Buena Vista County

Orville Godwin






Our Neighbors in the Services

Storm Lake, Iowa – Harold Godwin, who has seen action against the enemy in the South Pacific, is on a 30-day leave, part of which he is spending here with his father, P.M. Godwin. Godwin, a warrant machinist, has been in the navy eight years. This is his first visit to Storm Lake since January, 1940.

He is a brother of Orville Godwin who went through the assault on Pearl Harbor and who has survived two ship sinking’s.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, May 5, 1943

***Further Research:

Orville O. Godwin was born July 21, 1917 to Prior M. and Alice Smith Godwin. He died June 8, 2007 and is buried in Tahoma National Cemetery, Kent, WA. Petty Officer Godwin was awarded the Purple Heart. 

Source: ancestry.com