Completes Indoctrination at Special Navy School at Cedar Falls
The U. S. Navy has informed the Globe-Post that Esterre May Bohlke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Bohlke of Kingsley, hs been graduated from the general indoctrination school for WAVES at Cedar Falls. This class is the final one to graduate in general indoctrination as the school will now be used exclusively for training Navy WAVE yeomen. Miss Bohlke hopes to receive a rating as yeoman.
She was graduated from Western Union college in 1942, with a B.A. degree, and was honored with many offices, including that of Homecoming Queen and Vice president of the senior class at Western Union college.
The Navy is now using 13 colleges for specialized training of WAVES and SPARS.
Source: LeMars Globe-Post, April 8, 1943
Esterre Bohlke, Special Technician 3/c (Waves), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Bohlker, spent a few days in her home before reporting at her new base where she will be a link trainer instructor.
Source: LeMars Globe-Post, July 12, 1943
Estere M. Bohlke, Sp. (T) 3/c left Wednesday evening to resume her duties as a link instructor at Grosse Ile, Mich., after spending five days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Bohlke.
Source: LeMars Globe-Post, January 1, 1944