Plymouth County

T/Sgt. Elmer E. Bruns




Pfc. Elmer Bruns arrived home this morning from Camp Chaffee, Ark., to spend a 9-day furlough in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bruns, of Brunsville.

Source:  LeMars Globe-Post, Thursday, July 8, 1943


Brunsville, Iowa—Private First Class Elmer Bruns returned to Camp Chaffee, Arkansas, after spending a nine-day furlough in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Bruns. He was awarded two medals for expert gunnery.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, July 22, 1943


Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Louie Bruns that their son, Elmer Bruns, who is stationed at Camp Chaffee, Ark., has been confined to the hospital for a week due to infection caused by bites by chiggers.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, August 16, 1943


Cpl. Elmer Bruns arrived home Tuesday night to spend a short furlough in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bruns, of Brunsville. He is now stationed at Camp Campbell, Ky.

Source:  LeMars Globe-Post, January 27, 1944


Sgt. Elmer Bruns arrived Friday to spend his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bruns. Sgt. Bruns is stationed at Camp Campbell, Ky.

Source:  LeMars Globe-Post, June 22, 1944

(The front page published 27 Plymouth County Soldier photographs in this newspaper issue, which included a photograph of Elmer Bruns.)

Source:  LeMars Globe-Post, April 2, 1945 (photo included)


The Des Moines Register-Tribune lists Tech. Sgt. Elmer E. Bruns of Brunsville as among those wounded in the European area.

Source:  LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, April 27, 1945

***Further Research:

Elmer Eilert Bruns was born Feb. 23, 1921 to Louis H. and Ankea Dirks Bruns. He died Mar. 15, 1999 and is buried in Hillside Cemetery, Minneapolis, MN. 

He was married to Janet Ruth Colby Bruns. Janet Ruth Colby Bruns was born Jan. 1, 1922 to Herbert H. and Helen I. Stefan Colby. She died Oct. 20, 2002 and is buried in Hillside Cemetery, Minneapolis, MN. Sgt. Janet served with the U.S. Army WACs in World War II.
