Plymouth County

Lt. Gerald W. Bos



1st Lt. U.S. Army Infantry, during WWII

Medical Service Corps in Korea

Lt. Gerald Bos Returns Home

Lt. Gerald W. Bos landed Sunday in San Francisco aboard the navy transport Menard. Lt. Bos is in the hospital corps of the Army and has been in Japan and Korea since March 1949. He spent the past six months in Korea.

Mrs. Gerald Bos, who has been living at 226 First avenue southesast, met Lt. Bos in Omaha Wednesday morning and they went to Minden, Neb., to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bos, former residents of LeMars. 

Lt. and Mrs. Bos will return home the first of the week and will also visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ewin in Seney.

Lt. Bos has a 38 day furlough.

Source: LeMars, Iowa, Sentinel newspaper, dated Nov. 1951

June 2016 – Kernersville, NC - Gerald W. Bos

Thank You to the couple whom wished to remain anonymous at Out West restaurant in Kernersville,NC last night. When they saw my dad was a World War ll Veteran, they picked up our tab. This was an emotional moment for us. I hope one day that couple will know what this meant to us. This is a picture of my dad. 91 years young!!  ~daughter, Terri

Dad called me too. That is just wonderful for whoever did that and very touching. Dad needed that!! He took my sister and her boyfriend to dinner. He had this cap on and an unknown person paid for their meal after seeing Dad was a Veteran. As Father's Day approaches I am honored to be able to share this event and picture of my Dad.  ~daughter, Vicki

Dad was so excited about this Terri, that when he got home, he called to tell me about it. My thanks to the couple too. ~son, Tom

Gerald William “Jerry” Bos was born Oct. 26, 1924 to William A. and Myrtle (Thompson) Bos. Jerry was married to Leone Frances Ewin on March 22, 1946 in LeMars, Iowa. He died Sept. 3, 2019 and is buried in Guilford Memorial Park, Greensboro, NC.