Plymouth County

Pfc. John J. Martin





The following V-mail letter was received by the Register-Tribune editor from Pfc. John J. Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Martin, of Westfield, who is serving in the U.S. Cavalry in the South Pacific area. Pfc. Martin is widely known in this section, as he was prominent in baseball circles for several years before entering the service, playing on the Westfield and Akron teams. His letter is dated April 29, 1944:

Dear Friend: I’ve been going to write to you for a long time, and here goes. I’m getting the Akron paper regularly now and it’s so good to get the local news, as I’ve so many friends there and am interested in all the happenings. You’ve still got the best small town paper in the country, and I really mean this, Ray. I never forget the fine baseball teams we used to have and the real co-operation we received from all the business men. I seek Akron still continues to have those good teams, and you are developing very good ball players. Some day I’m going to try and help you continue to have those winning teams. I never dreamed what was in store for me, and I thank God I’m still in the best of health. We are on an island of cocoanut trees all the way across and the blue Pacific is all around us. The worst thing now is the heat and it’s hard to stand. I go in swimming a lot, and the different colors of the water and rock is sure beautiful.

With best wishes to all my friends, and some day I’ll be back to see all of you. JOHN J. MARTIN.

Source: Akron Register-Tribune, May 25, 1944

***Further Research:

John Joseph Martin was born July 12, 1910 to Ambrose G. and Anna Marie Ryan Martin. He died Dec. 19, 1991.
