James E. Rush
James E. Rush, the owner of a valuable and productive farm of
one hundred and thirty-seven acres on section 2, Franklin
township, has remained thereon from his birth to the present
time, his natal day being December 31, 1862. His parents, William
L. and Sarah (Parker) Rush, were both natives of Somerset county,
Pennsylvania, the former born on the 6th of October, 1829, and
the latter on the 5th of October, 1828. In early life William L.
Rush learned the trade of a cabinet-maker and house carpenter and
followed that occupation exclusively for a number of years. In
1854 he made his way from Pennsylvania to Rossville, Allamakee
county, Iowa, here working at his trade until the fall of 1860,
when he purchased the farm in Franklin township which is now in
possession of his son James. He devoted his attention to its
operation throughout the remainder of his life and also worked at
the carpenter’s trade at different times. His demise
occurred February, 1888, while his wife was called to her
final-rest in September, 1891. Mr. Rush held several township
offices and enjoyed an enviable reputation as a substantial and
representative citizen of his community.
James E. Rush, the seventh in order of birth in a family of ten
children, attended district school No. 9 in Franklin township.
After attaining his majority he worked for his father for two
years and then rented the homestead property. When his parents
had passed away he bought out the others heirs to the estate and
became the owner of the home farm, embracing one hundred and
thirty-seven acres on section 2, Franklin township. The building
thereon are modern and substantial and the place is now lacking
in none of the accessories and equipment's of a model farm of the
twentieth century. Mr. Rush devotes his attention to general
agricultural pursuits with excellent results and has long been
numbered among the successful farmers and respected citizens of
his native county.
On the 27th of June, 1888, Mr. Rush was united in marriage to
Miss Amanda Denning, whose birth occurred in Jefferson township,
Allamakee county, September 13, 1868, her parents being Samuel
and Elizabeth (Francis) Denning, the former a native of Ohio and
the latter of Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. Samuel Denning, who
followed agricultural pursuits throughout his active business
career, came to Iowa at an early day, locating first in Faiview
township, Allamakee county. He became one of the earliest
landowners here, going to Dubuque to enter his tract.
Subsequently he took up his abode in Jefferson township purchased
land and maintained his residence there until his death, which
occurred in the spring of 1909. The maternal grandfather of Mrs.
Rush conducted the old mission in Fairview township and was one
of the esteemed and influential citizens of the early days. Mrs.
Elizabeth (Francis) Denning passed away in 1903. She was the
mother of thirteen children, Mrs. Rush being the eighth in order
of birth. Our subject and his wife have nine children, as
follows: Ray L., Leslie W,; Jesse E., a traveling salesman;
Bessie E.; Carroll; Dewey; Ethel, Vernie and Blanche.
Mr. Rush gives his political allegiance to the republican party
and has done able service in the interest of education as a
school director. Fraternally he is identified with the Foodmen.
Both he and his wife have always lived within the borders of
Allamakee county and the circle of their friends is a wide one.
-source: Past & Present of Allamakee County; by
Ellery M. Hancock; S. J. Clarke Pub. Co.; 1913
-transcribed by Diana Diedrich
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