RETURNS TO BASE - Ens. Evelyn L. Schrader of the United States navy nurse corps has returned to Mare Island, Cal., to await orders. Ens. Schrader, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Schrader, 825 3rd S.E., spent a 15-day leave visiting in Decatur, Ill., were she was formerly employed, Chicago and Mason City.
Source: Mason City Globe-Gazette, September 23, 1944 (photo included)
TO FARRAGUT -- Ensign Evelyn L. Schrader, U.S. Navy nurse corps, has been transferred to Farragut, Idaho, where she will teach the navy hospital corpsmen. Ensign Schrader has been stationed at Mare Island, Cal. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Schrader, 825 3rd S.E.
Source: Mason City Globe-Gazette, February 10, 1945