Adams County

Pfc. Edward Moore




Probably no other Adams county mother has the distinction of Mrs. Mae Moore of Corning, who now has six sons member of the armed forces of the United States and all six are scattered to the four corners of the earth. In the above photo, taken at the time the boys registered for military service, Sgt. Robert Moore is the first at the left in the back row. Bob has been a prisoner of the Germans since February, 1943, when he was taken at the Faid Pass incident in North Africa. Bob was the first to leave, going with the Villisca National Guard unit.

Pfc. Barney Moore is next to Bob in the photo. Barney is with the signal corps in England. Pfc. Edward Moore is at the left of Barney. His is also in England with a medical unit. Cpl. Tom Moore is at the extreme right in the back row. Tom is with the quarter master department at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, replacement center. In the front row, left to right, are Johnnie Moore, Mrs. Mae Moore and Orlo Moore.

Johnnie is a first class fireman in the Navy and is somewhere in the Pacific area. Orlo left Wednesday morning for induction into the Navy at Des Moines.

Source: Adams County Free Press, Corning, Iowa, Thursday, April 13, 1944, Page 3 (photo included)

***Further Research:

Edward Earl Moore was born Oct. 25, 1916 to Robert William and Mary Waters Moore. He died Aug. 27, 1995 and is buried in Evergreen-Washnell Memorial Park, Seattle, WA.
