Cerro Gordo County


Jerry Harrer





Flight Officer and Mrs. Robert G. Harrrer, the former Katherine Burke, who have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrer, 153 Crescent drive, and Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Burke, 328 Pennsylvania S. E., return this week to Camp Maxon, N. Car., where he is an instructor in the glider service. Camp Maxon is the center where the final phases of training for the air borne commands is carried on. Mrs. Harrer will remain in Mason City for the time being.

A brother, Aviation Cadet Jerry Harrer, left Tuesday for the naval flight training center at Olathe, Kans., after a week's visit at the parental home following the completion of this pre-flight training at Iowa City naval pre-flight school.

The 3rd brother, Lt. Don G. Harrer, a B-17 co-pilot, now in England, has been actively engaged in a number of raids which the 8th army air forces have made over the continent during the last 4 weeks, according to letters received from him by his family. Mrs. Don Harrer, the former Betty Hakes, is visiting at the present time in Muscatine.

Source: The Globe Gazette, Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, Friday, February 15, 1944, Page 8  (Brothers photo included)

Francis Jerome “Jerry” Harrer was born Jan. 26, 1924 to George Henry and Catherine Cecelia Grady Harrer. He died Nov. 8, 2019 and is buried in Elmwood Saint Joseph Cemetery, Mason City, IA.

Source: ancestry.com