Plymouth County

Milton E. Merritt





A certificate of graduation from the service school for torpedomen at the U.S. naval training station, Great Lakes, Ill., was presented to Milton E. Merritt, 17, son of P. R. Merritt, LeMars, at graduation exercises held Aug. 2. He now will be assigned to an advanced service school for further training or be sent to active duty at sea or at a shore station. The blue jacket has completed 16 weeks of intensive study under the supervision of experienced chief petty officers.  He was selected to attend the school upon the basis of a series of aptitude tests taken during recruit training.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, August 5, 1943

***Further Research:

Milton Eugene Merritt was born Dec. 20, 1925 to Percy and Blanche Beatrice Harrison Merritt. He died in 1956 in Charlton, Massachusetts.
