Muscatine County

David Alonzo Leedy

(Above photo published DesMoines Register, Jan. 2, 1944)



Navy Issues First “Casualty” Lists

The Navy’s first official casualty list, issued on the 5th, contained the names of Arthur Anthony Bersch and David Alonzo Leedy.

This was the first of a series of “official reports” which came to next of kin during the month.

Messages of DEATH, Word of Valiant Soldiers, Sailors “Missing in Action,” Brought Sadness to Families Here

“The Navy deeply regrets……”
Messages addressed to a number of Muscatine county parents or next of kin of men in the service of their country, carrying this sad phrase or one similar to it from army or marine corps officials, have brought sorrow to a number of homes in this area in the slightly more than 12 months since Dec. 7, 1941, when the Japanese struck at Pearl Harbor and Manila.

Muscatine county me gave their lives for their country in that initial attack, which plunged the nation into a globe girdling war.

In Thick of Fight.
Muscatine county men have figured in most of the history making engagements which have been recorded since that date. Some have escaped, unharmed, but in other cases, engagements with the enemy have been followed by official notices of men either killed in action, missing in action, or taken prisoner and gold stars have replaced those of blue on service flags in the community.

The war was less than a month underway when the first notices of casualties were received in this community.

Met Death At Outset.
The same month which saw the attack on Pearl Harbor brought word to the parents of Arthur A. Bersch and David A. Leedy at this city that their sons were missing in action. Both had been in the navy at that port. Bersch was a seaman first class. Leedy was a fire controlman, second class.

Source: Muscatine Journal News-Tribune, Dec. 30, 1942 (photo included)

Here are more Iowans who have been killed in action. The final line beneath each picture gives the geographical location in which the man was killed. Additional Honor Roll pictures will be carried on future Sundays.

Source: The  Des Moines Register, Sunday, January 2, 1944  (photo included)

140 Have Made Supreme Sacrifice In Muscatine Area In War Against Axis Powers; Many reported wounded.
The cost of war runs high!

Word of the victory in Europe today brought a feeling of happiness and relief to thousands of families in the Muscatine area, but for others there were only sad memories.  And for those who have sons, husbands, brothers or other relatives, fighting against the Japs in the second phase of the big world-wide conflagration the period of rejoicing was less pronounced.
The names of those who have made the supreme sacrifice in the World War No. 2, compiled from records maintained by The Journal, follow:


David A. Leedy, fire controlman second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leedy, 109 West Fuliam avenue, killed in action Dec. 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor.

Source:  Muscatine Journal, Victory In Europe Edition, Monday, May 7, 1945

David Alonzo Leedy was born Oct 30, 1919 to Harry Glen and Mabel Grace Wood Leedy. He died Dec. 7, 1941 aboard the USS Arizona (BB-39).

Petty Officer Leedy is memorialized at the Courts of the Missing, Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu, Hawaii and at the USS Arizona Memorial in Honolulu, Hawaii.
