Plymouth County

LeRoy Keihn




Another LeMars family which is anxiously awaiting word of a son are Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keihn, whose son, LeRoy Keihn, was stationed at Pearl Harbor on board the Tennessee, according to the last letter received from him. This battleship has been mentioned in unofficial dispatches as under attack, but the government at present made no official announcement as to exactly what happened.

Young Keihn had completed his 4-year term in the Navy and expected to come home soon for a visit. For the past two years he has been serving as a second-class boatswain on the Tennessee. Russell Bainter, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Bainter, has also been stationed on the U.S.S. Tennessee.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, December 11, 1941


Chief Bos’n LeRoy Keihn and wife arrived here Tuesday for a visit in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keihn and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stoeber. Chief Bosn’n Keihn has been in the Navy seven years and returned from the Pacific area. Mrs. Keihn makes her home in San Francisco while her husband is at sea.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, November 16, 1944

NEWS of the Boys in the Service 

Bos’n, LeRoy Keihn and Mrs. Keihn, the former Dorothy Stoeber, are visiting in the Ed Keihn and A. H. Stoeber homes. Mr. Keihn has been serving in the South Pacific area and Mrs. Keihn has been living in San Francisco.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, November 21, 1944

***Further Research:

LeRoy H. “Joe” Keihn was born Oct. 16, 1918 to Edward William and Christina Anderson Keihn. He died Apr. 23, 2016 and is buried in Puritan Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Peabody, Massachusetts. Warrant Officer Keihn retired from the U.S. Navy. 
