Plymouth County

T/Sgt. Alex Nemmers





NEWS of the BOYS in the SERVICE.

T/Sgt. Alex Nemmers arrived Saturday to spend a three weeks furlough with relatives in LeMars.  Alex has just returned from overseas duties.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, March 14, 1944

Sgt. Nemmers Home After Eight Years

Tech. Sgt. Alex. Nemmers has seen many countries and strange scenes in addition to active service on battle fronts for two years, since he left LeMars eight years ago.  He arrived home Saturday to visit his relatives and friends in LeMars, having been granted a furlough of four weeks.

Alex Nemmers went to Olympia, Wash., on leaving LeMars and after working there continued westward and has practically been around the world, crossing many oceans and vast continents by ships, airplanes and caravans in addition to travel in civilized parts by train and motor.  He has been in New Zealand, India, the Persian Gulf, Iran, Iraq, Ascension Island, Egypt and North Africa, going across by way of the Pacific ocean and returning across the Atlantic ocean.

While serving in the Army, he is attached to the ordnance department and was on the front line in North Africa.  He is wearing three service bars for gallantry and good conduct while in the Army.

Source:  The LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, March 17, 1944

***Further Research:

Alexander N. Nemmers was born Jan. 20, 1901 to Peter and Margaret Kaiser Nemmers. He died Aug. 10, 1954 and is buried in Calvary Cemetery, LeMars, IA.
