Plymouth County

Sgt. William Huckle




George Foxen is in receipt of a letter from Cpl. Carl Tentinger, who is in the quartermaster corps of the Army. The letter was written in Naples, where Cpl. Tentinger has been on duty for the last 7 months. He is the son of Mrs. Margaret Tentinger of LeMars, and before entering the Army, he worked for Mr. Foxen. Cpl. Tentinger entered Italy by way of North Africa. He stated that he met Bill Huckle while the latter and a bunch of similarly rugged individuals were driving the Germans northward toward Cassino.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, July 10, 1944

NEWS of the Boys in the Service

Sgt. Wm. Huckle, stationed at Fort Snelling, Minn., arrived home Saturday and will visit in the home of his father, Al Huckle.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, June 12, 1945

***Further Research:

William Joseph “Bill" Huckle was born Aug. 25, 1920 to Leo and Katherine Bender Huckle. He died Apr. 24, 1967 and is buried in Calvary Cemetery, LeMars, IA.
