Plymouth County

William McDougall



Now in training at the U. S. Maritime Service Training Station, Sheepshead Bay, N.Y., is William McDougall, 17, of 36 Second Ave. NW LeMars, Iowa. Apprentice Seaman McDougall will receive six weeks of basic training, including lifeboat work, fire fighting, breeches buoy, mess, sea rules and traditions, swimming, ship construction and equipment, gunnery and physical training. After completing “boot” training, he may enter deck or engine training, including three weeks of practical experience aboard a training ship at sea, or he may apply for one of the specialized schools of training.

Source: LeMars Sentinel, June 15, 1945

***Further Research:

William Henry McDougall was born Aug. 4, 1927 to Chester Nelson and Edith Rose Nicholson McDougall. 
