Plymouth County

Lt. Charles R. Clark

NEWS of the BOYS in the SERVICE

Charles Clark, who has been a student in the University of Iowa, reported for duty at Des Moines last Saturday in Army aviation in which he enlisted some time ago while continuing his studies.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, Feb. 2, 1943

NEWS of the Boys in the Service.

Charles R. Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clark graduated Sunday, March 12, at Moore Field, Texas, as a pilot in the army air forces and received his commission as a lieutenant in the army air corps. He is expected home this week for a brief leave before he reports for duty as pilot of a pursuit plane.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, March 14, 1944


Lieut. Charles R. Clark, LeMars (Moore Field, Texas)
Lieut. Wayne Dack, LeMars (Marfa Field, Texas)
Lieut. Elvit W. Falk, LeMars (Altus Field, Oklahoma)
Lieut. Laverne H. Klemme, Akron (Pampa Field, Pampa, Texas)
Lieut. Harley J. Rollinger, LeMars (Moore Field, Texas)
Lieut. La Verne C. Varenhorst, LeMars (Lubbock Field, Texas)

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, March 24, 1944 (Six servicemen photos included)

LeMars Pilot Wins Air Medal in Europe  

An Eighth Air Force Fighter Station, England.—Special:  Second Lt. Charles R. Clark, fighter pilot of LeMars, Ia., has been awarded the air medal for exceptionally meritorious achievement in aerial flight over enemy occupied continental Europe.

An experienced flier, Lt. Clark has shot down one German plane and destroyed a number of Nazi locomotives, supply trucks, flak towers and other ground targets.

He is a member of the 56th fighter group, commanded by Col. David C. Schilling of Traverse City, Mich.  This P-47 Thunderbolt group has destroyed 831 ½ enemy aircraft—66 ½ in the air and 165 on the ground.

A former student at the University of Iowa, he received his silver wings and commission upon completing advanced flight training at Moore field, Tex.

He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Clark, LeMars.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, February 20, 1945

Veteran LeMars Pilot Promoted

An Eighth Air Force Fighter Station, England
.—The promotion of Charles R. Clark, 56th fighter group pilot of LeMars, Ia., from the rank of second to first lieutenant, has been announced by Maj. Gen. William E. Kepner, commanding general of Second air division.

An experienced combat pilot, he has shot down one German plane and destroyed a number of enemy ground targets, including locomotives, freight and oil cars, flak installations and supply trucks. His P-47 Thunderbolt group also provides escort for heavy bombers over strategic German targets.

A former student at the University of Iowa, he received his commission and silver wings upon completing advanced flight training at Moore field, Tex.

The 56th fighter group, commanded by Lt. Col. Lucian A. Dade, jr., of Hopkinsville, Ky., is the highest scoring fighter outfit in the Eighth air force. It has destroyed 852 German planes, 675 in aerial combat and 177 by strafing.

Lt. Clark is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, 700 Central avenue, S. E., LeMars.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, April 4, 1945 (photo included)

***Further Research:

Charles Robert Clark was born June 25, 1921 to Robert L. and Elsie M. Reaney Clark. He died Sept. 17, 1991 and is buried in Sunset Hills Memorial Park, Bellevue, WA.
