Plymouth County

Pfc. Kenneth Thunhorst




Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Thunhorst have received a letter telling them of a small-world meeting between their sons, Pfc. Kenneth F. Thunhorst and T/Sgt. Robert Thunhorst. Kenneth is a radio operator with an infantry unit in Patton’s Third Army. Bob is in the Ninth Air Corps, radio operator and waist gunner.

Kenneth had Robert’s latest address, and when he got a 72-hour leave, decided to look his brother up. But in the mean time Robert had been transferred. The air forces men told Kenneth not to worry about that; he could hitchhike to see his brother, and so he did, on Army planes, from field to field. Before he found Robert, however, his leave time came perilously closed to being over.

He phoned back to tell his commanding officer, telling him of his predicament. The officer said: “What the heck! Go on until you find your brother. Maybe we can run this outfit until you do.” Leaving the Army flat on its back, Kenneth continued the search, and spent two very enjoyable days with Robert before his extended leave ran out, returning to duty by Army plane.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, May 17, 1945

Kenneth Orville Fredrick Thunhorst was born Oct. 26, 1911 to Louis E. and Alvina Schuldt Thunhorst. He died Jan. 13, 1995 and is buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Maplewood, MN. 
