Kossuth County

Maxine Caldwell




Algona -- Maxine Caldwell, daughter of Mrs. R.W. Caldwell, left for her station at Atlantic City after a 10-day leave here with her mother. She joined the WAVES a year ago and after completing boot training at Hunter college, N.Y., was chosen as one of 17 girls to be sent to a special training school at Atlanta, Ga., where she graduated in tower control. She was then sent to a new air base at Atlantic City where she has been since April.

Source: Mason City Globe-Gazette, November 8, 1944

TRAINS FOR OVERSEAS -- Maxine Caldwell, specialist, yeoman 3/c of the WAVES, daughter of Mrs. R. W. Caldwell of Algona, has been assigned to overseas duty in Hawaii. She will arrive in Algona Sunday for a 10 day furlough with her mother, after which she will go to Shoemaker, Cali., for intensive specialized training for a short time, before embarking.

Source: Mason City Globe-Gazette, March 10, 1945