Plymouth County

S/Sgt. Gayland Bollin





Pvt. Hilbert Ludwig, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ludwig, and Pvt. Gayland Bollin, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bollin, have left for Camp Beale in California, after spending a 15-day leave furlough in the home of their parents.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, July 19, 1943


Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bollin, whose paratrooper son, Barney Bollin, is a prisoner of war in Germany, have succeeded in contacting Don Boam, a member of the company to which Barney belonged, and he sent them a little information as to how Barney happened to be captured. Apparently, Barney was left in charge of a radio while other units went ahead. The Germans flanked the lone radioman and captured him. His “buddy” writes that he hears all of the paratrooper who were captured that day are still together and well treated. The Bollins’ also learned that their other son, Sgt. Gayland Bollin, and Hilbert Ludwigs, both of LeMars, are now in India.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, 
January 1, 1944

Sgt. Gayland Bollin reports from India their secret mission has been completed in record time and the convoys brought through 100%. He is back in his old base for a few days but soon must go another mission. He is in perfect health and eating three meals a day. He says that mail will be delayed for some time but he would like to hear from some of his pals in LeMars. He would also like to add that one trip around the world is sufficient for his life-time and he will be content to settle down in LeMars for the rest of his life.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, 
Monday, February 19, 1945

Bollin Brothers Return From Army Service To Settle in LeMars

Staff Sergeant Gayland Bollin arrived in the United States Wednesday aboard the USS Gen. Callen at Seattle, Washington.  He will be discharged from his military duties at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, this week.  He has served two years and seven months with the 899th Ordnance H.A.M. Co., in Assam, India.  He entered the service on July 23, 1942.  He will resume his work with his former associates at the LeMars Oil Company.

“Barney” Bollin, his brother, whom he has not seen in four years, will arrive in LeMars this weekend.  Corporal Bollin was discharged from military service at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, January 20, and will soon take up his former duties with Claussen’s Plymouth Cleaners.  Gayland and Barney are sons of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bollin of LeMars.

Source: The Semi-Weekly Sentinel, Tuesday, February 5, 1946

***Further Research:

Gayland Russell Bollin was born July 23, 1912 to Rollie Earl and Lillian Mae Day Bollin. He died Sept. 4, 1990 and is buried in Memorial Cemetery, LeMars, IA.
