Pocahontas County

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Carroll County

2nd Lt. Robert H. Maneman


Complete Training as Army Pilots

Among thousands of new fighter and bomber pilots who received silver wings at graduation exercises last weekend at the 11 advanced pilot schools of the army air forces central flying training command, with headquarters at Randolph field, Texas, were several youths from the Sioux City territory.

The pilots from this area and the fields at which they took their final training included: Paul F. Swenk, Cherokee, Iowa, Frederick field, Oklahoma; Dale L. Samuelson, Wayne, Nebr., Brooks field, Texas; Warren W. Patefield, Laurel, Neb., Ellington field, Texas; Frederick R. Rewinkel, Lyons, Nebr., Moore field, Texas; Robert H. Maneman, Fonda, Iowa, Ellington field; Simon Roetman, Hull, Iowa, Lubbock, Tex.; Paul W. Helmer, Carroll, Iowa, Ellington field; Theodore R. Nelson, Sibley, Iowa, Altus field, Oklahoma; Donald F. McKenna, Storm Lake, Foster field, Texas; Kenneth W. Coates, Storm Lake, Altus field; and Robert H. Johnson, Wall Lake, Iowa, Blackland field, Texas. All were commissioned as second lieutenants with the exception of Kenneth Coates who is a flight officer.

Source:  The Sioux City Journal, December 7, 1943

Lt. Maneman Killed April 10

Lieutenant Robert H. Maneman, son of Mr.and Mrs. George Maneman of Varina and grandson of Mrs. Clara A. Maneman of Breda, was killed over Germany, April 10, according to a message received by his parents from the war department.

Lt. Maneman, 21 years old, was graduated from Breda high school. His father was born and reared at Breda.
Overseas since Jan. 3, Lt. Maneman had been pilot of a bomber until April 3 when he was made a pilot of a transport plane.

Source: Carroll Daily Times Herald, April 20, 1945

Killed in Action

Fonda, Iowa--Special:
Mrs. Robert Maneman of Fonda has received word from the war department that her husband, Second Lt. Robert H. Maneman, 23, died April 11 of injuries received in action in Germany. He was serving with the air force.

Lt. Maneman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Maneman of Varina, la. entered service in February 1943. He received his wings and second lieutenant's commission December 5, 1943, at Ellington field, Tex. He went overseas in February 1945, going to France.

Mrs. Maneman recently received additional information concerning her husband's death in a letter from the troop carrier command. It read as follows:

"Your husband lost his life as a result of enemy fighter plane action while flying supplies to ground forces in the vicinity of Eisenach, Germany, on April 11, 1945. It may be of some personal comfort to you in your bereavement to know that your husband, while under my command, conducted himself as an officer in such a manner, as to bring credit to himself and to the service. He was held in high esteem by both officers and men of this squadron.

Leroy M. Stanton, major, air corps commanding."

Memorial services for Lt. Maneman will be held Wednesday morning at 9:30 o’clock in St. Columbkille’s church in Varina.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, May 22, 1945 (photo included)

Lieut. Maneman's Reburial Service At Mount Carmel

Reburial services will be held at 11 o'clock Monday morning in the Mt. Carmel cemetery for Second Lieutenant Robert Maneman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Maneman of Fonda, formerly of Breda, and brother of Mrs. Henry Stedman of Lidderdale. The youth, 23 years old at the time of his death, was a grandson of Mrs. Clara Maneman of Mt. Carmel.


Committal rites will follow requiem mass at 9 o'clock Monday morning at St. Columbkill's church in Varina.

Lt. Maneman, of the army air forces, was killed in action over Germany April 11, 1945. He had been in military service about three years.

Survivors include his parents, six sisters, three brothers and his grandmother. His sisters and brothers are: Mrs. Dennis Blittner (Lorraine), Fonda; Mrs. Stedman (Alice), Lidderdale; Ione Maneman, Omaha; and Albert, Jim, Dick, Mary Lou, George, and Karen, at home.


The body arrived at Fonda this morning and will be taken to the family home near Varina at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon.

Source: Carroll Daily Times Herald, November 5, 1948

***Further Research:

Robert Herman Maneman was born Oct. 12, 1921 to George Henry and Rose Bernadine Leiting Maneman. He died Apr. 10, 1945 and is buried in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cemetery, Mount Carmel, IA.

Source: ancestry.com