North Iowa Navy Recruits

As North Iowa men in ever-increasing numbers are joining the armed forces, the U. S. navy received almost a daily like of recruits from the local recruiting office. Shown as they were about to board their train for final enlistment in Des Moines Monday are, front row, left to right: Cecil V. Peterson of Joice; Arthur l. Lenning, Clear Lake; Fred Oliver, Jr. 929 Jersey avenue northeast; and Richard W. Clark, route 4.

In the back row are Carlton L. Bier, Greene; Carl Elmer Larsen, Clear Lake; Philips E. Portwood, Clear Lake, Eli Theodore Killian, 645 Monroe avenue southwest; Donaldson [first name and home town omitted]; Adolph S. Grunhove, Searville; Harvey V. Colby, 112 Madison avenue southwest; and Robert H. Ludlow, Jr., 317 Thirteenth street southeast. Donaldson, it was learned later, did not enlist at the local office.

Source: The Globe Gazette, Mason City, Iowa, Thursday, October 20, 1942 (photo included)