Plymouth County

Cpl. Donald Offerman



NEWS of the Boys in the Service

Cpl. Donald Offerman arrived Monday, privileged to spend twenty days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Offerman; his brother Clarence and family and his many Remsen friends.  Cpl. Offerman served for 17 months in New Guinea, returning to his native land four months ago at which time he visited home, and since then has served at Camp Carson, Colo.  On leaving here the last week in June, he will report at Miami, Fla., rest camp, there to receive a new assignment.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, June 12, 1945

***Further Research:

Donald Joseph Offerman was born Oct. 1, 1922 to Henry and Elizabeth Hess Offerman. He died Jan. 29, 1979 and is buried in Goleta Cemetery, Goleta, CA. 
