Plymouth County

Pvt. George Martfeld



Pvt. George Martfeld, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Martfeld, living near LeMars, is stationed with his company at Ft. Dix, N. Jersey.  He has been with K company for the past two years.

Source:  LeMars Globe-Post, January 15, 1942  (includes photograph)


Pfc. George Martfeld, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Martfeld, who was recently returned to the United States on the one percent furlough system, is now on guard duty around the White House in Washington, according to a letter received Saturday by the young man’s parents.

Pfc. Martfeld was one of the original members of K Company and was with that organization in Africa. He took sick and was operated on at a hospital in Oran, Africa, and later returned to this country.

He states that it isn’t as cold in Washington as it was here and that they have a nice place to stay. The building is right next to the White House and the food is good.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, January 1, 1944


Pfc. George Martfeld arrived here Wednesday to spend 14 days in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Martfeld. Pfc. Martfeld is a guard at the White House in Washington and also saw service in Africa. He was a member of K Company at the time the outfit left for Camp Claiborne and went with the company as far as Africa. He was operated on for appendicitis at Oran, Africa and was released from combat duty. He arrived home early this year. Pfc. Martfeld wears the following campaign bars: pre-Pearl Harbor good conduct, European theater of war and combat infantryman’s badge.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, September 11, 1944

***Further Research:

George Johan Martfeld was born Feb. 22, 1922 to Hans and Hermine Redelfs Martfeld. He died Mar. 7, 1988 and is buried in Fairfax Memorial Park, Fairfax County, VA. 

George served in World War II with the U.S. Army 34th Infantry Division, Military Police.
