Cerro Gordo County

John Waslick




John Waslick, gunner’s mate 3/c USNR, of Mason City, has returned to the armed guard center at New Orleans, La., from a voyage of 9 months aboard a merchant vessel as member of the navy gun crew. He made several shuttle trips carrying war cargoes from north Africa to the southern French invasion coast.

The navy gunner has had 21 months sea duty since enlisting on August 18, 1942, and has visited ports in Australia, Persia, South America, Britain, Italy, and Sicily, in addition to France and Africa.

Waslick attended high school at Mason City and was employed by the Hermanson Brothers Dairy prior to entering the service. He is the son of Mrs. Cynthia Waslick of 516 Massachusetts N.E.

Source: Mason City Globe-Gazette, October 30, 1944