Dennis Lenihan, who recently completed his training with the marines, has notified his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Lenihan, that he has arrived safely at the destination for which he left San Francisco about a month ago.
Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, April 2, 1943
NEWS of the Boys in the Service.
Lieut. Thomas Lenihan arrived in LeMars Sunday for a few days visit in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Lenihan. Tom has been flying big bombers at an airfield in Tennessee and instructing young fliers and is ordered to report in about a week at Clovis, New Mexico, where he hopes to get a chance to fly some of the new four engine bombers which are now in production for the Army. Tom’s brother, Dennis Lenihan, is now a sergeant of the marines “somewhere in the Pacific,” and his oldest brother, Phil, is training at Norman, Oklahoma.
Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, August 10, 1943
Staff Sergeant Dennis Lenihan is spending a short furlough in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Lenihan. He will remain here for 10 days before reporting back to his base, Camp Lejeune, N. C. Staff Sergeant Lenihan, who is a member of the Marine corps, will be transferred to Quantico, Va., to complete his officer training. He has been in the service since early in the war and has seen much action in and around Guadalcanal.
Source: LeMars Globe-Post, Monday, October 2, 1944
***Further Research:
Dennis James Lenihan was born Feb. 19, 1913 to Dennis C. and Eileen May Boland Lenihan. He died Jan. 21, 1996 and is buried in Calvary Cemetery, LeMars, IA.