Woodbury County

Norman G. Mullen





Six Sioux City men are receiving their initial indoctrination at the naval training center, Great Lakes, Ill. They are Jack R. Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Hall, 3827 Orleans avenue;
Norman G. Mullen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Mullen, 905 S. Helen street;
Richard C. Teschke, son of Walter R. Teschke, 519 Seventh street;
Jack P. Hulce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hershel M. Hulce, 1017 S. Paxton street;
Daniel L. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Johnson, 3419 Third avenue;
Stanley Q. Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar M. Olson, 325 36th street.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, March 5, 1945