Woodbury County

Jack R. Nettleton





News Briefs

Jack R. Nettleton, pharmacist’s mate in a naval hospital at Bremerton, Washington is spending a 10-day leave of absence with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Nettleton, 1215 S. Newton Street.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, January 3, 1942

Father and Son War Repeaters—

Veterans of World War No. 1 Have Sons in Service Now

Reporter Finds Nine Such Combinations—May Be More.

By Don Pinkston.

Like father, like son, even unto war and the defense of democracy.

Uniforms are somewhat different—smarter looking these days, the legionnaires of ’17 and ’18 admit—the army rides more, the air arm is more important and a few others things have changed. But there’s many an American father today can look at his son and know his thoughts.

Dad went through it, back in another day when the United States went to war against an aggressor in the world.

Since world war No. 1 and world war No. 2 came only a generation apart, never before in American history have so many soldiers and sailors had veteran-fathers back home.

Sioux City has its quota of those father and son patriots and undoubtedly will have more.

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Up at the offices of draft board 2, Guy Nettleton, chief clerk, is sending Sioux City youths into the armed services with good conscience because his son, Jack, is in the navy, a pharmacist mage located at a hospital in the state of Washington. During the first world war, Mr. Nettleton was at an officers’ training school at Camp Pike, Ark. Before the United States declared war on the central powers, he was assigned to Mexican border duty at Brownsville, Tex., while the United States was chasing Villa.

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8. Guy Nettleton, chief clerk of draft board 2, and a world war army veteran, points to the map to show his son, Jack, where he served on the Mexican border. Jack, meanwhile, points to the state of Washington, where he is stationed with a navy unit. Jack was home on furlough at the time.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, January 11, 1942 (photo included)