Pottawattamie County

Pvt. Jack Elliott



Three Council Bluffs brothers, all in the army, will be able to hold a reunion soon, but their parents are not very happy about the locale. It will be at the O’Rielly general hospital, Springfield, Mo.

Mrs. Frank Elliott, 2910 Ninth avenue, has received word that:

Sgt. Harry Elliott, 22, seriously burned while on maneuvers last fall at Camp Hahn, Calif., will enter the hospital within a few days to undergo plastic surgery. After his treatment he will be given a medical discharge.

Pvt. Jack Elliott, 21, of Camp Crowder, has been ordered to the same hospital to undergo treatment for a heart disease.

A third son, Pfc. Howard Elliott, 24, is already at the hospital and will soon undergo another head operation. He was critically hurt last year while stationed at a Missouri air base.

Source: The Council Bluffs Nonpareil, Council Bluffs, Iowa, Thursday, March 09, 1944, Page 14