Dickinson County

Sgt. Vernon Rettig


Our Neighbors in the Service

Spirit Lake, Ia.—Friends here were advised by Sgt. Vernon Retig that he was liberated from a German prison camp.  He had been declared missing October 4, 1944, and more recently a prisoner of the Germans.  He has arrived in the States and expects to visit his parents at Queen City, Mo., formerly of Spirit Lake, and friends during his furlough.

Source: The Sioux City Journal-Tribune, April 23, 1945

***Further Research:

(NOTE spelling correction of last name to Rettig) 

Vernon Lyle Rettig was born Apr. 3, 1919 to George Michael and Ella Manora Queary Rettig. He died Jan. 6, 2000 and is buried in Gardens of Memory, Huntington, IN. 

Source: ancestry.com