewell were elected delegates to the next meeting of the American Medical Association and Drs. J. C. Crawford, C. H. Hamilton and L. Brown delegates to the next meeting of the Iowa State Medical Society. Adjourned until the first Friday in December at Postville.
[John Clifford Crawford and Thomas Henry Barnes were first cousins, once removed.]
~transcribed by Robert Bee. All notes in [brackets] were added by Robert. Visit the Barnes Family Album.