Dickinson County

Pfc. Lawrence F. Lambert




Spirit Lake was added to the list of the many towns in Iowa and surrounding states where messages have come into homes with word that youths are missing in Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lambert received word last Thursday from the government that their son, P.F.C. Lawrence Lambert has been reported missing in the African Area since Feb. 17, the date when many men have been reported missing. It is thought that many of them are probably prisoners of the enemy.

Lawrence left the United States in May 1942 for Iceland and was later moved to Scotland, and then to Africa November 7, when the American invasion forces landed there. He has written very regularly since arriving there, but has said little about his activities. The last letter received from him was dated January 23.

The Lamberts have another son, Wiley, who was stationed in Alaska, but who recently has not stated his whereabouts.

Source: Spirit Lake Beacon, Thursday, March 25, 1943

Lawrence Lambert Writes From German Prison Camp.

Misses Maude and Belle Lambert were made very happy Thursday by the receipt of a postal card written by their nephew, Lawrence Lambert from a German prison camp.

The youth, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lambert, was reported missing in North Africa February 17, word having reached his parents here March 18 from the government.  His parents have as yet had no letter from him since he was taken a prisoner but he has no doubt written them also and their word will arrive soon.  The card was written from the German prison camp April 16, arriving here June 3.

The following is the message sent by the local youth and his address which must be printed or typewritten on any mail sent to the youth.

Dear Aunts—It has been a long time since I got to drop you a line, so now I will just let you know I am well and fine, so brace up and don’t worry any.  Write as often as you can and hello to everybody for me.  I guess Mary and Chet got moved alright.  Good luck to you.
From your nephew, Lawrence.
Vor-Und Zuname:
Lawrence Lambert
Gefangenennummer 90946
M-Stammlager, V li A
Deutschland (Allemange)

Source:  Spirit Lake Beacon, Thursday, June 10, 1943

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lambert Receive First Letter From Son in Prison Camp

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lambert of Spirit Lake received their first letter Saturday from their son, Pfc. Lawrence F. Lambert, who is in a German prison camp.  Previously Lawrence had sent a card to his aunts, Maud and Belle Lambert in Spirit Lake, which they received June 3, and an uncle Waldo Lambert and a friend, Earl Miller received cards from him Friday.

A card dated March 22 and the letter dated March 23 were written before the messages received above but did not arrive until Saturday.  Lawrence was taken prisoner in North Africa Feb. 17.

Friends may write to Lawrence and should address his mail as follows:  Pfc. Lawrence F. Lambert, American P. O. W. 90946 Stalag VII A. Germany, via New York City, U. S. A. They should write “Prisoner of War Mail” in left hand corner of the envelope and “Postage Free” in the right hand corner.  The senders full address should be on the envelope flap.

The card and letter received from Lawrence Saturday, read as follows:
March 22—Dear Dad, Mother and All:  I am well and fine yet.  I am a prisoner now in Germany.  Go to the local Red Cross and they will tell you what you can send me. Tell all the friends and neighbors hello for me and have them write as often as allowed.  I will write when permitted. 
March 23—Dear Dad and Mother:  I hope this finds you all well and fine.  As I am still well yet. You have to tell Mary and Chet, Elmer and Lela, uncle and aunts, what my address is and for them to write whenever they can and not to feel bad if they don’t get any letters as I am allowed so many letters a month and I also wish you would tell Wiley for me, too. I am not alone here as I know quite a number of the boys.

You know all those pictures you were going to send.  I still like to have one of yourself, if it is at all possible.  Did Mary and Chet get moved alright.  I suppose you now it by now but if not I will tell you that no matter what you cook, I can eat it as I even go for tomato.  I have received several Red Cross parcels for prisoners of war from American, Canadian and British organizations since capture. Well mother, I will close now, so tell everybody back there for me where I am, so don’t worry.  From your loving son, Lawrence.

Source: Spirit Lake Beacon, July 29, 1943


Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lambert received a government message Monday morning stating that their son, Pfc. Lawrence Lambert had been returned to military control May 2.  He had been held at the German Prison of war camp Stalag 2B.

Pfc. Lambert went overseas in May 1942 to Scotland and was with the American forces that invaded Africa in November of that year. He was taken prisoner at Faid Pass on Feb. 17, 1943.

In addition to the government message Monday the family was happy to receive a letter from Lawrence written in France on May 18, assuring them of his well being.

Source: Spirit Lake Beacon, May 31, 1945

***Further Research:

Lawrence Francis Lambert was born June 14, 1916 to John Samuel Roy and Josephine Berg Lambert. He died July 1, 2011 and is buried in Calvary Cemetery, Milford, IA.

Source: ancestry.com