Montgomery County

Sgt. Stanford R. Grinstead


Grant, Red Oak Sergeants Hold a Real Reunion

FORT CROOK, Neb. (AP) – Two Iowa soldiers, who trained together in the National guard, went overseas together and shared the same experiences until both were captured in Tunisia, saw each other again for the firs time in more than two years lat week at the Fort Crook hospital.

They are Sgts. Stanford R. Grinstead of Grant, Ia., and Kenneth Abraham of Red Oak.

After their capture in Tunisia the two were separated when Grinstead was sent to a camp near Furstenberg and Abraham to a camp near the Polish border.

Visiting the two men Saturday were Sgt. Frederick Kahl and S. Sgt. Calvin l. Wright, both of Marne, Ia., who were captured at the same time and imprisoned with Grinstead.

Source: The Council Bluffs Nonpareil, Council Bluffs, Monday, July 23, 1945, Page 3