Plymouth County

Robert E. Pattison



Robert E. Pattison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer F. Pattison, now of Roseburg, Oregon, enlisted in army service in September, 1940.  A former LeMars boy, he is the grandson of Mrs. W. F. Pattison.

He was stationed at Ft. Lewis, Wash., until December 1941, but when last heard from was near Eugene, Oregon, and expected a further transfer at any time.

Source:  LeMars Globe-Post, January 15, 1942  (includes photograph)

***Further Research:

Robert Elverton Pattison was born Aug. 19, 1919 to Homer F. and Margaret B. Parks Pattison. He died Apr. 10, 1978 and is buried in Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, OR. 
